
Chernobyl: The Lost Tapes (2022)

Unseen footage. Untold tragedy.

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 31M

Director : James Jones


A história de Chernobyl contada através de um recém-descoberto acervo de filmagens dramáticas filmadas na central nuclear durante o desastre e de entrevistas profundamente pessoais, recentemente gravadas, daqueles que lá se encontravam.


Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
Self (archive footage)
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev
Self (archive footage)


James Jones
James Jones
Philippa Lacey
Philippa Lacey
Line Producer
Milena Cave
Milena Cave
Post-Production Manager
Janet Smyth
Janet Smyth
Head of Production
Tamer Osman
Tamer Osman
Online Editor
Sonny Sheridan
Sonny Sheridan
James Spooner
James Spooner
Sound Designer
Jonna Marshall
Jonna Marshall
Line Producer
Rupert Houseman
Rupert Houseman
Darren Kemp
Darren Kemp
Executive Producer
Hayley Reynolds
Hayley Reynolds
Executive Producer
James Jones
James Jones
Uno Helmersson
Uno Helmersson
Original Music Composer


East of Paradise
Filmmaker Lech Kowalski explores his belief that struggle is "the epitome of living" in this documentary which compares the wildly different life experiences of himself and his mother. Kowalski's mother came of age in Poland during the early stages of World War II, and after failed attempts to outrun both Nazi and Russian forces she and her family were sent to a Soviet concentration camp, where inmates were tortured, mistreated, and starved to the point where some ate their own lice in a desperate struggle to survive. Kowalski also depicts his own self-inflicted season in hell during his years on the New York City punk rock scene as he wallowed in the sordid underbelly of drug addiction, pornography, prostitution, and streetwise decadence. On both stories, Kowalski finds a message of hope and strength in the midst of almost certain peril.
Ônibus Espacial Challenger
Neste filme estrelado por você acompanhará a investigação de Richard Feynman sobre o desastre do ônibus espacial Challenger, em 1986. Ela explodiu 73 segundos após seu lançamento, gerando um dos acontecimentos mais chocantes da história espacial americana. A Comissão Presidencial foi imediatamente convocada para investigar, mas descobrir a verdade se tornou um desafio quase impossível. Tudo por conta da complexidade do ônibus espacial e dos diversos interesses envolvidos. Richard Feynman era um dos cientistas mais talentosos de sua geração. Trabalhou no Projeto Manhattan, construindo a primeira bomba atômica. Vencedor do Prêmio Nobel por suas descobertas na física quântica, Feynman usou de uma integridade excepcional e uma lógica científica implacável para investigar os segredos do desastre. Assim ajudou a tornar o programa espacial dos Estados Unidos mais seguro.
La noche del fin del mundo
A retrospective analysis of the causes and consequences of the catastrophic accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine on April 26, 1986.
Blowing Up Paradise
Blowing Up Paradise uses color archival footage to chronicle France's explosion of various nuclear devices, in violation of the international test ban treaty, from the first test in 1966 to the last in 1995. Interviews with former and current French government officials, scientists, and nuclear advisors.
San Francisco: Aftermath of Earthquake
Footage shot not long after the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco is edited together so that more than one scene and more than one vantage are included. We see fire raging. We see burned-out buildings, piles of rubble, and buildings with only one wall standing. People stand and watch; others walk purposely through the debris. A carriage passes; the camera pans the desolation. A horse-drawn cart is laden with a family's remaining possessions. A sign hangs outside one building: "A little disfigured but still in business. Men Wanted."
Heroes' Mountain
The story of Stuart Diver, the only person to survive the 1997 Thredbo tragedy that came about when a landslide engulfed a ski lodge situated in Australia's Snowy Mountains.
A Fúria da Avalanche
Uma competição de esqui na neve está prestes a começar numa estação de inverno canadense. No hotel onde os competidores estão alojados a adrenalina está a mil. Jovens atletas se refugiam do frio enquanto outros, mais atrevidos, sobem as encostas durante a noite para uma aventura radical: Descer por um dos lados de uma perigosa montanha. Bêbados e sem conhecer a região, eles provocam uma tragédia sem precedentes. Uma avalanche desce o morro deixando um rastro de morte. Mas o pior ainda está por vir! Detonadores fincados no topo da montanha devem explodir em pouco tempo.
The Big Space Travel
From the same studio that produced Richard Viktorov's diptych Moscow-Cassiopeia / Adolescents in the Universe comes this second teen-themed sci-fi adventure, in which three youngsters have to take command of a space flight when their adult captain comes down sick and is forced to quarantine himself.
