Faces of Death
A long thought lost radio interview with Peter Cushing is accompanied by comments from friends and colleagues.
In 1969, Jesús Franco and Christopher Lee shot Count Dracula in Barcelona. At the same time, Pere Portabella became aware of this filming, vampirizing it in Cuadecuc, Vampir. Genre and Art-house films had never been so close. Drácula Barcelona tells the story of these two movies.
Self - Actor / Various Roles (archive footage)
The greatness, fall and renaissance of Hammer, the flagship company of British popular cinema, mainly from 1955 to 1968. Tortured women and sadistic monsters populated oppressive scenarios in provocative productions that shocked censorship and disgusted critics but fascinated the public. Movies in which horror was shown in offensive colors: dreadful stories, told without prejudices, that offered fear, blood, sex and stunning performances.
The Boss / Mr. President (voice)
Angels and man and the angel in man. The difficulties of an inexperienced young angel with an unwilling, stubborn client.
Before Fifty Shades of Grey and beyond the limits of desire, Nucleus Films draw back the veil on Fifty Shades of Erotica. Now, in the privacy of your own home and as a consenting adult, you can succumb to trailers from carnal classics like The Libertine, Story of O, Venus In Furs, Cruel Passion, Gwendoline, Education Anglaise, Dressage and many, many more as you enter the timeless world of fetishistic fantasy, deviant desires and pulsating pleasure! Submit yourself to the salacious sensations and cruel caresses of this mind-blowing collection of curated carnality, the rare and raunchy, re-mastered from the finest available materials. So, lie back, relax and prepare to enter the sensual world of Fifty Shades of Erotica...
O dragão Smaug lança sua fúria ardente contra a Cidade do Lago que fica próxima da montanha de Erebor. Bard consegue derrotá-lo, mas, rapidamente, sem a ameaça do dragão, inicia-se uma batalha pelo controle de Erebor e sua riqueza. Os anões, liderados por Thorin, adentram a montanha e estão dispostos a impedir a entrada de elfos, anões e orcs. Bilbo Bolseiro e Gandalf tentam impedir a guerra.
Count Dooku
The second of the revamped '9000 Series,' The Approaching Storm delivers a re-crafted perspective on Star Wars Episode II in keeping with the drive of the original trilogy of films. Unnecessary 'galaxy shrinking' cameos from classic characters have been cut-down or removed. Anakin and Padme are depicted as realistic adults developing romantic feelings for one another. The political plot is made more straightforward and graspable. Superfluous action is subdued to make the film more story driven.
Face Of Unity is the definitive Nelson Mandela documentary feature and first retrospective to be released since the president's death in late 2013. It includes a never before seen speech where Mandela outlines the groundwork for peace and reconciliation to future generations. The piece also includes tributes to Nelson Mandela from President Barack Obama, Sam Jackson, Jack Nicklaus, George Lucas, Ray Charles, Morgan Freeman, and two former Australian Prime Ministers, among others.
Diabolical. Seductive. Immortal. Vampires have been an icon of evil in folklore and popular culture for more than three centuries, yet only one name still personifies the ultimate aristocrat of bloodlust. Now join the world’s foremost experts on Dracula – including academics, authors and horror historians – as they explore the untold story of the Transylvanian Count, from the legend of Vlad The Impaler and Bram Stoker’s celebrated novel through its landmark stage productions and classic movie adaptations.
Old Officer Pinkerton
'The Girl from Nagasaki' is a 3D feature film production of the classic Puccini Opera 'Madam Butterfly,' directed by world renown photographer Michel Comte. It's a modern day tale that starts with the young Madame Butterfly emerging from the ashes of the atomic bomb in Nagasaki. By a subtle meshing of reality and fantasy, Michel Comte and his team bring to the screen a visual orgy of modern ballet, opera and narrative filmmaking.
Os vilões mais ameaçadores do universo DC são o assunto principal deste documentário narrado pelo lendário vilão das telas Christopher Lee.
Ansem (voice)
(HD remastered cinematics from Kingdom Hearts 1.5) Covers the story of Roxas before the events of Kingdom Hearts II. On the day he is born as Sora's Nobody when Sora transforms into a Heartless in the original Kingdom Hearts, Roxas is found by Xemnas in Twilight Town, the leader of Organization XIII, who names him its thirteenth member. Each day he is sent on missions to other worlds, either alone or accompanied by his fellow members, to destroy Heartless with the Keyblade and release captive hearts, with which the Organization can fulfill their goal of summoning Kingdom Hearts and become complete beings. Roxas is placed under the care of Axel, who he befriends and spends his spare time with at the end of each day, sitting atop the clock tower in Twilight Town, speaking what's on their minds and eating sea-salt ice cream together.
Father Bartholomeu
Raimund Gregorius, um professor suíço, que abandona suas palestras e sua vida conservadora para embarcar em uma emocionante aventura que o levará em uma jornada ao seu próprio coração.
Narrator (voice) (segment 'The Fall of the House of Usher')
Uma antologia de cinco macabros contos animados baseados em clássicas histórias de Edgar Allan Poe (The Tell Tale Heart; The Fall of House Usher; Strange Case of Mr Valdemar; The Mask of the Red Death; The Pit and the Pendulum). Cada segmento é trabalhado num estilo de design gráfico e misturas de texturas, técnicas e colorização, inspirados visualmente desde no expressionismo alemão as graphic novels, especialmente adequados para melhor expressar a profundidade psicológica e complexidade do universo sombrio de Poe.
This is a new feature length documentary film now available from Midnight Marquee Productions
Como a maioria dos hobbits, Bilbo Bolseiro leva uma vida tranquila até o dia em que recebe uma missão do mago Gandalf. Acompanhado por um grupo de anões, ele parte numa jornada até a Montanha Solitária para libertar o Reino de Erebor do dragão Smaug.
The Narrator
Narrated by Sir Christopher Lee as Roderick Usher summons his boyhood friend to help him ease his decaying condition. The death of Madeline Usher, last in the line of the Usher family precipitates Roderick's descent into madness and death.
The Fall Of The House Of Usher is a part of 'Extraordinary Tales' - an animated anthology of five tales adapted from Edgar Allan Poe's stories.
Richard Hammond celebrates 50 years of Bond's amazing history with cars revealing the entertaining behind-the-scenes stories of the most iconic cars.
In 1970, the iconoclast Jess Franco directs a version of Dracula with Christopher Lee and Klaus Kinski. Making the most of the occasion, Pere Portabella, icon of avantgarde cinema, directs a parallel and totally converse movie during the same shoot. This short film compares both versions.
The story of three men with a shared dream: James Bond franchise producers Albert R. Broccoli and Harry Saltzman, and Bond creator and author Ian Fleming. It’s the thrilling and inspiring narrative behind the longest running film franchise in cinema history, which began in 1962.
Movie Dracula (archive footage)
Victor (Charlie Tahan) adora fazer filmes caseiros de terror, quase sempre estrelados por seu cachorro Sparky. Quando o cão morre atropelado, Victor fica triste e inconformado. Inspirado por uma aula de ciências que teve na escola, onde um professor mostra ser possível estimular os movimentos através da eletricidade, ele constrói uma máquina que permita reviver Sparky. O experimento dá certo, mas o que Victor não esperava era que seu melhor amigo voltasse com hábitos um pouco diferentes.
Bob Wilkins (April 11, 1932 – January 7, 2009) was a beloved Northern California television personality best known for his long run as a horror host. His singularly unique approach to the films and his hosting style was a simple extension of his wit and charming personality. This film covers the dates and titles of his weekly horror shows on KCRA 3, KTXL 40, and KTVU 2 with vintage interviews of Bob Wilkins, clips from his shows, film trailers, commercials, stills, and audio recordings. A video scrapbook, you definitely will not catch it all on a single viewing.
Barnabas Collins é um lorde do século 18 que foi amaldiçoado por uma bruxa e se tornou um vampiro. Ele fica confinado por dois séculos e se liberta em 1972. Como não tem outra escolha, Barnabas tenta se adaptar a sua nova família e ao mundo moderno.
Dracula (archive footage)
Documentary that chronicles the making of the third film in Hammer's Dracula series.
Enzo Ferrari was certainly one of the most powerful names, and probably one of the most powerful and influential men, in motoring history. As a young boy, Enzo dreamt of being an opera singer, a journalist or a racing driver, instead he created one of the most recognised company names in the modern world. During his 50-year reign he rarely left Maranello the spiritual home of his beloved race teams and birthplace of the sports cars against which all others are judged and remained a very private man. This superb racing documentary by acclaimed Formula One producer John Tully reveals the essence of the man and his machines. The story is told from childhood, through 4 decades of racecar development, to a visit by the Pope (in an open top Ferrari Pope-Mobile of course!) shortly before Ferrari s death in 1988. Narrated by Christopher Lee, this is the definitive Ferrari documentary.
Monsieur Labisse
Paris, anos 30. Hugo Cabret é um órfão que vive escondido nas paredes da estação de trem. Ele guarda consigo um robô quebrado, deixado por seu pai. Um dia, ao fugir do inspetor, ele conhece Isabelle, uma jovem com quem faz amizade. Logo Hugo descobre que ela tem uma chave com o fecho em forma de coração, exatamente do mesmo tamanho da fechadura existente no robô. O robô volta então a funcionar, levando a dupla a tentar resolver um mistério mágico.
Old Man
Um casal de cantores gospel sai do Texas para pregar a palavra da igreja Cowboys for Christ em uma pequena vila na Escócia. Aos poucos, o que parecia ser receptividade dos moradores se mostra o caminho para um misterioso ritual para entidades celtas.
Juliet Devereau, uma jovem médica, acredita ter encontrado o lugar perfeito para morar, ela se muda para um apartamento no Brooklyn, em Nova York. Após algum tempo, Juliet começa a perceber que coisas misteriosas estão ocorrendo e passa a acreditar que não está sozinha no apartamento. As coisas se complicam ainda mais com a crescente obsessão do senhorio do prédio pela jovem.
Cardinal D'Ambroise
Behmen (Nicolas Cage) lutou por vários anos nas Cruzadas, perdeu batalhas, amigos e também a fé. Ao desistir de ajudar a Igreja em sua luta pelo poder, ele só encontra devastação, fome e a peste negra. Ao lado de seu fiel escudeiro Felton (Ron Perlman), ele torna-se inimigo dos governantes, mas acaba recebendo uma missão que pode liquidar seus débitos: levar uma jovem, suspeita de ser uma bruxa, para um monastério distante. Mas o caminho será bastante tortuoso e mesmo antes de chegar ao destino, eles descobrirão que estão diante de forças sobrenaturais e que o mal está além de toda e qualquer compreensão.
A documentary directed by Oliver Schwehm.
Old Joseph
"Burke & Hare" é um remake do filme de humor negro da década de 70 sobre dois ladrões de sepultura do século XIX que fornecem cadáveres para uma escola de medicina de Edimburgo.
(archive footage)
This feature-length documentary takes a look at one of the most successful film franchises of all time as it goes behind the scenes of John Carpenter’s Halloween, the frightfest that redefined the horror genre in the late 1970s.
