Álvaro Longoria

Nascimento : 1968-01-01, Santander, Cantabria, Spain


Álvaro Longoria é diretor de cinema, produtor executivo e ator. Ele produz filmes indie instigantes e instigantes para vários distribuidores, incluindo Cinema Libre e Morena Films.


La vida de Brianeitor
Only able to move two fingers of his hands due to having been born with degenerative muscular atrophy, Brian has become a global phenomenon thanks to social media, where he is the gamer and streamer of the moment. He has millions of followers who watch his every step and has recently made his big screen debut in the film Campeonex, with Javier Fesser. La vida de Brianeitor tells the fascinating story of overcoming the odds and how Brian became Brianeitor2002 despite his physical disability.
La vida de Brianeitor
Only able to move two fingers of his hands due to having been born with degenerative muscular atrophy, Brian has become a global phenomenon thanks to social media, where he is the gamer and streamer of the moment. He has millions of followers who watch his every step and has recently made his big screen debut in the film Campeonex, with Javier Fesser. La vida de Brianeitor tells the fascinating story of overcoming the odds and how Brian became Brianeitor2002 despite his physical disability.
La vida de Brianeitor
Only able to move two fingers of his hands due to having been born with degenerative muscular atrophy, Brian has become a global phenomenon thanks to social media, where he is the gamer and streamer of the moment. He has millions of followers who watch his every step and has recently made his big screen debut in the film Campeonex, with Javier Fesser. La vida de Brianeitor tells the fascinating story of overcoming the odds and how Brian became Brianeitor2002 despite his physical disability.
Executive Producer
A stubborn and hotheaded minor league basketball coach is forced to train a Special Olympics team when he is sentenced to community service.
Tequila. Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll
Tequila. Sexo, Drogas y Rock and Roll is a documentary narrated by Cecilia Roth and with the participation of the survivors of the mythical rock band Tequila: Ariel Rot, Alejo Stivel and Felipe Lipe. The film tells the tale of the legendary rock band who provided the soundtrack for the liberation of young Spanish people during the transition. Five young people who suddenly pull off their dream of making good and those destroyed by the fame and success. But their songs have succeeded in lasting over time as indestructible classics.
Uma adolescente com excesso de peso é perseguida por um grupo de mulheres junto à piscina enquanto está de férias na sua cidade natal. A longa caminhada para casa vai mudar o resto da sua vida.
Na Margem
Um dia na vida de Açucena, que está correndo contra o tempo para evitar que ela e sua família sejam despejadas; Rafael, um advogado que se propõe a reunir uma mãe com sua filha; e Teodora, uma velha doente que procura seu filho há muito perdido antes que seja tarde demais.
Cuidado con lo que deseas
A couple's children bring a magic ball, which allows them to bring snowmen to life, to a Christmas mountain chalet holiday.
Pandemic Tour Belako
Madrid was one of the hardest-hit regions in the world by the pandemic of Covid-19. When the state of alarm was declared in March 2020, awarded filmmaker Hernán Zin grab his camera and went out to portray it from all fronts: hospitals, ambulances, nursing homes, funeral homes, fire department, police and army operations.He got exclusive access to places and situations that few filmmakers in the world had due to the effort of the politicians to keep the press out of the hospitals and nursing homes.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Ni distintos ni diferentes: Campeones
Production Director
Ni distintos ni diferentes: Campeones
Renzo Piano, an Architect for Santander
Two Catalonias
Lawmakers and activists with conflicting ideologies speak about the complexities of Catalonia's politics and the fight for its independence from Spain.
Todos Já Sabem
Laura, uma espanhola vivendo em Buenos Aires, volta com os dois filhos para sua cidade natal nos arredores de Madri para comparecer ao casamento de sua irmã. Porém, a viagem é perturbada por eventos inesperados que tornam públicos grandes segredos.
El guardián de la cueva
A very special trip to one of the most inaccessible sites of the Spanish heritage: the Altamira cave. A guided visit to its impressive painted walls and all its secret nooks and crannies.
Corre o ano de 1879 e Maria, uma criança com apenas 9 anos de idade, e o seu pai Marcelino (Antonio Banderas), habitantes da comunidade espanhola de Cantábria, descobrem, por mero acaso, uma caverna com várias pinturas rupestres que remontam ao Paleolítico Superior. A mãe de Maria, a devota Conchita, duvida que selvagens pré-históricos possam ter criado arte de tal beleza, levando a que a Igreja Católica veja a descoberta como uma ameaça ao que é descrito na Bíblia. Surge então a acusação de que as pinturas são falsas, o que leva Marcelino a tornar a busca pela verdade uma missão… já que ele é o principal acusado.
