Uno Helmersson


A House Made of Splinters
Original Music Composer
A temporary house for abandoned children near the front line in eastern Ukraine is run by a small group of social workers determined to provide comfort and safety. It may be humble and somewhat run-down, but this house is filled with love and offers up to nine months of refuge to kids whose fate will be determined by the system. During this short time, the caretakers try to nurture within them a sense of stability and normalcy.
Original Music Composer
Singel mother, Elin, experiences her worst nightmare when her son dies in a drowning accident. She tries to get her life back on track after the tragedy together with her daughter Storm (10), but there are rumours around school that somebody saw Storm push her brother in the river on purpose.
Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes
Original Music Composer
A história de Chernobyl contada através de um recém-descoberto acervo de filmagens dramáticas filmadas na central nuclear durante o desastre e de entrevistas profundamente pessoais, recentemente gravadas, daqueles que lá se encontravam.
The Riots 2011: One Week in August
2011 saw the largest wave of disorder in the UK since the 1980s. This revelatory film hears from the people who experienced the riots up close and personal. A decade on, we look back at the summer of 2011 through the eyes of those whose lives have never been the same since. In a series of candid interviews, we hear the story from all angles. Convicted rioters, frontline police, a judge, a government advisor and a grieving father look back at that week in August, and the years that followed, to piece together what really happened and why.
Flee: Nenhum Lugar Para Chamar de Lar
Original Music Composer
O documentário animado nos apresenta Amin Nawabi (pseudônimo), um intelectual altamente graduado de 36 anos, luta com um segredo doloroso que manteve escondido por vinte anos e que ameaça desestabilizar a vida que construiu para si e para o futuro marido. Recontada pelo diretor Jonas Poher Rasmussen, seu amigo próximo, a história extraordinária da viagem feita por Amin na infância, como refugiado afegão, vem à luz pela primeira vez. História de autodescoberta, a animação mostra que só quem confronta o passado pode criar um futuro, e só quem para de fugir de si mesmo descobre o verdadeiro significado de ter um lar.
As Férias Assustadoras de Nelly Rapp
Original Music Composer
Nelly tem sua maneira especial de ver as coisas. Onde os outros estão assustados, ela permanece imperturbável. Monstros no porão? Mais um motivo para conferir o lugar! Sem amigos? Nelly vai lidar com isso. Bisbilhotando na mansão labiríntica do tio Hannibal, Nelly se depara com um segredo incrível: sua família tem mantido a paz entre humanos, zumbis, vampiros e outras criaturas horríveis por décadas, como membros de uma brigada internacional de agentes monstruosos. Nelly também quer caçar monstros e começa a levantar uma boa quantidade de poeira. Mas e se ela foi enganada sobre quem é realmente responsável pelo medo e pelo medo?
A Artista e o Ladrão
Original Music Composer
Uma artista faz amizade com o ladrão viciado em drogas que roubou seus quadros. Ela se torna sua aliada mais próxima quando ele é gravemente ferido em um acidente de carro e precisa de cuidados constantes, mesmo sem nunca recuperar os quadros.
The Fight for Greenland
The world's largest island has been part of Denmark since 1721, but a significant majority of the 56.000 inhabitants now want independence. They feel their culture and language is threatened and is the main reason for the many suicides among young people. But the Danish speaking Greenlanders feel discriminated and want to keep the ties to Denmark. The film follows four strong young Greenlanders, who each in their own way insist on taking responsibility for the future of their country. The documentary explores the difficult balance between the right to self-determination and xenophobic nationalism. Between traditional culture and globalization.
O Inimigo ao Meu Redor
Original Music Composer
Um jovem hacker é perseguido por agentes governamentais e descobre que tem em mãos um arquivo ultrassecreto capaz de controlar a mente humana.
Original Music Composer
Documentary chronicling the lives of several women who leave their home countries in order to find husbands and provide for their families.
