Alec Mills

Nascimento : 1932-05-10, London, England, UK


Caçada ao Terrorista
Algum tempo depois de sua fracassada operação para capturar um terrorista palestino conhecido, uma equipe de agentes israelenses começam a serem mortos um por um. E seu líder deve chegar ao fundo da investigação antes que o plano do assassino esteje completo.
Inside 'Licence to Kill'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film 'Licence to Kill'.
Inside 'The Living Daylights'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "The Living Daylights"
Inside 'Octopussy'
Documentary looking at the production of the James Bond movie 'Octopussy'. Narrated by Patrick Macnee.
Designing Bond: Peter Lamont
A documentary about the work of Peter Lamont.
Inside 'Moonraker'
Documentary looking at the production of the James Bond movie 'Moonraker'. Narated by Patrick Macnee.
Inside 'The Spy Who Loved Me'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "The Spy Who Loved Me"
Inside Q's Lab
Inside the lab of Q
Inside 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service'
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"
Cristóvão Colombo: A Aventura do Descobrimento
Director of Photography
Genoan navigator Christopher Columbus has a dream to find an alternative route to sail to the Indies, by traveling west instead of east, across the unchartered Ocean sea. After failing to find backing from the Portugese, he goes to the Spanish court to ask Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand for help. After surviving a grilling from the Head of the Spanish Inquisition Tomas de Torquemada, he eventually gets the blessing from Queen Isabella and sets sail in three ships to travel into the unknown. Along the way he must deal with sabotage from Portugese spies and mutiny from a rebellious crew.
Dead Sleep
A nurse uncovers the terrifying truth about a renowned doctor whose patients have become permanently maimed by his special dose of a drug called "Dead Sleep."
Águia de Aço III: Ases do Céu
Director of Photography
O capitão Chappy Sinclair se envolve num caso internacional quando a irmã de um piloto morto recentemente lhe pede ajuda. Eles partem para o Peru atrás do assassino Gustav Kleiss, um ex-nazista e barão das drogas.
In the small town of Coopers Bay, there are two high schools situated right next to each other. There’s Winchester, an all boys comprehensive and St Elizabeth’s, a girl’s only Catholic faculty. They are separated by woodland where pupils from both can meet and engage the things that attract the attention of maniac killers. It’s not surprising then that an unseen one begins murdering the youngsters as they fornicate, strangling them with a length of barbed wire before removing their eyes and burying them under the soil. Mary, the daughter of a Hollywood movie actress, becomes involved when the killer targets her and Kevin, her boyfriend. But who is this twisted psychopath and why does he want to kill all the kids?
007 - Permissão para Matar
Director of Photography
James Bond desobedece ordens e parte em uma missão para vingar a morte da mulher de seu melhor amigo, assassinada por um chefão das drogas. Ele chega à base sul-americana do narcotraficante e, disfarçado de pistoleiro, é contratado pelo criminoso.
A Grande Cruzada
Director of Photography
A young knight sets out to join King Richards crusaders. Along the way, he encounters The Black Prince who captures children and sells them as slaves to the Muslims. It is Robert Narra's sworn duty to protect the children and lead them to safety.
007: Marcado para a Morte
Director of Photography
Georgi Koskov (Jeroen Krabbé), um general dissidente da União Soviética, escapa da Cortina de Ferro com a ajuda de James Bond (Timothy Dalton), mas logo é recapturado através de uma sensacional missão de resgate, que transforma o Serviço Secreto Inglês em uma grande chacota. A partir de então, 007 assume o caso e vê fatos surpreendentes ao conhecer Kara Milovy (Maryam d'Abo), uma violoncelista tcheca com quem se envolve. Bond acaba descobrindo uma grande trama ligada a Brad Whitaker (Joe Don Baker), um grande comerciante de armamento bélico.
King Kong 2
Director of Photography
O filme começa onde parou a versão de 1976, com King Kong morto sendo levado a um laboratório onde cientistas implantam um coração mecânico, mas para ressuscitar o monstro seria necessário encontrar sangue de outra criatura da mesma espécie. Uma expedição encontra uma fêmea na floresta amazônica e a leva para os EUA, desta vez criando uma história de amor entre os dois gorilas, que inclusive terão um filhote.
