
Samadhi Part 3: The Pathless Path (2021)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Daniel Schmidt


The transition that humanity is going through at this time offers an opportunity for deep inner transformation and awakening to our true nature.



Daniel Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt


Primavera, Verão, Outono, Inverno e... Primavera
Um monge mora em uma pequena casa sobre um lago com uma criança que educa para uma relação simples e contemplativa com a vida. Mas o tempo é implacável, e as mudanças do caráter e as necessidades da vida desviam o jovem para o mundo dos homens.
Totsukuni no Shoujo (2022)
Há muito tempo, havia um Deus da Luz e um Deus das Trevas. Enquanto os devotos do Deus da Luz experimentavam felicidade e boa fortuna, o Deus das Trevas enganava as pessoas e lhes roubava a alegria. E assim, como diz a lenda, o Deus da Luz decidiu puni-lo transformando-o em um monstro. Enfurecido com isso, o Deus das Trevas exerceu sua punição como uma maldição para infligir sofrimento aos outros. Devido às suas ações, ele foi banido para o Exterior, onde ele e seus filhos monstruosos permanecerão por toda a eternidade, enquanto os Insiders nunca devem entrar em contato com alguém de Fora, se eles não quiserem ser amaldiçoados de uma forma horrível.
I Am Curious (Yellow), foi um marco cinematográfico que ajudou a definir a emergente mudança no cinema sueco da década de 60, realizado por Vilgot Sjöman. Como a New Wave francesa, o filme usa jump cuts e a sua história não está estruturado de uma forma convencional tipo Hollywood. Além disso, contém elementos documentais, por exemplo, ele apresenta uma breve aparição do Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, que é entrevistado por Sjöman sobre a sua opinião sobre a desobediência civil. A obra inclui inúmeras cenas de nudez e encenação sexual. Numa cena particularmente controversa, Lena (Lena Nyman), beija seu amante no pênis. Em 1969, o filme foi proibido na Commonwealth de Massachusetts, por ser considerado pornográfico. No entanto, após uma longa batalha judicial, o filme acabou por ser considerado aceitável, e tornou-se num êxito de bilheteira.
Takva - O Temor de um Homem de Deus
Um espírito simples e fiel é Muharrem. Trabalha incessantemente para o patrão Ali e vai à mesquita sem faltas. Já beira a velhice e vive sozinho de forma casta. Até que o chefe religioso o convoca para cobrar o imenso dinheiro mensal que a mesquita fatura com a comunidade, lhe oferece carro, roupas e acessórios de luxo que Muharrem nunca teve e ainda mais. Ah, tentação! Tradução do título original: Piedade.
Quartos e Corredores
Por sugestão de um amigo hétero, o gay Leo se junta a um grupo de homens, onde provoca alguns transtornos ao declarar sua atração por um de seus membros.
Headspace - Guia para Relaxar
Quer relaxar, meditar ou dormir bem? Neste especial interativo de Headspace, você pode personalizar sua experiência como desejar.
Samadhi Part 1: Maya, the Illusion of the Self
Samadhi Part 1 (Maya the Illusion of the Self) is the first installment in a series of films exploring Samadhi. Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spirituality and self inquiry. The saints, sages and awakened beings throughout history have all learned the wisdom of self surrender.
Silence Has No Wings
Following the journey of a caterpillar along the Japanese islands from Nagasaki to Hokkaido, this allegorical and oblique first feature film by Kuroki depicts in exquisite images a series of encounters and life's turning points.
Is Mindfulness Right for You?
This insightful and informative documentary explores the popular world of Mindfulness from the perspective of four people who study and teach it. Mindfulness is defined as a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
Along Came Wanda
A memory jogged by a teapot from an old lover quickly turns into an adventure of discovery for Mary Beth Higgins and her new found friend Wanda as they hit the road in Wanda's RV/Soup Truck.
A Trip to Mars
The navy captain Avanti Planetaros is inspired by his astronomer-father to travel through outer space to reach other worlds. He becomes an aviator and, along with the young scientist Dr. Krafft, the driving force behind the construction of a space-ship. Despite oppostion from the mocking Professor Dubius, Planetaros gathers a crew of fearless men and takes off. During the long voyage, the crew becomes restless; a mutiny is narrowly avoided. Finally, they reach Mars and discover that the planet is inhabited by people who have reached a higher stage of development, free of diseases, sorrow, violence, sexual urges, and the fear of death. Avanti falls in love with Marya, daughter of the Prince of Wisdom, the head of the Martians. Marya shares his feelings and decides to return with him in order to bring the wisdom of the Martians to the backward Earthlings. (stumfilm.dk)
