Costume Design
Uma série de mal-entendidos deixa um executivo de publicidade com uma campanha para o VIP, um produto que ainda não foi inventado. E começa um romance com sua rival sob o disfarce de ser o inventor do VIP. (e 14)
Costume Design
Em Londres, a dona de casa americana Katherine "Kit" Preston (Doris Day) está casada há três meses com o executivo americano Anthony "Tony" Preston. Em um dia nublado, enquanto caminhava em um parque, Kit é ameaçada por uma voz que lhe diz que ela vai ser assassinada no final do mês. No dia seguinte, Kit recebe um telefonema do assediador e então ela vai com Tony até a Scotland Yard, mas Inspector Byrnes acredita que Kit está inventando história para receber mais atenção de Tony. Kit hospeda sua tia Bea que veio visita-la, mas só Kit atende as chamadas telefônicas do assediador. Será que Kit está ficando louca?
Costume Design
Angered that her sister Celia has stolen her fiance, Dell Faring kills her and allows Celia's husband David, knocked out in an argument with Celia, to take the blame and end up on death row. Later Dell, finding out that David's young daughter Susan was witness to the crime and is undergoing psychiatric treatment, plans to eliminate her before her memory returns.
Costume Design
At a mayors convention in San Francisco, ex-longshoreman Steve Fisk meets Clarissa Standish from New England. Fisk is mayor of "Puget City" and is proud of his rough and tumble background. Standish is mayor of "Winona, Maine", and is equally proud of her education and dedication to the people who elected her. Thrown together, the two opposites attract and their escapades during the convention get each of them in hot water back home. Written by Ron Kerrigan
Costume Design
Two co-workers in a music shop dislike one another during business hours but unwittingly carry on an anonymous romance through the mail.
Costume Design
A cop investigates the shooting of another policeman... that may have been involved in crooked activities.
Costume Design
A young man succumbs to gambling fever.
Costume Design
Uma estilista de roupas de banho está determinada a proteger sua desmiolada irmã de um destruidor de corações da América do Sul, mas um caso de identidade equivocada complica as coisas. A desmiolada Betty Barrett confunde o massagista Jack Spratt com Jose O'Rourke, o capitão da equipe de pólo Sul-Americana. Spratt entra na brincadeira, mas a situação se complica quando eles se apaixonam. Enquanto isso Eve, a sensível irmã mais velha de Betty, teme que Betty fique com o coração partido quando descobrir a confusão. Então ela arranja um encontro com o verdadeiro O'Rourke, mas, para complicar um pouco mais, o amor logo floresce entre eles também.
Costume Design
Melodrama em que uma mãe viúva, uma cantora de ópera, perdeu seu filho, atropelado por um caminhão ao tentar salvar Lassie. Tempo depois, graças a Lassie, encontra um órfão indefeso.
Costume Design
United States Federal agent Rigby travels to the Central American island Carlotta to investigate a stolen aircraft engines smuggling racket.
Costume Design
Josh e Dinah Barkley formam um casal de sucesso, especializado em comédias musicais. É verdade que eles têm lá suas desavenças, mas nada muito sério. Entretanto, quando um empresário cisma que Dinah pode ser uma grande atriz dramática -- e ela se deixa convencer --, a casa vem abaixo...
Costume Design
Julia and William were married and soon separated by his snobbish family. They meet again many years later, when their daughter he has raised invites her mother to her wedding, with the disapproval of William's mother.
Costume Design
Um artista de nightclub contrata uma ingênua Menina do Coro para ser sua nova parceira de dança para deixar sua ex-parceira ciumenta e para provar que ele pode transformar qualquer parceira em uma estrela. Na véspera da Páscoa em 1911, Don Hewes é surpreendido quando sua parceira de dança (e também sua paixão) Nadine Hale se recusa a renovar o contrato com ele. Para provar que Nadine não é importante para ele, Don contrata uma ingênua Menina do Coro, Hannah Brown, prometendo fazer dela uma estrela a tempo para o desfile de Páscoa do próximo ano. Cheio de Melodia! Cheio de Amor!
Costume Supervisor
A girl is engaged to the local richman, but meanwhile she has dreams about the legendary pirate Macoco. A traveling singer falls in love with her and to impress her he poses as the pirate.
Costume Design
A young navy lieutenant is brought in as technical adviser on a song-dance-and-swim film being made by screen star Rosalind Reynolds. Having once done a number with her at a Forces show, the young lad somehow believes she should be his girl. Her boyfriend is just one of those disagreeing.
Costume Design
Um empresário é levado a candidatar-se a presidente dos EUA, mas isso requer compromissos desconfortáveis tanto no nível político quanto no matrimonial.
Kay Thordyke adora Grant Matthews e ajuda-o a se tornar o candidato republicano para a presidência dos EUA. A máquina do partido começa a se preocupar quando Grant começa a colocar suas próprias ideias. Em um importante jantar importante, sua esposa Mary condena os políticos corruptos, o que incentiva Grant a começar a falar com mais coragem.
Costume Design
Wealthy Polly Fulton marries a progressive scholar whose attitudes toward capitalism and acquired wealth puts their marriage in jeopardy.
