Corinna Glaus

Corinna Glaus


Corinna Glaus


The Neighbours From Upstairs
Anna and Thomas' evening takes a surprising turn when their upstairs neighbors make them a spicy offer.
Golden Years
Alice and Peter are celebrating their retirement and are looking forward to a new phase in their lives. Then Alice finds out that her best friend Magalie, who dies completely unexpectedly, had been having an affair in France for 15 years. The confrontation with the finiteness of life plunges Peter into an existential crisis: to the great chagrin of Alice, who is a bon vivant, he becomes a total health fanatic. When Peter invites Heinz, Magalie's widowed husband, to join him on a cruise, which Alice hopes will breathe new life into a marriage, their harmonious retirement is over.
And Tomorrow You Will Be Dead
In 2011 the young married Swiss couple Daniela Widmer and David Och got kidnapped while being on a long trip along the old Silk Road in Pakistan. They were hand over to the Taliban and were held as hostages for 8 months under the most precarious conditions.
Situado em um futuro distante, uma astronauta, naufragada na Terra há muito dizimada, deve decidir o destino da população remanescente do deserto.
Passionate for climbing, Allegra is victim of a terrorist attack, in which her friends lose their lives. She isolates herself after crushing fear towards people and a burning desire for revenge start devouring her. Her beloved ones are helpless. In order to be able to go back enjoying her life, she will have to face her inner struggles. In doing so, Arad – a young refugee from Middle East – crosses her path. Allegra’s greatest challenge will be regaining trust, especially when the element of diversity is involved.
Needle Park Baby
Spring 1995 - after the closure of the Needle Park and the public drug scene in Zurich, eleven-year-old Mia and her heroin addicted mother Sandrine are relocated to the countryside. While caring for her mother, Mia spends time with her imaginary friend and a gang of local teenage misfits. These friendships finally give her the strength to rebel and break free from her abusive mother.
Paradise War: The Story of Bruno Manser
Casting Director
1984: Searching for an experience that goes deeper than the superficiality of modern civilization, Bruno Manser travels into the jungles of Borneo and finds it with the nomadic Penan tribe. It is an encounter that changes his life forever. When the existence of the Penan is threatened by relentless deforestation, Manser takes up the fight against logging with a courage and determination that makes him one of the most renowned and credible environmentalists of his time. Eventually, it costs him everything. Based on a true story.
The Working Man
After his parents' death, construction worker Sigi doesn't know what to do with his life. He can't do much with his pay, and as a working-class man, women aren't interested in him. But things start to change after a colleague advises him to start moonlighting as a private builder and he meets the beautiful Hannah.
O Despertar de Motti
Sua mãe quer que ele se case com uma judia ortodoxa. O problema é que Moti está apaixonado pela descolada Laura, a colega de classe que nunca ganharia o aval materno.
The Only Ones
After a young management consultant involuntarily stumbles over the roots of his identity in Muotathal, he struggles just like a fatefully interwoven "gothic girl" to break out of the narrowness of the valley and make peace with the past.
Blue My Mind
15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, Mia is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than she is.
Mulheres Divinas
Suíça, 1971: Nora é uma jovem dona de casa e mãe que vive com o marido e seus dois filhos em uma pequena vila pacífica. Aqui, no campo suíço, pouco ou nada se sente das grandes revoltas sociais que o movimento de maio de 1968 causou. A vida de Nora, também, não foi afetada; ela é uma pessoa reservada, calma, muito querida por todos - até quando ela começou a fazer ativamente campanha publica pelo direito de voto das mulheres, uma questão que será colocada diante dos eleitores do sexo masculino em 7 de fevereiro de 1971.
Philipp wishes to give his terminally ill father Walter one last treat. To coax him out of his hospital bed he tells a white lie: Philipp pretends that his father has won the lottery.
Dark Fortune
Late at night, the psychologist Eliane Hess is called to the hospital to take care of Yves, an eight-year-old boy, who just has lost his parents and siblings in a car accident. Eliane is both shocked and curiously drawn to the traumatized boy. As time goes by, she loses the professional distance to the patient, and when Yves' relatives begin a heavy dispute about the boy's future, Eliane makes an unorthodox decision, that throws her life off track.
Heidi, uma pequena órfã, vive uma alegre infância junto do seu avô nos Alpes Suíços. Com Pedro, o seu melhor amigo, Heidi passa os dias a tratar das cabrinhas e a passear livremente pelas colinas. As maravilhosas paisagens são o cenário perfeito para as aventuras desta dupla incansável. Até que um dia, a tia de Heidi a leva para uma rica mansão de Frankfurt com a intenção de a colocar como dama de companhia de Clara, uma menina paraplégica que vive confinada a uma cadeira de rodas. Embora de mundos muito diferentes Clara e Heidi mal podem imaginar que o primeiro encontro seria o início de uma marcante amizade.
Little Mountain Boy
Um menino deve enfrentar a neve profunda do inverno para obter uma importante lembrança familiar. Antes que ele possa começar esta jornada difícil, ele deve primeiro ajudar sua família a sobreviver à ruína financeira, resgatar seu amado bode de estimação e, com seu melhor amigo, enganar um valentão malcriado que parece querer pegá-lo em cada esquina. Será que ele vai voltar para a aldeia a tempo de celebrar as férias de final de inverno de Chalandamarz?
Amateur Teens
