
Northern Ballet's Victoria (2019)

Wife, mother, lover, empress.

Gênero : Música

Runtime : 1H 54M

Director : Ross MacGibbon


The extraordinary story of Queen Victoria, brought to life by Northern Ballet and choreographed by Cathy Marston. Victoria’s diaries revealed intimate details of a life so fascinating that her daughter Princess Beatrice tried to rewrite history, removing any detail that might embarrass the royal family. The ballet is the story of Victoria’s amazing life, seen through the eyes of her youngest child and lifelong companion Beatrice as she relives her memories of her mother as a secluded widow before discovering sides to her that she never knew.


Abigail Prudames
Abigail Prudames
Joseph Taylor
Joseph Taylor
Pippa Moore
Pippa Moore
Older Princess Beatrice
Miki Akuta
Miki Akuta
Younger Princess Beatrice
Mlindi Kulashe
Mlindi Kulashe
John Brown
Sean Bates
Sean Bates
Filippo Di Vilio
Filippo Di Vilio
Benjamin Disraeli
Riku Ito
Riku Ito
Lord Melbourne
Gavin McCaig
Gavin McCaig
William Gladstone / Uncle Leopold
Minju Kang
Minju Kang
Matthew Topliss
Matthew Topliss
Abigail Cockrel
Abigail Cockrel
Nicola Gervasi
Nicola Gervasi
Rachael Gillespie
Rachael Gillespie
Jonathan Hanks
Jonathan Hanks
Ommaira Kanga Perez
Ommaira Kanga Perez
Natalia Kerner
Natalia Kerner
Matthew Koon
Matthew Koon
Dominique Larose
Dominique Larose
Harriet Marden
Harriet Marden
Ayami Miyata
Ayami Miyata
Kevin Poeung
Kevin Poeung
Nina Queiroz Da Silva
Nina Queiroz Da Silva
Mariana Rodrigues
Mariana Rodrigues
Andrew Tomlinson
Andrew Tomlinson


Ross MacGibbon
Ross MacGibbon
Cathy Marston
Cathy Marston
Paul Ingvarsson
Paul Ingvarsson
Philip Feeney
Philip Feeney
Original Music Composer
Steffen Aarfing
Steffen Aarfing
Set Designer
Alastair West
Alastair West
Lighting Director
Janie Valentine
Janie Valentine
Emma Cahusac
Emma Cahusac
Executive Producer
Helen Spencer
Helen Spencer
Executive Producer
Mark Skipper
Mark Skipper
Executive Producer
Lauren Godfrey
Lauren Godfrey
Executive Producer
Liam Verity
Liam Verity
Executive Producer
John Pryce-Jones
John Pryce-Jones
Music Director
Jonathan Lo
Jonathan Lo
Steffen Aarfing
Steffen Aarfing
Costume Designer
Uzma Hameed
Uzma Hameed
Martin Collins
Martin Collins
Associate Producer


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Northern Ballet's Victoria
The extraordinary story of Queen Victoria, brought to life by Northern Ballet and choreographed by Cathy Marston. Victoria’s diaries revealed intimate details of a life so fascinating that her daughter Princess Beatrice tried to rewrite history, removing any detail that might embarrass the royal family. The ballet is the story of Victoria’s amazing life, seen through the eyes of her youngest child and lifelong companion Beatrice as she relives her memories of her mother as a secluded widow before discovering sides to her that she never knew.
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