Costume Design
Flavia's been told that her Aunt Susan's fiancé, Steve, has been on a trip around the world, but in truth he's finished his prison term. Steve wonders how he can make some money and is approached by his old associates. When Flavia discovers the truth about Steve, she loses all faith in her family and in God, and it will take a miracle to restore Flavia's belief and Steve out of trouble.
Costume Design
O juiz Cass Timberlane se casa com uma garota do lado errado dos trilhos, Virginia Marshland. Um bebê nasce morto e ela se volta cada vez mais para o advogado amigo de Cass ', Bradd Criley. Enquanto discutia, o juiz diz a Virginia para ficar com Bradd, mas quando ela fica doente, ele a traz para casa.
Costume Design
A war widow falls in love with the man who informed her of her husband's death.
Costume Design
In 1915, Kansas theatre usher Merton Gill is a rabid silent-movie fan. When he brings Mammoth Studios free publicity by imitating star Lawrence Rupert's heroics, they bring him to Hollywood to generate another headline; he thinks he'll get a movie contract. Disillusioned, he haunts the casting offices, where he meets and is consoled by Phyllis Montague, bit player and stunt-woman. When Merton finally gets his "break," though, it's not quite what he envisioned.
Costume Supervisor
Composer Robert Schumann struggles to compose his symphonies while his loving wife Clara offers her support. Also helping the Schumanns is their lifelong friend, composer Johannes Brahms.
Costume Supervisor
A young dance student accidentally cripples a teacher she doesn't like.
Costume Design
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.
Costume Supervisor
Nick, Nora e Nick Jr investigam o assassinato de um líder de banda em Nova York.
Costume Supervisor
A mysterious Civil War veteran courts a Missouri farmer's daughter amid postwar unrest.
Costume Supervisor
Spoiled socialite Cynthia Grace is suffering from a blood clot. Not unexpectedly, Tommy Coalt falls in love with Cynthia, much to her parents' dismay. Soon he's drawing up plans to marry the girl and setting up private practice in a smaller town.
Costume Design
A World War II pilot (Gene Kelly) comes home to a bride (Marie McDonald) who, spoiled by her father (Charles Winninger), now wants a divorce.
Costume Design
After his plane is downed in the South Pacific, a Navy flier recounts his life to a co-pilot while awaiting rescue.
Costume Supervisor
A St. Louis woman marries a New Mexico cattleman who is seen as a tyrant by the locals.
Costume Design
Maisie Revere, a showgirl stranded in Los Angeles, decides to join the local police department on the persuasion of Lieutenant Paul Scott who wants to use her as an undercover agent to expose a conman.
Costume Design
A neglected wife gets mixed up with an hypnotic charmer and murder.
Costume Supervisor
Sophie loved Edmund, but he left town when her parents forced her to marry wealthy Octavius. Years later, Edmund returns with his son, William. Sophie's daughter, Marguerite, and William fall in love. Marguerite's sister, Marianne, also loves William. Timothy, a lowly carpenter, secretly loves Marianne. He kills a man in a fight, and Edmund helps him flee to New Zealand. William deserts inadvertently from the navy, and also flees in disgrace to New Zealand, where he and Timothy start a profitable business. One night, drunk, William writes Octavius, demanding his daughter's hand; but, being drunk, he asks for the wrong sister.
Costume Supervisor
Andy Hardy goes to college after serving in the war and finds his sweetheart is engaged to someone else.
Costume Supervisor
Penny Addams lives in a constant state of depression stemming from the trauma of her father's death when she was just a young girl. Her brother, Chase, and stepmother, Lee, work to help Penny process her grief through psychotherapy and revisiting their past, but only the revelation of long-buried family secrets -- including her mother's secret lover and the true nature of her father's death -- can bring Penny out of her intense despair.
Costume Supervisor
Private eye Phillip Marlowe wants to get out of the detective racket and into crime writing. But when he's called to the office of editor Adrienne Fromsett, it's not to talk about his story ideas — she wants him to locate the missing wife of her boss, Mr. Kingsby. The assignment quickly becomes complicated when bodies start turning up
Costume Supervisor
Após a Guerra Civil Americana, um soldado rebelde e sua esposa se tornam agricultores pioneiros na Flórida. Seu filho Jody está com 11 anos de idade e se dá bem com seu caloroso e afetuoso pai, mas sua mãe é assombrado pela morte de seus outros filhos, então ela é sombria, fria mesmo. O menino quer um animal de estimação e o pai é simpático mas a mãe é contra. Quando uma cascavel morde o pai, ele mata uma corça para usar seus órgãos para extrair o veneno. Jody implora para manter o filhote da corça como animal de estimação. Os pais concordam, e o menino e o veado logo ficam inseparáveis. O filhote cresce rapidamente, e com um ano de idade já atropela brotos de tabaco e come o milho recém-germinado. Isso é demais para mãe, e Jody tem de enfrentar a realidade de adultos agressivos.
Costume Supervisor
Light bio-pic of American Broadway pioneer Jerome Kern, featuring renditions of the famous songs from his musical plays by contemporary stage artists, including a condensed production of his most famous: 'Showboat'.
Costume Supervisor
After a rapid engagement, a dowdy daughter of a chemist weds an industrialist, knowing little of his family or past. He transforms her into an elegant society wife, but becomes enraged whenever she asks about Michael, his mysterious long-lost brother.
