Michel Choquet

참여 작품

Ville à vendre
Production Manager
A man comes to a small town in France and witness the apparent murder of a woman pharmacist. He teams up with the victim's vulgar assistant to try to solve the mystery.
The French Ministry of Culture commissioned films on the cultural decade "en chantiers". Robert Kramer makes one of the six short films that illustrates the cultural side of the decade Mittérand. Here we see a director of cinema in the suburbs of Caen, in her room lined with flower paper. This for art and essay cinema. There, the critic Serge Daney in a sailor's cap, for a chat by the fire. An overview of French cinema today, "Pickpocket" on television. Then back on you. The camera slides on the desk that we imagine to be Kramer's. Finally, the camera flies over Paris, slides along the facades, stops on a window, entering the skylight: "The films invite to see ... I invite you to see Jean Genet's hotel room."
One Woman or Two
Production Manager
An ad executive impersonates an archeology professor to avoid a situation with an obsessed former lover. She enlists the help of a hapless archeologist who is at the airport to pick the real archeology professor. What follows is a series of conflicting and comical situations involving the "switcheroo."
죽도록 사랑하리
Production Manager
두 쌍의 부부 이야기. 한쌍은 10년동안 사랑과 믿음으로 지켜왔으며, 다른 한쌍은 죽음이 그들을 갈라 놓을까봐 전전긍긍한
Production Manager
Having both suffered extreme losses, a man and a woman try to form a relationship.
French Fried Vacation
Production Manager
Holidaymakers arriving in a Club Med camp on the Ivory Coast are determined to forget their everyday problems and emotional disappointments. Games, competitions, outings, bathing and sunburn accompany a continual succession of casual affairs.
로즈 투 더 사우스
Production Manager
France, 1975. Jean, an exiled Spanish Communist, is a successful screenwriter who, after a tragic event, struggles with his political commitment, his love for his country, under the boot of General Franco, whose death he and his comrades have waited for years, and his complicated relationship with his son. (A sequel to “The War Is Over,” 1966.)
Production Manager
1977년 개봉한 프랑스, 스위스의 드라마 영화이다. 알랭 레네가 감독을, 데이비드 머서가 각본을 맡았다. 1978 세자르상 시상식에서 작품상, 감독상, 편집상 등 7개 부문 상을 수상했다.
The Pink Telephone
Production Manager
A small industrialist from Toulouse, goes to Paris to negotiate the buyout of his company from an American financial group. During his stay, the representative of the large firm calls on a luxury call girl to facilitate their "business".
Weak Spot
Production Manager
Greece 1974 - during the brutal era of the military government, and innocent tourist manager (Ugo Tognazzi) is accused of being a member of the illegal resistance movement. Two secret agents (Michel Piccoli and Mario Adorf) are bringing the innocent victim to Athens. During their trip, their car breaks down, and they're stopping in a small village. From now on, everybody is fighting against each other, and a psychological cat-and mouse-play is starting...
Don't Cry with Your Mouth Full
Production Manager
Annie, a 16 years old girl, loves Frédéric who is away doing his national service. During her holidays in the country, she meets Alexandre. He's older, owns a car and she experiences the "first time" with him. Back during a leave, Frédéric finds his sweetheart in the arms of this clumsy oaf and eventually hits it off with him.
로슈포르의 숙녀들
Location Manager
로슈포르의 쌍둥이 자매 델핀과 솔랑쥬는 무용과 피아노를 가르치며 언젠가 다른 곳에서 멋진 사랑을 하게 되리라 꿈꾸고 있다. 그러던 어느 날 미국인 작곡가 앤디가 친구 시몽을 찾아 로슈포르에 온다. 실제 자매인 카트린 드뇌브와 프랑수아즈 도를레악이 쌍둥이 자매로 출연하여 매혹적인 모습을 보여주는 뮤지컬 영화.
Unit Production Manager
아내 및 두 아이와 행복한 가정을 꾸려가던 남자 주인공은 우연히 우체국에서 일하는 여자와 만나 사랑에 빠지게 되면서 더 커다란 행복감을 맛보게 된다. 그러나 아내에게 어떤 것도 숨길 수 없는 그는 자신의 외도를 고백하게 되고, 가족 나들이를 나간 날 아내는 호수에 몸을 던져 자살한다. 이전 아내의 자리를 대신하게 된 우체국 여직원은 마치 아무일 없었다는 듯이 집안 일을 하고 아이들을 키운다. 이렇게 새로 구성된 가족이 가을나들이를 나간 모습으로 영화는 끝이 난다.
