
Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari (2012)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 51M

Director : Xavier Koller


Kari Tellenbach was born with a cleft palate. His mother takes care of him like a bird that has fallen out of the nest. As a young man Kari decides to become a barber and despite his handicap he wins the heart of Annemarie with his humour, charm and sensitivity. His happiness seems almost complete – but Annemarie’s middle class parents have already made other plans for their daughter.


Nils Althaus
Nils Althaus
Kari (jung)
Carla Juri
Carla Juri
Annemarie Geiser
Bruno Cathomas
Bruno Cathomas
Erwin Geiser
Julika Jenkins
Julika Jenkins
Hannelore Geiser
Fabienne Hadorn
Fabienne Hadorn
Hanspeter Müller
Hanspeter Müller
Kari (alt)


Xavier Koller
Xavier Koller
Xavier Koller
Xavier Koller
Felix von Muralt
Felix von Muralt
Flip Zumbrunn
Flip Zumbrunn
Gion-Reto Killias
Gion-Reto Killias
Rosa Albrecht
Rosa Albrecht
André Zimmermann
André Zimmermann
Sound Designer
Balz Bachmann
Balz Bachmann
Ernst Brunner
Ernst Brunner
Lighting Supervisor
Birgit Hutter
Birgit Hutter
Costume Design
Corinna Glaus
Corinna Glaus


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Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari
Kari Tellenbach was born with a cleft palate. His mother takes care of him like a bird that has fallen out of the nest. As a young man Kari decides to become a barber and despite his handicap he wins the heart of Annemarie with his humour, charm and sensitivity. His happiness seems almost complete – but Annemarie’s middle class parents have already made other plans for their daughter.
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