Mr. Mason
Boots mata o amante da sua mulher e é preso com a ajuda do seu irmão e deputado Christian. Tempos depois Anawalt, um milionário muito poderoso, tira Boots da prisão colocando-o a trabalhar para si como cobrador de dividas, até que chega ao momento onde exige a Boots que faça uma última coisa em troca de uma nova vida: matar Christian, seu irmão e futuro primeiro ministro britânico que sofre de uma doença rara. Mas tudo não passava de uma armadilha montada por Christian que sabendo que o coração do seu irmão era a única coisa que o poderia salvar, contrata Dunn para matar Boots e a sua amante. No fim as coisas não correm como previsto e Boots mata-se juntamente com o seu irmão com uma granada…
The Jabberwocky (voice)
A Alice de 19 anos de idade, que regressa ao excêntrico mundo que encontrou pela primeira vez quando era criança reunindo-se assim com os seus amigos de infância: o Coelho Branco, Tweedledee e Tweedledum, a Ratazana, a Lagarta, o Gato Cheshire, e claro, o Chapeleiro Louco. Alice embarca numa fantástica viagem para encontrar o seu verdadeiro destino e acabar com o reino de terror da Rainha Vermelha.
Older Walter Page
Um conto de mistério em torno de uma família tradicional britânica, às vésperas da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Joaquín Morales
Mark e David são experientes fotojornalistas de guerra que buscam imagens no Curdistão, uma região considerada muito perigosa. Mark decide ficar mais alguns dias no campo de guerra, em busca de uma foto exclusiva, enquanto David só quer voltar para casa e reencontrar sua esposa. Alguns dias depois, quando Mark retorna ferido para sua casa, ele fica chocado ao ouvir que David nunca chegou em casa. Cansado, confuso, obcecado pelos fantasmas da guerra e incapaz de voltar a sua antiga vida, com sua esposa Elena (Paz Vega), Mark preocupa a todos e tenta descobrir o que realmente aconteceu com seu amigo David.
Alfred Rhinegold
No agitado mercado de arte contemporânea londrino, o dono de galeria Art Spindle (Danny Huston) sonha com a venda milionária de uma obra de Mondrian. Neste confuso cenário movimentado pela ambição desenfreada de galeristas, artistas, colecionadores e agentes, toda moral é duvidosa e todo desejo é insaciável.
Narrator (voice)
A Beautiful Animation For The Original Idea Of The Nightmare Before Christmas!!! Narrated by Christopher Lee.
Count Dooku (voice)
A animação "Star Wars - The Clone Wars" dá continuidade à epopéia espacial criada por George Lucas nos anos 1970. A galáxia é consumida pelas Guerras Clônicas, uma massiva guerra civil que entrincheirou os malvados Separatistas e seus exércitos andróides contra a República e seus protetores, os Jedis. Para ganhar uma vantagem no crescente conflito, o Cavaleiro Jedi Anakin Skywalker e sua aprendiz Padawan Ahsoka Tano são enviados em uma missão com vastas consequências, uma que os coloca face a face com o notório lorde do crime Jabba, o Hutt. Adicionando mais ameaças que aguardam os dois em Tatooine, Anakin e Ahsoka são perseguidos por Conde Dookan e seus sinistros asseclas - incluindo a misteriosa Asajj Ventress -, que não vão parar até que os Jedis tenham sido derrotados. Enquanto isso, na frente de batalha, Obi-Wan Kenobi e Mestre Yoda lideram as forças clônicas em um esforço para resistir às forças do Lado Negro...
This fascinating documentary tells the story of the talented people behind and in front of the cameras at the Hammer Film Studios. Their prodigious output made household names of Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, arguably the greatest fright duo since Lugosi and Karloff. Filled with shocking clips, terrifying trailers, and fascinating interviews with cast and crew culled from twenty years of the FANEX Film Convention archives, this film is a horror fan's delight!
First High Councilor
Lyra Belacqua (Dakota Blue Richards) é uma órfã que foi criada na Universidade Oxford. No mundo em que vive todas as pessoas têm um "daemon", ou seja, uma manifestação de sua própria alma em forma animal. Lyra leva uma vida tranqüila até ela e seu daemon, Pantalaimon, descobrirem a existência de uma substância misteriosa chamada "pó". Isto provoca um estranho efeito nas crianças, o que faz com que as autoridades religiosas se convençam de que representa o mal. Seguindo o misterioso Lorde Asriel (Daniel Craig), seu protetor, Lyra parte em busca de uma resposta. Em Londres ela descobre que diversas crianças estão desaparecendo, entre elas Roger (Ben Walker), seu melhor amigo. Com a ajuda de um instrumento ancestral, que se parece com uma bússola de ouro, ela parte numa jornada que pode alterar o mundo para sempre.
The story of Tasmanian-born actor Errol Flynn whose short & flamboyant life, full of scandals, adventures, loves and excess was largely played out in front of the camera - either making movies or filling the newsreels and gossip magazines. Tragically he was dead from the effects of drugs and alcohol by the time he was only 50 & the myths live on. But there is another side of Flynn that is less well known - his ambitions to be a serious writer and newspaper correspondent, his documentary films and his interest in the Spanish Civil War and Castro's Cuba
A documentary retracing the haunting quest of a famed reporter, closely tracking a father's heart-rending, twelve year odyssey in search of his vanished son.
Chronicles the 2005 tour and production for the Rhapsody of Fire albums "Symphony of Enchanted Lands, II" and "Triumph or Agony". Includes recordings from the band's first tour through US and Canada as well as their performance at the Eartshaker Fest 2005.
Self (archive footage)
Famous Monster takes a fast-paced, colorful look at the life of science fiction's greatest fan - Forrest J. Ackerman, whose 85 year love affair with the genre helped bring it into the mainstream and shape the way we view science fiction today.
Hollywood Chinese is a captivating look at cinema history through the lens of the Chinese American experience. Directed by triple Sundance award-winning filmmaker, Arthur Dong, this documentary is a voyage through a century of cinematic delights, intrigues and treasures. It weaves together a wondrous portrait of actors, directors, writers, and movie icons who have defined American feature films, from the silent era to the current new wave of Asian American cinema. At once entertaining and enlightening, Hollywood Chinese reveals long-untold stories behind the Asian faces that have graced the silver screen, and weaves a rich and complicated tapestry, one marked by unforgettable performances and groundbreaking films, but also by a tangled history of race and representation.
The celebration of Joachim 'Blacky' Fuchsberger's 80th birthday. A biographical documentary.
Cult director Jess Franco recalls the making of his adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula starring Christopher Lee.
Jess Franco and Christopher Lee discuss their 1970 collaboration, The Bloody Judge.
A behind the scenes documentary from the making of the "Fellowship of the Ring"
A look behind the scenes at Cortlandt Hull's "The Witch's Dungeon," a movie-themed Halloween attraction in Bristol, Connecticut -- now the longest-running show of its type in the United States.
The Lord Provost
This is the true story of a little dog that refused to leave his master's graveside in Edinburgh. The dog visited the grave for years.
Pastor Galswells (voice)
Algures no século 19, depois de ensaiar cuidadosamente o seu próprio casamento o jovem noivo Victor vai para o bosque praticar e simula a cerimónia enfiando a aliança num galho. Para seu espanto e desespero o galho era mesmo um dedo da "Noiva Cadáver", que alega agora ser a sua noiva legal. Arrastado para a Terra dos Mortos, Victor é forçado a casar-se com a misteriosa Noiva Cadáver, enquanto a sua verdadeira noiva Victoria o espera desolada na terra dos vivos. Embora a vida na Terra dos Mortos se mostre mais animada do que o meio vitoriano em que cresceu, Victor descobre que não há nada neste mundo, ou no outro, que possa afastá-lo da sua verdadeira amada...
Dr. Wonka
Willy Wonka é o excêntrico dono da maior fábrica de chocolates do mundo e decide escolher um herdeiro por via de um sorteio mundial: cinco crianças, entre elas Charlie Bucket, encontram um bilhete dourado nas embalagens de chocolate e ganham uma visita guiada à lendária fábrica, que quase ninguém havia visto por dentro. O que eles não sabem são as reais intenções por trás da visita.
Count Dooku
As Guerras Clônicas estão em pleno andamento e Anakin Skywalker mantém um elo de lealdade com Palpatine, ao mesmo tempo em que luta para que seu casamento com Padmé Amidala não seja afetado por esta situação. Seduzido por promessas de poder, Anakin se aproxima cada vez mais de Darth Sidious até se tornar o temível Darth Vader. Juntos eles tramam um plano para aniquilar de uma vez por todas com os cavaleiros jedi.
Count Dooku (archive footage)
The Skywalker family is at the heart of the Star Wars saga. Now hear the inside story of Luke and Anakin Skywalker from the characters who witnessed it all: the famous droid duo C-3PO and R2-D2. Episodes IV,V and VI are explored in "The Story of Luke Skywalker," which follows the young man escaping from his daily chores on Tatooine to his becoming a hero in the Rebal Alliance. In "The Story of Anakin Skywalker," you'll go behind the mask of the greatest Star Wars villain and discover how Darth Vader started life as a young Podracing Champ on Tatooine and later became a headstrong young Jedi seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. With clips from the Star Wars films, C-3PO and R2-D2 take you on an hour-long journey through the saga and prepare you for the explosive final chapter: Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
O Comissário Niemans é designado para investigar uma estranha morte, de um homem que foi encontrado emparedado no Mosteiro de Lorraine e que possui sinais esotéricos por todo o corpo. Paralelamente o jovem capitão Reda encontra à porta de uma igreja um sósia agonizante de Jesus Cristo, que está de alguma forma ligado à morte investigada por Niemans. Com a ajuda de Marie, uma policial especializada em história da religião, Niemans e Reda descobrem que ambos os homens pertenciam a uma seita religiosa, cujos integrantes possuem os nomes e as profissões dos apóstolos de Cristo. É quando eles descobrem que a seita está atrás de um valioso tesouro do Vaticano, um livro sagrado escrito pela mão de Deus que pode ser o prenúncio do apocalipse, que foi roubado séculos atrás.
Saruman (Extended Edition)
O confronto final entre as forças do bem e do mal que lutam pelo controle do futuro da Terra Média se aproxima. Sauron planeja um grande ataque a Minas Tirith, capital de Gondor, o que faz com que Gandalf e Pippin partam para o local na intenção de ajudar a resistência. Um exército é reunido por Theoden em Rohan, em mais uma tentativa de deter as forças de Sauron. Enquanto isso, Frodo, Sam e Gollum seguem sua viagem rumo à Montanha da Perdição para destruir o anel.
Christopher Lee
Dive into the dark waves of the Atlantic to make contact with the Giants of the Sea.
Após a captura de Merry e Pippy pelos orcs, a Sociedade do Anel é dissolvida. Frodo e Sam seguem sua jornada rumo à Montanha da Perdição para destruir o anel e descobrem que estão sendo perseguidos pelo misterioso Gollum. Enquanto isso, Aragorn, o elfo e arqueiro Legolas e o anão Gimli partem para resgatar os hobbits sequestrados e chegam ao reino de Rohan, onde o rei Theoden foi vítima de uma maldição mortal de Saruman.
Self / Scaramanga
Um documentário sobre os 10 mais eletrizantes momentos da franquia James Bond 007 em seus 40 anos de história. Nesta obra, estão os mais desafiantes momentos do agente, seus sinistros vilões e maravilhosas mulheres. Há também entrevistas com elenco e críticos, lembrando seus momentos favoritos. Apresentação de Roger Moore.
Self / Count Dooku
For Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002), there were to be many more visual effects than in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999). This documentary shows many VFX meetings between George Lucas and ILM. Many of these meetings focus around the creation of a completely digital Yoda, used for the first time in the Star Wars films.
Francisco Scaramanga (archive footage) (uncredited)
Through vintage film clips of past Bond movie epics, and with the participation of several former "Bond Girls" as interviewees (among them Dr. No's Ursula Andress and Diamonds Are Forever's Jill St. John), the documentary traced the evolution of the typical James Bond heroine from decorative damsel in distress to gutsy (but still decorative) participant in the action.