Atomica: Ameaça Oculta
Em um Futuro próximo, quando as comunicações ficam off-line em uma usina nuclear remota e isolada no deserto,uma Jovem Inspetora de Segurança, Abby Dixon, é forçada a voar para trazê-los de volta on-line. Uma vez dentro da instalação, pistas misteriosas e comportamentos estranhos fazem com que Abby tenha dúvidas sobre sua sanidade e sobre as identidades dos dois funcionários no local.
Grand Central
Gary é um jovem que aprende rápido, sempre mudando de um trabalho para outro. Após ser contratado em uma usina nuclear, ele encontra tudo o que sempre procurou: dinheiro, uma equipe e uma família. No meio dos reatores, ele se apaixona pela mulher de um colega, e logo é ameaçado por esse amor proibido e pela constante contaminação radioativa.
Scale 6
After a landslide in the Axenstrasse, geologist Mara Graf and her boyfriend, seismologist Gian Wyss, are investigating for the Seismological Service of the University of Technology in Switzerland. For Gian this is a good opportunity to spend some weeks of Spring at home. For Mara to be with her grandmother and sister. The next day Mara Gian want to anchor indicators at the bottom of Lake Lucerne in a dive. They decide to dive alone. Before Mara could follow him, an explosion rocked their ship.
O Fim do Mundo
In End of the World, the fate of humanity lies in the hands of two guys who run a video rental store and are “sci-fi obsessed” movie fans. And who better to save the world, than guys who have seen all the movies and all the “out there” ways to save it!?
Panic in the Skies
The cockpit of a Boeing 747 is struck by lightning during takeoff for a flight to Europe, fatally injuring the flight crew. Laurie, the senior flight attendant, enlists the aid of passenger Brett Young. They determine that the autopilot can bring the plane in for a landing, but soon learn that the autopilot is locking onto the transponders of airfields at random, including signals from small airports with runways too short to accommodate the jumbo jet. Meanwhile, federal officials on the ground who have lost radio contact with the jet debate whether the plane should be shot down to prevent a more disastrous crash in a heavily populated area.
The Oil Gush in Balakhany
A film directed by the pioneer of cinema in Azerbaijan, Alexandre Michon, it was filmed on August 4, 1898 in Balakhany, Baku and presented at the International Paris Exhibition. The film was shot using a 35mm film on a Lumière cinematograph. Silent movie. (Wikipedia)
Searching Ruins on Broadway, Galveston, for Dead Bodies
This shows the heart of one of the tremendous drifts in the east end of Galveston. Hundreds of dead bodies are concealed in these immense masses, and at the time the picture was taken the odor given out could be detected for miles. The subject shows a gang of laborers clearing away the debris in the search for corpses, one of which was discovered while the picture was being taken. (Edison film catalog)
Hindenburg Disaster Newsreel Footage
The airship Hindenburg, arriving from Europe, was being led to its mooring at Lakehurst, New Jersey when suddenly disaster struck. The hydrogen-filled zeppelin ignited, and was almost instantly transformed into an enormous fireball. In less than a minute, the entire ship had been consumed by flames. The Hindenburg explosion marked the end of the budding airship travel industry.
14 Hours
No ano de 2001, a a tempestade tropical Allison ameaça a cidade de Houston e a equipe do Hospital Hermann luta contra o tempo para que todos os pacientes sejam removidos com segurança. Baseado em fatos reais.
Days of Fury
Apocalyptic 1980 ECO MONDO narrated by the master of creepy camp VINCENT PRICE featuring some spectacular (disaster) and occasionally graphic footage.
The Seventh Companion
German apparently disavowed this, his first film, because of his co-director Grigori Aranov's more classical approach (and his kowtowing to Soviet authority); too bad, because it's something of a knockout. A brilliant, gripping portrait of the era of "Red Terror" during the civil war that followed the Bolshevik revolution, The Seventh Companion offers a superlative character study in General Adamov (Andrei Popov), a law professor in the tsarist army, who is incarcerated by the Bolshevik secret police along with many other members of the bourgeoisie. Finally released into the new world of the Soviet Union, the resigned officer finds that he has lost everything from his old life except a mantel clock that he carries through the night from place to place, until he ends up, like Rossellini's inmate seeking readmission to prison in Dovè la liberta?, back where he started.
Cinema Olho
De forma revolucionária, o filme documenta a vida dos moradores de uma pequena vila soviética. O diretor Dziga Vertov, pioneiro dos documentários, foi um dos cineastas mais importantes do cinema soviético.