Costume Supervisor
O cão Bill (Pal) perde a memória depois que é atropelado por um carro. Encontrado pelo exército, ele é treinado para a guerra. Retornando para sua casa, ele está traumatizado e atacando a todos os que chegam perto dele. Kathie Merrick (Elizabeth Taylor) lhe dá o carinho que ele necessita e aos poucos Bill se recupera.
Costume Design
A U.S. Army sergeant is home on leave to reconnect with his girlfriend he hopes to marry. However, in the years he's been away, she's gotten a huge promotion where they used to work together - and has become engaged to another man.
Costume Design
When a newspaper accuses a wealthy socialite of being a home-wrecker, she files a multi-million-dollar libel lawsuit. The publication's frazzled head editor now must find a way to discredit her.
Costume Supervisor
Abigail Chandler has written her stuffy Boston relatives that she's a successful opera singer in New York. In reality, she works at a burlesque house and is billed as High-C Susie. When her sister Martha comes for a visit, Abigail tries to hide the truth from her.
Costume Supervisor
Con woman Ricki Woodner and detective Bob Simms follow a prison-bound swindler Ace Connors on his five-day gourmet binge.
Costume Supervisor
A western bandit is reformed by his love for a little girl.
Costume Supervisor
Em suas andanças sem rumo, Arthur Keats acaba parando em Twin Oaks, um restaurante à beira da estrada, onde conhece Cora Smith. Cora cuida do lugar com seu marido, com quem vive um casamento medíocre. Arthur e Cora acabam envolvendo-se em um romance apaixonado, mas para conseguirem a felicidade deverão dar fim à pedra no caminho - o marido de Cora.
Costume Design
A former reporter comes back home after serving in the army during World War I and finds that it's much more difficult to find work than he expected. Desperate, one day he crashes a wedding attended by many of the city's rich and powerful, meets a beautiful girl named Kay who turns out to be his ticket to meeting those rich and powerful people, and he soon manages to land a job on a newspaper. He gets caught up in the "make money at all costs" game but receives a rude awakening when the stock market crashes in 1929.
Costume Supervisor
A showgirl working for an inventor battles crooks, who want to steal his ideas.
Costume Supervisor
Ao desembarcar no Novo México, Susan Bradley descobre que seu futuro marido é o bêbado da cidade. Ao invés de sentar e chorar, ela arranja um emprego no restaurante Harvey House, um estabelecimento empenhado em levar um pouco de civilidade e classe àquele fim de mundo. As atividades de Harvey encontram a oposição de Ned Trent, dono do saloon, de Sam Purvis, um juiz corrupto, e de Em, dançarina apaixonada por Ned. Com o auxílio do inexperiente Chris Maule, Susan e demais colegas de trabalho lutam para frustrar os planos dos escroques.
Costume Design
While waiting in New York City to ship out to Europe, a sailor stops by a serviceman's canteen and meets a USO hostess. They immediately fall for each other and get married that night. However, when the sailor is notified that he has been reclassified as 4-F (unfit for service) by the Navy and then discharged, he and his new wife realize that, having to set up house before they expected to, they actually know very little about each other. Complications ensue.
Costume Design
A rough and tumble man of the sea falls for a meek librarian.
Costume Design
Johnny Riggs, a con man on the lam, finds himself in a Latin-American country named Patria. There, he overhears a convent-bred rich girl praying to her guardian angel for help in managing her tangled business affairs. Riggs decides to materialize as the girl's "angel", gains her unquestioning confidence, and helps himself to the deluded girl's millions. Just as he and his partner are about to flee Patria with their booty, Riggs realizes he has fallen in love with the girl and returns the money, together with a note that is part confession and part love letter. But the larcenous duo's escape from Patria turns out to be more difficult than they could ever have imagined.
Costume Design
In a fictional European country, a beautiful princess meets a handsome American reporter and falls in love with him. On a trip to New York, she hopes to find him again. While staying at one of the city's finest hotels she meets a kind-hearted bellhop who mistakes her for a maid. She invites him to be her escort, not realizing that he believes he has fallen in love with her. Every nice thing the princess does encourages him to believe that she feels the same way he does.
Costume Supervisor
A group of scientists develop a system to pick winners at the racetrack. Comedy.
Costume Supervisor
Anything can happen during a weekend at New York's Waldorf-Astoria: a glamorous movie star meets a world-weary war correspondent and mistakes him for a jewel thief; a soldier learns that without an operation he'll die and so looks for one last romance with a beautiful but ambitious stenographer; a cub reporter tries to get the goods on a shady man's dealing with a foreign potentate.
Costume Design
Welcome to Fuller Junction, Wisconsin, a friendly small town settled by Norwegian farmers. Here we see the exploits of two young cousins, Selma and Arnold, who learn about their world and experience the ups and downs of life as the season pass.
Costume Supervisor
A perfumed message provides the only clue for a blind detective bent on clearing a man accused of murder.
