Raf e Julie, um casal prestes a se separar, estão em um pronto-socorro na noite de um grande protesto dos 'coletes amarelos' em Paris. O encontro com Yann, um manifestante ferido e furioso, vai chacoalhar suas certezas e preconceitos. Lá fora, a tensão aumenta e logo o hospital tem que fechar as portas e a equipe fica sobrecarregada. A noite vai será longa, reveladora e hilária.
Mikaël é um médico noturno. Ele cuida de pacientes de bairros vulneráveis, mas também daqueles que ninguém quer ver: os viciados. Dividido entre a mulher e a amante e arrastado pelo primo farmacêutico para um perigoso esquema de receitas falsas, sua vida se torna um caos. Mikaël não tem escolha: esta noite, ele deve decidir seu destino.
Pier Ulmann lives from hand-to-mouth in Paris, between construction work and petty theft that he commits on behalf of Rachid, his only “family”. But life catches up with him the day his father is found dead in the street after a long decline. The black sheep of a rich Antwerp family who deals in diamonds, he has left his son nothing, apart from the story of his banishment from the Ulmann family and a thirst for revenge.
Korean newlyweds are on their honeymoon in Paris. Strolling in the Pigalle area, the young bride sees in a red dress in a store window and she enters the shop. Her husband goes to buy cigarettes while he waits for her. When the man comes back his wife has disappeared. Not speaking a word of French he desperately searches for her. A search that will turn into a free fall into a world ruled by illegality, prostitution, drugs, a universe with its own codes and punishments
Pavel has a good job in the village factory and is sure to marry Anja, his best friend from childhood. It's written in the Book of Life. But reality doesn't follow books.
A estoniana Anne (Laine Mägi) é contratada para cuidar de uma senhora de idade, a também estoniana Frida (Jeanne Moreau), que mora há muitos anos em Paris. Apesar de todo o esforço em trocar o seu país natal pela França, Anne é mal acolhida por Frida, que não quer ser ajudada. A única preocupação desta mulher é conquistar novamente Stéphane (Patrick Pineau), seu antigo amante. Juntas, elas descobrem a amizade e o prazer de se sentirem novamente sedutoras.
Laeti is a twelve-year-old. Not a little girl any longer. Her body is changing and she is beginning to look at the bodies of others with different eyes. She loves touching with bare hands. And being touched.
Laeti is a twelve-year-old. Not a little girl any longer. Her body is changing and she is beginning to look at the bodies of others with different eyes. She loves touching with bare hands. And being touched.
The sudden death of a teenager during a soccer match puts a small community completely off-balance.