Álvaro Longoria

Рождение : 1968-01-01, Santander, Cantabria, Spain


La vida de Brianeitor
Only able to move two fingers of his hands due to having been born with degenerative muscular atrophy, Brian has become a global phenomenon thanks to social media, where he is the gamer and streamer of the moment. He has millions of followers who watch his every step and has recently made his big screen debut in the film Campeonex, with Javier Fesser. La vida de Brianeitor tells the fascinating story of overcoming the odds and how Brian became Brianeitor2002 despite his physical disability.
La vida de Brianeitor
Only able to move two fingers of his hands due to having been born with degenerative muscular atrophy, Brian has become a global phenomenon thanks to social media, where he is the gamer and streamer of the moment. He has millions of followers who watch his every step and has recently made his big screen debut in the film Campeonex, with Javier Fesser. La vida de Brianeitor tells the fascinating story of overcoming the odds and how Brian became Brianeitor2002 despite his physical disability.
La vida de Brianeitor
Only able to move two fingers of his hands due to having been born with degenerative muscular atrophy, Brian has become a global phenomenon thanks to social media, where he is the gamer and streamer of the moment. He has millions of followers who watch his every step and has recently made his big screen debut in the film Campeonex, with Javier Fesser. La vida de Brianeitor tells the fascinating story of overcoming the odds and how Brian became Brianeitor2002 despite his physical disability.
Executive Producer
A stubborn and hotheaded minor league basketball coach is forced to train a Special Olympics team when he is sentenced to community service.
Tequila. Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll
Tequila. Sexo, Drogas y Rock and Roll is a documentary narrated by Cecilia Roth and with the participation of the survivors of the mythical rock band Tequila: Ariel Rot, Alejo Stivel and Felipe Lipe. The film tells the tale of the legendary rock band who provided the soundtrack for the liberation of young Spanish people during the transition. Five young people who suddenly pull off their dream of making good and those destroyed by the fame and success. But their songs have succeeded in lasting over time as indestructible classics.
Во время отдыха в своей деревне у бассейна, подросток с избыточным весом подвергается издевательствам со стороны группы крутых девчонок . Долгий путь домой изменит всю ее дальнейшую жизнь.
On the Fringe
A day in the life of Azucena, who is running out of time to keep herself and her family from being evicted; Rafael, a lawyer who sets out to reunite a mother with her daughter; and Teodora, a sick old woman who searches for her long-lost son before it is too late.
Бойтесь своих желаний
A couple's children bring a magic ball, which allows them to bring snowmen to life, to a Christmas mountain chalet holiday.
Pandemic Tour Belako
Madrid was one of the hardest-hit regions in the world by the pandemic of Covid-19. When the state of alarm was declared in March 2020, awarded filmmaker Hernán Zin grab his camera and went out to portray it from all fronts: hospitals, ambulances, nursing homes, funeral homes, fire department, police and army operations.He got exclusive access to places and situations that few filmmakers in the world had due to the effort of the politicians to keep the press out of the hospitals and nursing homes.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Sanctuary tells the story of a campaign by Greenpeace, for whom the Bardems currently act as Antarctic ambassadors, to preserve the Southern Ocean. Knowing that there's no replacement for first-hand experience, Javier and Carlos travel to the continent with a team of scientists to learn about its astonishing diversity of ecosystems, and the role of oceans in reducing carbon dioxide.
Ni distintos ni diferentes: Campeones
Production Director
Ni distintos ni diferentes: Campeones
Renzo Piano, an Architect for Santander
Two Catalonias
Lawmakers and activists with conflicting ideologies speak about the complexities of Catalonia's politics and the fight for its independence from Spain.
Лабиринты прошлого
Испанка Каролина возвращается из Буэнос-Айреса вместе со своим аргентинским мужем и детьми на родину. Однако путешествие оборачивается для женщины и ее близких настоящим потрясением.
El guardián de la cueva
A very special trip to one of the most inaccessible sites of the Spanish heritage: the Altamira cave. A guided visit to its impressive painted walls and all its secret nooks and crannies.
Фильм о жизни Марселино Санс де Саутуола, открывшего пещеру Альтамира. На сегодняшний день она внесена в список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, однако при жизни Саутоле пришлось столкнуться с насмешками со стороны научного сообщества и жить с клеймом обманщика.
