Marilyne Fontaine

Marilyne Fontaine


Marilyne Fontaine


Além do Homem
O escritor brasileiro Alberto Luppo mora em Paris há anos e não deseja retornar ao país de origem. Mas quando um antropólogo francês desaparece no interior do Brasil, Alberto é obrigado a retornar à terra natal para transformar a história em livro. No entanto, durante a viagem, entre medo e encantamento, se entrega ao destino. Guiado por Bethânea, descobre em tudo o que desprezava, a beleza de sua própria identidade.
Vacation: a period of suspension of work, study, or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, or travel.
Beneath Our Footprints
"You are worse than her. You won't even give her a chance." "That's just it. Maybe she should have given it more thought. If we hadn't been born, she would have been free. She wouldn't have had to take off." "And we wouldn't have been there. Would you have preferred that?"
You, Me and Us
Aya and Louis separated a long time ago. Their little girl, Lina, is now 7 years old. Today, Aya lives with Victor, with whom she’d like to have a baby. Louis is with Gaëlle, who’s his girlfriend but nothing more. Through nine secret meetings organised by Aya, the film tells the story of how a woman and a man, torn between romantic charades and the quest for a «permanent» harmony, take a fresh start at being lovers.
The Foreigner
A Frenchman falls in love with a hot temper Bulgarian village girl. Following the call of his heart he starts looking for the village where she lives without knowing the character and the language of the people living there.