Sayre Dearing

Sayre Dearing

Nascimento : 1899-09-19,

Morte : 1979-07-05


Sayre Dearing


Médica, Bonita e Solteira
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Bob Weston é o top repórter de uma revista tabloide, desprezível mas altamente rentável, que deve seu sucesso a histórias destacando sexo. Helen Gurley Brown é uma jovem psicóloga brilhante e bonita de 23 anos, que é a autora do best-seller "Sex and the Single Girl". Weston percebe que Brown não irá lhe dar uma entrevista, porque ela já foi objeto de um dos seus desprezíveis artigos sensacionalistas. Então ele se disfarça como seu amigo e vizinho Frank Broderick, um fabricante de meias que é totalmente dominado por uma esposa ciumenta. Depois de várias sessões de terapia como paciente da atrativa Dr. Brown, surgem complicações quando o jornalista mulherengo começa a se apaixonar pela linda psicóloga.
O Destino é o Caçador
Inquiry Board Spectator (uncredited)
A man refuses to believe that pilot error caused a fatal crash, and persists in looking for another reason. Airliner crashes near Los Angeles due to unusual string of coincidences. Stewardess, who is sole survivor, joins airline executives in discovering the causes of the crash.
Robin Hood de Chicago
Courtroom Reporter / Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
Big Jim é morto durante a festa de seu aniversário. Imediatamente, o rival Guy Gisbourne declara-se chefe dos gângsteres. Robbo, chefe da gangue do outro lado da cidade, está disposto a apoiar Guy, desde que este abandone seu território. Guy não aceita e quando Little John junta-se a Robbo, explode a guerra entre os dois bandos, o que resulta na destruição dos nightclubs de ambos os lados. Ao mesmo tempo, Marian, filha de Big Jim, oferece 50 mil dólares a Robbo para que ele encontre quem matou seu pai. Robbo pede ao capanga Will que se livre do dinheiro, então Will o repassa a Allen A. Dale, diretor de um orfanato. Allen chama a imprensa e transforma Robbo em celebridade, o Robin Hood de Chicago. Robbo, apaixonado por Marian, manda ela abandonar a cidade depois que descobre que ela e Little John usam uma entidade filantrópica como fachada para falsificações. Marian, ao invés de cair fora, junta-se a Guy e propõe a ele liquidar tanto Robbo quanto Little Joe.
Julgamento em Nuremberg
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)
Após a 2ª Guerra Mundial, um juiz americano é convocado para chefiar o julgamento de quatro juristas alemães responsáveis pela legalização dos crimes cometidos pelos nazistas durante a guerra. À medida que surgem provas de esterilização e assassinatos de judeus, a pressão política vai-se tornando cada vez maior, pois a Guerra Fria está chegando e ninguém quer mais julgamentos como os da Alemanha. Além disso, os governos aliados querem fortemente esquecer o passado, mas a coisa certa a ser feita é a questão que esse tribunal tentará responder. Baseado em fatos reais, principalmente no caso Katzenberger, o último julgamento dos Processos de Guerra de Nuremberg, que ocorreram depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial para julgar os criminosos nazistas.
Valentão é Apelido
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Insurance salesman Milford Farnsworth sells a man a life policy only to discover that the man in question is the outlaw Jesse James. Milford is sent to buy back the policy, but is robbed by Jesse. And when Jesse learns that Milford's boss is on the way out with more cash, he plans to rob him too and have Milford get killed in the robbery while dressed as Jesse, and collect on the policy.
Gunsight Ridge
Saloon Gambler (uncredited)
An undercover agent takes the job of sheriff in order to find the men responsible for a series of stagecoach robberies.
Cárcere Sem Grades
Barfly (uncredited)
A Korean War veteran's morphine addiction wreaks havoc upon his family.
Hienas do Pano Verde
Roulette Dealer (uncredited)
An opportunistic young man from the slums gambles his way to wealth, power and high society.
