Francesco Di Leva

Francesco Di Leva

Nascimento : 1978-09-04, Napoli


Francesco Di Leva
Francesco Di Leva
Francesco Di Leva


Sognando Venezia
Vittoria is an exuberant thirteen-year-old girl who lives in the province of Naples and who dreams of becoming an influencer. Her father, Fabrizio, on her birthday gives her a ticket to parade on the red carpet in Venice. She begins a bizarre preparation: clothes made up of newspaper clippings, the search for the right outfit to get the blue check and many, many stories on social media.
Last Night of Amore
Dino Ruggeri
On the night before his retirement, police lieutenant Franco Amore is called to investigate the death of a long-time partner of his in a diamond heist in which he was involved.
Mixed by Erry
Fortunato Ricciardi
The rise and fall of the pirate mixtape empire of three brothers from Naples, Italy, who brought pop music in the hands of a generation.
I Nostri Ieri
La cura
La cura
Burning Hearts
Puglia. Burnt by the sun and by hatred, the promontory of Gargano is contested by criminals who seem to come from a remote past governed by the law of the jungle. An archaic land reminiscent of the Far West, in which blood is washed away with blood. An old feud between two rival families is rekindled by a forbidden love: the one between Andrea, reluctant heir of the Malatesta, and Marilena, beautiful wife of the boss of the Camporeale clan. A fatal passion that sets the two clans at war again. But Marilena, banished by the Camporeale and prisoner of the Malatesta, disputed and abused, will oppose a fate already written with a mother’s strength.
Don Luigi Rega
Baseado no romance homônimo de Ermanno Rea, acompanhamos a história de Felice, um homem que, depois de quarenta anos longe de casa, retorna ao lugar onde nasceu, o bairro de Sanità, no centro de Nápoles, onde redescobre os lugares que uma vez andava, os códigos do bairro e um passado que o devora.
Come prima
The story of two brothers, separated by time and their character, and their journey back to Italy, homeward, in the summer of 1956.
Towards Happiness
Andrea is a labor consultant and his married life with Lucia is winding down. Once a week Andrea crosses the border of the Neapolitan nightlife to give life to Octavia Meraviglia: the most famous drag queen in Naples.
The Hidden Child
Gabriele Santoro is a Professor of Pianoforte at the Music Conservatory San Pietro a Majella who lives in a working-class area of the city. One morning, while shaving his beard, the postman buzzes at the intercom to tell him he has a package. Gabriele opens the door and, before greeting him, runs to rinse his face. In that short space of time, a ten-year-old child slips into his apartment and hides away. “The maestro” – as he’s called in his neighbourhood – only notices the stowaway late at night. And when he sees him, he recognises the intruder as Ciro, a child who lives with his parents and siblings on the top floor of his building. When asked why he has fled his home, Ciro refuses to speak. Nevertheless, the maestro instinctively decides to hide him in his home, setting Ciro’s enemies a uniquely difficult challenge.
Welcome at Esposito's
Tonino Esposito is the son of a famous boss of the Camorra of the Rione Sanità. Clumsy and clumsy, he is unable to hurt a fly and for this reason, when his father dies, everything passes into the hands of another affiliate. He is a good Tonino, he does everything he can to collect the protection money, to be loud, to imitate his father, but it is not his job. Tonino thus leads a life as a mediocre Camorra, without being able to be respected neither by those who should hate him for his abuses, nor by those who should love him for his successes. But when he discovers that his daughter is engaged to the son of the magistrate who is hunting the boss of the Rione Sanità, Tonino will have the opportunity to redeem his figure in front of his family and all of Naples.
O rei do riso
O filme conta a história de Eduardo Scarpetta (Toni Servillo), uma lenda da comédia italiana. Tudo muda na vida do humorista quando ele encena uma paródia de La figlia di Iorio, uma tragédia escrita pelo maior poeta italiano da época, Gabriele D’Annunzio. Após a apresentação ser interrompida por vaias e assobios, Scarpetta acaba sendo processada por plágio pelo próprio D’Annunzio, sendo a primeira ação judicial sobre direitos autorais na Itália. Inspirado em acontecimentos reais.
Il buco in testa
Fabio Violante
Il delitto Mattarella
January 6, 1980. The President of the Sicilian Region Piersanti Mattarella is going to Mass with his family. A young man approaches the car window and shoots Piersanti in cold blood and kills him. Despite the confusion of the moment with a series of misdirections towards left-wing terrorism, the crime appeared anomalous in its modalities. The young Deputy Prosecutor on duty, that day of the Epiphany, will be Pietro Grasso, future Anti-Mafia Prosecutor and President of the Senate. The investigations will be continued by the Instructor Judge Giovanni Falcone, who will uncover dangerous relationships between the Mafia, Politics, Nar and neo-fascists, the Magliana gang, Gladio and Secret Services.
