
A Little Tent (2022)

A couple discovers the importance of communication on an ill-fated trip to the woods.

Gênero : Terror, Thriller, Comédia

Runtime : 17M

Director : Michael Spencer


When a lonely, intrusive man inserts himself into their business, Jenny and Andy's relationship gets even more complicated.


Johnny Halloran
Johnny Halloran
Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer
Kate Darby
Kate Darby


Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer
Sound Designer
Michael Spencer
Michael Spencer
Lucy Gamades
Lucy Gamades
Michael Ferlita
Michael Ferlita
Executive Producer
Michael Della Polla
Michael Della Polla
Director of Photography
Karen Loewy Movilla
Karen Loewy Movilla
Production Design
Ed Russek
Ed Russek
Original Music Composer
Esther Kim
Esther Kim
Makeup & Hair
Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick
Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick
Sound Mixer


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