O Belo Sexo
Backstage Photographer (uncredited)
Former radio singer Kay learns from her gossipy friends that her husband, Steve, has had an affair with chorus girl Crystal. Devastated, Kay tries to ignore the information, but when Crystal performs one of her musical numbers at a charity benefit, she breaks down and goes to Reno to file for divorce. However, when she hears that gold-digging Crystal is making Steve unhappy, Kay resolves to get her husband back. The Opposite Sex is a remake of the 1939 comedy The Women.
No Silêncio de uma Cidade
Photographer (uncredited)
A morte do magnata da mídia Amos Kyne (Robert Warwick) provoca uma disputa de poder nas suas empresas. Ao mesmo tempo, Nova Iorque sofre com os ataques de um serial killer de mulheres. Edward Mobley (Dana Andrews) precisa capturar o assassino, evitar que as empresas Kyne caiam em mãos erradas e ainda tentar salvar seu relacionamento do fim.
Eles e Elas
Tough (uncredited)
Comédia musical ambientada no submundo de Nova York, entre pequenos furtos e jogadores profissionais. Marlon Brando é o jogador Sky Masterson e Jean Simmons, uma voluntária do Exército da Salvação. Frank Sinatra completa o trio como o banqueiro Nathan. A história começa quando Brando é desafiado a levar a missionária Simmons para Havana. A aposta funciona até que eles se apaixonam. Oportunidade de se ver e ouvir Marlon Brando cantando "Luck Be A Lady", enquanto Sinatra entoa "Guys And Dolls" e "Adelaide".
A Ilha do Inferno
Casino Patron (uncredited)
After being dumped by his fiancée, hard-drinking and depressed Mark Cormack loses his job in the Los Angeles district attorney's office and serves as bouncer in a Las Vegas casino. A wheelchair-using stranger Barzland hires him to locate a ruby that disappeared in a Caribbean plane crash. He lures Cormack into doing the job by telling him it may be in the possession of the very woman who jilted him. The ex-detective flies to remote island Santo Rosario to find the stone and investigate the mystery. When he finds his old flame he finds that her husband is in prison. Cormack, again falling for Janet, is convinced into helping him break out of jail. But Janet has other plans.
An Annapolis Story
Officer on Dais (uncredited)
Two brothers, both cadets at Annapolis, fall in love with the same girl.
Small Town Girl
Rick Belrow Livingston, in love with Broadway star Lisa, is sentenced to 30 days in jail for speeding through a small town. He persuades the judge's daughter Cindy to let him leave for one night, so that he can visit Lisa on her birthday. After that he goes on the town with Cindy and she falls in love with him. But Dr. Schemmer wants his son to become her husband.
Call Me Madam
Ball Extra
Washington hostess Sally Adams becomes a Truman-era US ambassador to a European grand duchy.
Night Without Sleep
Man at Rehearsal (Uncredited)
Upon awaking in the morning, a man finds his thoughts clouded by the possibility that he committed a murder.
Golpe do Destino
O ex-presidiário Rocky Mulloy procura o verdadeiro culpado pelo crime pelo qual foi enquadrado em um mundo noturno cheio de falsas damas e traições. Rocky Mulloy, de volta à cidade depois de cumprir 5 anos de prisão perpétua por assalto à mão armada, espera libertar seu amigo Danny Morgan, que ainda está preso pelo mesmo crime. Não será fácil. Até a testemunha que liberou Rocky pensa que ele é culpado. A glamourosa esposa de Danny, Nancy, morando em uma decadente área de trailers, parece reticente sobre libertar Danny. O cínico policial Gus Cobb só quer agitar as coisas na esperança de que os US $ 100.000 'quentes' que faltam venham à tona. Muitas conversas difíceis, cenas noturnas, falsas damas e traições neste típico filme noir.
Sarah Siddons Awards Guest (uncredited)
Margo Channing é uma reconhecida atriz da Broadway que está envelhecendo e Eve Harrington é uma jovem fã que consegue se infiltrar na vida de Channing e que acaba ameaçando sua carreira e relacionamentos pessoais. Filme baseado na obra The Wisdom of Eve, de Mary Orr.
