Vladimir Persov


The Best of Times
Two women are in love with the same man. After his death, some kind of friendship comes into being.
Tchetchénia, nos dias de hoje. Uma frente russa. Aleksandra Nikolaevna é a avó que vem visitar o neto, um dos melhores oficiais da sua unidade. Passam-se os dias e ela descobre um novo mundo. Um mundo de homens onde não há mulheres, sensibilidade nem conforto. O dia a dia é pobre, num local onde as pessoas são parcas nos seus sentimentos. A cada dia, cada hora decidem-se questões de vida ou de morte. No entanto, é um mundo ainda habitado por pessoas.
Arca Russa
Um museu como um ser vivo, uma entidade que respira e tem personalidade própria. Sokúrov empresta alma ao colossal palacete do Hermitage, em São Petersburgo, um dos maiores museus do mundo. Arca Russa foi filmado em um único plano-seqüência, sem cortes, que dura 97 minutos e atravessa 35 salas do museu, transformando a tela de cinema em um quadro vivo por onde desfilam personagens importantes da história da Rússia: Pedro, o Grande; Catarina, a Grande; Catarina II, Nicolau e Alexandra.
Elegy of a Voyage
This intimately narrated journey from Russia to Rotterdam, via rail, road and Finnish ferry, is a melancholy meditation on divinity, time and place in art, purpose (or its lack) and the loneliness of the soul. Passing through misty snowscapes, half-glimpsed cities and the icy night sea-swell.
Executive Producer
Os derradeiros momentos de Vladimir Lenin, o seu isolamento, as suas questões existenciais e sua perplexidade diante do fim. O líder russo que mudou o curso da história e abalou o mundo aguarda a morte numa casa cedida pelo Estado. Lenin está impotente e a sua consciência aos poucos vai-se apagando. A seu lado, apenas a sua mulher.
A documentary portrait of Miho Shimao, widow of renowned Japanese writer Toshio Shimao.
Mother and Son
A man goes for a walk through the countryside with his dying mother.
Whispering Pages
Sound Designer
An anonymous man wanders through decomposing, fog-enshrouded catacombs and encounters a series of “the degraded and the humiliated,” including a holy prostitute and a Kafkaesque bureaucrat.
The Second Circle
Sound Recordist
A man tries to come to terms with his father's death and to deal with the mundane details of his burial in a society cut off from spirituality.
Moscow Elegy
Sound Editor
A 1988 documentary film directed by Alexander Sokurov, about the later life and death of Soviet Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky. The film was originally intended to mark the 50th birthday of Tarkovsky in 1982, which would have been before his death. Controversy with Soviet authorities about the film's style and content led to significant delays in the production.
Mournful Unconcern
The action in this lavishly produced film takes place at an oddly ark-shaped mansion during World War I, and in spirit (although not in story) it reflects the play which inspired it, the ferociously antiwar Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw. A large group of family and friends have gathered at this country house to dance, drink, and converse. Their conversation, in particular, is adorned with erudite literary references and quotations. Despite their apparent refinement, their preoccupations are simple: sex and violence. Disquieting images break the tranquility of the vacationers' inappropriate idyll: some of these include documentary footage of starving African children, images (both real and re-enacted) of George Bernard Shaw going about his daily life, and a corpse coming to life on an autopsy table, only to cheapen that miracle by scolding a group of women. The music used in the film ironically points to its disturbing message and is uniformly anachronistic.