Costume Supervisor
Dois marinheiros, um ingênuo, e outro experimentado nos caminhos da vida, em liberdade, e em Los Angeles, é o cenário para este filme musical. E encontram uma simpática garota que tem uma bela voz. E também tem um filho, um garoto de 7 anos, que é um verdadeiro fanatico pela marinha. E para emoldurar tudo o grande maestro José Iturbi. Nas ondas da música... Risos e Romance! Dois marinheiros perdidos de amor em uma licença de quatro dias de diversão e frivolidade!
Costume Supervisor
A young couple's accident could make them rich, if they can evade a Nazi spy ring.
Costume Designer
Stephanie and Terry are identical twins who have been raised separately since their parents divorced seven years earlier. Each envies the lifestyle of the other; and they decide, without telling Jeff or Mary, to switch families for a day or two. They soon find that it is harder to do what the other person is expected to do, and that looking alike is not enough. When they find that their charade may bring their parents back together, they agree to continue it. A major complication begins when Alice, Jeff's girlfriend and co-worker, finds out the real story.
Costume Supervisor
A G.I. en route to Europe falls in love during a whirlwind two-day leave in New York City.
Costume Supervisor
A soldier falls in love with a newly-married woman after her husband abandons her for a business meeting on their honeymoon.
Costume Supervisor
Mary Rafferty comes from a poor family of steel mill workers in 19th Century Pittsburgh. Her family objects when she goes to work as a maid for the wealthy Scott family which controls the mill. Mary catches the attention of handsome scion Paul Scott, but their romance is complicated by Paul's engagement to someone else and a bitter strike among the mill workers.
Costume Supervisor
Joe Carraclough chegou a maioridade no período da Segunda Guerra Mundial, e se tornou piloto da RAF. Laddie, o filho de Lassie, é o seu animal de estimação, que secretamente alija-se em seu avião, quando esse parte para uma missão perigosa, para bombardear o inimigo. Quando o avião é atingido, sobrevoando a Noruega, ocupada pelos nazistas, Joe e Laddie saltam de pára-quedas da aeronave em chamas. A partir daí, começam as aventuras duplas. Peter Lawford e June Lockhart (que por vários anos estrelaram Lassie na Tv) são Joe e Priscila, anteriormente interpretados por Roddy McDowall e Elizabeth Taylor. Donald Crisp e Nigel Bruce são os treinadores dos cães deste filme. Uma bela e terna história de amor, que aliada a coragem ilimitada a afeto da Collie pelo seu dono, conquistará seu coração. Roteiro impar da série.
Costume Design
A young doctor proves his worth at a metropolitan hospital.
Costume Supervisor
In World War II Washington DC, scientist Pat Jamieson's assistant, Jamie Rowan, enters a loveless marriage with him. Struggles bring them closer together.
Costume Supervisor
Posing for a portrait, Dorian Gray talks with Lord Henry Wotton, who says that men should pursue their sensual longings, but laments that only the young get to do so. Taken with the idea, Dorian imagines a scenario in which the painting will age as he stays youthful. His wish comes true, and his boyish looks aid him as he indulges his every whim. But when a stunning revelation forces him to see what he's become, Dorian faces some very dangerous questions.
Costume Supervisor
Mi Taylor is a young wanderer and opportunist who finds himself in the quiet English countryside home of the Brown family. The youngest daughter, Velvet, has a passion for horses and when she wins the spirited steed Pie in a town lottery, Mi is encouraged to train the horse.
Irene (uncredited)
Frank Morgan is hired to put together a movie using odds and ends from the MGM vaults. He does so by splicing together a string of completely unrelated short subjects and musical numbers, interspersed with a repeated loop of a scene from some melodrama. (Contains in their entirety the shorts, "Musical Masterpieces," "Our Old Car," and "Badminton," as well as clips from other projects)
Costume Supervisor
On a trip to visit his parents, detective Nick Charles gets mixed up in a murder investigation.
Costume Supervisor
Two bumbling servants are hired by a dizzy society matron to cook and serve a meal to visiting royalty.
Costume Supervisor
The Goss family live on a farm they call the dust bowl where the wind blows during the day and the coyotes howl at night. When the train is robbed, everyone thinks that Cotton and Violet were the ones that did the job, but no one has any proof. US Marshal Lloyd Richland comes into town in disguise to find the truth and he finds that the sheriff is corrupt and that the Goss family is gosh darn nice. They take in Richland and a stranded woman named Mary without any questions. Cotton believes that Sheriff Tatum shot their pa in the back, and the sheriff is now trying to plug the boys. Richland is looking for the train robbers, and at the same time is keeping an eye on Tatum and the lovely young Mary.
Costume Supervisor
No ano que antecedeu a Feira Mundial de St. Louis de 1904, as quatro filhas dos Smith aprendem lições de vida e amor, mesmo que se preparem para uma mudança relutante para Nova York. Agora Seremos Felizes é muito mais que um musical. É a encantadora história de uma família na virada do século, repleta de magias e recordações. Judy Garland é Esther Smith, uma garota da agitada cidade de St. Louis que, junto com sua família, tem que se mudar para Nova York. Como se não bastasse deixar todos os seus amigos para trás, ela ainda irá perder a sensacional Feira Mundial de St. Louis de 1904. Esther precisa fazer alguma coisa para evitar essa tragédia!