Espíritos Indômitos
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Ken Wilcheck (Marlon Brando) é um ex-combatente que ficou parapégico. Ele tenta se adaptar à vida civil mas, como os seus companheiros que também ficaram paralíticos, se sente marginalizado, apesar de ser apoiado por Ellen (Teresa Wright), sua noiva.
Passos na Noite
Man at Dice Table / Passerby (uncredited)
O Sargento Detetive Mark Dixon quer ser algo que seu velho pai não era: um cara do lado certo da lei. Será que a natureza cruel de Dixon vai extrair dele a melhor?
Champanhe Para César
Audience Extra
When jobless genius Beauregard Bottomley interviews with Burnbridge Waters for a position at Waters' soap company, the owner rudely turns Bottomley down. As revenge, Bottomley enters a TV quiz show that Waters' company sponsors, with the goal of winning until he bankrupts the businessman. When Bottomley keeps acing the questions, becoming a media sensation, Waters desperately calls on vixen Flame O'Neal to uncover Bottomley's area of weakness.
A Sombra da Guilhotina
Citizen (uncredited)
França, 1794. Robespierre, uma poderosa figura da Revolução Francesa, espalha o terror contra seus opositores. Paralelamente, uma conspiração é formada para que ele não alcance o poder.
Mademoiselle Fifi
Studio Employee (uncredited)
A garçonete do refeitório da Warner Brothers Judy Adams (Doris Day) está ansiosa para estourar nas telas. Ela acha que sua grande chance pode ter chegado quando os atores Jack Carson e Dennis Morgan concordam em ajudá-la. Mal sabe ela que os dois só estão tentando tirar um filme do buraco. E além disso o chefão do estúdio Arthur Trent (Bill Goodwin) não está ajudando nem um pouco. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Sorrowful Jones
Spectator (uncredited)
A young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones as a marker for a bet. When her father doesn't return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Sorrowful must also evade crooked gangsters and indulge in a bit of horse-thieving.
Johnny Allegro
Treasury Department officials recruit a florist (Raft) to lead them to a wanted criminal (Macready); but once he gets too close, he finds he's the hunted.
O Invencível
Newspaper Reporter at Benefit (uncredited)
An unscrupulous boxer fights his way to the top, but eventually alienates all of the people who helped him on the way up.
Act of Violence
Conventioneer (uncredited)
A former prisoner of war, Frank Enley is hailed as a hero in his California town. However, Frank has a shameful secret that comes back to haunt him when fellow survivor Joe Parkson emerges, intent on making Frank pay for his past deeds.
The Scar
Man (uncredited)
Pursued by the big-time gambler he robbed, John Muller assumes a new identity—with unfortunate results.
Two stepsisters become rivals for the same handsome bachelor. Comedy.
Three Daring Daughters
Ship Passenger (uncredited)
Three young girls try to help their divorced mother find the right husband.
Corpo e Alma
Bartender (uncredited)
Charley Davis, against the wishes of his mother, becomes a boxer. As he becomes more successful the fighter becomes surrounded by shady characters, including an unethical promoter named Roberts, who tempt the man with a number of vices. Charley finds himself faced with increasingly difficult choices.
O Beco das Almas Perdidas
Night Club Patron (uncredited)
Stanton Carlisle (Tyrone Power) é um rapaz que trabalha como apresentador em um parque de diversões. Charmoso e bonitão, Stanton passa seu tempo com Zeena (Joan Blondell), uma vidente que trabalha com seu marido, um alcoólatra. Precisando encontrar um novo número Stanton convence Zeena a voltar a fazer leituras de mente e os dois alcançam enorme sucesso. Mas sua afeição está voltada para Molly (Coleen Gray) cujo namorado é muito ciumento e essa afeição faz com que os dois sejam afastados do parque. Assim eles partem e decidindo fazer, um novo número de leitura de mentes, conseguindo grande sucesso junto a alta sociedade. Porém uma previsão não estava em seus planos...
