Wally Schneiderman

Nascimento : 1922-01-01,


Um Grito de Liberdade
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Na África do Sul dos anos 70, Donald Woods, um jornalista branco, faz amizade com Stephen Biko, um corajoso ativista negro contra o apartheid. Biko é executado em 1977 e Donald, exilado, dedica-se a divulgar a luta do amigo pela liberdade.
O Documento Holcroft
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A man who was a confidant of Adolf Hitler dies and leaves a fortune to make amends for his Nazi past—but his son has to search the world to find it.
Punição Para a Inocência
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Dr. Arthur Calgary visits the Argyle family to return an address book lost some time ago by Jack Argyle, only to find out that Jack has been executed for the murder of his mother. Calgary can prove that Jack was innocent. In spite of opposition from a hostile family, he is determined to solve the crime.
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Biography of Russian physicist & dissident Andrei Sakharov focuses on his first acts in his civil rights.
Golda Meir
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The story of the Russian-born, Wisconsin-raised woman who rose to become Israel's prime minister in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
O Buraco da Agulha
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Grã-Bretanha, 1944, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Incansavelmente perseguido por vários agentes do MI5, Henry Faber, um implacável espião alemão em posse de informações vitais sobre o Dia D, refugiou-se na Ilha Storm, uma terra inóspita e pouco habitada ao largo da costa do norte da Escócia.
O Homem Elefante
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A história de John Merrick, um desafortunado cidadão da Inglaterra vitoriana que era portador do caso mais grave de neurofibromatose múltipla registrado, tendo 90% do seu corpo deformado. Esta situação tendia fazer com que ele passasse toda a sua existência se exibindo em circos de variedades como um monstro. Inicialmente era considerado um débil mental pela sua dificuldade de falar, até que um médico, Frederick Treves, o descobriu e o levou para um hospital. Lá Merrick se liberou emocionalmente e intelectualmente, além de se mostrar uma pessoa sensível ao extremo, que conseguiu recuperar sua dignidade.
The Shout
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A traveller by the name of Crossley forces himself upon a musician and his wife in a lonely part of Devon, and uses the aboriginal magic he has learned to displace his host.
The Incredible Sarah
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The legendary actress Sarah Bernhardt's unconventional life and career are examined in this biopic. At an audition in 1860, the teenage Bernhardt proclaims herself the greatest actress of her time. Her career blossoms, as does her private life. But art and life don't stay balanced, much to the frustration of her lovers. The eccentric Bernhardt eventually does marry another actor, but it's her life on stage that ultimately gives her the most satisfaction.
Spanish Fly
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British sex comedy. Sir Percy de Courcy accidentally turns some poor tasting wine into an aphrodisiac when his old school chum, Mike Scott arrives with a photographer and several gorgeous models.
The Old Curiosity Shop
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A kindly shop owner whose overwhelming gambling debts allow a greedy landlord to seize his shop of dusty treasures. Evicted and with no way to pay his debts, he and his granddaughter flee.
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Roger Daltrey of The Who stars as 19th century genius pianist Franz Liszt in this brash, loud and free-wheeling rock 'n' roll fantasia centered around an imagined rivalry between Liszt and composer Richard Wagner-- painted here as a vampiric harbinger of doom and destruction.
Juggernaut: Inferno em Alto-Mar
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A terrorist demands a huge ransom in exchange for information on how to disarm the seven bombs he has planted aboard a trans-Atlantic cruise ship.
The Dove
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The true story of a 16 year old (Robin Lee Graham, played by Joseph Bottoms) who aims to become the youngest person to sail around the world in a 23 foot sloop named "The Dove". On his journey he meets and falls in love with a young woman (Patti Ratteree, played by Deborah Raffin) who is also traveling around the world. The story follows Robin around the world to many beautiful locals, as he grows from a boy to a man, finds himself, and finds the love of his life.
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A high school teacher separated from his son plots revenge on his ex-wife.
Matando Sem Compaixão
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Nesse primeiro filme Western rodado em Israel, Gregory Peck vive o ladrão de bancos Arch Deans. Por acidente, ele e seu parceiro acabam matando uma pessoa em um assalto, ele consegue fugir mas o seu amigo é preso pelo xerife, a partir daí Deans vai fazer de tudo para livrá-lo da prisão.
No Sex Please: We're British
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A porn-store owner orders some new stuff from his supplier, but the delivery address gets mixed with the address of the local Barclays Bank. Here, David (the bank's assistant manager) and his new wife are shocked when photos, then films and finally two girls are sent to them in their bank-supplied flat. They and the banks' head cashier then hatch a plan to get rid of the porn—without letting their boss, the local police and David's mother in on what is happening.
Our Miss Fred
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Danny La Rue stars in this 1970s drag comedy as Fred Wimbush, a Shakespearean actor who is drafted into WWII and is appearing in a camp show in France when the Nazis advance. Unless he continues in his female costume, Fred is certain to be shot as a spy. The risque gags and double entendres fly as he attempts to make his escape in the company of a troupe of Girl Guides.