Costume Supervisor
A verdadeira e incrivelmente detalhada história de "O Raid de Doolittle", baseado no relato pessoal de Ted Lawson, um dos participantes do Raid. Atordoados pelo ataque a Pearl Harbor e uma série de outras derrotas, a América precisava de uma vitória. Para isso o coronel Jimmy Doolittle, um campeão de corrida aérea e piloto de acrobacias, elabora um plano para um ataque ousado ao coração do próprio Japão. Para fazer isso, ele deve treinar pilotos de bombardeiro do exército para fazer algo que ninguém jamais sonhou ser possível, o lançamento de 16 bombardeiros B-25, totalmente carregados de combustível e bombas, a partir de um porta-aviões! Notável em sua exatidão, este filme ainda usa imagens filmadas do raid real.
Costume Supervisor
In this family saga, Mrs. Parkington recounts the story of her life, beginning as a hotel maid in frontier Nevada where she is swept off her feet by mine owner and financier Augustus Parkington. He moves them to New York, tries to remake her into a society woman, and establishes their home among the wealthiest of New York's high society. Family and social life is not always peaceful, however, and she guides us, in flashbacks, through the rises and falls of the Parkington family fortunes.
Costume Supervisor
Hafiz, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself.
Costume Supervisor
A Brooklyn showgirl gets mixed up in a divorce between a soldier and his wife.
Costume Supervisor
The descendent of a ghost imprisoned for cowardice hopes to free the spirit by displaying courage when under duress.
Costume Supervisor
O compositor de canções românticas Steve (Red Skelton) ingressa numa faculdade feminina para tentar reconquistar sua esposa Caroline (Esther Williams), uma treinadora de natação. A partir daí começam muitas confusões, risadas garantidas e memoráveis balés aquáticos. Skelton em ótima forma e Esther Williams abalando os corações com seu corpo escultural, sem contar com inúmeras beldades como alunas da bela Williams. Uma comédia deliciosa.
Costume Supervisor
A sailor helps two sisters start up a service canteen. The sailor soon becomes taken with gorgeous sister Jean, unaware that her sibling Patsy is also in love with him.
Costume Supervisor
A idealistic shipyard worker interests a beautiful Hollywood star in staging a musical tribute to the war industry, but they disagree on some important issues.
Costume Supervisor
American Susan travels with her father to England for a vacation. Invited to a society ball, Susan meets Sir John Ashwood and marries him after a whirlwind romance. However, she never quite adjusts to life as a new member of the British gentry. At the outbreak of World War I, John is sent to the trenches and never returns. When her son goes off to fight in World War II, Susan fears the same tragic fate may befall him too.
Costume Supervisor
Andy is going to Wainwright College as did his father. He sees a pretty blonde on the train and he is alternately winked at or slapped every time he sees her. Andy is clueless. On the train Andy meets Kay and Dr. Standish who are both headed for Wainwright. Andy likes Kay, but Dr. Standish also seems to take an interest in her. Things are going well at College with Kay, but the blonde is nice one minute and ignores Andy the next. When Andy finds out that the blonde is really identical twins, he tries to help them out with their father but gets caught at their rooming house after midnight.
Costume Design
Anos depois de sua tia ser assassinada em sua casa, uma jovem se muda de volta para casa com seu novo marido. No entanto, ele tem um segredo e fará qualquer coisa para protegê-lo mesmo que isso signifique enlouquecer sua esposa.
Costume Supervisor
A small-town butcher has problems coping with meat rationing.
Costume Supervisor
Journalist Marion Hargrove enters the Army intending to supplement his income by writing about his training experiences. He muddles through basic training at Fort Bragg with the self-serving help of a couple of buddies intent on cutting themselves in on that extra income.
Costume Design
Broadway producer Johnny Demming is only interested in big-name talent and scoffs that his sister, father and other small-time talent could be used in a successful show.
Costume Supervisor
Uma sentimental, patriótica (se não propagandística) fantasia de Hollywood sobre um piloto de bombardeiro morto na Segunda Guerra Mundial, Maj. Pete Sandidge que se torna anjo da guarda para outro piloto, o capitão. Ted Randall, orientando Randall através de batalhas e ajudando-o no romance de sua ex-namorada, apesar de sua devoção excessiva a memória do Sandidge.
Costume Design
Alpha's been raised along scientific principles, and will make Mike Regan a great human interest story for his paper. But when his interview prompts Alpha to run away from the institute and ask him to show her some magic, Mike gets more responsibility than he bargained for. Especially since another story of his, one involving gangsters, has also come home to roost.
Costume Design
Poor physics student Marie is studying at the Sorbonne in 1890s Paris. One of the few women studying in her field, Marie encounters skepticism concerning her abilities, but is eventually offered a research placement in Pierre Curie's lab. The scientists soon fall in love and embark on a shared quest to extract, from a particular type of rock, a new chemical element they have named radium. However, their research puts them on the brink of professional failure.
Costume Supervisor
Poor physics student Marie is studying at the Sorbonne in 1890s Paris. One of the few women studying in her field, Marie encounters skepticism concerning her abilities, but is eventually offered a research placement in Pierre Curie's lab. The scientists soon fall in love and embark on a shared quest to extract, from a particular type of rock, a new chemical element they have named radium. However, their research puts them on the brink of professional failure.