Concertgoer in Lobby
Um serial killer em Londres está assassinando jovens mulheres, que encontra através das colunas pessoais de jornais; ele anuncia cada um de seus crimes à polícia, enviando-lhes um poema enigmático. Depois de uma dançarina desaparecer, a polícia convoca uma amiga americana dela, Sandra Carpenter, para responder aos anúncios nas colunas pessoais e assim atrair o assassino.
Roulette Player
A private detective is offered a job protecting a rich business man from suspected blackmail. Before he can accept the case a murder is uncovered.
The Unfaithful
Christine Hunter kills an intruder and tells her husband and lawyer that it was an act of self-defense. It's later revealed that he was actually her lover and she had posed for an incriminating statue he created.
Nascido Para Matar
Gambler (uncredited)
Helen Brent has just received a Reno divorce. That night, she discovers her neighbor Laury Palmer and a gentleman caller murdered in Palmer's home. The killer is her neighbor's other boyfriend Sam Wilde, an insanely jealous man who won't abide anyone "cutting in" on him.
Nightсlub Patron (uncredited)
Na Argentina, Johnny Farrell é um jogador de dados que se vê numa situação de roubo e é salvo por Ballin Mundson, um proprietário de um casino. Johnny começa a trabalhar para Ballin como seu braço-direito. A situação muda com a chegada de Gilda, sua amante no passado e que recentemente se casou com Ballin.
Roulette Man (uncredited)
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Um Mundo de Ritmos
Fight Spectator (uncredited)
Comedy about a bandleader with hypnotic powers.
The Chance of a Lifetime
Reporter at Parole Board Hearing (Uncredited)
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
Bar Patron (uncredited)
Nora and her uncle get railroaded into spending the night at a broken-down hotel in Canada. After Nora falls for the handsome owner, she convinces her uncle to invest in the inn and modernize it. After the hotel opens, Nora's uncle faces financial ruin and her romance hit a snag in the form of pretty reporter.
Canta Coração
Man in Audience
A press agent, a composer and a landlord of a theatrical boardinghouse revive vaudeville on Broadway.
Seu Três Amores
Dancer (uncredited)
Janie is a telephone operator who is caught up in the lines of love of three men: car salesman Tom, Chicago millionaire Dick and auto mechanic Harry. But Janie just can't seem to make up her mind between them. While fantasizing about her futures with each of the men, Janie spends her time desperately trying to juggle between them until she can make a decision.
Love Crazy
Party Guest (uncredited)
Circumstance, an old flame and a mother-in-law drive a happily married couple to the verge of divorce and insanity.
Michael Shayne: Private Detective
Racetrack Spectator
Millionaire sportsman Hiram Brighton hires gumshoe Michael Shayne to keep his spoiled daughter Phyllis away from racetrack betting windows and roulette wheels. After Phyllis slips away and continues her compulsive gambling, Shayne fakes the murder of her gambler boyfriend, who is also romancing the daughter of casino owner Benny Gordon, in order to frighten her. When the tout really ends up murdered, Shayne and Phyllis' Aunt Olivia, an avid reader of murder mysteries, both try to find the identity of the killer.
Natal em Julho
Coworker (uncredited)
Um funcionário do escritório adora participar de concursos na esperança de um dia ganhar uma fortuna e se casar com a garota que ele ama. Sua última tentativa é o Concurso de Slogan do Café Maxford House. Como brincadeira, alguns de seus colegas de trabalho criam um telegrama falso, dizendo que ele ganhou o grande prêmio de US $ 25.000. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Third Finger, Left Hand
Nightclub Patron
Magazine editor Margot Merrick pretends to be married in order to avoid advances from male colleagues. Unfortunately, things don't go to plan when Jeff Thompson, a potential suitor, uncovers the deception and decides to show up at Margot's family home posing as her husband!
