Der größte Geldtransport der Geschichte - Wie die D-Mark in den Osten kam (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Martina Schuster, Johannes Thürmer



Julia Fischer
Julia Fischer
Florian Pilz
Florian Pilz


Martina Schuster
Martina Schuster
Johannes Thürmer
Johannes Thürmer
Martina Schuster
Martina Schuster
Johannes Thürmer
Johannes Thürmer


Canguru Jack
Charlie Carbone (Jerry O'Connell) e Louis Booker (Anthony Anderson) são dois amigos criados no Brooklyn que acabam sendo forçados a realizar uma entrega na Austrália. Após viajarem para o local, eles decidem se divertir um pouco e começam a tirar fotos e fazer brincadeiras com cangurus. Um deles acaba vestindo uma jaqueta vermelha dos turistas, justamente a que está com a encomenda a ser entregue, e vai embora. É quando Charlie e Louis precisam enfrentar uma série de problemas para reencontrar o canguru e recumperar a encomenda perdida.
Um Plano Simples
Em uma reserva florestal, Hank Mitchell, Jacob Mitchell e Lou encontram 4,4 milhões de dólares dentro de um avião, que sofreu um acidente. Inicialmente, planejam não usar o dinheiro até o avião ser achado e a situação se acalmar, mas Jacob e Lou, por motivos diversos, pressionam Hank, exigindo a parte deles. Logo a amizade que havia entre eles começa a ser gradativamente desfeita e, para piorar a situação, Jacob se assusta com um morador da região e o fere mortalmente. Além disto, um agente do FBI chega à cidade para investigar a possível queda de um avião na região.
Após o sequestro e morte de sua esposa,um homem encontra uma segunda chance numa mullher que se parece muito com sua esposa. Mas tudo se complica quando decidem se casar.
Painel brutal e perturbador da máfia napolitana, uma das mais sangrentas e lucrativas da Itália atual.
Batendo na Porta do Céu
Two young men, Martin and Rudi, both suffering from terminal cancer, get to know each other in a hospital room. They drown their desperation in tequila and decide to take one last trip to the sea. Drunk and still in pajamas they steal the first fancy car they find, a 60's Mercedes convertible. The car happens to belong to a bunch of gangsters, which immediately start to chase it, since it contains more than the pistol Martin finds in the glove box.
Julia é uma alcoólatra de 40 anos, manipuladora, duvidosa e mentirosa compulsiva. Entre doses de vodca e casos de uma noite, ela sobrevive com trabalhos que pagam tostões. Cada vez mais solitária, a única consideração que recebe vem do amigo Mitch, que tenta ajudá-la.
Reunification in the Ice: The Story of the Last GDR Antarctic Explorers
In 1989, thirteen GDR scientists and technicians set off from East Berlin to the Georg Forster research station in the Antarctic. During their expedition the Berlin Wall fell on November 9th. Cut off from the images that go around the world, the men can only experience the historical events passively. When they returned in the spring of 1991, their homeland was a foreign country. The documentary reconstructs the thoughts and feelings of the East German researchers on the basis of eyewitness accounts, diary excerpts, letters, film material, grandiose landscape shots from the location of the action and unique photos to make the consequences of the events tens of thousands of kilometers away on the small GDR expedition in the middle of the eternal ice tangible.
Grito de Terror
A mad bomber holds an innocent family hostage.
Wir Ostdeutsche - 30 Jahre im vereinten Land
Meine Reise in die DDR - 25 Jahre später
Das Phantom
Noch mal davongekommen
In reunified Berlin, a city guide from the Eastern part of the city offers tours for West Berliners and grapples with his pre and post "Wende" identity.
Märkische Heide, Märkischer Sand
Volker Koepp revisits Zehdenick and Grüneberg, East Germany. People are struggling with the new political and economical conditions shortly before the German Reunification.
March Brandenburg, Inc.
In late 1990 times are changing in Zehdenick, Brandenburg: Russian troops are leaving, the German Reunification brings euphoria and new hope, but unemployment rises steadily.
Ekmek Parasi – Geld fürs Brot
The vege­ta­bles come from the garden behind the house, the fish comes out of a can, and money for bread is earned at the factory. It’s because of this money that they came here. Women from Turkey stand side-by-side with women form Meck­len­burg at the conveyor belt of a fish-proces­sing factory in Lübeck. Their hands are stained brown, the pungent smell of fish clings to them, and their arms and backs ache. If these jobs were done by men, machines would have been invented long ago to replace them. But female labour is cheap and the women do not complain. They have learned to work – and therein lies the source of their pride. (Source:
Time Loops - A Conversation with Christa Wolf
Journalist Daniela Dahn interviews the East-German author Christa Wolf during the German reunification: reflections on history, changing politics, life and work.
Der Reichstag
Docudrama telling the story of a building with a breath taking career that began in the empire, flourished in the Weimar Republic, perished in the Nazi dictatorship, and was rebuilt after its partial destruction.
Outside Time
Outside Time is the second feature film of Andreas Kleinert, a German director who grew up in the GDR and who started making films at the time of the fall of the Wall. The film is set in a small town somewhere in Brandenburg, a place which is rapidly falling "outside time"; since it cannot keep pace with the changes brought about by unification and the transformation of the former GDR. The Russian troops stationed there have withdrawn and their barracks have turned into rat-infested ruins; the intercity trains do not stop there any more and even the regional railway link to Berlin is going to be suspended. Most young people are leaving. When Sophie introduces her lover to her mother and her brother, Sergej becomes embroiled in the incestuous tensions underlying the relationship between Sophie, her brother, Georg, and her mother. The arrival of the Russian implodes the claustrophobic sham existence that held this dysfunctional family together.
The Meds
A tragi-comedy telling the story of the adventures of Robin, Anna, Jost and Leo - the meds - who want to be anything but healthy, happy and mediocre. They all live in a large city in West-Germany and are "Westies" to the core. Precocious, disillusioned, morally eroded, politically bored and sexually sated. Always on the run from the next compromise, they are big kids caught up in their mid-twenties crisis. One day in the midst of all this depression the suspicion arises that one of them is in fact a closet "Eastie", a liar and betrayer, an undercover agent, a neo-Nazi or at least a Stalinist...