Jess Franco and members of the cast of his 1970 cult classic "Eugenie" discuss the film
Count Dooku
Com a missão de proteger a Senadora Amidala, Anakin Skywalker descobre o seu amor por ela, do mesmo modo que vai conhecendo seu lado sombrio. Obi-Wan Kenobi descobre um exército de clones à medida que a Galáxia caminha para uma grande guerra.
The cast and main players in the crew come together to discuss the making of cult British horror film The Wicker Man. They discuss the adaptation of the source material, the casting process and the difficult shoot which dealt with everything from a summer film being shot in late autumn and the troubles of the actual wicker man itself.
A documentary about the influences on Tolkien, covering in brief his childhood and how he detested the onslaught of industry through the idyllic countryside, moving on to describe his fighting experience from WWI, and closing with a look at the Finnish inspiration for the scholar's self-invented languages of Elfish. In between are interviews with the cast of the films and some clips, by far the most from "The Fellowship of the Ring", but a few glimpses of Rohan riders (from "The Two Towers") are provided. Also, there are interviews with a range of the filmmakers.
Em uma terra fantástica e única, um hobbit recebe de presente de seu tio um anel mágico e maligno que precisa ser destruído antes que caia nas mãos do mal. Para isso, o hobbit Frodo tem um caminho árduo pela frente, onde encontra perigo, medo e seres bizarros. Ao seu lado para o cumprimento desta jornada, ele aos poucos pode contar com outros hobbits, um elfo, um anão, dois humanos e um mago, totalizando nove pessoas que formam a Sociedade do Anel.
Mockumentary telling the never before told life story of the fictional robot R2-D2 from the Star Wars film series. The movie was made as a fun project by the cast and crew of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Using interviews, fake archive photos, film clips, and behind the scenes footage the "true" story was told of Artoo's life.
Cast and Crew Members come together to discuss the troubled production and distribution of 'The Wicker Man'
Imagine the prison of Alcatraz, only 10 times worse, built on tropical, hellish and deadly islands, lost to the rest of the world. Three tiny castaway islands rise away from the coast of French Guyana, in South America: The Devil's Islands. Now buried under an impenetrable jungle, lay the lost remains of what had been for a hundred years the most storied convict prison in history. There, while most of the prisoners faded into oblivion, a few became legends. Some because they were innocent, as in the scandalous Dreyfus Affair, some because they somehow escaped the islands of nightmare, as did the "butterfly", Henry Charrière, immortalized by Steve McQueen in Papillon. Now 50 years after the prison doors slammed shut for the last time, we explore what's left of the Devil's Islands' unbelievably dark and oppressive realm.
A behind the scenes look at the making of Sleepy Hollow.
A behind the scenes look at the James Bond film "The Man with the Golden Gun"
John Cork and his compatriots from the Ian Fleming Foundation, who have created outstanding documentaries for most of MGM's 007 DVDs, provide a fine overview of the life and times of James Bond's creator. Rather than using voice-over narrative, Cork and company tell this story entirely through the recollections of Fleming's family, friends and colleagues, combining new interviews with archival footage (including conversations with Fleming himself).
Count Ottokar Graf Czernin
In the thirteenth film in the series, in March 1917, Indiana Jones, now a captain in the French army, is assigned to escort two Austrian princes to meet with Emperor Karl I and convince him to broker a peace deal with France and Britain at the expense of Austria's alliance with Germany. Two months later, at the French Embassy in Petrograd, Indy must decide between his loyalty to his friends and his work in French Intelligence when he is pressed to discover details of a possible Bolshevik revolution in Russia which would cripple the French war effort.
Em 1799, uma série de crimes envolvendo inocentes acontece no pequeno vilarejo de Sleepy Hollow. Para investigar o caso é chamado o detetive nova-iorquino Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp), um excêntrico e determinado oficial de polícia com um jeito avant-garde de solucionar crimes. Os métodos investigativos de Ichabod serão postos à prova neste caso, que envolve um ser sobrenatural que pode ser o causador de todos os crimes.
Mohammed Ali Jinnah
Biography of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of modern Pakistan is told through flashbacks as his soul tries to find eternal rest. The flashbacks start in 1947 as Jinnah pleads for a separate nation for the Muslim regime, infuriating Lord Mountbatten. Mountbatten then tries to enlist Gandhi & Nehru to persuade Jinnah to stop his efforts. Gandhi sides with Jinnah, which upsets Nehru. However, Jinnah turns down the offer to become prime minister and the film takes another slide back to 1916, which reveals all of the political implications that have occurred.
Sir Richard Turkel
Centuries ago, under the sands of ancient Egypt, a Prince was buried and his tomb eternally cursed so that no man would ever again suffer from his evil ways. But hundreds of years later on a greedy search for treasure, a group of archaeologists break the cursed seal of the tomb. Every man vanishes without a trace, leaving behind only a log book, and a deadly warning of the legend of the bloodthirsty Talos.
Self - Host
'The Mummy' stands as one of the premiere American science fiction thrillers of the classic Renaissance period. Its influence has morphed and evolved throughout its tenure as an uncontested classic, spawning two unrelated remakes which in turn spawned respective franchises. The original's significance cannot be overstated, with its being widely being cited as a quintessential horror adventure even by today's standards. Featuring interviews and commentary from those who were there, this documentary goes into detail like never before on the history surrounding the picture, before, during, and after its production.
Death (voice)
The young druid Imp y Celyn comes to Ankh-Morpork to become a famous musician, but a new guitar from a mysterious shop possesses him with a new kind of music - the Music with Rocks In. To make matters worse, Death, saddened by the death of his adopted daughter, has gone away to try and forget, and his granddaughter Susan suddenly has the family duty passed on to her.
Death loses his job, and there is no one on the Discworld to collect the dead. "How life and death depend on each other absolutely." This is a short (7:32 minutes) introduction to the pilot "Reaper Man" which was never filmed. It appears on the DVD for the TV Series "Soul Music" which is an animated adaptation of a Terry Pratchett novel of the same name.
A look at "Dracula" in the arts and his supposed real-life inspiration Vlad Tepes.
Evil Sender
An incredibly dull-witted family unknowingly stumble upon an illegal weapons deal while on the trail of their "stolen" garbage.
Actor Patrick Macnee leads the viewer through London in the footsteps of the genius private investigator Sherlock Holmes and his assistant and friend, Dr. Watson.
Documentary about John Davis, a businessman who as chairman oversaw the decline of the Rank Organisation.
Alisea and her brothers have been captured by Azaret, an evil wizard. Alisea escapes the castle and meets the young Prince Demian, with whom she falls in love. The spirit of the source promises that they will always be together if they are to drink from its source. Alisea is again caught by the magician, and Demian has to return to his father's cone, which aims to turn him into a warrior. Seven years later, Demian becomes a warrior, but has not forgotten Alisea, who he sees in his dreams. Azaret tries to prevent Demian and Alisea from begin together.
Narrator (voice)
American Documentary, narrated by Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee talks about his film career, while showing clips from some of his best films.
A biopic on the author M. R. James. If M.R. James wrote his ghost stories purely to entertain his friends, why do they seem to strike such resonances in readers? Why are they so terrifying? Clive Dunn's fifty minute documentary sets out to try to answer this question. In the words of its fictional narrator, nicely played by Dangerfield's Bill Wallis, "was there something that made [Monty James] believe that evil and malice could become palpable?"
Pharao Ramses
Moisés foi um homem comum chamado por Deus para libertar seu povo, os Israelitas. Sua missão, libertá-los da escravidão no Egito e levá-los para Canaã, a terra prometida. Quando os israelitas correram risco de captura pelo exército do Faraó, Deus dividiu o Mar Vermelho para que Moisés e os que o acompanhavam pudessem fugir. Mais tarde durante a dura jornada, Deus proferiu através de Moisés, Os Dez Mandamentos, a lei divina.
Jonathan Ross delves into the world of James Bond and meets with new and former cast members who reveal humorous stories and anecdotes in a series of interviews. All the 5 Bonds at the time are featured, though only Lazenby (reflecting in the usual frank, self criticizing manner), Moore and Brosnan granted an interview. Connery and Dalton are featured through some unused footage from LWT's 30 years of James Bond program. The ever faithful Desmond Llewelyn turns up in character as well as some other less related peeps like Christopher Lee, Paul McCartney and the ultimate playboy: Hugh Hefner -- who all give an interesting perspective on the worlds most famous spy.
V. E. 'Raptor' Longfellow
A new student at a British public school forms a secret society centered around cooking and midnight feasting with other school misfits and outcasts.
Count Dracula
Explore Hammer's greatest legacy with clips from such classic films as The Horror of Dracula, Brides of Dracula, Dracula - Prince of Darkness, Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires, Scars of Dracula, Kiss of the Vampire and more.
Narrator / Himself
Explore the most legendary horror studio of all time with this fascinating, frightening journey hosted by terror titans Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing. England's most successful independent film company, the "fear factory" of Hammer Studios, has a history filled with feuds, censorship battles and streaks of luck both good and bad. Now the legacy of horror returns, featuring interviews with such Hammer legends as Raquel Welch, Veronica Carlson, Caroline Munro, Ingrid Pitt, Jimmy Sangster, Hazel Court, Martine Beswicke, Freddie Francis, Val Guest and Ray Harryhausen. Plus you'll be treated to behind-the-scenes home movies and nonstop shock scenes from over 40 classic films, including Horror of Dracula, Curse of Frankenstein, The Devil Rides Out, Curse of the Werewolf and many more! It's the definitive study of one of the greatest names in horror!
Callum Chance
When Max Taylor wins the ancestral home of Callum Chance in a game of Poker, little does he realize that the game is far from over. One by one, Max's family are murdered by the Funny Man, a demonic jester with a varied and imaginative repertoire of homicidal techniques and an irreverent sense of humor. Meanwhile, Max's brother is on his way to the mansion with a bunch of hitchhikers who will be lucky to survive the night.
Commandant Rakov
O Comandante Lassard tem um novo plano para acabar com a criminalidade nas ruas, permitir que voluntários participem de um treinamento especial na Academia, onde aprenderão técnicas de salvamento e combate ao crime. Com Steve Guttenberg e Sharon Stone.
Uncle Rudolf
A petty crook, in search of the proverbial pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, hopes to cash in by befriending the heir to a huge fortune.
General Konstanin Benin
Aventura eletrizante, que serviu a Pierce Brosnan como aquecimento para depois viver o agente James Bond em várias aventuras. Aqui ele faz o agente da Organização Anticrime da ONU, que tenta parar um grupo de ex-soldados mercenários russos. O filme é ágil e equilibra suspense, violência e ação em doses certas.
Gloria Ruckhauser has a dream: rediscovering the figure and features of herself when she was 20. Convinced that science is getting nowhere in the search for a cure to the aging process, Gloria sets up a foundation whose mission is to find a miracle potion. Various scientists take up the challenge and develop a substance that reverses the biological clock. Now, they face a new challenge. How to stop getting younger before it's too late.
Mr. Bernard
A beautiful medical student travels to London to investigate the mysterious murder of her identical twin sister. Taking on her sister's identity, she gets closer and closer to the killer who is determined to finish the job once and for all.
Sherlock Holmes
King Edward asks Sherlock Holmes to perform one more task before his retirement: to safeguard the Star of Africa on a trip to Cape Town. Soon the fabled jewel is stolen and several people end up being murdered.
Monsieur Renard (voice)
As a merchant sets off for market, he asks his three lovely daughters what they would like as a present upon his return. His youngest daughter, who he adoringly calls Beauty, replied. "All I'd like is a rose you've picked specially for me." Remembering his promise to Beauty he plucks a rose, enraging the owner of the rosebush, a fearsome boarlike beast who inhabits the nearby castle. The Beast agrees to spare his life, but on one condition, that he brings him the daughter for which he plucked the rose.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson get involved with Balkan terrorists to save Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria from an assassination at the opera house and prevent World War I.