Costume Supervisor
Rich kid Danny Churchill has a taste for wine, women and song, but not for higher education. So his father ships him to an all-male college out West where there's not supposed to be a female for miles. But before Danny arrives, he spies a pair of legs extending out from under a stalled roadster. They belong to the Dean's granddaughter, Ginger Gray, who is more interested in keeping the financially strapped college open than falling for Danny's romantic line. At least at first...
Costume Supervisor
The Army nurses on Bataan need help badly, but when it arrives, it sure isn't what they expected. A motley crew, including a Southern belle, a waitress, and a stripper, show up. Many conflicts arise among these women who are thrown together in what is a desperate and ultimately hopeless situation.
Costume Supervisor
Comedy about a bandleader with hypnotic powers.
Costume Supervisor
Bud Hooper, a cadet at Winsocki Military Academy, sends an invitation to movie star Lucille Ball to come to Winsocki's big dance. Ball's publicity-hungry agent convinces her to go in order to boost her career. Complications arise when Bud's girlfriend Helen Schlesinger unexpectedly shows up, too.
Costume Supervisor
Street-smart Maisie from Brooklyn lands a job at an airplane assembly plant during WWII and falls in love with handsome pilot "Breezy" McLaughlin. Breezy, however, falling in love with and getting engaged to Maisie's conniving roommate Iris, doesn't realize she's using him and it's up to Maisie to convince him.
Costume Supervisor
Hat check man Louis Blore is in love with nightclub star May Daly. May, however, is in love with a poor dancer but wants to marry for money. When Louis wins the Irish Sweepstakes, he asks May to marry him and she accepts even though she doesn't love him. Soon after, Louis has an accident and gets knocked on the head, where he dreams that he's King Louis XV pursuing the infamous Madame Du Barry.
Costume Supervisor
O professor Richard Myles e sua mulher Frances se preparam para sair em lua de mel na Alemanha quando são contratados pelo serviço secreto inglês. Eles precisam encontrar um misterioso cientista nazista determinado a destruir a Marinha britânica.
Costume Design
In this 13th entry to the Dr. Kildare series, the medical staff of Blair General hospital are challenged with further dilemmas, not the least of which includes a prison inmate who Dr. Gillespie believes belongs instead in an insane asylum.
Costume Supervisor
Little Joe é um bom malandro, dividido entre o amor da sua esposa Petúnia e o fascínio de Georgia Brown, uma bonita rapariga de má vida... preso num duelo entre os enviados do Senhor e do Diabo. Como pode a virtude triunfar sobre o Mal? Segundo Petúnia: «Ás vezes, quando se enfrenta o Diabo, temos que o espetar com a sua própria forquilha»
Costume Supervisor
Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.
Costume Supervisor
Teenager Homer Macauley stays at home in small-town Ithaca to support his family while his older brother Marcus prepares to go to war.
Costume Design
Upper-class female reporter is (despite herself) attracted to hulking laborer digging a tunnel under the Hudson river.
Costume Supervisor
Acrobat Eddie Marsh is in the army now. His first act is to become friendly with Kathryn Jones, the colonel's pretty daughter. Their romance hits a few snags, including disapproval from her father. Eddie's also plagued by fear of having an accident during his family's trapeze act in the army variety show, which also features a gallery of MGM stars.
Costume Design
Frenchwoman Michele de la Becque, an opponent of the Nazis in German-occupied Paris, hides a downed American flyer, Pat Talbot, and attempts to get him safely out of the country.
Costume Design
O Acunas, uma rica família argentina, seguem a tradição de que as filhas têm de se casar em ordem, primeiro as mais velhas. Quando a irmã # 1 se casa, as irmãs # 3 e # 4, que já escolheram seus futuros maridos, fazem pressão sobre Maria a irmã # 2. Mas Maria ainda não conheceu um homem que goste. O pai Eduardo Acuna, acreditando que os homens não são românticos suficiente nos dias de hoje, envia para sua filha flores e cartas de amor anônimas, criando um "homem misterioso" para ela se apaixonar. Ele pretende escolher um rapaz apropriado para ela mais tarde, para ocupar o papel. Mas Robert Davis, um dançarino americano à procura de trabalho, surge em cena. Maria se apaixona por ele, mas o pai não aprova.
Costume Design
Gerry e Tom Jeffers estão achando difícil a vida de casado. Tom é um arquiteto/inventor e tem pouco dinheiro para eles viverem. Eles estão prestes a serem despejados de seu apartamento quando Gerry se reúne com um rico homem de negócios que está sendo apresentado como um potencial inquilino. Ele dá a Gerry US $ 700 para recomeçar a vida, mas Tom se recusa a acreditar em sua história e eles brigam. Gerry decide que o casamento acabou e vai para Palm Beach para um divórcio rápido. Mas Tom tem planos para impedi-la.
Costume Design
When the Holmes Woolen Mill burns down, political activist Leopold Dilg is jailed for arson and accidental murder. Escaping, Leopold hides out in the home of his childhood sweetheart Nora Shelley... which she has just rented to unsuspecting law professor Michael Lightcap.
