Michel Choquet


Ville à vendre
Production Manager
A man comes to a small town in France and witness the apparent murder of a woman pharmacist. He teams up with the victim's vulgar assistant to try to solve the mystery.
The French Ministry of Culture commissioned films on the cultural decade "en chantiers". Robert Kramer makes one of the six short films that illustrates the cultural side of the decade Mittérand. Here we see a director of cinema in the suburbs of Caen, in her room lined with flower paper. This for art and essay cinema. There, the critic Serge Daney in a sailor's cap, for a chat by the fire. An overview of French cinema today, "Pickpocket" on television. Then back on you. The camera slides on the desk that we imagine to be Kramer's. Finally, the camera flies over Paris, slides along the facades, stops on a window, entering the skylight: "The films invite to see ... I invite you to see Jean Genet's hotel room."
One Woman or Two
Production Manager
An ad executive impersonates an archeology professor to avoid a situation with an obsessed former lover. She enlists the help of a hapless archeologist who is at the airport to pick the real archeology professor. What follows is a series of conflicting and comical situations involving the "switcheroo."
Love Unto Death
Production Manager
Elisabeth and Simon have been deeply in love for two months when Simon momentarily dies, but comes back to life. Simon does not want any further medical tests, but the couple are forced to grapple with the possibility of his death. They eventually tell their close friends Jérôme and Judith Martignac about the event. The Martignacs are both clerics, and Judith has just been giving a funeral service for a villager who committed suicide, though Jérôme would have nothing to do with suicide..
Um Homem, Uma Mulher, Uma Noite
Production Manager
Having both suffered extreme losses, a man and a woman try to form a relationship.
French Fried Vacation
Production Manager
Holidaymakers arriving in a Club Med camp on the Ivory Coast are determined to forget their everyday problems and emotional disappointments. Games, competitions, outings, bathing and sunburn accompany a continual succession of casual affairs.
Roads to the South
Production Manager
France, 1975. Jean, an exiled Spanish Communist, is a successful screenwriter who, after a tragic event, struggles with his political commitment, his love for his country, under the boot of General Franco, whose death he and his comrades have waited for years, and his complicated relationship with his son. (A sequel to “The War Is Over,” 1966.)
Production Manager
Kevin mata um idoso por piedade pois via que o velho sofria e assim desejava. No entanto, no tribunal, Claude, o implacável advogado de acusação quer que o júri mande Kevin para a cadeia. O acusado, porém, é inocentado e vê a mulher de Claude se apaixonar por ele. Quem narra este episódio é Clive, velho escritor à beira da morte que, em seu aniversário, recebe a visita dos filhos. Alain Resnais utiliza-se, mais uma vez, de dispositivos oníricos e psicanalíticos para contar uma estória.
The Pink Telephone
Production Manager
A small industrialist from Toulouse, goes to Paris to negotiate the buyout of his company from an American financial group. During his stay, the representative of the large firm calls on a luxury call girl to facilitate their "business".
Weak Spot
Production Manager
Greece 1974 - during the brutal era of the military government, and innocent tourist manager (Ugo Tognazzi) is accused of being a member of the illegal resistance movement. Two secret agents (Michel Piccoli and Mario Adorf) are bringing the innocent victim to Athens. During their trip, their car breaks down, and they're stopping in a small village. From now on, everybody is fighting against each other, and a psychological cat-and mouse-play is starting...
Don't Cry with Your Mouth Full
Production Manager
Annie, a 16 years old girl, loves Frédéric who is away doing his national service. During her holidays in the country, she meets Alexandre. He's older, owns a car and she experiences the "first time" with him. Back during a leave, Frédéric finds his sweetheart in the arms of this clumsy oaf and eventually hits it off with him.
Duas Garotas Românticas
Location Manager
Delphine e Solange são duas irmãs de 25 anos que vivem em Rochefort, na França. Delphine é professora de dança, enquanto Solange ensina piano. Ambas sonham em encontrar um grande amor, assim como os rapazes que chegam à cidade e passam a frequentar o bar da família.
As Duas Faces da Felicidade
Unit Production Manager
Um carpinteiro ama sua mulher, seus filhos e a natureza. Em seguida, ele encontra uma outra mulher, funcionária dos correios, que adiciona felicidade à sua felicidade. Sempre apaixonado por sua mulher, ele não quer se privar, nem se esconder, nem mentir.
Anatomy of a Marriage: My Days with Françoise
Unit Production Manager
The story of the couple from the very first meeting to break up told from a view of a woman, Francoise. The film shares the same plot with "Jean-Marc ou La vie conjugale", that tells the same story from another perspective.
Muriel ou o Tempo de um Regresso
Unit Manager
Uma viúva, dona de uma loja de antiguidades e o seu enteado vivem perturbados com difíceis lembranças do passado. Um antigo amor volta à vida da mulher e espanta o tédio da sua existência. Já o rapaz é assombrado pela memória das atrocidades que testemunhou durante a guerra da Argélia, quando uma jovem chamada Muriel foi torturada até à morte.
The Day and the Hour
Unit Manager
It's the spring of 1944 and Therese is in a hurry to get back to Paris. The trains aren't running from the village where she has gone to visit her father's grave and to fill two suitcases with food. Some British and American planes have been shot down and the Germans want to know where the pilots are hiding. An acquaintance has clearance to drive to Paris with a truckload of goats. After she is in the truck Therese discovers that two British pilots and an American pilot are back there with the goats. She must get the men on a train to Paris and to a safe house there, where there is no room for the American. Can she leave him at the Metro station trying to figure out the map?
Tintim e o Mistério do Tosão de Ouro
Production Director
Após a morte do Capitão Thémistocle Paparanic, velho amigo do Capitão Haddock, ele herda um navio chamado «Tosão de Ouro». Chegados a Istambul, onde o navio está ancorado, Tintin e o capitão encontram-se com o Sr. Karabine, um homem de negócios que teima em comprá-lo apesar da sua condição dilapidada.
Rosas de Sangue
Production Manager
The spirit of a vengeful female vampire is released from her grave and possesses a wealthy young woman of nobility, who preys on other women in her village.
O Batedor de Carteiras
Production Manager
Michel é um jovem que começa a bater carteiras por prazer e pela emoção do roubo, e isso vira uma compulsão. Ele é preso, percebe o choque que isso causa em sua mãe e em seus amigos e reflete sobre seus atos. Porém, depois de solto, ele se junta a um ladrão veterano e volta ao crime. Sua consciência pesa, bem como a memória de sua mãe. Também a presença de Jeanne, uma jovem por quem se apaixona, lhe faz pensar em deixar o crime, o que acontece de forma irônica.
Assim é a Aurora
Unit Manager
In a small town in southern France, on the seafront and not far from Italy, Dr. Valerio is working to heal the poor. His young wife, could no longer stand the place, encouraged him to go and settle in Nice but the doctor does not want to leave before having found a replacement. Valerio was particularly friendly with Sandro, an agricultural worker who maintains the trees belonging to Gorzone, wealthy industrialist and major employer in the city. Sandro, disturbed by the serious illness of his wife, is struggling to fulfill its functions. During an absence of his wife, Dr. Valerio meets Clara, a young Italian, and falls for her. The drama erupts when Gorzone dismisses Sandro ...
Diário de um Pároco de Aldeia
General Manager
Um novo padre chega na aldeia rural francesa de Ambricourt para servir sua primeira paróquia. A congregação apática o rejeita imediatamente. Através de seu diário, o jovem relata uma crise de fé que ameaça afastá-lo da aldeia e de Deus.