
Last Night of Amore (2023)

Gênero : Thriller, Crime

Runtime : 2H 4M

Director : Andrea Di Stefano
Escritor : Andrea Di Stefano


On the night before his retirement, police lieutenant Franco Amore is called to investigate the death of a long-time partner of his in a diamond heist in which he was involved.


Pierfrancesco Favino
Pierfrancesco Favino
Franco Amore
Linda Caridi
Linda Caridi
Antonio Gerardi
Antonio Gerardi
Cosimo Forcella
Francesco Di Leva
Francesco Di Leva
Dino Ruggeri
Wang Fifi
Wang Fifi
Fei Fei
Katia Mironova
Katia Mironova
Carlo Gallo
Carlo Gallo
Tito Russo
Camilla Semino Favro
Camilla Semino Favro
Carabiniere Daria Criscito
Martin Francisco Montero Baez
Martin Francisco Montero Baez
Fabrizio Rocchi
Fabrizio Rocchi
Shi Yang
Shi Yang
Ruichi Xu
Ruichi Xu
Gang Ma
Noemi Bertoldi
Noemi Bertoldi
Pang Bo
Pang Bo
Alice Bossi
Alice Bossi
Michele Bottini
Michele Bottini
Carmine Fresi
Mao Wen
Mao Wen
Bao Zhang
Viktorija Portnova
Viktorija Portnova


Andrea Di Stefano
Andrea Di Stefano
Marco Cohen
Marco Cohen
Marco Colombo
Marco Colombo
Fabrizio Donvito
Fabrizio Donvito
Benedetto Habib
Benedetto Habib
Francesco Melzi d'Eril
Francesco Melzi d'Eril
Daniel Campos Pavoncelli
Daniel Campos Pavoncelli
Giogiò Franchini
Giogiò Franchini
Carmine Guarino
Carmine Guarino
Production Design
Olivia Bellini
Olivia Bellini
Costume Design
Santi Pulvirenti
Santi Pulvirenti
Andrea Di Stefano
Andrea Di Stefano
Andrea Di Stefano
Andrea Di Stefano
Alessandro Rolla
Alessandro Rolla
Paola Cristofaroni
Paola Cristofaroni
Makeup Artist
Marco Morabito
Marco Morabito
Executive Producer
Alessandro Mascheroni
Alessandro Mascheroni
Executive Producer
Piero Maranghi
Piero Maranghi
Executive Producer
Gabriele Moratti
Gabriele Moratti
Guido Michelotti
Guido Michelotti
Director of Photography


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Educazione fisica
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Wahou !
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As Coisas Mudam
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In the working class suburbs of Casablanca. Hassan and Issam, father and son, try to survive from day to day, doing small deals for the local underworld. One night, a man they were supposed to kidnap dies accidentally in their car. Hassan and Issam find themselves with a corpse to dispose of. Then begins a long night through the underworld of the city.
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A Baleia
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