
Viaje al centro de la producción (2015)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 26M

Director : Damián Finvarb, Ariel Borenstein


The film investigates an industry considered one of the pillars of growth during Kirchnerism in which, during these years, relations and conflicts were drawn between the manufacturers - foreign in its entirety -, the auto parts companies, the Argentine government, the Brazilian one, the union leaderships. -centrally from SMATA-, the workers and the left. The documentary delves into the interests that intersect and the confrontations that originate between the different actors in the chain, which became clear in recent times when the industry, which aspired to reach one million cars manufactured per year, began to regress. The different actors of the "Journey to the Center of Production" are intertwined in the conflict of the auto parts company Gestamp, which opened a dispute regarding who pays for the crisis in the sector and what solutions are seen in that dispute.



Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Ariel Borenstein
Ariel Borenstein
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Ariel Borenstein
Ariel Borenstein
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Camera Operator
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb


Fábrica de Loucuras
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Newsies: O Musical da Broadway
No início do século XX, Jack Kelly lidera um bando de pobres jornaleiros adolescentes contra dois magnatas da imprensa que pretendem aumentar os custos de distribuição para os jornaleiros. Filmado ao vivo no Hollywood Pantages Theatre.
Quem Matou o Carro Elétrico?
In 1996, electric cars began to appear on roads all over California. They were quiet and fast, produced no exhaust, and ran without gasoline... Ten years later, these cars were destroyed.
Tucker, um Homem e seu Sonho
Na década de 1940, um norte-americano visionário constrói um carro muito avançado para os padrões da época. O projeto ameaça o monopólio estabelecido e, com a ajuda do governo, a Ford, a Chrisley e a GM boicotam Tucker até o levarem à falência. Apenas 50 carros foram produzidos por sua fábrica. Longa-metragem baseada em acontecimentos reais de Francis Ford Coppola com Jeff Bridges no papel principal.
The Betsy
Ruthless patriarch Loren hires racecar driver Angelo to build a more efficient vehicle against the wishes of his grandson. But things get even messier when Angelo romances two women in Loren's life -- his great-granddaughter and his mistress.
Record high oil prices, global warming, and an insatiable demand for energy: these issues define our generation. The film exposes shocking connections between the auto industry, the oil industry, and the government, while exploring alternative energies such as solar, wind, electricity, and non-food-based biofuels.
Made in Bangladesh
Shimu, 23 anos, trabalha numa fábrica de têxteis em Daca, Bangladesh. Face a condições de trabalho cada vez mais duras, decide criar um sindicato com as suas colegas. Apesar das ameaças dos patrões e desaprovação do marido, nada demove Shimu. Ela e as suas companheiras terão de lutar juntas até ao fim.
Pump – Histórias do petróleo
Uma investigação sobre a dependência americana pelo petróleo, desde as suas origens no início do século XX até o grande monopólio atual e seus danos em escala global, da poluição às guerras no Oriente Médio. Além de depoimentos de especialistas e grandes nomes do mercado petrolífero, como John Hofmeister, ex-presidente da Shell Oil, e Peter Goldmark, ex-presidente da Fundação Rockefeller, o filme apresenta alternativas para combustíveis menos poluentes e sustentáveis economicamente.
Truck Wars
Pickup trucks are essential to the American way of life; manufacturers compete to outsmart, outmaneuver and outlast each other; experts, designers and historians weigh in on the most influential innovations in the truck world over the past 120 years.
Um Romance Americano
A European immigrant becomes a master of industry but almost loses his family.
The Charcoal People
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A cinematic exploration of the world of automated vehicles — from their technical history to the personal narratives of those affected by them to the many unanswered questions about how this technology will affect modern society. This documentary features interviews with industry pioneers and scenes with cutting-edge “AVs” in action around the world.
For Twenty Cents A Day
A film documenting work shortages during the Depression of the 1930s and the attempts to deal with the unemployed, in particular young men. The film discusses the establishment of relief camps and projects, where men were paid twenty cents per day; the founding of organizations such as the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), Workers' Unity League, and Relief Camp Workers' Union; general unionization and protest of the unemployed, including the On To Ottawa Trek, Regina Riot, sit-in strike from May to June 1938 at the Vancouver Main Post Office, Vancouver Art Gallery and Hotel Georgia, and the resulting Bloody Sunday of June 19.
Circumstances force the union leader of a factory to marry his own boss, a rich and arrogant lady who has ulterior motives.
The Old School of Capitalism
A mixture of documentary and fiction examines the new god of Capitalism offered to the Serbs with the ending of state socialism. We look at a number of strikes in Belgrade during the late 2000s and these introduce us to several characters playing themselves. Employees dressed in American football helmets and pads square up with employers' heavies in their bullet-proof vests, resulting in explosive situations. A visit from the Russian tycoon's representative and vice president Joe Biden's arrival further complicates the proceedings.
The Union
A Sicilian worker, a member of the internal commission in a factory in Bergamasco, believes he has won it over the owner because he has obtained important improvements, but the astute employer sells the company to a multinational company.
The Night Before the Strike
There are 200 miserably impoverished people working in the Dongseong Metalworks Factory. JU Wan-ik is introduced to the forging team as a new member of the team and they all go drinking together to welcome him.
They Have Changed Their Face
In this allegory on capitalism, director of a known car corporation invites one of his employees to his country villa to give him the good news. He just got promoted. However, the old man is not what he seems and promotion has a price.
The First Auto
The transition from horses to automobiles at the turn of the century causes problems between a father and son.
Viaje al centro de la producción
The film investigates an industry considered one of the pillars of growth during Kirchnerism in which, during these years, relations and conflicts were drawn between the manufacturers - foreign in its entirety -, the auto parts companies, the Argentine government, the Brazilian one, the union leaderships. -centrally from SMATA-, the workers and the left. The documentary delves into the interests that intersect and the confrontations that originate between the different actors in the chain, which became clear in recent times when the industry, which aspired to reach one million cars manufactured per year, began to regress. The different actors of the "Journey to the Center of Production" are intertwined in the conflict of the auto parts company Gestamp, which opened a dispute regarding who pays for the crisis in the sector and what solutions are seen in that dispute.