A short documentary on the history of the horror film narrated by Christopher Lee.
Dr. Pearson
When an American plantation owner's wife and her sister interrupt an African death ritual to save the sacrificial goat, the witch doctor places a curse on them, summoning a god from the sea to slaughter them and anyone in its way with a panga, a curved, African machete.
King Philip
The son of a besieged Shogun in war-torn 17th century Japan travels to Spain to buy weaponry from the king.
Karlis Zander
A thriller directed by John Davies.
Doctor Catheter
Se passaram cinco anos desde o incidente dos Gremlins em Kingston Falls. Agora Billy e Kate se mudaram para Nova York. Com o falecimento do velho chinês, Gizmo foge da loja e é pego e levado para o mesmo prédio onde Billy trabalha, quando um funcionário da empresa, ao tentar consertar um bebedouro, acaba molhando Gizmo. Logo uma nova espécie de Gremlins é criada e eles logo aprisionam Gizmo. Kate leva para casa um destes novos Gremlins, pensando que é Gizmo. Quando Billy chega em casa e vê que aquele Mogwai não é Gizmo, conclui logo que algo grave aconteceu e algo infinitamente mais grave acontecerá se os Gremlins se alimentarem após a meia-noite.
Cardinale Spinosi
Misery money-lender Arpagone is looking to arrange three weddings simultaneously - to cut down on costs. One for himself and the others for his two children. Of course he doesn't approve of the choices his son and daughter have made and conspires to arrange more well to do spouses against their will. However, fate will prove itself to be on the side of true love, not of the greedy.
Blind Pew
Young Jim Hawkins, while running the Benbow Inn with his mother, meets Captain Billy Bones, who dies at the inn while it is beseiged by buccaneers led by Blind Pew. Jim and his mother fight off the attackers and discover Billy Bones' treasure map for which the buccaneers had come. Jim agrees to sail on the S.S. Espaniola with Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey to find the treasure on a mysterious isiand. Upon arriving at the island, ship's cook and scaliwag Long John Silver leads a mutiny of crew members who want the treasure for themselves. Jim helps the Squire and Espaniola officers to survive the mutiny and fight back against Silver's men, who have taken over the Espaniola.
A honeymooning couple become entangled in a plot to recover plates for counterfeiting US dollars. SHE thinks she's just retired from a government 'dirty jobs' department, but her superiors have other ideas. HE thinks she's a retired travel agent. Set in Spain, there's a constant flow of visual jokes, mainly at the expense of a group of incompetent thieves who are in hot pursuit of the plates. Many of the jokes are predictable, but there's enough to keep almost everyone amused.
Willard Hope
Aspiring young novelist Tony Zonis (Alexis Denisof) wants to write the next great suspense thriller, so he decides to study the work of master crime writer, Willard Hope (Christopher Lee). Together, they pick through random newspaper stories, looking for the unusual event that will make a good thriller. What they find is murder. A government cover-up... an international scandal... and the bodies are just beginning to fall into place. Now Tony isn't just writing the next best-seller... he's writing his own obituary.
Walter Strauss
In World War II Germany, two young men, one, an ardent Nazi, and the other, a secret anti-Nazi, are in love with the same woman, the daughter of a wealthy banker. The two join the Army, and the young woman becomes a nightclub singer. Eventually she joins the Army too, to entertain the troops, but circumstances soon result in her entire world being changed.
A história da Revolução Francesa desde a decisão do rei de convocar o Estados-Gerais em 1789, a fim de lidar com o problema da dívida da França. A primeira parte do filme conta a história de 1789 até 10 de agosto de 1792 (quando o rei Luís XVI perdeu toda a sua autoridade e foi preso). A segunda parte leva a história até o fim do terror em 1794, incluindo as mortes por guilhotina de Luís XVI, Maria Antonieta, Danton e Desmoulins.
É 1649: Mazarin contrata o empobrecido D'Artagnan para encontrar os outros mosqueteiros: Cromwell subverteu o rei inglês, e Mazarin teme a revolta, particularmente do popular Beaufort. Porthos, entediado com riquezas e querendo um título, assina, mas Aramis, um abade, e Athos, um brawler criando um filho intelectual, ajudam Beaufort em segredo. Quando eles não conseguem impedir a fuga de Beaufort da prisão, os mosqueteiros são dispensáveis, e Mazarin os envia para Londres para resgatar Charles I. Eles também são perseguidos por Justine, a filha vingadora de Milady de Winter, sua inimiga há 20 anos. Eles devem escapar da Inglaterra, evitar Justine, servir a rainha e garantir as reformas políticas de Beauford.
Luis Morel
An undercover CIA agent posing as a reporter travels to South America on a mission to destroy a drug cartel.
Olympian gods watch the Earth and resolve to fight a group of terrorists who stole a diskette containing a secret that can destroy the world.
Peter Storm
Pat Carlsson is a 14-year-old Swedish schoolgirl who though very young is very streetwise as she offers sex, for a price, to middle-aged attorney John Berg who can not resist the young girl. What starts as an immoral sexual escape, becomes a nightmare of tragedy and deception involving blackmail, kidnapping and murder.
O jovem e humilde Bosse leva uma vida pacata de menino comum. Um belo dia, ele é levado à Terra da Magia, um local fantástico onde assume uma nova identidade: é filho do rei. Neste reino, ele descobre que tem também um novo amigo, Jum-Jum, um novo inimigo, o cavaleiro Kato, e um novo nome, Mio.
A retrospective of the films of Britain's Hammer Studios, renowned for making stylish horror films in the 1950s, '60s and '70s. Included are clips from Hammer productions and interviews with actors, actresses, directors and producers who worked on these films.
King James of Aragon
In 1263, King James I of Aragon organizes a debate between representatives of Judaism and Christianity regarding whether or not Jesus was the Messiah.
President White
The coach of a college tennis team is given an ultimatum: put together a winning team, or else.
Chief Supt. Jonathan Rich
In a Canadian village are women being killed by a psychopath. Chief Rich and Inspector McLane have no clue until McLane shoots a suspicious man. Now the killing seems to have ended, but the killer picks yet another victim...
Stefan Crosscoe
Ben white vai ao funeral de sua irmã e heroína do filme anterior, a jornalista Karen White, e encontra Jenny, uma de suas colegas, junto a um homem misterioso chamado Stefan Crosscoe, o qual convence-os de que Karen é um lobisomem através de uma gravação que mostra uma de suas transformações. Após destruir o corpo de Karen, Crosscoe convence Ben e Jenny a irem com ele e uma colega, Marianna, para a Transilvânia afim de destruir Stirba, a rainha dos lobisomens, numa batalha que misturará diversas criaturas e trará revelações surpreendentes.
Himself - Presenter
This documentary examines the making of the Sherlock Holmes cinematic dynasty and includes interviews and archival film clips featuring the original crime-fighter in all his incarnations.
Mr. Clifford King
After taking over a failing Miami hotel with her workaholic fiancé, Elliot, Tracy thinks Liza has seduced her better half-to-be. She then tries to have an affair of her own, and arranges for hookers to become bellhops. Meanwhile, her rich daddy hires an inept arsonist to blow up the place.
King Vladimir V
An intelligent, fearless boy living in a superstitious Transylvanian village goes out into the world to figure out what everyone else is afraid of, "the shivers." A king hires him to rid his castle of ghosts and evil spirits, expecting him to die like all who have tried before him, but the boy is more fearless than he could have known.
Sir James Hunter
30 minutes of footage left after the finances collapsed.
Autor de best-sellers americano vai a Londres para promover seu novo livro e aposta com seu editor que é capaz de escrever um romance em 24 horas. Para cumprir o prometido, o escritor se isola numa estranha casa onde acontecimentos bizarros o tomam de surpresa.
Narrated by actor Christopher Lee, this documentary details the life of timeless Hollywood adventure hero and sex symbol Errol Flynn, who swung his way into the hearts of the world's moviegoers with a sword and an errant grin. Interviews with friends and family balance a collection of clips from classic films such as The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Charge of the Light Brigade and Captain Blood, revealing the man behind the movie star.
Mr. Kellar
See the full spectrum of the Showscan process. Magic sequences, special effects, miniature photography, high speed thrills and suspense.
Mr. Midnight
Alan Arkin interpreta o Captain Invincible do título, um super-herói que caiu em desgraça durante o McCarthysmo e foi viver para a Austrália. Trinta anos mais tarde, o governo dos EUA volta a chamá-lo para combater o seu arqui-inimigo, Mr. Midnight (Christopher Lee), que reapareceu. O problema é que, entretanto, o outrora paladino do bem só pensa na bebida.
King Haggard (voice)
Um bravo unicórnio, que descobre talvez ser o último de sua espécie, vai em busca de seus semelhantes, para isso tendo que atravessar terras longínquas. No caminho junta-se a um mágico, e ambos enfrentarão um malvado rei cujo objetivo é o de capturar todos os unicórnios do mundo.
Documentary about The Company of Youth, The Rank Organisation’s training school for aspirant film actors, nicknamed The Rank Charm School.
Prince Philip
Dramatization of the romance and July 1981 wedding of Great Britain's Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer.
Victor Leopold
A secret agent searches for a sunken treasure of rare coins. He must battle a Nazi who is also searching for the treasure, and is helped by a 10-year-old genius who builds electronic weapons for him.
Count Borgia
Reporter J.J. wants to write a story about an Afrika rallye, 3000 km across desert and steppe. Unfortunately her driver and car get lost only days before the start, so she hires ex-stuntman Eddie and buys a wreck of a car from her last money. Eddie can help her to a new motor - by stealing it from the ruthless count Borgia, who from now on is their hardest and meanest competitor in the rallye.
Self (archive footage)
A collection of bloopers and outtakes from an enormous selection of Hollywood classic productions spanning from the 1930s through the 1980s.
Morgan Canfield
Sean Kane (Chuck Norris) se aposenta da polícia de São Francisco após o assassinato de seu parceiro, passando a enfrentar o crime por conta própria, o que o leva a investigar uma rede de tráfico de drogas
Jack Palance stars as a self-serving, abusive boor who becomes stranded (along with his two children) by a thunderstorm, forcing them to take shelter in an isolated country estate owned by a group of mysterious and wealthy old dowagers. Seeing a golden opportunity, Palance soon turns to plundering their estate, but his plans collide with the secret activities of a Satanic snake-cult who carry out ritual sacrifices in the attic.
Prince Baldasar, the Director of Counterintelligence
An Italian policeman investigates a series of murders involving people in prominent positions. Left behind at each murder scene is a drawing of a salamander. The policeman begins to suspect these murders are linked to a plot to seize control of the government.
Marcus Valorium
Computer genius and chess champion Ted Danson is lured into service by secret agent Eleanor Parker and becomes a reluctant hero thanks to a number of exploits with villainous Christopher Lee and his army of lethal blue-eyed blonde women.
Luckman Skull
A man resists the California fads that his wife, friends and wealthy Marin County neighbors embrace. Based on the serial by Cyra McFadden in the San Francisco Chronicle in the 70s, satirizing the lifestyle trends of the local elite - from open marriages and organic food to New Age cults.
Dr. Carl Boxer
A naive young man from rural Oregon travels to San Francisco to pursue his big city dreams.
Capt. Wolfgang von Kleinschmidt
Após o ataque japonês à Pearl Harbor, os residentes da Califórnia entram em pânico com medo de serem o próximo alvo. Entre eles estão Wild Bill Kelso, um piloto louco da Guarda Nacional; o Sargento Frank Tree, um patriota, comandante do grupo de tanque; Ward Douglas, um civil com vontade de ajudar a guerra americana a qualquer esforço e custo e o Major General Joseph W. Stilwell, que tenta duramente manter a sanidade no meio do caos.