A modern tragedy about a group of 14-year-old schoolchildren whose daily life is shaped by the power of social media and ever increasing sexualisation through the Internet.
The Drift
Robert, a former driver in illegal races, returns to his hometown Dietikon after a long period of absence. He is determined to put his past behind him and starts an apprenticeship in a repair shop. When he meets teacher Alice, his life starts to unravel.
O Círculo
Misto de ficção e documentário, o longa fala do Der Kreis, uma renomada comunidade de libertação gay, de Zurich, que floresceu em plenos anos 50. Ernst Ostertag e Röbi Rapp lutaram por seu amor, visto como tabu pela sociedade, com inspiradora coragem.
Trem Noturno para Lisboa
Raimund Gregorius, um professor suíço, que abandona suas palestras e sua vida conservadora para embarcar em uma emocionante aventura que o levará em uma jornada ao seu próprio coração.
Eine wen iig, dr Dällebach Kari
Kari Tellenbach was born with a cleft palate. His mother takes care of him like a bird that has fallen out of the nest. As a young man Kari decides to become a barber and despite his handicap he wins the heart of Annemarie with his humour, charm and sensitivity. His happiness seems almost complete – but Annemarie’s middle class parents have already made other plans for their daughter.
Millennium: Os Homens Que Não Amavam as Mulheres
Casting Associate
Um jornalista investigativo e uma hacker de computador são contratados para desvendar o desaparecimento de uma jovem há 36 anos. À medida que avançam na investigação crescem os riscos, pois a família da jovem não quer ter seus segredos revelados.
Infância Roubada
A historia se passa nos anos 50 e acompanha um rapaz que é contratado para ser um «Verdingbub», ou seja, uma "criança contratada - uma prática muito comum e que vigorou na Alemanha e Suíça entre 1800 a 1960. Segundo a política governamental da época, o estado podia retirar a custódia das crianças dos pais, caso estes fossem pobres, ou até filhos de pais separados. Muitas dessas crianças viveram assim um verdadeiro calvário emocional, sendo muitas vezes vítimas de abusos físicos e até sexuais nas mãos de pais adotivos que eram donos de pequenas propriedades agrícolas.
Hugo Koblet - The Charming Cyclist
Zurich-born Hugo Koblet was the first international cycling star of the post-war period. He was a stylist on the bicycle and in life, and a huge heartthrob. Koblet had a meteoric rise and won the Giro d'Italia in 1950. Once he had reached the zenith of his career, Koblet was put under pressure by overly ambitious officials and ended up ruining his health with drugs. In 1954, he married a well-known model and they became a celebrity dream couple. After his athletic career ended, Koblet began to lose his footing. Threatened by bankruptcy, he crashed his Alfa into a tree.
wacked..! tells the story of Michael and his friends Mani and Dani. All three of them are patients in a psychiatric institution with the same goal: they want out! The lively interplay between the characters sets the scene and provides insight into the manic-depressive protagonist's inner world. A serious topic, portrayed in an entertaining and direct manner.
Happy New Year
Five stories, all taking place on New Year's Eve in Zurich, Switzerland.
Face Norte
Baseado em fatos históricos, conta a aventura da dupla de alpinistas alemães, Toni Kurz e Andreas Hinterstoisser, em sua tentativa de escalar pela primeira vez a “Parede da Morte” do pico Eiger nos Alpes Suiços. Os dois alpinistas concorrem com um grupo de alpinistas austríacos para alcançar o pico da montanha, mas a repentina mudança do tempo e um ferimento levam o grupo atado na corda a lutar contra a morte.
A film about kids with little else to offer apart from a well honed body, an overabundance of hormones and a high from their last line. Teenagers Nia and Pulpo hang out at the disco where Nia has sex with a girl he meets there, Foxy. On the way home, Nia and Pulpo are attacked by Spirit, Foxy’s ex. Pulpo is badly beaten up but the police intervene, and Nia ends up in a youth detention centre. He makes plans to escape in order to wreck revenge on Spirit, an eye for an eye, and part of his plan includes meeting Nicole, an attractive young lawyer.
Late Bloomers
Centers around four older ladies from the Emmental region. When four older women decide to turn the local corner shop into a chic lingerie store, the whole community is thrown into disarray.
Ruža deixou a Sérvia, o seu país, há mais de 30 anos e vive em Zurique. O seu dia-a-dia é uma sucessão de momentos repetitivos até que, um dia, Ana chega ao lugar e perturba o mundo meticulosamente organizado de Ruža. Uma subtil amizade cresce entre estas duas mulheres determinadas.
Jeune homme
Finally adult and free? You wish! His father sees him as a future boss of the family-owned printing firm and his mother only wants the best for him. Sebastian can’t take it any more. On his eighteenth birthday he announces his departure to Geneva to work as an au pair in a family, looking after children and doing the household chores. To improve his French, of course! His father flips his lid, his mother is distraught. Only his sister Kathrin thinks her little brother is really cool… Very few men would be up to the challenge!
Alpine Fire
Script Supervisor
A year on an Alpine farm: an older couple have two children, Belli, who wanted to be a teacher, and the younger Franzi, deaf, and although he works like a man, child-like. Belli teaches him. In his work, he can become frustrated, so when he throws an expensive mower over a cliff in a fit of pique, his father banishes him to the outskirts of the farm, where he uses pubescent energy to break rocks and build walls and cairns. (It's the tradition of the father's family, called "The Irascibles" by neighbors, to spend puberty doing this.) Belli visits him and they begin sleeping together. By winter, the boy is back in the house and Belli is pregnant. Soon her parents must know.