The God
The film shows Shiva in a very traditional representation--in bronze and standing within a circle of bronze flames. Suddenly, a fly lands on Shiva's arm--one of many arms to be exact. Slowly, the bronze statue comes alive and swats the fly--missing again and again and eventually smashing the bronze circle.
To the Sea
Before leaving for Rome with his mother, five year old Natan is taken by his father, Jorge, on an epic journey to the pristine Chinchorro reef off the coast of Mexico. As they fish, swim, and sail the turquoise waters of the open sea, Natan discovers the beauty of his Mayan heritage and learns to live in harmony with life above and below the surface, as the bond between father and son grows stronger before their inevitable farewell.
The District
In an effort to end family feuding, a young gypsy travels back in time to kill mammoths to ensure Hungary becomes rich by killing mammoths in order to create a massive oil reservoir. Things don't go entirely according to plan...
Jacques Mayol, o Homem-Golfinho
As well as providing the subject for Luc Besson’s The Big Blue, Jacques Mayol did more than anyone to establish the sport of free diving to enormous depths without an oxygen supply. Using breathing techniques derived from yoga, he went to 50, 60, and even 100 meters—depths no one had considered to be within the bounds of human possibility. Mayol was a sportsman, a mystic, a vagabond, but above all, a man who believed in testing the limits of experience. This visually stunning tribute shows a man’s quest to be at one with the vastness of the ocean and to have no fear of the abyss within, where lurks serenity, freedom and finally, death.
A black-and-white visual meditation of wilderness and the elements. Wildlife filmmaker Richard Sidey returns to the triptych format for a cinematic experience like no other.
O Grande Silêncio
"O Grande Silêncio" é o primeiro filme sobre a vida interior da Grande Chartreuse, casa mãe da Ordem dos Cartuxos, uma meditação silenciosa sobre a vida monástica. Dezessete anos depois de ter pedido autorização para filmar no mosteiro, é dada autorização para entrar ao realizador, que filmará a vida interior dos monges cartuxos. Sem música à exceção dos cânticos do mosteiro, sem entrevistas, nem comentários, ou artifícios. Evocam-se unicamente a passagem do tempo, das estações, os elementos repetidos incessantemente durante o dia ou as orações. Um filme sobre a presença do absoluto e a vida de homens que dedicam a sua existência a Deus. O filme ganhou os Prêmios de Melhor Documentário no Festival de Sundance e nos Prêmios Europeus do Cinema.
Mindfulness: Be Happy Now
Mindfulness is the art of simply being present. From Oprah to Phil Jackson to Anderson Cooper, it's an art practiced by some of the world's most successful people. Brought to the west by Zen Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh, who was once nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., mindfulness has recently gained mainstream popularity in both the media and in mental health treatment. This film features insights from Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sharon Stone, Oliver Stone, Cesar Milan, and many more. Watch it and learn how to embrace mindfulness in your own life!
My Year of Living Mindfully
Shannon Harvey was working in her dream job as a radio news journalist when, at the age of 24 she was diagnosed with a devastating auto-immune disease. Determined to find a solution, she began researching cutting-edge mind-body medicine. Is it really possible, she wonders, that a simple practice that can be done anywhere, any time, by anyone, can ease suffering and promote physical and mental healing? Synthesizing the work of leading scientists with the ways of mystics, she undertakes a year-long experiment, with herself as the subject. Will meditation revolutionize her health and well-being, or is it just another over-hyped self-help fad? This compelling account of her journey provides fascinating insights about how to be well and happy in the modern world.
The Way of the Psychonaut
The Way of the Psychonaut explores the life and work of Stanislav Grof, Czech-born psychiatrist and psychedelic psychotherapy pioneer. Stan’s quest for knowledge and insights into the healing power of non-ordinary states of consciousness, influenced the discipline of psychology and profoundly changed many individual lives. One of those transformed by Stan is filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais. The documentary utilizes Susan’s personal existential crisis as a gateway to Grof’s impact, from the micro to the macro.