Marie Vincent

Marie Vincent

Nascimento : 1961-07-05, Versailles, France


Marie Vincent


Rumba Therapy
Tony is a macho middle-aged school bus driver in the provinces with no friends or relations. A sudden heart attack throws him into a tailspin. Tony's convinced he's going to die. When his cardiologist warns him : We all need others. Alone, we're nothing. Tony decides to reconnect with the daughter he abandoned twenty years earlier, when she was just a baby. Still a coward, he's unable to screw up the courage to actually confront her directly. So he decides to sign up for a dance class she's teaching in Paris. Incognito, of course. To get to know her gradually… in a desperate attempt to give some meaning to his empty life. In the process, he has more than a few dance steps to learn!
En Famille : Le Mariage de Marjorie
D-3 before the big day when Jean-Pierre and Marjorie will (finally) say "I do" in the Basque Country at the parents of the future groom. But the organization of Roxane, which seemed to be regulated like music paper, is going to be largely disturbed by a crescendo of unforeseen events in any kind.
Apprendre à t'aimer
En famille :  Au bout de leurs rêves
En famille : Un si joyeux Noël
En famille : Vacances en Bretagne
En famille : La course des familles
Brigitte le Kervelec
En famille : La zizanie
En famille : Le mariage de l'ex
L'Homme de ta vie
Jack e a Mecânica do Coração
Madeleine #1 (voice)
No século 19, Little Jack nasce em um dia tão frio que o seu coração fica congelado. Madeleine, a parteira decide então substituir o coração do garoto por um relógio de cuco para que ele consiga sobreviver. A situação é complicada para Little Jack, pois ele precisa evitar emoções muito fortes para que nada dê errado, principalmente se apaixonar.
Voyage sans retour
On se quitte plus
Commissaire Berthier
Cathy vem se preparando desde o início da manhã. Ela está prestes a comemorar o aniversário de 20 anos de sua filha Eva. Mas neste mesmo dia, a vida de Cathy é virada de cabeça para baixo com a notícia chocante de que sua filha foi assassinada.
Blind Man
A police inspector must solve two grisly murders. The problem is that his only suspect is a blind man.
The Perfect Date
La mère de Michel
Michel dreams of a perfect meeting with the woman of his dreams, entirely due to chance, as his parents and grandparents experienced. Vincent, Michel's contrast, is completely different. He is more the man of the direct approach and he follows his...! The two childhood friends Michel and Vincent, with completely opposite views when it comes to women, soon discover the limits of their respective techniques when they meet Angèle and Nathalie.
Legião do Mal
Norte de Paris. Um grupo de policiais corruptos vai a um prédio, onde está escondido um gângster. Eles desejam vingar a morte de um de seus companheiros. Em meio ao confronto, algo inesperado acontece: uma legião de criaturas sanguinárias e canibais invade o prédio, atacando todos os que encontra pela frente. Diante do perigo maior, o gângster e os policiais fazem um pacto para sobreviver.
En Cas de Malheur
The jeweler
Noémie y Lucie, dos jóvenes delincuentes, intentan asaltar una joyería. Pero su plan, sin embargo sabiamente orquestado, toma un giro dramático. El dúo huye y se separa. Tras haber vagado toda la noche y haber encontrado una coartada, Lucie se dirige a la casa de Viviane Guérand, una famosa abogada...
Snow White: The Sequel
La Bonne Fée (voice)
Prince Charming was supposed to live long and happily with Snow White after kissing her back to life. However the jealous 'good' fairy decides that she and the prince were meant to be, only the start of a whole series of perversions of various fairy tale characters' traditional good nature.
Todos ao Oeste! Uma Aventura de Lucky Luke
Louise de Paname (voice)
Os Daltons fugiram para Nova York, onde seus saques acumulados estão escondidos nos carrinhos do grupo de imigrantes ingénuos e honestos de Monsieur Pierre, que ingenuamente compraram terras na Califórnia de Crook, que inseriram uma cláusula que eles devem reivindicar em 80 dias. Joe emocionalmente chantageie Luke para guiá-los até lá, esperando escapar no caminho. A rota habitual deve encurtada de 6 para 2 meses, portanto, nenhum perigo pode ser evitado. Dada a reputação de Lucky, Crook decide persuadi-los a adicionar sabotagem, só para ter certeza - ou é?
L'Année des Guignols : Qu'est-ce t'as, t'es pas content ?
L'Année des Guignols : Un Jean-Pierre ça peut tout faire
Impersonator (voices)
The Dog, the General, and the Birds
A long time ago, a young Russian general chose to sacrifice hundreds of birds to burn Moscow and save his motherland from the troops of Napoleon. For this feat, he was hailed as a hero by the people of Russia but regarded an executioner by the winged creatures. Now fifty years older the aging general leads a drab life. To make matters worse, the descendants of the sacrificed birds keep attacking him. One day however a meets an engaging little dog who soon becomes his faithful companion. Both friends decide to break the curse plaguing the general's life : they start militating for all the caged birds of Russia to be set free.
Os 3 porquinhos
Os 3 porquinhos
The Castafiore Emerald
Bianca Castafiore (voice)
The opera diva Bianca Castafiore spends a few days with Tintin and his friends at Marlinspike Hall, where a mysterious theft is perpetrated.
The Seven Crystal Balls
Bianca Castafiore (voice)
Tintin and his friends investigate when something ominous haunts seven archaeologists, just after their return from an ethnographic expedition to the Andes, where they have dug up the tomb of Inca Rascar Capac.
Tin Tin e os Pícaros
Bianca Castafiore (voice)
A cantora de ópera Bianca Castafiore é presa pela polícia de San Theodoros durante a sua turnê pela América do sul. Ela é acusada de conspirar contra as autoridades. O general Tapioca diz que também tem evidências do envolvimento de Tintim, do capitão Haddock e do professor Tournesol. Ele convida os nossos heróis a virem explicar-se, o que estão a fazer. Mas é na verdade uma armadilha preparada por um dos seus antigos inimigos para eliminá-los.
King Ottokar's Sceptre
Bianca Castafiore (voice)
An absent-minded sigillographer gets Tintin involved in a dangerous political intrigue in the Balkan nation of Syldavia.