Sidney Clute
Nascimento : 1916-04-21, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Morte : 1985-10-02
Ticket Clerk
Hooker and Gondorf pull a con on Macalinski, an especially nasty mob boss with the help of Veronica, a new grifter. They convince this new victim that Hooker is a somewhat dull boxer who is tired of taking dives for Gondorf. There is a ringer. Lonigan, their victim from the first movie, is setting them up to take the fall.
Failed crime TV pilot starring Anne Bloom.
A police sergeant and a parole officer endeavor to stop a rapist-on-parole before he can follow through his threats on five women whom testifed against him years earlier.
Filmed on location at Alcatraz Island, this two-part "whole story" actually concentrates on a handful of the denizens behind the cold grey walls of "The Rock". Michael Beck plays the real-life Clarence Carnes, an Oklahoma Choctaw Indian said to be the youngest man ever incarcerated in the notorious maximum security prison. Serving a 99-year sentence for a gas station holdup and murder, Carnes makes periodic attempts to escape, the final attempt being the most violent. Many of the subordinate characters are fictional (as are most of the details concerning Carnes' escape efforts); the one exception is Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz", here portrayed by Art Carney as a gentle, kindly philosopher. Telly Savalas, a costar of the Burt Lancaster vehicle Birdman of Alcatraz, also guest starred in the 1980 film. Originally titled Alcatraz and Clarence Carnes, this made-for-TV movie wavers between gritty realism and "I'm bustin' outta here!" artifice.
Sam Todd
To the world Brian Roberts looks like a successful businessman, with a lovely wife and two children all living in a dream home. Nevertheless, he has really been working undercover for the Justice Department to snare a mob boss. When his cover is blown, he has to break the news to his family about the nature of his real job and, worse, that they are now in real danger! Consequently, they are forced into the federal government's Witness Relocation Program. However, the trauma to the family does not stop there, as the gangsters he double-crossed are determined he and his family shall not escape 'mob justice.'
Inspector DeCarlo
At the New York State University, one of Peter Parker's tutors has accidentally given three students all the materials they need to create an atomic bomb. While Peter Parker tries to find out what's happened, the police suspect him of the crime, and Peter has to deal with an attractive journalist determined to get an interview with Spider-Man. Then dastardly millionaire Mr. White shows up, and will stop at nothing to get his hands on the atomic bomb. Spider-Man must defeat this scheming villain and stop him blowing up the World Trade Centre.
Mr. Johnson
Private detective Moses Wine is hired by his former college girlfriend to investigate a political smear campaign and he sets out to find out who is responsible, with deadly results.
Company Negotiator
Em Cleveland, nos anos 1930, um empregado de uma fábrica rebela-se contra o trabalho escravo e se filia ao sindicato dos motoristas de caminhão (F.I.S.T.). Ao longo de 30 anos, ele se tornará um poderoso sindicalista, envolvendo-se com o crime organizado. Dramático retrato de uma parte do sindicalismo pioneiro americano, em biografia não muito disfarçada do poderoso pelego Jimmy Hoffa, que desapareceu sem deixar rastros.
The investigation of two horrific mass murders leads to the capture and trial of the psychotic pseudo-hippie Charles Manson and his "family".
Rudy Moran
A tough-guy cop pursues two drug runners across the city to bust a large syndicate. Very much an anti-hero, Mitchell often ignores the orders of his superiors and demonstrates disdain for by-the-book development work as well as normal social graces.
Por 250 mil doláres um piloto de avião é contratado para resgatar, no México, um prisioneiro que foi condenado injustamente.
Camp Director
Harry Evers and Marvin Ellison have been playing poker Thursday nights with their friends for years. When a disagreement breaks up the game, they decide to continue meeting and doing different things together, instead of staying home with their wives. When the wives find out that the games stopped some time ago, they are a quite upset. Just what have they been doing on Thursday nights.
A roaming hillbilly, on a quest to defy the Devil, encounters several supernatural characters and does battle with his silver-stringed guitar.
When petty criminals start turning up murdered, a detective discovers they are being killed by a group of his fellow officers who think the criminals were treated too leniently by the courts.
