Corredores de Sangue (1958)
Tops in Terror!
Gênero : Drama, Terror, Thriller, Crime
Runtime : 1H 26M
Director : Robert Day
Escritor : Jean Scott Rogers
An 1840s British surgeon, experiments with anesthetic gases in an effort to make surgery pain-free. While doing so, his demonstration before a panel of his peers ends in a horrific mishap with his patient awakening under the knife; he is forced to leave his position in disgrace. To complicate matters, he becomes addicted to the gases and gets involved with a gang of criminals, led by Black Ben and his henchman Resurrection Joe.
Esta é uma odisseia sobre a eterna luta de um homem para salvar a mulher que ama. A jornada épica inicia-se na Espanha do século XVI, onde o conquistador Thomas (Hugh Jackman) começa a sua procura da Fonte da Juventude, a entidade mítica que se julga conceder vida eterna. Como cientista do nosso tempo, Tommy Creo luta desesperadamente para encontrar a cura para o cancro que está a matar a sua amada esposa, Isabel (Rachel Weisz). Viajando pelo espaço profundo como um astronauta do século XXVI, Tom começa a alcançar os mistérios que o consumiram durante um milénio. As três histórias convergem numa única verdade quando Thomas de todas as eras - guerreiro, cientista e explorador - reconcilia-se com a vida, amor, morte e renascimento.
Após anos procurando seu príncipe encantado, Charlotte Cantilini (Jennifer Lopez) se apaixona por Kevin Fields (Michael Vartan). O problema é a mãe dele, Viola (Jane Fonda), que foi recentemente demitida do cargo de âncora de um jornal de rede nacional. Após perder o emprego, Viola teme perder também o filho e para evitar isto decide atrapalhar ao máximo os planos do casal.
Jack Aubrey é o capitão do H.M.S. Surprise, um dos principais navios de guerra da marinha britânica. Com seu país em guerra contra a França de Napoleão Bonaparte, Aubrey é atacado por um navio inimigo mais poderoso, que fere boa parte de sua tripulação e ainda danifica o navio. Aubrey então se sente dividido entre cumprir seu dever e tentar derrotar o inimigo ou retornar para cuidar dos feridos.
Bertram Pincus (Ricky Gervais),é um homem cuja maneira de lidar com pessoas deixa muito a desejar. Quando Pincus morre inesperadamente, ele milagrosamente ressuscita sete minutos depois, ele acorda e descobre que pode ver fantasmas. Pior ainda, que todos eles querem alguma coisa dele, especialmente Herlihy Frank (Greg Kinnear) que ele insiste em destruir o casamento de sua viúva Gwen (Téa Leoni). Isso põe Pincus no meio de um triângulo amoroso.
Two corrupt cops have a successful, seemingly perfect money making scheme- they sell drugs that they seize from dealers, kill the dealers, and blame the crimes on street gangs. Their scheme is going along smoothly until they kill an undercover DEA agent posing as a dealer, and then try to cover-up their crime.
Durante a Guerra da Coreia, dois competentes jovens cirurgiões, Duke e Hawkeye transformam a rotina de horror e sangue em algo divertido e irônico, através de seu modo descontraído de viver a vida - claramente para evitar os choques e traumas causados pelo que eles passam diariamente, salvando seus companheiros da morte.
Professor Louis Delage is a kidney transplant specialist. He is so good in his field that his peers nickname him the "great man". But one day, one of his patients die during surgery and Delage starts doubting. Is he actually such a great man? To fight desperation he decides to take in the deceased child while devoting more time to Florence, his hitherto neglected wife.
O cirurgião Eugene Sands perde sua licença por operar drogado e aceita trabalhar como médico pessoal de um mafioso procurado pelo FBI em Los Angeles, mas acaba se envolvendo com a namorada do criminoso.
Dr. Frankensteins' daughter, who is in love with the aging lab assistant Marshall, continues with her fathers experiments and attempts to transplant Marshall's brain into a new body to prolong his life.
Richard Kimble, um eminente cirurgião, é condenado à morte injustamente pelo assassinato de Helen, a sua esposa, mas consegue escapar devido a um acidente quando ia para a prisão. Decide então procurar as provas da sua inocência e a identidade do verdadeiro assassino, apesar de ser implacavelmente perseguido pelo detective Samuel Gerard.
When plastic surgeon and mad scientist Don Brandon loses his pinup model wife Anitra in a tragic accident, he and his faithful humpbacked assistant Greg busy themselves experimenting with re-animation. Once ready, the good doctor begins luring young women back to the lab using hypnosis in order to gather select parts to create his wife anew.
Ali Abd-El-Zaher is a member of an Islamic radical group which has been launching attacks against the government and the society under the orders of the spiritual leader Brother Saif. Ali manages to assasinate an officer, but as he escapes from the authorities he gets hit by a car driven by Sewsan, the daughter of a respected Muslim family living in the Maadi district. Sewsan's father who is a surgeon and his family take care of the injured terrorist who then tries to conceal the truth about his personality, such as his dislike of music, unveiled women and Western life styles.
Uma perturbada e desiludida estudante cujas aspirações na carreira de medicina vão ao extremo para ganhar a aprovação de sua mãe controladora.
Young Women go through Nursing School together, each with there own motivation for being there. They learn more than how to be a Nurse.
Self-absorbed Dr. Lee Johnson enlists with the Army medical corps during World War II, more out of a feeling that it's "the thing to do" rather than deep-seated patriotism. On his first day, he's put into place by 'Snapshot', a sassy and attractive nurse. Their initial antagonism blossoms into romance. Lee then finds himself torn with guilt over being unfaithful to his wife, Penny, who's waiting for him back home.
Honest Robert Maynard finds himself serving as ship's surgeon under the infamous pirate Blackbeard.
Dr Toma, a skilled surgeon, starts work at a regional hospital in Japan. After performing an operation to remove a patient’s liver cancer, something that normally would not be done at this hospital, he quickly gains a very good reputation amongst the town’s people. Some of his colleagues become so jealous they are resentful and waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to crucify him. Soon they get their chance as Dr Toma considers performing a controversial operation…
Two surgeons (Chester Morris, Robert Taylor) in love with a nurse (Virginia Bruce) end their rivalry in the operating room.
Dr. Tsu is a brilliant surgeon with her own exotic island off the coast of Manila. Using her sexy, all-girl army of martial-arts experts, Tsu kidnaps some of the world's greatest athletes. She is able to transplant any body part, so she uses the athletes for spare parts to sell to the world's richest men. Mike Harber is a womanizing, wise-cracking insurance investigator for Lloyd's of London sent to Manila to investigate the disappearance of a jai-alai player, and becomes involved with Dr. Tsu's mad mission.
A concert pianist loses his hands in a car crash, but a surgeon gives him new ones. The experimental medical procedure goes awry when the new hands drive the pianist mad.