Costume Design
Breves histórias ligadas por um casaco azarado, uma boa oportunidade para ver algumas grandes estrelas no seu auge. A primeira história é um triângulo amoroso com Charles Boyer, Rita Hayworth, e Thomas Mitchell. O casaco vai para outro proprietário, um conto fantasioso com Henry Fonda, Ginger Rogers, e Cesar Romero. Em seguida é comprado por Elsa Lanchester para seu marido (da vida real), Charles Laughton, dando má sorte ao músico e compositor. Depois ele vai para as mãos de um advogado expulso, Edward G. Robinson, que encontra um colega de classe, George Sanders, em uma muito elegante reunião da faculdade. O casaco é levado por dois bandidos que o perdem e então é encontrado pelos mais pobres dos pobres da comunidade negra na depressão de 1930, interpretados pelo famoso cantor Paul Robeson e a grande Ethel Waters, que vão ao seu pastor, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, para quem o casaco finalmente traz algo de bom.
Costume Design
Margaret Drew runs her trucking company single-mindedly, if not ruthlessly. The only thorn in her side is writer Michael Holmes who is writing a book on some of her tough ways. With no time for men, the effect an attractive stranger has on her at her sister's wedding is unnerving. When it turns out this is the hated writer, she starts seriously to lose her bearings. Surely it can't become Maggie and Mike?
Costume Design
A struggling painter takes a job as a secretary to a female advertising executive. While working to obtain an account from a tobacco company, they end up falling in love.
Costume Design
Christopher Reynolds, an American flying with the R.A.F, is shot down over German-occupied Holland and is given shelter by a Dutch family. Posing as the insane husband of the daughter of the house, Anita Wolverman, Reynolds convinces the German officer quartered there, Major Zellfritz, with the necessity for her divorce decree to be granted. After the court-hearing, Anita, goes to manage a home for retired ladies and, persuaded by Reynolds, tries to gain military information from the German Officer. When her former husband escapes from the insane-asylum his exploits are blamed on Reynolds. With the help of the old ladies and Anita, who "remarries" him, Reynolds escapes to England in a stolen German airplane.
Costume Design
Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, na Polônia ocupada pelos nazistas, um grupo de atores de teatro deve ajudar a evitar que um espião, que possui informação sobre a resistência polonesa, entregue-a aos alemães.
Costume Design
Depois que sua esposa descobre um bracelete de diamantes revelador, o empresário Martin Cortland tenta mostrar que ele não está correndo atrás da showgirl Sheila Winthrop. O coreógrafo Robert Curtis é pego no meio do esquema do patrão. O recrutamento pelo Exército oferece a Robert o local perfeito para fugir de seus problemas. Ou não é?
Costume Design
A happily married woman sees a psychoanalyst and develops doubts about her husband.
Costume Design
O milionário J.P. Merrick, tirânico dono de uma loja de departamento, é o diabo em pessoa para todos os seus empregados. Quando Merrick resolve se passar por empregado da loja para descobrir o que os funcionários dizem e pensam sobre ele, ele conhece a Srta. Jones. Tentando ajudá-lo, a Srta. Jones acaba por colocar Merrick em uma série de problemas. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Costume Design
Casal descobre que não está legalmente casado. Ann pensa que David irá pedi-la em casamento novamente, mas, quando isso não acontece, ela o expulsa de casa. David diz querer se casar com Ann, entretanto, ela já não o quer. David começa, então, a tentar reconquistá-la de qualquer forma. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Costume Design
Claudette Colbert faz o papel de uma jornalista americana baseada em Paris que envia para seu jornal notícias sobre a Guerra Civil Espanhola e se envolve com um aviador aventureiro que luta do lado dos republicanos (o papel de Ray Milland).
Costume Designer
Banished from various U.S. protectorates in the Pacific, a saloon entertainer uses her femme-fatale charms to woo politicians, navy personnel, gangsters, riff-raff, judges and a ship's doctor in order to achieve her aims.
Costume Designer
Ad man Stephen Dexter asks his secretary Kendall to marry him as a loophole in order to protect his finances during an important business deal. Once the deal is completed, he asks Kendall for a divorce and is dismayed when she refuses.
Costume Design
Two strangers split a sweepstake prize to go on a fake honeymoon with predictable results.
Costume Design
Em Londres, durante os bombardeios da Primeira Guerra, o oficial Roy e a bailarina Myra se conhecem na ponte de Waterloo e logo se apaixonam. Porém, Roy precisa partir para o front de batalha. Myra promete esperá-lo. Meses depois, ela recebe a notícia da morte de Roy. Desiludida e sem recursos, Myra toma uma decisão drástica. Mas será que o seu grande amor realmente morreu?
Costume Design
Long-missing Bill Cardew returns to find his wife Vicky remarried...and in no hurry to settle for just one husband.
Costume Design
A group of adventurers head deep into South American jungle in search of an ancient Incan treasure.
Costume Design
A concert violinist becomes charmed with his daughter's talented piano teacher. When he invites her to go on tour with him, they make beautiful music away from the concert hall as well. He soon leaves his wife so the two can go off together.
Costume Design
A wealthy man falls for a widow but is locked into a loveless marriage with a woman who has contrived to convince his parents she is the ideal wife.
Costume Design
Polly Parrish, a clerk at Merlin's Department Store, is mistakenly presumed to be the mother of a foundling. Outraged at Polly's unmotherly conduct, David Merlin becomes determined to keep the single woman and "her" baby together.
