
For Singles Only (1968)

...it's party time 24 hours a day!

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 1H 31M

Director : Arthur Dreifuss
Escritor : Hal Collins, Arthur Dreifuss


Anne and Helen move into a California apartment complex for single only where all the occupants are looking to hook up with Milton Berle as the building manager.


John Saxon
John Saxon
Bret Hendley
Mary Ann Mobley
Mary Ann Mobley
Anne Carr
Lana Wood
Lana Wood
Helen Todd
Peter Mark Richman
Peter Mark Richman
Gerald Pryor
Milton Berle
Milton Berle
Mr. Parker
Ann Elder
Ann Elder
Nydia Walker
Chris Noel
Chris Noel
Marty Ingels
Marty Ingels
Archibald Baldwin
Charles Robinson
Charles Robinson
Jim Alen
Hortense Petra
Hortense Petra
Miss Jenks
Duke Hobbie
Duke Hobbie
Bob Merrick
Leslie McRay
Leslie McRay
Pageant Girl (uncredited)


Arthur Dreifuss
Arthur Dreifuss
Hal Collins
Hal Collins
Arthur Dreifuss
Arthur Dreifuss
Arthur Hoerl
Arthur Hoerl
Albert Derr
Albert Derr


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For Singles Only
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