Buck Benny Rides Again
Man at Audition
Radio star Jack Benny, intending to stay in New York for the summer, is forced by the needling of rival Fred Allen to prove his boasts about roughing it on his (fictitious) Nevada ranch. Meanwhile, singer Joan Cameron, whom Jack's fallen for and offended, is maneuvered by her sisters to the same Nevada town. Jack's losing battle to prove his manhood to Joan means broad slapstick burlesque of Western cliches.
Melodia da Broadway de 1940
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Johnny Brett e King Shaw vêm tentando fazer sucesso como uma dupla de dança em Nova York. O produtor Bob Casey quer um novo parceiro para a estrela da dança Clare Bennett, ele escolhe Johnny, mas Brett acha que o produtor é um cobrador e diz que ele é King Shaw, que deve dinheiro. Devido a essa confusão o homem errado ganha o papel principal em um show da Broadway.
The Earl of Chicago
Gunman in Card Game (uncredited)
A behind the times Chicago bootlegger goes to England with his lawyer to claim his estate as the Earl of Gorley.
Day-time Wife
Nightclub Patron
When a young wife discovers her husband of two years is involved with his beautiful secretary, she applies for a job as secretary to a business rival.
First Love
Ball Guest
In this reworking of Cinderella, orphaned Connie Harding is sent to live with her rich aunt and uncle after graduating from boarding school. She's hardly received with open arms, especially by her snobby cousin Barbara. When the entire family is invited to a major social ball, Barbara sees to it that Connie is forced to stay home. With the aid of her uncle, who acts as her fairy godfather, Connie makes it to the ball and meets her Prince Charming in Ted Drake, her cousin's boyfriend.
Heróis Esquecidos
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
After World War I, Armistice Lloyd Hart goes back to practice law, former saloon keeper George Hally turns to bootlegging, and out-of-work Eddie Bartlett becomes a cab driver. Eddie builds a fleet of cabs through delivery of bootleg liquor and hires Lloyd as his lawyer. George becomes Eddie's partner and the rackets flourish until love and rivalry interfere.
Conflito de Duas Almas
Despite his talent as a musician, a city boy decides to become a boxer. He's successful as a fighter — much to the dismay of his parents. When gangsters try to by a piece of him, he begins to have second thoughts.
Charlie Chan na Ilha do Tesouro
Audience Member
Charlie Chan's investigation of a blackmail-induced suicide as a case of murder leads him into a world of magick and mysticism peopled with a stage magician, a phoney spiritualist, and a for-real mind reader.
Mystery Plane
Henchman Fred
An American pilot with a top-secret invention is kidnapped by foreign agents.
Beauty for the Asking
Wedding Guest (uncredited)
Denny breaks up with his fiancée Jean to marries wealthy Flora. When Jean is fired from her job she decides to market the face cream she invented. After sending it to twelve rich woman, only Flora decides to invest in the business. As Denny has no job, the girls give him an office at the factory. The business takes off, but Jean finds that she is still in love with Denny and Denny seems to forget he is married to Flora.
A Oitava Esposa de Barba Azul
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
American multi-millionaire Michael Brandon marries his eighth wife, Nicole, the daughter of a broken French Marquis. But she doesn't want to be only a number in the row of his ex-wives and starts her own strategy to tame him.
Portia on Trial
Prosecution Co-Counsel
Lady lawyer Portia Merryman (Frieda Inescourt) defends woebegone Elizabeth Manners (Heather Angel), who is on trial for shooting her lover Earle Condon (Neil Hamilton). Ironically, Portia herself had once had a relationship with Earle Condon, but Earle's father, powerful publisher John Condon (Clarence Kolb), forced them apart. She has a pretty good idea of what is going on in Elizabeth's head, since she herself was on the verge of killing Earle Condon when his father ruthlessly took custody of her illegitimate son. As Portia toils and strains to free her client, she carries on a romance with Dan Foster (Walter Abel) -- the attorney for the prosecution. LA Law and The Practice have nothing on this one!