A group of people converge on a barren Arctic island. They have their reasons for being there but when a series of mysterious accidents and murders take place, a whole lot of darker motives become apparent. Could the fortune in buried Nazi gold be the key to the mystery? Donald Sutherland and Vanessa Redgrave investigate
Um agente do governo está à procura de um cientista desaparecido, acreditando que um líder revolucionário conhecido como Miguel (Christopher Lee) o sequestrou, e que ele está usando-o para transformar a sua fórmula em algo que pode acelerar o processo de envelhecimento. Ele envia o Capitão América (Red Brown) para encontrá-lo e resgatar o cientista, sua única pista é um produto químico que o cientista precisa para a sua fórmula. Quando ele fica mais perto da verdade, Miguel ameaça pulverizar o produto químico em uma grande cidade, a menos que suas exigências sejam atendidas. Mas o presidente não negocia com terroristas, será que o Capitão América pode salvar o dia !?
Adam Caine
The world's newest kung fu legend, Joe Lewis, takes on evil gangsters and saves the world.
Caliph Alquazar
Um califa malvado (Christopher Lee) oferece a mão de sua filha em casamento a um príncipe se ele puder completar uma busca perigosa por uma rosa mágica. Ajudado por um menino e um tapete mágico, o Príncipe Hasan (Oliver Tobias), tem que superar gênios, monstros cuspidores de fogo e pântanos traiçoeiros para alcançar seu prêmio e reclamar a mão da Princesa Zuleira (Emma Samms).
During WW 2, a Basque shepherd is approached by the underground, who wants him to lead a scientist and his family across the Pyrenees. While being pursued by a sadistic German.
Samir Al Fay
An Israeli man, raised by a wealthy and powerful Arab, is put in charge of his country's vast oil fortunes. He comes into conflict with a fanatical terrorist group--headed by his daughter.
Sardar Khan
This epic adventure-drama based on James Michener's best-selling novel concerns a young American embassy official who is sent into the Middle-Eastern desert to find the missing daughter of a US Senator. The young woman has left her husband, a Colonel in the Shadom - she was his number two wife - and has opted for the lifestyle of a nomadic tribe. When the diplomat locates the girl he joins the caravan and attempts to persuade the girl to return.
In a mystical desert kingdom, young martial arts fighter Cord loses a contest to determine who will journey to take the powerful Book of All Knowedge from Zetan, an evil wizard. Despite his lack of a sponsor, Cord's rule-breaking nature leads him to try retrieving the book anyway. Help is offered by a mysterious blind man who gives advice as Cord fights his way through multiple opponents, discovering more about himself as he gets closer to Zetan.
Victor Gannon
Os irmãos Tony e Tina, vieram do espaço e têm uma curiosa energia capaz de ajudar muitas pessoas. Foi em uma situação de ajudar a pessoas em perigo que Tony, acaba caindo em uma seringa que tinha um líquido que hipnotizava as pessoas… E foi assim que o pequeno Tony foi raptado. Desesperada com o sumiço do irmão Tina, pede ajuda a um grupo de garotos que se intitulam uma gangue. A ajuda desses garotos mais os poderes telepáticos de Tina, serão a bússola para reencontrar Tony, e salvá-lo das garras de um inescrupuloso cientista.
Captain Rameses
Captain Rameses and his Legion of the Winged Serpent brigade are out to claim Earth for their dying race. Out to save Earth is an alien guard patrol located in the Bermuda Triangle, the League of Races. LOR leaders warn Rameses that he's breaking galactic treaty rules. The alien villain responds by launching an invasion which telepathically drives Earthlings to suicide. The LOR implore UFO expert Professor Duncan to help them. Eventually, the two alien forces battle. Will the Earth be saved?
Rare 1977 documentary short hosted by Christopher Lee on the occult. Topics range from witch covens, Astrology, psychic powers, seances and astral projection, amongst others.
Father Pergado / Zindar
After witnessing a man's death in a bizzare accident, Father Pergado goes on a spiritual retreat, where he encounters his alien double bent on world conquest.
Martin Wallace
Em uma viagem para Palm Beach, onde vai inaugurar um museu composto de peças da sua coleção particular, o magnata Philip Stevens transporta em seu luxuoso Jumbo 747 a sua coleção de arte, tendo seus amigos como convidados. Mas o avião é sequestrado, sofre um acidente e cai no oceano, ficando submerso em águas rasas. Será que a tripulação e os passageiros conseguirão escapar antes que o avião seja invadido totalmente pela água do mar?
On-Screen Narrator
Four crazed killers, butchered his wife, son and daughter. From his hospital deathbed he called upon the power of the occult for revenge... And he got it, he really got it!
Le prince des Ténèbres
With angry villagers driving them away from their castle in Transylvania, Dracula and his son Ferdinand head abroad. Dracula ends up in London, England where he becomes a horror movie star exploiting his vampire status. His son, meanwhile, is ashamed of his roots and ends up a night watchman in Paris, France where he falls for a girl. Naturally, tensions arise when father and son are reunited and both take a liking to the same girl.
A colonial police officer in Rhodesia hunts down the albino terrorist who raped and murdered his fiancee.
Father Michael
John Verney, um estudioso do oculto, luta desesperadamente ao lado de sua esposa, Eveline, para salvar Catherine, uma noviça, das mãos de Michael Rayner, um padre excomungado, após descobrir que a intenção do mesmo é preparar Catherine para ser a representante do Diabo na Terra ao completar 18 anos.
Major Chilton
Head of company security, Harry Webb, fears that a diamond theft is about to take place at their major mining complex deep in the desert. He quickly manages to become very unpopular, particularly with Claire Chambers, a celebrated cover girl, daughter of the mine administrator. She is visiting the man she loves, Mike Bradley, who is responsible for security at the mine. Nelson, the mine administrator, gives Bradley a curious mission - to steal a diamond. He wants to implicate Bradley in order to bring him into contact with a certain Lewis who is preparing to rob the mine with the aid of a group of mercanaries and a local accessory known as Father Christmas. Webb, not being informed of the deceit, relentlessly pursues Bradley, who is contacted by Lewis. With the mercanaries in the process of penetrating the mine. Bradley reveals himself to be Father Christmas, the organiser of the entire operation...
The Keeper
The Keeper of Underwood Asylum has the mental patients of the wealthiest families in British Columbia. The rest of the family members have been dying under mysterious circumstances, so Biggs hires private investigator Richard Driver, who puts his assistant, Maybelline, in the asylum pretending she is his cousin and that they came from a family where the parents were all first cousins to each other and they decided to keep their love platonic for genetic reasons. Then he tries to get Inspector Clarke to check him in as a narcoleptic who didn't wake up with his body. They all know what the keeper has been doing, but it is a matter of proving it, and avoiding the hypnotized Biggs twins and Danny, who he is able to keep catatonic with his machine. Inspector Clarke gives driver a lot of trouble, and the kid giving shoe shines looks down on everybody, knowing more.
Himself / Vlad Tepes / Count Dracula
A documentary exploring the legends of vampires, using books, paintings and early films on the subject.
Francisco Scaramanga
Quando uma bala de ouro chega ao quartel-general da inteligência britânica com um "007" gravado nela, se acredita que James Bond (Roger Moore) será o próximo alvo de um assassino profissional (Christopher Lee) que cobra um milhão de dólares por serviço. Assim, Bond vai investigar a situação e acaba descobrindo que o objetivo do matador internacional seqüestrar um cientista, que inventou um conversor solar capaz de resolver a crise de energia no planeta.
Continuação da saga "Os Três Mosqueteiros", que agora são quatro! Depois de recuperar as jóias da Rainha, D’Artagnan (Michael York) tornou-se um mosqueteiro. Os protestantes ocupam La Rochelle e a Rainha (Geraldine Chaplin) está apaixonada pelo Duke de Buckingham (Simon Ward), que logo enviará navios de apoio aos rebeldes. O Cardeal Richelieu (Charlton Heston) recruta Rochefort (Christopher Lee) para sequestrar Constance (Raquel Welch), mensageira secreta da Rainha e amor de D´Artagnan. E para distrair o mosqueteiro, o Cardeal convoca a esperta e amoral Milady de Winter (Faye Dunaway). Mas logo, eles se tornam arque inimigos. Milady vai à Inglaterra para liquidar Buckingham e destronar a Rainha Anne, enquanto os quatro Mosqueteiros lutam contra os rebeldes. Conseguirá D´Artagnan salvar Constance, defender Rochefort, escapar da ira de Winter e se manter livre do Cardeal? Um por todos e todos por um!
Dr. Stephen Hayward
A psychiatrist plots to murder his wife so he can be with his mistress, but his wife mysteriously disappears before he can carry out his plan.
Adaptação da obra de Alexandre Dumas, em que o jovem D’Artagnan se une aos mosqueteiros Athos, Portohos e Aramis contra o Cardeal Richelieu, que deseja expandir seus poderes, e seu braço direito, Rochefort.
Lord Summerisle
O policial Neil Howie chega à ilha de Summerisle, na costa escocesa, com a missão de investigar o desaparecimento de uma jovem. Os habitantes da ilha, no entanto, não parecem dispostos a colaborar. Todos, inclusive a mãe da menina, negam que ela exista ou que tenham ligado para a polícia e relatado o crime. Quanto mais Howie procura, mais se confunde. Para piorar, revela-se diante dele uma comunidade pagã cheia de amor livre e folclores celtas, que vai contra tudo aquilo em que o religioso e conservador policial acredita.
Count Dracula
Londres, 1974. O professor Van Helsing é chamado ao serviço de inteligência britânico para tentar desvendar o desaparecimento de cinco importantes oficiais do serviço secreto. Sua neta Jessica, juntamente com o inspetor Murray, são seqüestrados por um bando de motoqueiros a serviço de um bilionário recluso, D. D. Denham, que nunca é visto a luz do dia. Desesperado em salvar sua neta e o inspetor, Van Helsing entra na mansão maldita de Denham e descobre uma terrível realidade: ele é a reencarnação do Conde Drácula, o mais terrível vampiro da história. Esta é a versão inédita sem cortes e remasterizada da famosa produção da Hammer Films, de 1973.
Dr. Ian Mandeville
Um casal planeja esconder um dinheiro roubado de seu legítimo dono. O único problema é que a casa em que planejam escondê-lo é assombrada.
Col. Charles Bingham
When various trustees of the Van Traylen Orphanage begin dying in close order, it's at first written off as a coincidence. But, when a school bus accident very nearly takes out three more of them along with a group of orphans, Col. Bingham (Christopher Lee) and his pathologist friend, Mark (Peter Cushing), begin looking into the deaths. They come to think the answer lies with one of the girls on the bus, who has vivid memories of things she could not possibly have seen.
When various trustees of the Van Traylen Orphanage begin dying in close order, it's at first written off as a coincidence. But, when a school bus accident very nearly takes out three more of them along with a group of orphans, Col. Bingham (Christopher Lee) and his pathologist friend, Mark (Peter Cushing), begin looking into the deaths. They come to think the answer lies with one of the girls on the bus, who has vivid memories of things she could not possibly have seen.
A young, down-on-his-luck resident of hell is given a chance to redeem himself by signing up a down-on-his-luck retail accountant to sell his soul to Lucifer.
James Hildern
Emmanuel Hildern, um cientista da época vitoriana, retorna a Londres com um esqueleto que achou em Papua Nova Guiné. Ao acidentalmente expô-lo à água, a carne volta a crescer nos ossos e a criatura se regenera e volta á vida.
