
Once Upon A Time in Phuket (2012)

Gênero : Comédia, Romance

Runtime : 1H 45M

Director : Staffan Lindberg


Life coach Sven travels to Thailand to fulfil his dreams as a writer. He meets Gitte a yoga-practising free spirit from Norway. Then along comes Anja, an editor who works for a Swedish publisher. What does he really want to do with his life, and who does he want to do it with?


Peter Magnusson
Peter Magnusson
Susanne Thorson
Susanne Thorson
David Hellenius
David Hellenius
Jenny Skavlan
Jenny Skavlan
Frida Hallgren
Frida Hallgren
Grynet Molvig
Grynet Molvig
Sven's Mother
Hanna Alström
Hanna Alström
Yngve Dahlberg
Yngve Dahlberg
Johan Hallström
Johan Hallström
Mårten Klingberg
Mårten Klingberg
Henrik Norlén
Henrik Norlén
Johan Påhlman
Matias Varela
Matias Varela
Jean Luc
Anteo Quintavalle
Anteo Quintavalle
Karl vid Strand
Alexandra Rapaport
Alexandra Rapaport
Eric Rydman
Eric Rydman
Frida Westerdahl
Frida Westerdahl
Ulrika Ellemark
Ulrika Ellemark
Claes Månsson
Claes Månsson
The Priest
Bo Lyckman
Bo Lyckman
The Husband
Lisbeth Johansson
Lisbeth Johansson
The Wife
Adam Lundgren
Adam Lundgren
Fredrik Skavlan
Fredrik Skavlan


Staffan Lindberg
Staffan Lindberg
Peter Magnusson
Peter Magnusson
Anna Carlsten
Anna Carlsten
Line Producer
Simon Pramsten
Simon Pramsten
Mattias Morheden
Mattias Morheden
Anna Paulson
Anna Paulson
Production Design
Anna Hagert
Anna Hagert
Costume Design
Johan Johnson
Johan Johnson
Willie Peterson-Berger
Willie Peterson-Berger
Tobias Rönnertz
Tobias Rönnertz
Tuija Valén
Tuija Valén
Makeup Artist
Boontawee 'Tor' Taweepasas
Boontawee 'Tor' Taweepasas
Art Direction
Jimmy Lagnefors
Jimmy Lagnefors
Original Music Composer
Lena Rehnberg
Lena Rehnberg


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Yoga Hosers
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The Hottie & The Nottie
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Sobrou Pra Você
Abbie e Robert são amigos com muita coisa em comum: jovens, têm uma visão não-convencional da vida, inteligentes, impulsivos e um terrível azar no amor. Eles fariam um par perfeito, se não houvesse um problema: Robert é gay. Um dia, porém, quando muitos coquetéis e martinis os levam a um novo nível de intimidade, eles se transformam em pais. Um novo mundo então se abre para ambos e também para Sam, seu filho, que decidem criar como se fossem uma família comum.
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The Guardian Angel
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A Sangue Frio
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Deadly Yoga Retreat
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Witchcraft XIV: Angel of Death
A young woman discovers that she is a witch when people close to her begin to die under mysterious circumstances. She comes under the protection of a white magic coven/yoga studio. But the real danger may be right in front of her.
Once Upon A Time in Phuket
Life coach Sven travels to Thailand to fulfil his dreams as a writer. He meets Gitte a yoga-practising free spirit from Norway. Then along comes Anja, an editor who works for a Swedish publisher. What does he really want to do with his life, and who does he want to do it with?
Following the death of their mother, an identical twin pulls away to establish her own independence, while the other unravels and plots to end her sister’s new beginning. Inspired by true events.
Spoiled rich girl, Claire Rivers, hires a camera crew to document her journey as she attempts to shed her ego and attain enlightenment.
Over a year after a chase to catch a serial slayer dubbed the 'LADYKILLER' ended in the death of his old partner. Lt. Jack 'Jigsaw' Lasky sees a chance too redeem himself in the eyes of his fellow cops, when another serial killer, 'The Piggy Bank Murderer' starts preying on female students at a local campus. Slashing his victims throats with a switchblade before stuffing loose change into their mouths leaving behind the words "She Needed The Money" wherever he goes. Jack's search leads to a number one suspect in the form of Richard Darling an out-of-work actor drawn to the case for reasons unknown as he is drawn to the Jack's art student daughter, Jennifer who studying at the exact same college as the murders occur. As Jack finds himself becoming partnered to Richard who continues on being never far away when the next homicide occurs. Jack searches to uncover this killer of girls before he concludes his slaughter spree with Jennifer.


A Midsummer of Love
The Swedish summer is on and Göran, recently dumped by his girlfriend, is searching for the woman of his dreams. Göran is not altogether in harmony with himself or his work situation and is trying a little bit too hard to please everyone around him. Unlike his best friend however, he is not prepared to compromise with love and settle for the less than perfect girl. In pursuit of love he sails out to a Midsummer party in the seductive Swedish archipelago. Unexpected love lurks in the bright Swedish summer's night ready to rock the raft of romance. Comedy and romance are the main ingredients when a story unfolds about young urban self conscious people in a high society setting.
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