Charles Robinson
Nascimento : 1932-04-13, Orange, New Jersey, USA
Morte : 2006-07-22
Charles Robinson graduated Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude from Princeton in 1958. His theatrical family opened his acting career at age three on Broadway. After college his first film was "Splendor in the Grass," to be followed by "The Singing Nun," "Shenandoah" and "Take Her, She's Mine." After "Tall Story," "The Pleasure of His Company" and "The Good Soup" all on Broadway, plus an army hitch, he and Mrs. Robinson set up house in Los Angeles--close to film work and his television appearances on, for instance, "Laramie," "The Alfred Hitchcock Show" and "Bachelor Father."
Date of Birth 13 April 1932, Orange, New Jersey
Date of Death 22 July 2006, Palm Springs, California (complications from Parkinson's disease)
A retired school teacher is reminded of her past after she befriends with one of her former students, Todd Cope.
Paul Kersey tenta esquecer o passado de matador justiceiro voltando a trabalhar como arquiteto. Mas a filha de sua nova namorada morre de overdose de drogas. E o caçador retorna às ruas, atrás dos traficantes.
The story of Francis Gary Powers, a U-2 pilot for the CIA who was shot down in his spy plane over Russia, captured and imprisoned.
Mr. Arnold
A retired police captain storms angrily out of retirement when his son is shot down before his eyes and his grandson is kidnapped by a syndicate killer in this pilot for Lorne Greene's brief "Griff" series, which went off the air 18 months before this film was aired.
Members of a professional tennis team are suspected in the attempted murder of the team's owner.
Lieutenant Nicholson
An American submarine leaves Tierra Del Fuego, and one of its crew has secretly brought aboard a container full of poisonous snakes which escape storage and bite key personnel on the submarine, causing an accident that cripples the vehicle so that it drops to the bottom of the Southern Ocean. Worse still, the snakes are still at large on the submarine and complicate the efforts of the crew to escape the sunken vessel.
Jerry (as Charles Knox Robinson)
After her husband dies, a woman begins to have a nervous breakdown and is consoled by her younger sister. Soon, however, other members of the family begin to suspect the younger woman's motives.
Steve Crandall
Nesta sequencia, os dobermans são descobertos por um garoto índio e três criminosos que pretendem treiná-los para uma nova empreitada, roubar os fundos de campanha de um político local para eles. Mas o amor desenvolvido pelo garoto para com os cães pode colocar tudo a perder.
Colonel Steve Austin, astronaut and test pilot, is badly injured when he crashes while testing an experimental aircraft. A covert government agency (OSI) is willing to pay for special prosthetics to replace the eye, arm and both legs he lost in the crash. Highly advanced technology (bionics) built into them will make him faster, stronger and more resilient than normal. In return they want him to become a covert agent for the OSI. It will cost $6,000,000 to rebuild Steve Austin.
Brad Wells
After serving seven years in prison for manslaughter, a man returns to his hometown to find that the eyewitness whose testimony convicted him has second thoughts, and the town drunk has confessed to the crime.
Howard Wynant
A wealthy former mental patient goes home to her estate to rest and recuperate. While walking the grounds one day she hears the screams of a woman coming from underneath the ground. Her family, however, refuses to believe her story, and sees the incident as an opportunity to prove the woman's mind has snapped so they can take control of her money.
A family is trapped in a desert town by a cult of senior-citizens who recruit the town's children to worship Satan.
Gale (Charles Robinson) is an idealistic and naive young hunter who ignores warnings that no one can survive for long in the jungles of Mexico except the native Indians. He tries to hunt crocodiles but becomes delirious, disoriented and nears death. Sleigh (John Huston) is a veteran hunter living among the natives who rescues Gale just in time. As he recovers in the Indian village, Gale listens to Sleigh's denunciation of the evils of modern society (ie. money, greed and oil). Later on, a former native of the village returns from the oil fields of Texas and presents his young brother with a pair of cowboy boots. Proudly wearing his new boots, the boy falls off the wooden bridge into the river and drowns as the boots, symbolic shackles of civilization, fill up with water and pull him beneath the surface. Sleigh and Gale observe the Indians as they recover the body and stage an elaborate funeral for the dead boy
Shifty Barker
A young farmer becomes a singer against the wishes of his uncle.
Jim Alen
Anne and Helen move into a California apartment complex for single only where all the occupants are looking to hook up with Milton Berle as the building manager.
Ensign Bordelles
O Canhoneiro de Yang-Tsé nos conta muitas histórias. É a história da China, um gigante adormecido que se ergue aos gritos de sua gente; é a história dos americanos que são pegos por este sangrento despertar. É a história de Frenchy, um marinheiro do U.S.S. San Pablo que rapta sua noiva chinesa de um leilão. Mas acima de tudo, é a história de Jake Holman, um marinheiro que desistiu de tentar fazer as pazes com qualquer coisa - inclusive consigo mesmo. Tendo recebido nove indicações ao Oscar®, incluindo Melhor Filme e Melhor Ator, a trama de O Canhoneiro de Yang-Tsé une ação explosiva ao drama e romance.
Musical infantil baseado em personagem real, uma freira belga que cuida de crianças pobres e adora cantar. Depois de uma apresentação no programa de TV comandado por Ed Sullivan, a freira se torna famosa e grava alguns discos.
Charlie Anderson é um rico fazendeiro que mantém sua fazenda com a ajuda de sua família em Shenandoah, Virgínia. Ele tenta manter sua mulher a salvo da Guerra Civil Americana mantendo-se em paz e isolamento. Apesar de fortemente contrário à escravidão, sua relutância em relação à batalha o impede de se aliar a qualquer um dos lados. Mas quando seu filho é sequestrado pelas forças do Norte, ele terá de repensar todas as suas crenças se quiser tê-lo de volta vivo...
Professor Leaf, an absent-minded poet with a prejudice against the sciences, is forced to face the fact that his son is a math prodigy with little artistic talent of his own.
When Frank Michaelson, well-respected president of the board of education, is falsely accused of horseplay, he blames his 19-year-old daughter, who has grown into a desirable young woman.
Johnny Masterson (uncredited)
O amor de uma garota frágil do Kansas por um jovem bonito da família mais poderosa da cidade a leva a um coração partido e à loucura.
É 1928 no sudeste do Kansas, rico em petróleo. Os alunos do ensino médio Bud Stamper e Deanie Loomis estão apaixonados um pelo outro. Bud, o popular capitão de futebol, e Deanie, a alma sensível, são 'bons' garotos que só chegaram a se beijar. Eles esperam se casar um dia. Mas ambos enfrentam pressões dentro do relacionamento, Bud que tem o desejo de ir mais longe, apesar de saber em seu coração que, se eles fizerem isso, Deanie acabará ficando com uma reputação igual de sua própria irmã, Ginny Stamper, conhecida como a garota solitária e imoral. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)