Игры пропаганды
Фильм исследует пропаганду на удивительном и увлекательном примере Северной Кореи. Ложные новости, полуправда, сюрреалистические дискуссии побудят зрителя задуматься о том, насколько же сложно отличить правду от лжи...
Игры пропаганды
Фильм исследует пропаганду на удивительном и увлекательном примере Северной Кореи. Ложные новости, полуправда, сюрреалистические дискуссии побудят зрителя задуматься о том, насколько же сложно отличить правду от лжи...
Игры пропаганды
Фильм исследует пропаганду на удивительном и увлекательном примере Северной Кореи. Ложные новости, полуправда, сюрреалистические дискуссии побудят зрителя задуматься о том, насколько же сложно отличить правду от лжи...
Ма Ма
Executive Producer
Двое мужчин, одна женщина и один десятилетний ребенок переживают потери и триумфы, спорят о футболе, борются со смертью и до смерти любят друг друга. Магда — талантливая учительница и любящая мама, собирает все силы, чтобы победить болезнь и вернуть себе право жить и быть счастливой.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony
The political upheaval in North Africa is responsibility of the Western powers —especially of the United States and France— due to the exercise of a foreign policy based on practical and economic interests instead of ethical and theoretical principles, essential for their international politic strategies, which have generated a great instability that causes chaos and violence, as occurs in Western Sahara, the last African colony according to the UN, a region on the brink of war.
Гавана, я люблю тебя
Мастера мирового авторского кино сняли 7 маленьких увлекательных историй, действие которых происходит в Гаване.
Гавана, я люблю тебя
Hombre Turista Entrada (segment "Diary of a Beginner") (as Alvaro Longoria)
Мастера мирового авторского кино сняли 7 маленьких увлекательных историй, действие которых происходит в Гаване.
Executive Producer
Мистический триллер «Монах» — экранизация классического готического романа Мэтью Льюиса, повествующего о взлетах и падениях уважаемого испанского монаха-капуцина Амбросио, который впервые увидел свет еще в 1796 году. Действие фильма разворачивается в XVIII веке. Притворившись юной послушницей, ведьма Матильда совращает Амбросио, и это становится известно суду Инквизиции. Желание избегнуть страшных мучений и казни толкает капуцина на сговор с Дьяволом, но и здесь его поджидает обман…
Комната в Риме
Две женщины обмениваются тайнами о своих жизнях во время одноразовой ночевки.
Daniel & Ana
Associate Producer
Being kidnapped shatters a brother and sister's harmony, forcing them to confront their desires.
Че: Часть вторая
Executive Producer
Че Гевара. Рождение легенды… История простого аргентинского врача, ставшего лидером освободительного движения, команданте Кубинского переворота, кумиром бунтующего духа молодежи многих поколений, символом революционной романтики.
Че: Часть первая. Аргентинец
Executive Producer
1956 год. Латинская Америка кипит страстями — любовными и революционными. Для свержения диктаторского режима Фульхенсио Батисты лидер повстанцев Фидель Кастро собирает на Кубинском побережье армию. В знаменитый революционный отряд «М-26—7» вступает врач-кардиолог из Аргентины Эрнесто Гевара. В горячей борьбе за свободу он завоевывает любовь своих соратников, а вскоре и всего кубинского народа, давшему ему новое имя «Че», по-испански «друг».
Looking For Fidel
Executive Producer
Oliver Stone's second documentary on/interview with Fidel Castro specifically addresses his country's recent crackdown on Cuban dissidents; namely, the execution of three men who hijacked a ferry to the United States.
Persona Non Grata
Executive Producer
2003 documentary film produced by Oliver Stone for the HBO series America Undercover about the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. It includes interviews with Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu, former Prime Ministers of Israel, Yasser Arafat, the late President of the Palestinian National Authority, and various Palestinian activists.
Executive Producer
Уникальные документальные съёмки раскрывают реальное положение дел на Кубе и рассказывают об её истории. Они дополнены сенсационным интервью, взятым у бессменного коммунистического лидера Кубы — Фиделя Кастро — самим Оливером Стоуном.
Fish People
A group of guys face the problems of daily life in a shared house