Stratton-Villiers, MI5
There's something pretty grisly going on under London in the Tube tunnels between Holborn and Russell Square. When a top civil servant becomes the latest to disappear down there Scotland Yard start to take the matter seriously. Helping them are a young couple who get nearer to the horrors underground than they would wish.
Prof. Sir Alexander Saxton
Uma expedição organizada por uma sociedade geológica britânica na Manchúria, em 1906, liderada pelo Prof. Alexander Saxton (Christopher Lee), descobre uma criatura congelada que pode ter milhões de anos. O antropólogo encaixota seu achado e embarca num trem trans-siberiano de volta à Europa. Porém, o monstro desperta e espalha o terror durante a viagem de trem, sugando o conhecimento de suas vítimas e deixando-as com os olhos brancos, enquanto torna-se uma ameaça cada vez mais perigosa.
Count Dracula
Hyde Park, Londres, 1872. Uma luta sem tréguas acontece entre Lawrence Van Helsing e seu arquiinimigo, o Conde Drácula. Van Helsing consegue destruir seu inimigo, que vira pó, mas em razão dos ferimentos sofridos acaba morrendo. Alguém pega o anel de Drácula e recolhe um pouco de suas cinzas em uma ampola. Exatamente 100 anos depois alguns jovens, comandados por Johnny Alucard, fazem uma missa negra, sendo que uma das participantes era Jessica Van Helsing, descendente do caçador de vampiros. Como ela quase todos estavam ali de brincadeira, mas quando a cerimônia toma um rumo inesperado a maioria foge e não vê que Johnny ressuscitou Drácula, que imediatamente suga todo o sangue de Laura Bellows, a única do grupo além de Johnny que não partira. Johnny, com prazer, vê o mestre se saciar com sangue de Laura. Drácula agora quer se vingar dos descendentes de Van Helsing, sendo que o único que pode enfrentá-lo é o professor Van Helsing, o avô de Laura, que é um estudioso do assunto
Um ensaio atmosférico, servindo como uma versão alternativa do “Conde Drácula”, um filme dirigido por Jess Franco em 1970; uma narração fantasmagórica entre ficção e realidade.
The Man
This film turns on two basic axes: the inquiry into ways of cinematographic representation and a critical image of official Spain at the time of the Franco dictatorship. “Montage of attractions” and Brechtianism in strong doses. Umbracle is made up of fragments (some are archive footage) that resound rather than progress by unusual links, with dejá vu scenes that promise us more but remain tensely unfinished. Jonathan Rosembaun said: “few directors since Resnais have played so ruthlessly with the unconscious narrative expectations to bug us”. Learning from the feeling of strangeness caused by Rossellini as he threw well known actors into savage scenery in southern Europe. Portabella makes Christopher Lee wander around a dream-like Barcelona. Without a doubt Portabella’s most structurally complex and most profoundly political film, that is ferociously poetic.
Hannie enlists the aid of bounty hunter Tom Price to teach her how to be a gunfighter so she can hunt down the 3 men who killed her husband and raped her.
Dr. Charles Marlowe
Christopher Lee stars in this Amicus production of “Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” where the names have been changed to Dr. Marlowe and Mr. Blake. Lee as Dr. Marlowe experiments with intravenous drugs that are suppose to release inner inhibitions. So comes forth Mr. Blake (also Lee) who gets more monstrous with each transformation. Peter Cushing plays his friend and colleague, Dr. Utterson.
Based on a novella by Ivan Turgenev, Pierwsza milosc is the story of a 15 year old boy and a 21 year old girl who develop an ill-fated romance.
John Reid (segment 3 "Sweets to the Sweet")
Um investigador da Scotland Yard investiga quatro casos misteriosos envolvendo uma casa abandonada.
O Conde Drácula, o mais cruel vampiro da história, renasce das cinzas, para atormentar os moradores de um pequeno vilarejo da Inglaterra. Um jovem fugitivo da polícia esconde-se no castelo da vampiro sem saber o que o espera. O povo revoltado invade o castelo e tenta destruir o antro de perversão do monstro. Porém, o Príncipe das Trevas está de volta mais terrível do que nunca e dará início a um ritual sádico e perverso em busca de vingança.
Mycroft Holmes
Holmes and Dr. Watson take on the case of a beautiful woman whose husband has vanished. The investigation proves strange indeed, involving six missing midgets, villainous monks, a Scottish castle, the Loch Ness monster, and covert naval experiments.
A ascensão e a queda do grande general e ditador romano, o último Cônsul da República Romana. Vítima de uma conspiração parte de alguns senadores romanos, o filme mostra o assassinato de Júlio César, nos idos de março, como um adivinho havia previsto. Este fato gera diversos acontecimentos na Roma Antiga, como manifestações populares promovidas por Marco Antônio, general famoso por, entre outros fatos, comandar o Segundo Triunvirato, ao lado de Lépido e Augusto.
No exato momento da morte de Dracula (filme anterior), um homem passa pelo local e recolhe seu sangue, capa e anel com a intenção de ressuscitá-lo em um ritual satânico. Três distintos cavalheiros estão procurando por algo excitante em suas tediosas vidas. Eles entram em contato com um dos servos de Drácula e realizam uma cerimônia noturna para trazê-lo de volta à vida. Eles aceitam do Lord Courtley a missão de comprar para este o manto, o anel, e um frasco com sangue pertencente ao falecido Conde Drácula. Em troca, terão teus desejos mais secretos realizados. Numa cerimônia secreta, os cidadãos se recusam a beber uma poção feita com o sangue de Drácula, mas o Lord bebe e é espancado até a morte, como vingança, ele decide que os cavalheiros serão mortos, um a um, por seus próprios filhos.
London nightclub buddies Salt and Pepper link Pepper's dead twin to diamond smugglers.
Jonathan Harker viaja até um castelo numa remota zona da Transilvânia para encontrar-se com seu excêntrico proprietário, o Conde Drácula, que pretende comprar uma nova propriedade na Inglaterra. Aos poucos, Harker começa a perceber que há mais do que excentricidade naquela figura, e seu anfitrião se revela uma terrível criatura que se alimenta de sangue humano.
Eugenie, an innocent young woman, is taken to an island paradise where she initiated into a world of pleasure and pain controlled by the sinister Dolmance. But when she surrenders to her own forbidden fantasies, Eugenie becomes trapped in a frenzy of drugs, sadomasochism and murder. Can a frightened girl in the grip of carnal perversion find sanctuary in the orgies of the depraved?
Lord George Jeffreys
Horror icon Christopher Lee, who worked with Jess Franco on several occasions, plays Lord George Jeffreys, the infamous and merciless judge and Lord Chancellor in England torn by strife between the reigning King James II and William of Orange. Convincend of doing what's necessary, the cruel judge mercilessly persecutes 'traitors', who sympathize with the King's opponent William of Orange, as well as 'witches', who are accused of being in league with the devil...
A serial killer, who drains his victims for blood is on the loose in London, the Police follow him to a house owned by an eccentric scientist.
Ship's Vampire
Sir Guy Grand, the richest man in the world, adopts a homeless man, Youngman. Together, they set out to prove that anyone--and anything--can be bought.
Dr. J. Neuhartt
Aristocrat Julian Markham keeps his disfigured brother, Sir Edward, locked in a tower of his house. Occasionaly Sir Edward escapes and causes havoc around the town.
Dr. Fu Man Chu
O cérebro do mal, Fu Manchu, trama seu mais recente esquema para basicamente congelar os oceanos da Terra com seu novo dispositivo diabólico. Opondo-se a ele está seu arquiinimigo, o britânico Dr. Nayland Smith da Interpol.
J.D. Morley
When his brother disappears, Robert Manning pays a visit to the remote country house he was last heard from. While his host is outwardly welcoming - and his niece more demonstrably so - Manning detects a feeling of menace in the air with the legend of Lavinia Morley, Black Witch of Greymarsh, hanging over everything.
Após gerar pavor na província de Caynemberg, Drácula foi aparentemente eliminado. Um ano após sua "morte" Ernst Muller, um Monsenhor, visita a região e vê que ninguém vai à missa, pois a sombra do castelo cai sobre a igreja e todos sentem a presença do mal, inclusive o padre local. Com isso o Monsenhor, acompanhado pelo padre, parte para exorcizar o castelo. Porém o padre está tão apavorado que não consegue ir até ao castelo, então o Monsenhor continua sozinho e pede que o padre o espere. O pavor do padre era tão grande que ele se assusta com um temporal e cai num pequeno precipício, onde estava o túmulo de Drácula. O padre se feriu na queda e um pouco do sangue vai até os lábios de Drácula, que ressuscita. Paralelamente o Monsenhor lacrou o castelo com uma cruz na porta e foi embora. Ao ver a cruz na porta, Drácula fica cheio de ódio e pergunta ao padre quem fez aquilo. O religioso, apavorado, diz que foi o Monsenhor, então Drácula planeja se vingar dele.
Dr. Fu Man Chu
Fu Manchu inocula dez mulheres com veneno, para matar dez líderes mundiais.
Duc de Richleau
As forças do bem e do mal se enfrentam quando o Duque de Richelieu enfrenta um grupo de satanistas liderado pelo cruel Mocata pela alma de seu amigo. Mocata possui o conhecimento e o poder de invocar as forças da escuridão, enquanto o Duque e seus amigos tentam se proteger e não serem subjugados pelo terror crescente da chegada do "Anjo da Morte".
Colonel Stuart
Adventurer and treasure hunter Mike Yates is hoping to find a cache of Incan treasure lost in the Amazon jungle. While looking for his missing partner, he stumbles across a beautiful jungle girl named Eve. Later on, he comes across Eve's grandfather, who is being swindled by a man and a young woman who is pretending to be his granddaughter Eve. Will Yates be able to expose the swindle, beat the swindlers to the lost treasure (with the help of the real Eve), and reunite Eve with her grandfather before the final credits roll?
Fu Manchu/Dracula (archival footage)
Clips from assorted television programs, B-movies, commercials, music performances, newsreels, bloopers, satirical short films and promotional and government films of the 1950s and 1960s are intercut together to tell a single story of various creatures and societal ills attacking American cities.
Philippe Darvas
The Theatre of Death in Paris specialises in horror presentations. A police surgeon finds himself becoming involved in the place through his attraction to one of the performers. When bloodless bodies start showing up all over town he realises there could be links with the theatre.
Count Frederic Regula / Graf von Andomai
In the Olden Tymes, Count Regula is drawn and quartered for killing twelve virgins in his dungeon torture chamber. Thirty-five years later, he comes back to seek revenge on the daughter of his intended thirteenth victim and the son of his prosecutor in order to attain immortal life.
Dragon #4
While travelling through Hong Kong, Bob Mitchell accidentally stumbles into the middle of criminal negotiations between a mean gang, the Five Golden Dragons and the local mobsters.
Dr. Fu Manchu
Em seu esconderijo remoto na China, o malvado Fu Manchu planeja a morte e o descrédito de seu arquirrival, o inspetor Nayland Smith, da Scotland Yard.
Godfrey Hanson
Embora a Inglaterra esteja no meio de um inverno congelante, a pequena ilha escocesa de Fara experimenta uma onda de calor que ultrapassa os 40 graus e sobe diariamente.
Sem muito o que fazer, a jovem e linda Angela Roberts dá um jeito de esquentar ainda mais a situação enquanto um cientista misterioso recém chegado, o Dr. Godfrey Hanson, faz pesquisas com o solo e instala câmeras pela ilha.
