No filme Kiriku 2 – Os Animais Selvagens, O avô de Kiriku (Pierre-Ndoffé Sarr) conta as desventuras do garoto, cuja altura não alcança nem o joelho de uma pessoa normal. Entre elas o avô conta como Kiriku aprendeu a ser jardineiro, detetive, artesão, doutor, comerciante e viajante, percorrendo os diversos recantos da África.
Accompanied by his extraordinary confidant Doudou, T'choupi discovers with wonder the small village of the seaside where he will live. The beautiful days of summer, the beach, freedom - Very quickly, the holidays are rich in encounters and adventures. He shares with Doudou all the events of his life, where joy and jealousy mingle; the family is growing, T'choupi now has a little sister, Fanny. But a mysterious shadow disturbs the happiness of the village children by stealing their favorite toys. With Pilou and Lalou, his new friends, T'choupi will conduct a thrilling investigation to unmask the culprit.