Costume Design
An unemployed showgirl poses as Hungarian royalty to infiltrate Parisian society.
Costume Design
Mrs Topper's friend Mrs Parkhurst has convinced Mrs topper, to file for a divorce from Cosmo, due to the strange circumstances of his trip with ghost Marion Kirby. Marion comes back from heaven's door to help Cosmo again, this time only with dog Mr. Atlas. Due to a strange behavior of Cosmo, the judge refuses to divorce them, so Mrs Parkhurst takes Mrs Topper on a trip to France, where she tries to arrange the final reasons for the divorce, with help of a gold-digging French baron, Marion takes Cosmo to the same hotel, to bring them back together and to get her own final ticket to heaven, but the whole thing turns out to be not too easy.
Costume Design
After committing a murder, Kay assumes a new identity and boards a ship. But, Kay is unaware that Sam, a skirt chasing detective, is following her and must outwit him to escape imprisonment.
Costume Design
Alice Sycamore (Jean Arthur) deseja apresentar Tony Kirby (James Stewart), seu noivo, à sua família, mas como ele provêm de uma família rica e influente e a sua é composta de pessoas extrovertidas e um tanto lunáticas, há um choque de comportamentos. Para completar, Anthony P. Kirby (Edward Arnold), o pai do seu noivo, já comprou todos os imóveis da região onde a família de Alice vive para um importante empreendimento, com exceção da casa de Alice. Sem este imóvel o projeto não pode ir adiante e, como há uma recusa em vender, este posicionamento gera um clima desfavorável entre as duas famílias.
Costume Design
College town life gets turned upside down after a button-down botany professor secretly weds a sizzling night-club singer.
Costume Design
A maluca matrona da sociedade Emily Kilbourne tem o hábito de contratar ex-presidiários e vagabundos como criados. Sua última descoberta é um belo 'vagabundo' que aparece na sua porta e logo acaba em um uniforme de motorista. Ele também chama a atenção da linda Geraldine. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Wardrobe Designer
Pepe Le Moko is a notorious thief, who escaped from France. Since his escape, Moko has become a resident and leader of the immense Casbah of Algiers. French officials arrive insisting on Pepe's capture are met with unfazed local detectives, led by Inspector Slimane, who are biding their time. Meanwhile, Pepe meets the beautiful Gaby, which arouses the jealousy of Ines.
Costume Design
Madcap couple George and Marion Kerby are killed in an automobile accident. They return as ghosts to try and liven up the regimented lifestyle of their friend and bank president, Cosmo Topper. When Topper starts to live it up, it strains relations with his stuffy wife.
Costume Design
Linda Keene é uma louvada dançarina de balé. Petrov é um exímio sapateador. O sonho dele é realizar uma apresentação artística ao lado dela e, após espalhar um rumor de que ele era casado com Linda, as coisas ficam confusas entre os dois.
Costume Design
Charlie Mason and Rusty Fleming are star reporters on a Chicago tabloid who are romantically involved as well. Although skilled in ferreting out great stories, they often behave in an unprofessional and immature manner. After their shenanigans cause their frustrated city editor to resign, the publisher promotes Charlie to the job, a decision based on the premise that only a slacker would be able crack down on other shirkers and underachievers. His pomposity soon alienates most of his co-workers and causes Rusty to move to New York. Charlie resigns and along with gangster friend Smiles Benson tries to win Rusty back before she marries a stuffy society author.
Costume Design
Roger Bond e sua orquestra se apresentam em Miami; Honey Hale é a vocalista e Fred Ayres é um dos instrumentistas. Roger vê a bela Belinha entre o público, encontro que provoca paixão à primeira vista no líder do grupo. Por isso, ele e sua orquestra a perseguem no Rio de Janeiro, onde vivem aventuras musicais.
Costume Design
A small-town girl schemes to get to Hollywood only to run into the man she left behind.
The Store Manager's Wife
A series of sketches with a shoe clerk, his wife, and his extra-curricular activities. The shoe clerk steps out on his wife with one of his customers. Both his wife and the woman's husband catch them when they go to the beach and later watch a beauty and fashion contest. His wife enters it wearing a mask. Back at work on Monday, all has returned to normal, until the winner of the contest shows up for her prize - a complete wardrobe...
The Cashier
In this silent comedy, a pretty department store cashier is charged with a robbery that occurred overnight at the store. However, circumstantial evidence points to the store's soda clerk having committed both the $10,000 robbery and the assumed murder of the store's nightwatchman, who is missing.
The Second Heroine
The movie makers are filming the next installment of the western serial "Get Your Man". The movie's leading man wants his stunt double to do the next dangerous stunt. Purely by accident, a hapless, cross-eyed aspiring actor named Joe Magee ends up doing the stunt perfectly. He ends up doing dangerous stunt after stunt, all by accident, that fit the movie so perfectly that the movie's leading lady wants him in the picture. The exasperated director finds that getting Joe to do the stunts on command is an entirely different story.
Miss Nathan
A tailor tries to pass himself off in high society by wearing some of his rich customer's clothes.
The Sportsman's Boss's Wife
A 1922 comedy short.