The Propaganda Game
North Korea. The last communist country in the world. Unknown, hermetic and fascinating. Formerly known as “The Hermit Kingdom” for its attempts to remain isolated, North Korea is one of the largest sources of instability as regards world peace. It also has the most militarized border in the world, and the flow of impartial information, both going in and out, is practically non-existent. As the recent Sony-leaks has shown, it is the perfect setting for a propaganda war.
The Propaganda Game
North Korea. The last communist country in the world. Unknown, hermetic and fascinating. Formerly known as “The Hermit Kingdom” for its attempts to remain isolated, North Korea is one of the largest sources of instability as regards world peace. It also has the most militarized border in the world, and the flow of impartial information, both going in and out, is practically non-existent. As the recent Sony-leaks has shown, it is the perfect setting for a propaganda war.
The Propaganda Game
North Korea. The last communist country in the world. Unknown, hermetic and fascinating. Formerly known as “The Hermit Kingdom” for its attempts to remain isolated, North Korea is one of the largest sources of instability as regards world peace. It also has the most militarized border in the world, and the flow of impartial information, both going in and out, is practically non-existent. As the recent Sony-leaks has shown, it is the perfect setting for a propaganda war.
ma ma
Executive Producer
Magda (Penelope Cruz) descobre ter câncer de mama, ao mesmo tempo em que constata estar grávida. Ela enfrentará essa difícil situação de maneira resplandecente, e com o apoio de seu companheiro e filho.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
7 Dias em Havana
Um jovem americano está tentando entrar no ramo de atuação e vai a Cuba durante um festival de cinema.
7 Dias em Havana
Hombre Turista Entrada (segment "Diary of a Beginner") (as Alvaro Longoria)
Um jovem americano está tentando entrar no ramo de atuação e vai a Cuba durante um festival de cinema.
O Monge
Executive Producer
Ascensão e queda de um monge capuchinho na Madri do século XVII. Abandonado ainda bebê nas escadarias de um monastério e criado segundo a rígida ordem dos capuchinhos, Ambrósio se tornou o pregador mais famoso do país. Enquanto grandes multidões vêm de todo os cantos para ouvir seus sermões impressionantes, o sucesso dele é amargamente invejado por outros monges do monastério. Convencido de sua virtude e retidão, o irmão Ambrósio acredita ser imune à tentação... Até que eventos misteriosos começam a aterrorizar o monastério. Poderiam eles estar ligados à inesperada chegada de Valério, um monge aprendiz que tem o dom milagroso de curar as intensas dores de cabeça de Ambrósio e que esconde sua face desfigurada atrás de uma máscara de cera?
Um Quarto em Roma
Alba seduz Natasha para o seu quarto de hotel para uma aventura sexual na sua última noite em Roma. Natasha hesita mas Alba parece saber como a convencer… Porém, através de histórias, memórias e ligações ao quarto onde estão, as duas sentem uma ligação tremenda que se transforma em amor.
Daniel & Ana
Associate Producer
Being kidnapped shatters a brother and sister's harmony, forcing them to confront their desires.
Che 2: A Guerrilha
Executive Producer
Em 1967, com poucas tropas e recursos, além de uma saúde fraca, Che e diversos voluntários cubanos levantaram uma pequena guerrilha para derrotar o movimento militar boliviano e assim espalhar a revolução no país.
Che: O Argentino
Executive Producer
Fidel Castro viaja do México para Cuba com oito rebeldes, entre eles Ernesto Che Guevara e seu irmão Raul. Guevara era um médico argentino que tinha por objetivo ajudar Castro a derrubar o governo de Fulgêncio Batista. Ao chegar, logo se integra à guerrilha, participando da luta armada mas também cuidando dos doentes. Aos poucos ele ganha o respeito de seus companheiros e torna-se um dos líderes da revolução que está por vir.
À Procura de Fidel
Executive Producer
Oliver Stone's second documentary on/interview with Fidel Castro specifically addresses his country's recent crackdown on Cuban dissidents; namely, the execution of three men who hijacked a ferry to the United States.
Persona Non Grata
Executive Producer
2003 documentary film produced by Oliver Stone for the HBO series America Undercover about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It includes interviews with Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Ministers of Israel, Yasser Arafat, the late President of the Palestinian National Authority, and various Palestinian activists.
Executive Producer
Documentary on the director's meeting with Castro.
Fish People
A group of guys face the problems of daily life in a shared house