Quando indagado, Godfrey diz suspeitar que a onda de calor seja obra de alienígenas e tentará provar sua teoria e dar um fim a tudo aquilo juntamente com o médico local, o Dr. Vernon Stone.
Fu Manchu
Desta vez, Fu Manchu e seu exército de capangas estão sequestrando as filhas de cientistas proeminentes e levando-as para sua sede na ilha remota. Em vez de pedir resgate, Fu exige que os pais o ajudem a construir um raio da morte, que ele pretende usar para dominar o mundo. Mas o arquiinimigo de Fu, Nayland Smith, da Scotland Yard, está determinado a não deixar isso acontecer.
A circus becomes the location for stolen loot and murder.
Grigori Rasputin
Rasputin, a crazed and debauched monk wreaks havoc at the local inn one night, chopping off the hand of one of the drinkers. As the bitter locals plan their revenge, the evil Rasputin works his satanic power over the beautiful women who serve at the Tsar's palace. Even the Tsarina herself is seduced by his evil ways and, as his influence begins to dominate government policy, there is only one course of action left... to destroy him before he destroys them all.
Count Dracula
Mesmo depois que o conde Drácula fora destruído pelo Dr. Van Helsing (no filme Horror of Dracula), sua lenda ainda amedronta a população local. Jovens casais em férias na região dos Montes Cárpatos são aconselhados por moradores a desistir de seus planos, pois uma maldição vive escondida no interior da floresta. Julgando tratar-se de mera superstição, os viajantes ignoram o aviso e partem em direção ao desconhecido. Abandonados pelo cocheiro em plena floresta, eles chegam a um castelo.
Sir Matthew Phillips
An occult investigator buys the 150-year-old skull of the Marquis de Sade, which turns out to be possessed by evil spirits.
Dr. Fu Man Chu
Terríveis estrangulamentos em Londres alertaram Nayland Smith da Scotland Yard para a possibilidade de que o diabólico Fu Manchu pode não estar morto, embora Smith tenha testemunhado sua execução. Um spray assassino feito de frutas tibetanas parece estar envolvido e as pistas continuam levando de volta ao Tâmisa.
Mr. U.N. Owen (voice)
Dez pessoas, oito estranhos e um casal de empregados, desfrutam de um final de semana em um castelo longínquo. Sem saber, cada um deles foi convidado para seu próprio assassinato. Você passará o tempo todo tentando adivinhar quem é o verdadeiro assassino enquanto assiste à mais esta brilhante adaptação da obra de Agatha Christie, O Caso dos 10 Negrinhos
The lost city of Kuma is ruled by the cruel, arrogant, beautiful queen, Ayesha, gifted with eternal life. She lures Leo Vincey into her world, seeing in him the reincarnation of the lover she long ago murdered in a fit of violent jealousy. Against all advice Leo is determined to stay and Ayesha persuades him to bathe in the flame of eternal youth... with disastrous consequences.
Franklyn Marsh
Five strangers board a train and are joined by a mysterious fortune teller who offers to read their Tarot cards. Five separate stories unfold: An architect returns to his ancestoral home to find a werewolf out for revenge; a doctor discovers his new wife is a vampire; a huge plant takes over a house; a musician gets involved with voodoo; an art critic is pursued by a disembodied hand.
Prof. Karl Meister
In the early 20th century a village experienced a series of inexplicable murders. All the victims were young men who had been turned to stone. The perpetrator of these deaths was a being so repulsive that she transformed the onlooker using the power of her deadly stare. Much of the time the creature took the form of a beautiful and seductive woman, but during periods of the full moon she becomes a living horror, vicious and deadly. A professor has come to investigate the deaths, bringing with him his beautiful assistant whose knowledge of the Gorgon is more intimate than anyone would ever realise.
Count Drago
Count Drago invites over entertainers to his castle, but what the people don't know is that Drago mummifies animals and humans!
Captain Robeles
A pirate ship, fighting in 1588 on the side of the Spanish Armada, suffers damage and must put into a village on the British coast for repairs. The village is small and isolated and the Spanish convince the villagers that the English fleet has been defeated and that they, the Spanish, are now their masters. This results in the villagers' sullen cooperation, but rumors and unrest begin to spread and soon the Spanish pirates find themselves facing a revolt.
Count Ludwig Karnstein
Count Karnstein sends for a doctor to help his sick daughter Laura. Her nurse believes she is possessed by the spirit of a dead ancestor;Carmilla. A young woman becomes intrigued by the mysterious deaths surrounding Laura after a carriage accident outside the castle forces her to stay. They become close friends until Laura becomes convinced the spirit of Carmilla is forcing her to kill.
Horror stars are interviewed about their craft and films. Included on Severin Films' "Eurocrypt of Christopher Lee Vol. 1" collection.
Kurt Menliff
In the 19th century, a sadistic nobleman terrorizes the members of his family. He is found dead, but his ghost soon returns to haunt the residents of his castle.
Women are being tortured to death with various torture devices in the dungeon of an old castle by a deformed, hooded, holocaust survivor.
A group of young people happen upon an old man in a castle who turns out to be the devil.
Sherlock Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and Watson do battle with their nemesis, Professor Moriarity, over an ancient necklace attributed to Cleopatra.
Baron Ferdi von Staub
German actor Peter van Eyck stars as Droste, a mild-mannered businessman who was an intelligence expert during World War II. When Droste runs into his old friend Baron Von Straub (Christopher Lee), the two rekindle a friendship that was interrupted by the war. However, when Von Straub asks Droste to deliver a small package to a friend in West Germany, the befuddled Droste is set up for a series of complicated spy games.
Captain LaRoche
Um homem, exilado por seu pai em uma colônia penal, retorna e tem que enfrentar os piratas que inadvertidamente conduziu a sua aldeia.
Capt. Allerman
Rival gangsters from Chicago move to London and attempt to extort money from rich Britons.
King Lico (Licos)
Upon his return from battle in the previous film, the great warrior Hercules learns that his lover, Daianara, has lost her senses. Acording of the oracle Medea, Dianara's only hope is the Stone of Forgetfulness which lies deep in the realm of Hades. Hercules, with two companions, Theseus and Telemachus, embarks on a dangerous quest for the stone, while he is unaware that Dianara's guardian, King Lico, is the one responsible for her condition and plots to have the girl for himself as his bride upon her revival.
Ling Chu
A Chinese detective breaks up a drug smuggling ring and tries to find the "Daffodil Killer". The drug smugglers had devised the ingenious method of smuggling heroin from Hong Kong in the stems of daffodils.
Doctor Pierre Gerrard
A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father's estate after ten years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.
Chung King
In 1910, Hong Kong, under the rule of the British Empire, is a prosperous and bustling city, but, hidden in the shadows of its many narrow streets, the hideous members of the Red Dragon gang, a branch of the evil Chinese secret society of the Tongs, lurk and murder those who oppose to their tyranny, which thrives on vice, crime and the fear of the weakest.
A French reporter working on a steamy story about the secret strip joints found in London's Soho district becomes involved in the lives of the owner and star of a famous club.
Nero the magician
Famed concert pianist Stephen Orlac survives a plane crash, but his hands are permanently destroyed. Helpful surgeon Volcheff grafts a pair of new hands on the hapless Orlac. Unfortunately, they're the hands of an executed murderer - useless for a pianist, but quite handy for less delicate work...
Paul Allen
Londres, 1874. Henry Jekyll (Paul Massie) é um dedicado pesquisador que há 6 anos está casado com Kitty (Dawn Addams), mas lhe dá pouca atenção. Com isso ela se apaixonou por Paul Allen (Christopher Lee), o maior amigo de Jekyll. Paralelamente Henry desenvolve uma fórmula que faz vir à tona o lado negro de cada ser e, ao aplicar em si esta droga, Jekyll se altera não só psicologicamente como fisicamente. Logo ele está na Sphinx, uma casa noturna cara mas de má reputação. Lá encontra Kitty e Paul, que conversam com ele. Logo Jekyll está dançando com Kitty, que não imagina que este desconhecido que diz se chamar Edward Hyde é o seu marido, que ela tanto evita. Este encontro marca o início de várias tragédias.
Prof. Alan Driscoll
A young college student arrives in a sleepy Massachusetts town to research witchcraft; during her stay at an eerie inn, she discovers a startling secret about the town and its inhabitants.
Kenny King
When her architect father brings home a much younger new wife, rebellious and resentful teen Jenny goes to extreme lengths to sabotage their relationship.
Baron Roderico da Frankurten
Baron Osvaldo Lambertenghi is forced to sell his ancestral castle, staying on as a bellboy when it's converted into a hotel. However he becomes vampirized when his mysterious uncle comes to stay.
Kharis, the Mummy
Egito, 1895. Três arqueologistas britânicos, John Banning (Peter Cushing), Stephen Banning (Felix Aylmer) e Joseph Whemple (Raymond Hutley), descobrem o túmulo de uma princesa egípcia, Ananka (Yvonne Furneaux), que morreu há quatro mil anos. Sem imaginar o que realmente fazia, Stephen lê o "Pergaminho da Vida". Isto faz voltar a vida Kharis (Christopher Lee), o guardião da tumba, que recebe a ajuda de Mehemet Bey (George Pastell), um egípcio que não aceita o túmulo ter sido profanado por "infiéis". Três anos depois, Mehemet leva para a Inglaterra Kharis, que terá a missão de matar os três arqueólogos que lideraram a expedição que achou a tumba de Ananka.
After World War II, an ex-spy returns to Germany to search for a cache of jewels he hid in a Czechoslovakian convent.
Dr. Pierre Gerrard
Um artista e cientista centenário em uma Paris de 1890 mantém sua juventude e saúde substituindo periodicamente uma glândula de seu corpo pela de uma pessoa viva.
Sir Henry Baskerville
Peter Cushing é um perfeito Sherlock Holmes e André Morell um perfeito Dr Watson, neste clássico de mistério e terror, que conta também com a interpretação da lenda do horror Christopher Lee. Com envolventes interpretações e cinematografia assustadora, este excelente filme de grande qualidade, vai mantê-lo na expectativa - e ofegante - até à última imagem! Um mal demoníaco esconde-se num manto de névoa nos pântanos que povoam as lendas inglesas. Na forma de um cão infernal, ele alimenta-se da carne dos herdeiros do Palácio dos Baskervilles. Mas antes desta besta selvagem poder ferrar os dentes no novo dono da mansão, tem que colocar as suas malévolas mandíbulas no astuto intelecto do mais poderoso inimigo que alguma vez encontrou - o incomparável Sherlock Holmes.
Resurrection Joe
An 1840s British surgeon, experiments with anesthetic gases in an effort to make surgery pain-free. While doing so, his demonstration before a panel of his peers ends in a horrific mishap with his patient awakening under the knife; he is forced to leave his position in disgrace. To complicate matters, he becomes addicted to the gases and gets involved with a gang of criminals, led by Black Ben and his henchman Resurrection Joe.
Count Dracula
Jonnathan Harker morre aparentemente vítima de um vampiro. Ao investigar a misteriosa morte do amigo, Van Helsing encontra um diário que incrimina o Conde Drácula. Mas Lucy, a prometida de Harker, também foi atacada por um vampiro. O irmão e a cunhada da moça se unem a Van Helsing para capturar a sanguinária criatura.
Marquis St. Evremonde
British barrister Sydney Carton lives an insubstantial and unhappy life. He falls under the spell of Lucie Manette, but Lucie marries Charles Darnay. When Darnay goes to Paris to rescue an imprisoned family retainer, he becomes entangled in the snares of the brutal French Revolution and is himself jailed and condemned to the guillotine. But Sydney Carton, in love with a woman he cannot have, comes up with a daring plan to save her husband.