Depository Clerk
Rogue intelligence agents, right-wing politicians, greedy capitalists, and free-lance assassins plot and carry out the JFK assassination in this speculative agitprop.
Sheldon Levine
Buford "The Bull" Pusser, é um lutador cuja esposa deseja que ele tenha uma vida mais calma. Assim, ele e sua família retornam para sua cidade natal no Tennessee, onde planeja trabalhar com seu pai na serraria. Porém, logo ao chegar, Buford fica chocado com o que descobre, a cidade vive mergulhada em todo tipo de atividades ilegais e corrupção. E, quando ele se torna uma vitima desses crimes, resolve contra-atacar e parte para cima do xerife Al Thurman que é manipulado por uma gangue de criminosos. Isso detona uma série de represálias contra Buford que agora tem que lutar pela vida de seus familiares. Usando apenas um bastão de madeira como arma, Buford declara guerra contra os criminosos e luta para fazer a lei e a ordem retornarem a cidade, ou vai morrer tentando.
A French hit man is hired by a crime family to end the life of a rival mobster, but things fall apart when the boss who hired him is killed.
Mr. Swenson
On a transcontinental flight, the flight crew suffer from food poisoning and become incapacitated. Now it's up to one of the passengers to safely land the plane.
Sam Whiskey is an all-round talent, but when the attractive widow Laura offers him a job, he hesitates: he shall salvage gold bars, which Laura's dead husband stole recently, from a sunken ship and secretly bring them back to the mint before they are missed. But how shall he manage to get several hundred pounds of gold into the mint without anyone noticing?
Harold Fine is a self-described square - a 35-year-old Los Angeles lawyer who's not looking forward to middle age nor his upcoming wedding. His life changes when he falls in love with Nancy, a free-spirited, innocent, and beautiful young hippie. After Harold and his family enjoy some of her "groovy" brownies, he decides to "drop out" with her and become a hippie too. But can he return to his old life when he discovers that the hippie lifestyle is just a little too independent and irresponsible for his tastes?
Townsman (uncredited)
Durante a Guerra Fria, quando o capitão de um submarino russo chega muito perto da Ilha Gloucester em Massachusetts, para dar uma olhada na América, o submarino fica encalhado. Uma equipe de nove marinheiros comandados pelo Tenente Rozanov vai para terra em busca de um barco a motor para desencalhar o submarino e chega na casa de verão do escritor nova-iorquino Walt Whittaker, que está passando o fim de semana com sua família em Gloucester. Quando ele percebe que eles são russos, acredita que é uma invasão. Logo a notícia começa a se espalhar, levando a histeria e paranoia os habitantes da pequena cidade. Sem intenção hostil, um submarino soviético encalha ao largo de New England. Marinheiros são enviados em busca de um rebocador, mas muitos dos moradores da pequena cidade chegam a loucura com medo de uma invasão, arriscando começar a 3ª Guerra Mundial.
Col. Ryker
During World War II, the spoiled son of a wealthy businessman finds himself involved in the guerrilla movement fighting against the Japanese, and finds romance and adventure.
Five Yugoslav women who consorted with the German occupiers are publicly humiliated and banished by the Yugoslav partisans but they take up arms to fend for themselves.
Mechanic (uncredited)
Can a couple keep important secrets from Communist spies?
Retreat Bartender (uncredited)
O policial durão Dave Bannion enfrenta o sindicato do crime politicamente poderoso. Dave Bannion é um policial honesto investigando uma gangue cruel que ele suspeita ter influência sobre a força policial. Bannion é alertado após o suicídio de um colega e o silêncio suspeito de seus colegas policiais o leva a acreditar que eles estão na folha de pagamento dos gângsteres. Quando uma bomba destinada a ele mata sua esposa, Bannion se torna uma furiosa força de vingança e justiça, auxiliado ao longo do caminho pela rejeitada namorada do gângster, Debby. Quando Bannion e Debby caem cada vez mais na armadilha traiçoeira e brutal do mundo do crime, eles devem usar todos os meios necessários (incluindo assassinato) para chegar à verdade. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)