Um Violinista no Telhado
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Violinista de aldeia ucraniana e seus habitantes de origem judia são intimados pelo czar a deixar o país em apenas três dias. Começa assim o sofrido êxodo para os países ocidentais, onde são mostrados os dramas individuais de alguns personagens. Baseado no livro "Tevye's Daughters and play Tevye der Milkhiker", de Sholem Aleichem, por sua vez levado aos palcos da Broadway por Joseph Stein.
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins
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The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins is a 1971 British comedy film directed and produced by Graham Stark. Its title is a conflation of The Magnificent Seven and the seven deadly sins. It comprises a sequence of seven sketches, each representing a sin and written by an array of British comedy-writing talent. The sketches are linked by animation sequences. The music score is by British jazz musician Roy Budd, cinematography by Harvey Harrison and editing by Rod Nelson-Keys and Roy Piper. It was produced by Tigon Pictures and distributed in the U.K. by Tigon Film Distributors Ltd..
O Último Refúgio
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Os moradores de uma pequena aldeia alemã no último vale que permanece intocado pela devastadora Guerra dos Trinta Anos tentam conviver em paz com um grupo de soldados que ocupam o vale. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
O Conde Drácula
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O Conde Drácula, o mais cruel vampiro da história, renasce das cinzas, para atormentar os moradores de um pequeno vilarejo da Inglaterra. Um jovem fugitivo da polícia esconde-se no castelo da vampiro sem saber o que o espera. O povo revoltado invade o castelo e tenta destruir o antro de perversão do monstro. Porém, o Príncipe das Trevas está de volta mais terrível do que nunca e dará início a um ritual sádico e perverso em busca de vingança.
Makeup Department Head
A biography of the dancer Isadora Duncan, the 1920s dancer who forever changed people's ideas of ballet. Her nude, semi-nude, and pro-Soviet dance projects as well as her attitudes on free love, debt, dress, and lifestyle shocked the public of her time.
Os 26 do Expresso Postal
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Um grupo de criminosos britânicos planeja o roubo do trem Royal Mail na rota Glasgow-Londres. Uma dramatização do Grande Assalto ao Trem. Embora não seja um "como", é muito minucioso nos detalhes, mostrando o cuidado e planejamento que teve lugar para realizá-lo. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Os Doze Condenados
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Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, um comandante do exército norte-americano tem a missão de treinar e liderar um grupo de doze condenados pela corte marcial em uma missão que envolve a morte de oficiais alemães. Se eles sobreviverem à missão suicida, terão suas penas relaxadas.
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A Jewish woman is recruited to help track down a German commander who was her former husband.
Where Has Poor Mickey Gone?
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Things go terribly wrong for four youths, ejected from a London nightclub for rowdiness, after they decide to break into a Magic shop, where they tie up and terrorize the owner. They find to their cost that he deals in more than illusions...
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A rich woman who uses meditation to deal with pain is visited by her niece who returns from Paris. The woman can be a handful and one of her employees suggests to her husband that he kill her freeing them both. When an affair starts between the husband and the niece murder becomes a real possibility. However some people won't stay dead.
Os Vitoriosos
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Saga inteligente e acachapante de um pelotão de soldados americanos, acompanhando-os através da Europa durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Cenas dramáticas intercaladas com imagens de noticiários. A guerra não tem vencedores, apenas sobreviventes. Matar destrói os assassinos, bem como os mortos, porque mata a decência, o autorrespeito e, finalmente, a própria vida. A história segue os passos de um pelotão de jovens soldados americanos desde os primeiros dias da Batalha da Inglaterra, passando pela luta feroz na Itália e na França, para terminar na paz inquieta de Berlim.
Girl in the Headlines
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Called in to investigate the murder of a model, Chief Inspector Birkett and Sergeant Saunders soon discover that the victim had been leading somewhat of an immoral life.
O Inspetor
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At the end of WW2, a compassionate Dutch policeman helps smuggle a Jewish woman into British Palestine.
Os Canhões de Navarone
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Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, e após a perda de dois mil soldados britânicos no estreito grego de Kheros, os alemães resolvem reforçar defesas na região. Mas a retirada dos Aliados foi cortada por uma fortificação costeira alemã na ilha de Navarone, dotada de dois poderosíssimos canhões. Agora um pequeno grupo aliado, apoiado pela resistência grega, precisa de destruir as duas armas a fim de viabilizar a retirada britânica.
Peregrino da Esperança
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No Outback Australiano, a família Carmody - Paddy, Ida e seu filho adolescente Sean - levam uma vida nômade, são tropeiros de ovelhas, sempre em movimento. Ida e Sean querem sossegar e comprar uma fazenda. Mas Paddy quer se manter em movimento. Um concurso de tosquia de ovelhas, o nascimento de uma criança, bebidas, jogos e um cavalo de corrida terão um papel na decisão final.
Corredores de Sangue
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An 1840s British surgeon, experiments with anesthetic gases in an effort to make surgery pain-free. While doing so, his demonstration before a panel of his peers ends in a horrific mishap with his patient awakening under the knife; he is forced to leave his position in disgrace. To complicate matters, he becomes addicted to the gases and gets involved with a gang of criminals, led by Black Ben and his henchman Resurrection Joe.