Forty Naughty Girls
Man in Audience
Hildegarde Withers and Inspector Piper try to solve a murder while attending a popular Broadway show.
Mr. Dodd Takes the Air
Nightclub Patron (uncredited)
A country bumpkin becomes a singing sensation on the radio.
Step Lively, Jeeves!
Party Guest (uncredited)
A British butler goes to America duped by mobsters into believing he is the heir to a fortune.
Melody for Two
Nightclub Extra
A singing bandleader signs on with an all-girls band.
Sinner Take All
Green Lantern Patron (uncredited)
A young lawyer is determined to identify who is murdering members of a wealthy New York publishing family.
If You Could Only Cook
Wedding Rehearsal Guest Extra (uncredited)
An auto engineer and a professor's daughter pose as married servants in a mobster's mansion.
Party Guest
A fast-talking boxing manager and the somewhat hapless fighter he manages happen to run into a young man who was a good prizefighter in his day but is now out of the sport and has a drinking problem. They decide to train him for a big match, and in the process find themselves involved in romance, shady characters and a possible kidnapping.
Woman Wanted
Party Guest (uncredited)
Just after a jury finds Ann Grey guilty of murder, the car carrying her to prison crashes into another car. Ann escapes and ends up in lawyer Tony Baxter's car. Tony realizes Ann is innocent, so he vows to help her prove it, risking his neck in the process. Tony and Ann are pursued by the police and by Smiley Gordon, a mob boss who engineered Ann's escape thinking that she can lead him to a $250,000 stash.
After the Dance
Extra as Nightclub Patron
Though he was protecting her when he accidentally killed a man, Mabel Kane (Thelma Todd) refuses to testify on behalf of her dance partner Jerry Davis (George Murphy), and he's sent to jail. In a riot, a hostile convict (Jack La Rue) forces Jerry to help him escape, so Jerry takes to the streets himself. Nightclub entertainer Anne Taylor (Nancy Carroll) meets him, and convinces her boss Louis (Arthur Hohl) to hire him as her partner.
Imitação da Vida
Party Guest (uncredited)
Uma viúva em dificuldades e sua filha recebem uma empregada negra e sua filha de pele clara; as duas mulheres iniciam um negócio de sucesso, mas enfrentam problemas familiares, de identidade e raciais ao longo do caminho. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Million Dollar Ransom
Nightclub Patron (Uncredited)
To stop his mother from marrying a man he doesn't like, a young millionaire hires an ex-con in helping him fake his own kidnaping.
Em Plenas Nuvens
Nightclub Extra (uncredited)
An Air Force washout and his buddy room with a pretty young lady. Desperate for jobs during the Depression, they finally land employment with the mob.
The Public Defender
Country Club Guest
A mysterious phantom who calls himself The Reckoner vows to expose the crooked bankers who embezzled their company's funds.
The Naughty Flirt
Kay's Friend (uncredited)
A coquettish socialite falls for a straight-laced associate in her father's law firm. But she must also fend off the advances of a greedy fortune-hunter and his sister.
One Night at Susie's
Mobster (Uncredited)
A woman gets help from her gangster friends after her foster son takes the blame for a murder he did not commit.
Playboy of Paris
Nightclub Patron
Yvonne, daughter of Philibert, a Paris cafe owner, is in love with dreamy, blundering Albert, a waiter, though he pays little attention to her. Philibert plans to marry his daughter to a wealthy Parisian, but upon learning that Albert is to come into a large inheritance, he conspires to place him under a longterm contract, confident that he willingly will pay a forfeit to break it.
Kentucky Pride
Racetrack Spectator (uncredited)
This rare John Ford silent is a charming, sweetly sentimental tale of the relationship between humans and animals told largely from the point of view of a racehorse who observes as her breeder (Henry B. Walthall) is forced to sell her when he loses everything in a poker game. Several of the era’s most famous racehorses make appearances, including the legendary champion thoroughbred Man o’ War.