The Mayor of Rione Sanità
Antonio Barracano
Antonio Barracano, a man of honor distinguishing between “decent people and scoundrels” in the Neapolitan underworld, is the "Mayor of Rione Sanità". Administering justice according to his own criteria, beyond the State, he is faced with a difficult decision when Rafiluccio Santaniello, the baker's son, asks him for his benediction to kill his father.
Bob & Marys
Accùppatore 1
A married couple must get their hands dirty when a bunch of mobsters start using their new home as a deposit for illegal material.
Onde Está a Vovó?
Simone Recchia é um financista desajeitado e incorruptível que se apaixona por Claudia, uma jovem restauradora que é forçada a viver com os cheques de aposentadoria de sua avó Brigit enquanto espera ser paga pelo Estado por um trabalho realizado. Quando Brigit morre de repente, Claudia, ajudada por suas amigas Rossana e Margie, planeja uma fraude para continuar recebendo a pensão e evitar a falência.
Caccia al tesoro
O' Mastino
Ciccio, so called “O’ Pazz” (the Mad Man) and Ciruzzo, so called “Pesce Bello” (Beautiful Fish) are two bloody murderers that smear violence onto the weak. In an atmosphere of supremacy between the miserable, new enemies, apparently inoffensive, seem to start gaining space. Pushed by the alienation of the place, the two criminals start to develop a paranoia even towards two helpless animals: Severino the donkey and Piero the boar. The final showdown is near.
Ciccio, so called “O’ Pazz” (the Mad Man) and Ciruzzo, so called “Pesce Bello” (Beautiful Fish) are two bloody murderers that smear violence onto the weak. In an atmosphere of supremacy between the miserable, new enemies, apparently inoffensive, seem to start gaining space. Pushed by the alienation of the place, the two criminals start to develop a paranoia even towards two helpless animals: Severino the donkey and Piero the boar. The final showdown is near.
Sensazioni d'amore
The Stuff of Dreams
Members of the Camorra on the run and actors seeking for authority meet after a shipwreck on an island-prison. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover their social role but for sure their humanity. Somebody can even get love back. Shakespeare and Eduardo De Filippo blend together in a picaresque comedy full of coup de théâtre.
Natale col boss
Milionários da Máfia
A ascensão e queda de um clã da Camorra em Nápoles, contada através dos olhos de um chefe do crime e sua família. Quarenta anos de vida de um homem, quarenta anos na história de uma das mais belas e controversas cidades da Terra: Nápoles.
Waves is inspired by a short novel of Robert Louis Stevenson, The Ebb-tide, written and published in 1894, the year of his untimely death (Stevenson was 44 years old).
We Believed
Prison guard
1828. In the wake of the repression of revolutionary movements in Southern Italy, three young friends join Giuseppe Mazzini's republican and unificationist cause. Their idealism will clash with the inevitable disillusionment as they grow apart over the decades.
Uma Vida Tranquila
Rosario é um homem que assassinou 32 pessoas, ganhou poder e depois se sentiu acuado, porque muitas pessoas queriam matá-lo. Em uma manhã ele desapareceu. Por anos, todos acreditaram que ele estava morto. Porém, ele vivia numa pequena pousada perto de Frankfurt. Quando o passado retorna com a chegada de dois italianos à pousada, Rosario é obrigado a acertar as contas com ele.
Vento di terra
Vento Di Terra (wind of the earth) is an Italian film about an 18 year old boy (Vicenzo Pacilli) from a poor suburb of Napoli, Italy who finds himself burdened by expectations of supporting his mother after his father dies from an unexpected heart attack. Working in a blue-collar factory job, Vince soon finds that he does not have enough money to support himself, let alone his frail recently widowed mother. His sister departs to Cassano to finally end her employment drought by getting a job in the local FIAT factory. Vince is left alone to support his mother. He gets involved in a heist, and then out of guilt confesses his sin to a close family friend, who suggests he joins the Italian army. In the army Vince meets a new found friend through his training period, and they are soon deployed together to the war torn state of Kosovo in the Former Yugoslavia, where he is exposed to the brutality of war.
A Children's Story
Rosario is 11 years old, he lives in the suburbs with his grandmother, a sick woman who spends time watching TV. He is the leader of a small group who spends his days between games rooms, small crimes and dangerous challenges.
Follow the Shadows
A period drama, set in 1946, about a village harbouring dark secrets.
Pater familias
Rosa Funzeca
Feature film.
The Man-Eater
This is the story of a Sicilian woman that tries to have avidly as many sexual adventures as possible. She uses different identities and personalities, but she can't stop collecting adventures. One day she meets Valerio, a young student who falls in love with her.
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