O Distante Latido dos Cães
Original Music Composer
Hnutove, Donbass, eastern Ukraine, 2015. Young Oleg lives in a war zone where anti-aircraft gunshots and missile attacks often resonate dangerously near. Although many inhabitants have already left this dangerous area, he remains with his grandmother, who has cared for him since his mother's death, because they have nowhere to go. They are just waiting for the war to end.
Dear Kid
Original Music Composer
During a swimming lesson a mother starts to feel uneasy about the coach's relation to one of the kids, but she has no proof. She faces a dilemma; to make an accusation of the worst kind, or to ignore a child who is possibly getting abused.
Graine de champion
Original Music Composer
From a young age Magnus Carlsen had aspirations of becoming a champion chess player. While many players seek out an intensely rigid environment to hone their skills, Magnus’ brilliance shines brightest when surrounded by his loving and supportive family. Through an extensive amount of archival footage and home movies, director Benjamin Ree reveals this young man’s unusual and rapid trajectory to the pinnacle of the chess world. This film allows the audience to not only peek inside this isolated community but also witness the maturation of a modern genius.
A Leoa
Original Music Composer
História de um funcionário da estação de trem de uma cidade da Noruega que vê sua mulher morrer enquanto dá a luz a sua filha. A menina nasce com pelos cobrindo todo o corpo e logo toda a cidade fica sabendo.
Departamento Q - O Ausente
Original Music Composer
Em 1994, dois jovens gêmeos são encontrados brutalmente assassinados em uma casa de verão. Uma série de pistas apontam na direção de um grupo de jovens estudantes de classe alta de um colégio interno nas proximidades, mas o caso é encerrado com um forasteiro local se declarando culpado e condenado pelos assassinatos. Quando o caso acaba na mesa de Carls Morck vinte anos depois, ele logo percebe que algo está terrivelmente errado.
Shady Chocolate
Original Music Composer
Ever since it was revealed that the chocolate industry is involved with child slavery in the Ivory Coast, the industry has been busy – due to consumer demands – explaining what exactly it does to actively fight trafficking and child labour. But does the industry live up to its own promises?In this investigative film, director Miki Mistrati tries to find out, if the chocolate industry – which is one of the largest corporations in the world – speak the truth, when they say that they provide education, medical care etc for the children of the Ivory Coast. But the project runs into trouble already from the get-go, because the embassy of the Ivory Coast won’t let Miki enter the country until he has an invitation – from the chocolate industry.
Jag saknar dig
Original Music Composer
Tina and Cilla will soon turn 15 years old and is in the middle of teens search for an adult identity. They are identical twins but completely different. Tina cares mostly about makeup and falls in love with a new guy every week. Cilla is perceived as odd because she does not care at all about superficialities. She is a director of her own theater play to get money for starving children in third world countries. A young local rock musicians, Ailu, is making the music to her show. On her mother's birthday, Cilla die in an accident. Now it's as if half of her is lost.
Billy & Chuck
Original Music Composer
A tale about a young boy who sets out on an adventure deep into the forest to face his fear, guided only by a voice at the end of his walkie-talkie.
Through the Night
Original Music Composer
Every night, around the world, couples fall asleep side by side, trusting they know what lies beside them. But tonight, in this apartment, something evil is about to show its true face.
Original Music Composer
Danish soldiers are sent to Afghanistan in 2009 for 6 months, to help stabilize the country against the Taliban. They're stationed on Armadillo military base in Helman province. Unlike other war movies, this is the real deal - no actors.
Before You Hit the Ground
Original Music Composer
It is supposed to be impossible to die in a dream. The common belief is that one always wake up before it happens. But, what if you can learn to control your dreams? Aston, who is haunted by his dead girlfriend, believes that if he manages to die in a dream, he will be able to see his girlfriend again and get a sneak peak of what is waiting in the afterlife. He discovers he can't attempt this dangerous task on his own. He meets Siri who is also willing to tempt death and becomes his accomplice.
Original Music Composer
A military exercise in the Swedish winter landscape turns into a nightmare fight against an unknown enemy.