Anatomy of a Marriage: My Days with Françoise
Unit Production Manager
The story of the couple from the very first meeting to break up told from a view of a woman, Francoise. The film shares the same plot with "Jean-Marc ou La vie conjugale", that tells the same story from another perspective.
Unit Manager
불로뉴에서 중고가구점을 운영하는 엘렌은 20여년 만에 옛 애인 알퐁스를 만난다. 알퐁스와 엘렌은 과거의 기억을 떠올리고, 왜 자신들이 헤어지게 됐는가에 대한 불일치하는 기억을 드러내기 시작한다. 과거의 기억에 사로잡힌 인간들이 엮어내는 인간관계를 복합적으로 묘사한 작품으로 레네의 초기작 중에서도 가장 심원한 경지에 도달한 작품으로 평가받는다.
The Day and the Hour
Unit Manager
It's the spring of 1944 and Therese is in a hurry to get back to Paris. The trains aren't running from the village where she has gone to visit her father's grave and to fill two suitcases with food. Some British and American planes have been shot down and the Germans want to know where the pilots are hiding. An acquaintance has clearance to drive to Paris with a truckload of goats. After she is in the truck Therese discovers that two British pilots and an American pilot are back there with the goats. She must get the men on a train to Paris and to a safe house there, where there is no room for the American. Can she leave him at the Metro station trying to figure out the map?
Tintin and the Mystery of the Golden Fleece
Production Director
After the death of Captain Thémistocle Paparanic, Captain Haddock's old friend, he inherits a ship called the Golden Fleece. Once Tintin and the captain arrive in Istanbul, where the ship is anchored, they meet Mr. Karabine, a businessman who stubbornly insists on buying it even though it is in a dilapidated state.
Blood and Roses
Production Manager
The spirit of a vengeful female vampire is released from her grave and possesses a wealthy young woman of nobility, who preys on other women in her village.
Production Manager
소매치기의 왕자 파링튼을 독파하며 우아한 소매치기를 꿈꾸던 주인공은 훗날 자유롭기 위해선 속박받아야한다는 사실을 깨닫고 사랑을 통한 진정한 우아함을 성취한다. 신의 심판이 있을까 갸우뚱하던 그는 감옥에 투옥된 후 비로소 신의 속박과 진정한 자유에 대해 깨닫게 되는데... 소매치기 미셸을 통해 인물의 심리 대신 행동에 주목하는 행동주의를 그린 작품.
That Is the Dawn
Unit Manager
In a small town in southern France, on the seafront and not far from Italy, Dr. Valerio is working to heal the poor. His young wife, could no longer stand the place, encouraged him to go and settle in Nice but the doctor does not want to leave before having found a replacement. Valerio was particularly friendly with Sandro, an agricultural worker who maintains the trees belonging to Gorzone, wealthy industrialist and major employer in the city. Sandro, disturbed by the serious illness of his wife, is struggling to fulfill its functions. During an absence of his wife, Dr. Valerio meets Clara, a young Italian, and falls for her. The drama erupts when Gorzone dismisses Sandro ...
어느 시골 사제의 일기
General Manager
젊은 신부가 북부 프랑스의 어느 시골 마을 암브리코트에 사제로 부임한다. 그의 첫 부임지인 이 시골 마을에서 그는 성실함과 친밀함으로 신부의 의무를 다하려고 하지만, 마을의 외톨이로 남아있다. 이웃 사람들은 그를 이상하게 보며 배척한다. 그의 선배 신부는 사제 역할에 대한 충고를 해주지만 도움이 되지 않는다. 결국 그는 극도의 고립감과 상황을 개선시킬 수 없다는 무능력 때문에 자신의 믿음이 흔들릴 정도로 우울증에 빠진다. 설상가상으로 그는 몸에 병이 있어 자신의 믿음의 어려움을 더욱 가중시킨다. 그는 그런 심경들과 신에 대한 열정과 마을의 세속성을 모두 일기로 적기 시작한다. 한편, 이웃에 사는 백작 부인은 그와 토론하면서 신에 대한 증오심을 불태운다.