1943: A schoolmaster called Stefan Novak (Michael Rennie) and his watchmaker friend Tadek (David Knight) are working for the Polish resistance lead by Stanislav Muski (Peter Madden) and allow themselves to be captured by the Nazis and taken to a labour camp on the Baltic coast so that they can spy on the operations there. Stefan and Tadek discover that the camp houses a huge production unit where the V1 rocket is being built, which Hitler intends to use to destroy London. The pair succeed in informing the resistance of what is happening who in turn tip off the allies who launch a full scale raid on the plant and destroy it therefore setting back the Nazis' plan by months. However, the fight is far from over as Hitler's generals proceed with plans to build yet another plant and Stefan and Tadek are faced with a dangerous challenge, they must capture a complete V1 rocket and help in smuggling it back to Britain so that the allies can prepare themselves for Hitler's proposed invasion...
Sgt. Barney
During the second world war, two British officers, Brand and Leith, who have never seen combat are assigned a vital mission. Their relationship and the operation are complicated by the arrival of Brand's wife, who had a tryst with Leith years earlier.
Voice (voice)
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
The Creature
O Barão Frankenstein (Peter Cushing) descobre uma maneira de enganar a morte. Para testar sua descoberta, monta um corpo com pedaços de diferentes cadáveres. O resultado é uma criatura sem nome, irracional e sedenta de morte. Ciência ou loucura?"
Charles Highbury
An insurance man discovers his ex-girlfriend and her husband's art-forgery/arson scam.
Doctor Neumann
One time members of a resistance group come together every year to remember their dead leader, betrayed to and executed by the Nazis. When it seems that they might finally know the name of the traitor - and that he or she comes from within their own unit - their annual gathering becomes a deadly trial...
German officer at The Dentist's office
Led by British officers, partisans on Crete plan to kidnap the island's German commander and smuggle him to Cairo to embarrass the occupiers.
Francois Thiers
Baffled and at a loss to understand the mentality of Diana, his wife, Anthony makes a frantic visit to the home of her parents to discover that she is staying with them.
Nos primeiros anos da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a Marinha Real Britânica está lutando uma batalha desesperada para manter as rotas dos comboios do Atlântico abertas para abastecer as Ilhas Britânicas, enfrentando o grande perigo representado pelos muitos navios de guerra alemães, como o Almirante Graf Spee, que estão vasculhando o oceano em busca de navios de carga para afundarem.
Gil Rossi
Um americano viaja para o leste da África, buscando descobrir como seu irmão morreu.
Franz Vermes
An army veteran with a shattered leg returns to his home in Port Afrique after war only to find his wife has been murdered. He's determined to find the killer, even if it means uncovering family secrets he never knew about.
Nectenabus (voice)
He was a fierce military commander who led huge armies into battle without a single defeat; a magnificent warrior who many believed was part god - this was Alexander the Great (Richard Burton), the legendary Greek hero hailed by his countrymen as "The King of Kings". Born in 356 B.C. into a turbulent world of political unrest, educated by Aristotle (Barry Jones) and chosen to lead his people in the grand tradition of his powerful father (Fredric March), this glamorous world conqueror rose above all conflict to unite the continents of Europe and Asia to become one of the most celebrated rulers of all time! Written, produced and directed by Oscar - winner Robert Rossen and featuring the extraordinary Claire Bloom and a remarkable cast of thousands, this stunning portrait of one of history's most fascinating figures is colossal entertainment and an amazing spectacle.
Major Schultz
Stanley Windrush has to interrupt his university education when he is called up towards the end of the war. He quickly proves himself not to be officer material, but befriends wily Private Percival Cox who knows exactly how all the scams work in the confused world of the British Army. And Stanley's brigadier War Office uncle seems to be up to something more than a bit shady too - and they are both soon working for him, behind the enemy lines.
Karaga Pasha
In 1885, while his regiment is sent to the Sudan to battle the rebellious Dervish tribes, British Lieutenant Harry Faversham resigns his officer's commission in order to remain with his fiancée Mary Burroughs in England. His friends and fellow officers John Durrance, Peter Burroughs and Tom Willoughby brand him a coward and present him with the white feathers of cowardice. His fiancée, Mary, adds a fourth feather and breaks off their engagement. However, former Lieutenant Faversham decides to regain his honor by fighting in the Sudan incognito. Re-used a great deal of stock footage from The Four Feathers (1939), including the entire final battle sequence.
John Preston
A mysterious young man settles in a rural English town and immediately starts making a good impression. Before long he has insinuated himself into local life, is married and is serving on the board of the local hospital. Everything seems to be going well for him until a newly appointed consultant psychiatrist shows up and starts asking some probing questions.
Submarine Commander Alan Grieves
Durante a WW2 um Major da Reserva da Marinha Real deve trabalhar com um Capitão veterano e um grupo de recrutas incorrigíveis na tentativa do que é geralmente considerada como uma missão suicida. A ordem era a destruição secreta de todos navios alemães atracados num estaleiro rio acima em Bordeaux, na França ocupada. E o ataque seria feito usando... canoas.
In 1570, widowed Princess Ana de Mendoza becomes the love object of a deadly rivalry between her cousin Don Inigo, King Philip II of Spain and his secretary of state Antonio Perez.
Johnny, a constable
When his colleague is killed during a chase in Kentish Town, London bobby Frank volunteers to become a dog-handler.
French Patrol Captain at Tavern (uncredited)
Edward, Prince of Wales, son and heir to his father King Edward III of England, leads an English army to the French province of Aquitaine to protect the inhabitant from the ravages of the French. After defeating the French in battle, the defeated French plot to kill the prince. Failing in this, they kidnap his lady, the lovely Lady Joan Holland. Of course Prince Edward has to ride to the rescue, adopting numerous guises to save his paramour, which ultimately end in him leading his men into one final climactic battle against the French. (Also known as "The Warriors" and "The Black Prince").
Narrator (voice)
An FBI agent goes to the French-Spanish border to round up some smugglers and counterfeiters after his brother is murdered.
Harry Cooper
Two years before he first donned The Count's cloak for Dracula, Christopher Lee had one of his earliest leading roles in this fascinating low budget short subject. Arguably Lee's first venture into Gothic territory on screen, it memorably features the camera - perhaps for the very first time - zooming in for a chilling close up of those unforgettably steely eyes.
A Stage Manager / Flask
Moby Dick—Rehearsed is a two-act drama by Orson Welles. The play was staged June 16–July 9, 1955, at the Duke of York's Theatre in London, in a production directed by Welles. Welles used minimal stage design. The stage was bare, the actors appeared in contemporary street clothes, and the props were minimal. For example, brooms were used for oars, and a stick was used for a telescope. The actors provided the action, and the audience's imagination provided the ocean, costumes, and the whale. Welles filmed approximately 75 minutes of the production, with the original cast, at the Hackney Empire and Scala Theatres in London. He hoped to sell the film to Omnibus, the United States television series which had presented his live performance of King Lear in 1953; but Welles stopped shooting when he was disappointed in the results. The film is considered lost.
"The Awakening" is a 1954 short drama film of Douglas Fairbanks Presents anthology series based on Nikolai Gogol's short story "The Overcoat".
Based on a short gothic horror story “Markheim” by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Lieutenant Whitlock
Romantic comedy about a group of Britons flying to Paris for the weekend.
Georges Seurat (uncredited)
Born into aristocracy, Toulouse-Lautrec moves to Paris to pursue his art as he hangs out at the Moulin Rouge where he feels like he fits in being a misfit among other misfits. Yet, because of the deformity of his legs from an accident, he believes he is never destined to experience the true love of a woman. But that lack of love in his life may change as he meets two women
Slave Dealer
The Kadi of Bagdad has harem troubles in this low budget comedy from Edgar Ulmer.
Sir Felix Raybourne
A serial killer terrorizes London. Each victim is found with a telegram signed "The Marquis." There seems to be no other common thread between the victims, and Scotland Yard is baffled. Novelist and amateur sleuth, Paul Temple, is warned to stay away from the case, but he and his glamorous wife Steve can never refuse a good mystery.
Russian Agent (uncredited)
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Joseph (attache)
Burt Lancaster interpreta um pirata com gosto pela intriga e acrobacias que se envolve nos acontecimentos de uma revolução no Caribe no final dos anos 1700. Uma aventura de coração leve envolvendo fugas de prisão, um cientista estranho, veleiros, batalhas navais e toneladas de espadas. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Det. Holt
A Norwegian scientist builds a device that can convert sound waves into electrical energy. However, the machine is stolen by the scientist's wife and assistant, who head across the frozen tundra towards Russia. A police inspector and a local girl team up with the scientist to help recover the device.
Spanish Captain
Em 1807 o imperturbável Capt. Hornblower da marinha britânica é enviado em uma missão secreta para desviar aliados espanhóis de Napoleão, patrocinando uma revolução centro-americana de um líder megalomaníaco. Depois de uma viagem difícil, complicações inesperadas forçam Hornblower a rever seus planos... e o transformam em anfitrião relutante para a bela irmã do Duque de Wellington. Batalhas navais, aventuras extraordinárias, e um romântico interlúdio de estrelas.
Prelude to Fame is a 1950 British drama film directed by Fergus McDonell from a story by Aldous Huxley. While vacationing in Italy, Nick Morell (Robin Dowell), son of John Morell (Guy Rolfe), a famous English philosopher and amateur musician and his wife Catherine (Kathleen Ryan), becomes friendly with young Guido (Jeremy Spenser), and Morell discovers the boy has an extraordinary instinct for orchestration and a phenomenal music memory. A neighboring couple, Signor and Signora Boudini (Henry Oscar and Kathleen Byron) become aware of the boy's talents, and she appeals to his parents to let her educate him musically. Torn by their love for their son and, they feel,the duty to let the world hear his talent, they consent.
Chris Lewis
The film begins in a WW II training depot of a British Guards armoured regiment where recruits from many walks of life learn to survive the strict discipline and training together before going into battle in tanks. There is a cameo appearance by the real Sgt. Major Brittain who was famous in the British guards regiments.
Hon. Bongo Icklesham
Tottie True is a gay-90s British music-hall performer who has her sights set on moving from rags to riches, who loses her heart to the pure-and-true blue balloonist, Sid Skinner, but continues her upward search on improving her social status. She finally settles for Lord Landon Digby who has lots of assets and a very-stiff upper lip. She gets a lot of the latter and very little of the former, and decides Sid might have been a better choice.
Palace Guard (uncredited)
O príncipe dinamarquês Hamlet (Laurence Olivier) procura vingar a morte do pai o Rei. O fantasma do seu pai conta que foi assassinado pelo seu tio (Basil Sydney), irmão do rei, que assumiu o trono e casou-se com a rainha, a mãe de Hamlet (Eileen Herlie).
Bernard Day
The true story of the British explorer Robert Falcon Scott and his ill-fated expedition to try to be the first man to discover the South Pole - only to find that the murderously cold weather and a rival team of Norwegian explorers conspire against him
Jonathan Blair
A glamour model helps Scotland Yard to catch a criminal gang.
Derek Wardwell (Shaun Noble) is struck with amnesia, and the last thing he remembers is the beautiful voice of opera singer Helen Maxwell (Evelyn Maccabe). When he regains consciousness, Wardwell thinks he's in love with her. After his amnesia is cured, Wardwell returns to his fiancee while Helen begins a romance with his doctor.
Pirelli's Assistant
Two strangers meet when they both miss their trains, and end up spending a penniless day and night together. An English version of 'It Happened One Night'.
A man falls in love with a beautiful young woman and begins to suspect that he may have also loved her in a previous life.
A doctor comes to terms with the Spanish Inquisition in a classic battle of science vs. religion.
Джон Маккензи