
Homeland Gone (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 35M

Director : Laura Lavinia, Alberto Rodríguez


Lebanon is a country hijacked by sects, money, and power. While citizens long for a collective identity to thrive as a community, politicians use the sectarianism for their corrupt ambitions. Unless there is a change, Lebanon will be lost forever.



Laura Lavinia
Laura Lavinia
Laura Lavinia
Laura Lavinia
Laura Lavinia
Laura Lavinia
Alberto Rodríguez
Alberto Rodríguez


Looking for Alibrandi
Josie Alibrandi has a lot to deal with right now. She’s 17, got the dreaded H.S.C. in front of her, and the boy of her dreams seems completely out of reach. Then there’s that other problem. She’s a wog. Sure, it’s where Josie comes from, but it’s not where she feels she belongs. In fact, Josie doesn’t know where she belongs. With her Nonna in one ear talking about the old country and the stuck-up girls at her school telling her she’s an outsider, it’s no wonder. This year, however, everything is going to change. Josie will let loose, face her fears, uncover secrets - even discover the true identity of her father. It’s going to be a year when Josie finally finds out where she belongs.
O Desterro
Um homem vai com a família passar um tempo no campo, em uma casa isolada. Sua mulher começa a dar alguns sinais de perturbação e quando acuada revela que está grávida, e que o filho não é do marido. Imerso em uma mistura de surpresa, ódio e e incerteza, ele precisa decidir agora o que fazer.
Viva Cuba
The friendship between two children is threatened by their parents’ differences. Malú is from a family that was upper-class before the Revolution and remains well-to-do through remittances from relatives overseas, and her single mother (Larisa Vega Alamar) does not want her to play with Jorgito, as she thinks his background coarse and commonplace. Jorgito’s mother (Luisa María Jiménez Rodríguez),
Conversa Truncada
O Presidente dos Estados Unidos e o Primeiro Ministro do Reino Unido querem começar uma guerra, porém nem todos acreditam que esta seja a melhor alternativa. O general americano Miller e o Secretário de Estado para Assuntos internacionais Britânico Simon Foster são contra a guerra. Quando Foster deixa escapar em uma entrevista que o governo está apoiando a guerra, a mídia transforma o fato em um conflito internacional, e o atrapalhado secretário é enviado aos EUA para resolver a situação.
Brother's War
The story is set in the latter days of World War 2, against the backdrop of fierce combat on the eastern front. Brother's War is based on real events.
Entre Deus e o Pecado
Elmer Gantry (Burt Lancaster) é um caixeiro-viajante oportunista, imoral e alcoólatra que é convertido pela Irmã Sharon Falconer (Jean Simmons) e passa a viajar em sua companhia pelos Estados Unidos pregando e explorando novos fiéis. Ricos e famosos, eles constroem um templo, mas Gantry é abalado pelo reencontro com um antigo amor.
A Life Apart: Hasidism in America
A Life Apart: Hasidism in America, is the first in-depth documentary about a distinctive, traditional Eastern European religious community. In an historic migration after World War II, Hasidism found it's most vital center in America. Both challenging and embracing American values, Hasidim seek those things which many Americans find most precious: family, community, and a close relationship to God. Integrating critical and analytical scholarship with a portrait of the daily life, beliefs, and history of contemporary Hasidic Jews in New York City, the film focuses on the conflicts, burdens, and rewards of the Hasidic way of life.
Guinada de Fé
A man confronts the trauma of past sexual abuse as a boy by a Catholic priest only to find his decision shatters his relationships with his family, community and faith.
Epidemia Zumbi
Governo usa zumbis como armas de guerra, colocadas nos locais em conflito para dizimar a população inimiga e depois se autodestruírem para evitar que os mortos-vivos ameaçam outras regiões. Quando uma operação dá errado, um grupo de soldados precisa entrar no perigoso território e impedir que os zombies se multipliquem cada vez mais.
O 18º Anjo
Uma jovem de Boston, Lucy Stanton, filha de um professor de música e de uma pesquisadora de história, é escolhida por uma seita de sacerdotes italianos, que adoram Satã, para ser o 18º anjo, que fará Lúcifer ascender aos céus. Mas para isto diversos componentes precisam ser detalhadamente preparados e um deles é fazer a mãe da jovem se suicidar e então convencer o pai da garota que a filha poderá se tornar uma top model. Inicialmente ele recusa, pois a finada mulher era contra que a filha se dedicasse a ser modelo, mas a jovem quer fazer carreira e acredita ser sua chance.
For Love of Liberty: The Story of America's Black Patriots
This High Definition, PBS miniseries uses letters, diaries, speeches, journalistic accounts, historical text and military records to document and acknowledge the sacrifices and accomplishments of African-American service men and women since the earliest days of the republic.
Paul Mooney: Know Your History - Jesus Is Black... So Was Cleopatra
Few comedians can stir up controversy like the legendary Paul Mooney -- writer for Richard Pryor, creator of In Living Color's Homey the Clown and featured guest on Chappelle's Show. With his characteristic brutal honesty, Mooney passionately and hysterically charges into the electrified currents of racial tension. In this magnificent standup performance at Hollywood's Laugh Factory, Mooney earns a standing ovation with his relentless no-holds-barred observations on black history, stereotypes and prejudices, living in White America, celebrity divas and much, much more!
The Philosopher's Stone: The True Story
Documentary examining the medieval myth of the Philosopher's Stone, a Holy Grail-type relic which supposedly held the key to alchemy and immortality. Many noted alchemists and adventurers searched obsessively for the artifact hoping to learn its powerful secrets, a quest which allegedly drove some to madness and others to celestial encounters.
In pre-French Revolution Bastille, the Marquis is held being unjustly accused of working to overthrow the king. While his talking penis, Colin, longs for action, Marquis himself only desires to write his deviant stories in peace.
Na região de Flandres, perto da fronteira da França com a Bélgica, um rapaz passa seus dias junto a uma amiga de infância, a qual ama secretamente. É quando surge a oportunidade de lutar por seu país em um local distante. Assim, sua vida muda completamente e ele parte para uma trajetória de brutalidades e violência na qual jamais imaginou que entraria, enquanto sua amiga espera ansiosamente por sua volta.
American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein
About the life and work of controversial American Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein.
O Último Batalhão
Durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, o jovem advogado nova-iorquino Charles White é promovido a major e enviado ao combate à frente de um batalhão formado por quinhentos outros nova-iorquinos e caipiras do interior do país. O resultado foi a concessão de 3 medalhas de honra.
Bill Hicks: Bill Loses it in Chicago
One of Hicks's most famous quotes was delivered during a gig in Chicago - known s the "Infamous Bill Looses it in Chicago" show - in 1989 (later released as the bootleg I'm Sorry, Folks). After a heckler repeatedly shouted "Free Bird", Hicks screamed that "Hitler had the right idea, he was just an underachiever!" Hicks followed this remark with a misanthropic tirade calling for unbiased genocide against the whole of humanity.
Part documentary, part expose, this film follows one-time child evangelist Marjoe Gortner on the "church tent" Revivalist circuit, commenting on the showmanship of Evangelism and "the religion business", prior to the start of "televangelism".
Divine Horsemen: The Living Gods of Haiti
This intimate ethnographic study of Voudoun dances and rituals was shot by Maya Deren during her years in Haiti (1947-1951); she never edited the footage, so this “finished” version was made by Teiji Ito and Cherel Ito after Deren’s death.