Hot Target
Director of Photography
Wife of successful NZ businessman is seduced by fellow American after "chance" meeting in park. However, Greg has more than love-making with the beautiful Christine in mind.
Space Riders
Director of Photography
Adrenaline junkie Roger Gilbert leads an otherwise ordinary life until one day he rides to where no man had ridden before.... the planet Stardust 420.
Guerra nas Estrelas: O Retorno de Jedi
O imperador está supervisionando a construção de uma nova Estrela da Morte. Enquanto isso Luke Skywalker liberta Han Solo e a Princesa Leia das mãos de Jaba. Luke só se tornará um cavaleiro jedi quando destruir Darth Vader, que ainda pretende atraí-lo para o lado sombrio da Força.
James Bond in India
The making of the James Bond movie Octopussy (1983) in Udaipur, India during 1982.
Beginning in 1864 England, and moving through a number of years, a maid helps raise two children, a boy and a girl, all the time talking about her methods in doing so.
O Buraco da Agulha
Camera Operator
Grã-Bretanha, 1944, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Incansavelmente perseguido por vários agentes do MI5, Henry Faber, um implacável espião alemão em posse de informações vitais sobre o Dia D, refugiou-se na Ilha Storm, uma terra inóspita e pouco habitada ao largo da costa do norte da Escócia.
The Appointment
Camera Operator
Prophetic nightmares precede a family's confrontation with an evil, unseen force.
007 - Agente Irresistível
Camera Operator
James Bond e a bela agente soviética Anya Amasova juntam-se para investigar o desaparecimento de submarinos nucleares, aliados e russos. As pistas levam-nos ao bilionário Karl Stromberg. Depressa, Bond e Anya tornam-se a última esperança de conseguir acabar com um plano que irá levar o mundo a um holocausto nuclear.
A Batalha da Vingança
Camera Operator
Aventureiro americano e rico inglês que se juntam para destruir um navio de guerra alemão antes da Primeira Guerra Mundial.
Alfie, O Eterno Sedutor
Camera Operator
Alfie meets his romantic match when the modern-day Casanova falls in love with a career woman. Alfie soon realises that Abby, a magazine editor, is just as romantically ruthless as he is.
A Maldição do Ouro
Camera Operator
O gerente de uma das minas de ouro mais importantes da África do Sul se une a um grupo de homens sem escrúpulos para fechar o lugar e, com isso, aumentar o preço do minérios com a redução da produção.
Camera Operator
Após profecia de bruxas - que dizem que ele seria rei -, Macbeth mata o soberano e assume o trono. Só que, em seu reinado de sangue, ele jamais alcança a paz: sua esposa, tomada pela culpa, começa a enlouquecer; ao mesmo tempo, os inimigos conspiram para retomar o poder.
Caçada Sádica
Camera Operator
A ruthless rancher, and his gang, use extremely long range rifles to kill the men who kidnapped his wife.
Guns in the Heather
Camera Operator
An American foreign exchange student in Ireland, Rich Evans (Kurt Russell), gets caught up in espionage when a dying man gives him a message to pass to his older brother, who is an American intelligence agent unbeknownst to Rich. Rich and his friend are then kidnapped by an Eastern Bloc agent pretending to be from the American Embassy in the hopes that they will lead him to a scientist who is attempting to defect to the West. Originally aired in 3 parts on 'Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color' TV series, then re-edited into a theatrical feature in Europe under the title, 'The Secret of Boyne Castle.'
Focus Puller
U.S. Embassy employee Lee Cochrane and his wife, Sue, receive a shock when they discover that their 18-month-old son, Simon, has disappeared in London. He was last seen with their nanny, and the couple seemingly have no leads that might help police Detective Craig in his investigation. The media sensationalizes the incident, causing an unnecessary distraction as the couple prepares to confront the culprit face-to-face.
The Limping Man
Clapper Loader
An American veteran returns to England after WWII to learn that his London lover has become involved with a dangerous spy ring and their search for a limping sniper.