
Viaje al centro de la producción (2015)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 26M

Director : Damián Finvarb, Ariel Borenstein


The film investigates an industry considered one of the pillars of growth during Kirchnerism in which, during these years, relations and conflicts were drawn between the manufacturers - foreign in its entirety -, the auto parts companies, the Argentine government, the Brazilian one, the union leaderships. -centrally from SMATA-, the workers and the left. The documentary delves into the interests that intersect and the confrontations that originate between the different actors in the chain, which became clear in recent times when the industry, which aspired to reach one million cars manufactured per year, began to regress. The different actors of the "Journey to the Center of Production" are intertwined in the conflict of the auto parts company Gestamp, which opened a dispute regarding who pays for the crisis in the sector and what solutions are seen in that dispute.



Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Ariel Borenstein
Ariel Borenstein
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Ariel Borenstein
Ariel Borenstein
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb
Camera Operator
Damián Finvarb
Damián Finvarb

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