Thammarat Sumetsupachok


A Médium
Uma história horripilante sobre a herança de um xamã na região de Isan, na Tailândia, onde a Deusa que parece ter possuído um membro da família acaba não sendo tão benevolente quanto pensavam ser.
Ghost Lab
Depois de testemunhar uma assombração em seu hospital, dois médicos tornam-se perigosamente obcecados em obter provas científicas de que fantasmas existem.
Tootsies & The Fake
Tootsies e os Falsos
Brother of the Year
Jane lives with her brother Chut with her being the only one doing everything around the house. But Chut will need to learn to take care of himself when Jane becomes involved romantically with a Japanese coworker.
A quirky internet star, a pair of retired gangsters, and the black sheep of a prolific family of herbalists are a few of the oddball tenants that call the dilapidated apartments of Humble Grove home. Fearful of being locked out by a ruthless property developer with his eye on the building, they’ve stayed inside for years. So, when supernatural incidents befall them all on one night, instead of running, they turn to flamboyant ghost hunter Golden Ling to perform a most unusual exorcism.
The Promise
Ib and Boum decide to commit suicide together in Bangkok in 1997. After reneging on the promise, the vengeful ghost of Ib returns 20 years later to haunt Boum and her 15 year old daughter, Bell.
A Gift
Featuring musical compositions of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, three love stories tackle unique challenges on romantic, soul-searching journeys.
I Fine.. Thank You..Love You
Desperate to go to the U.S. to win back his girlfriend, Yim hires a tutor to teach him English. But things don't go according to plan.
The Teacher's Diary
Finding the diary of his predecessor, rural schoolteacher Song falls in love with its author, Ann, and sets out on a winding journey to find her.
Pee Mak
Mak's friends just want to protect him, but his wife Nak won't let a small thing like her own death get in the way of true love in this horror-comedy.
Adventure Planet
Story of the adventures of three young men from two of the world's metropolis, New State Trinity Capital and Karen village in Northern Thailand. To help save the world from disaster recovery due to global warming.
Seven Something
Three modern love stories focus on how digital privacy, fleeting fame and the power of personal reinvention can change one's romantic destiny.
ATM: Er Rak Error
Sua e Jib são como qualquer outro casal neste mundo, a não ser por uma exceção: nos últimos cinco anos, eles mantiveram a relação em segredo desde que o banco em que trabalham tem uma rígida política de "Não Confraternização". Não é um grande negócio, até que eles decidem se casar. O único problema? Qual desses dois vai colocar o casamento antes da carreira e renunciar? Os dois vão trabalhar no caso quando ocorre uma falha de ATM na província de Chonburi, que faz com que o banco perca cerca de 130 mil dólares baht. Os termos são simples: quem for capaz de recuperar o dinheiro em primeiro lugar fica com o seu trabalho. O casal vai se transformar em concorrentes sem tabus. É a velha batalha dos sexos, mas, desta vez, como pode ser facilmente declarada vitória em uma guerra onde não existem "regras de engajamento" mais tradicionais?
Hello Stranger
During the Songkran festival, two strangers who had never met before end up going home together, perhaps finding love.
The Little Comedian
Tock, heir to a long line of comedians has a problem. He is not funny. Constantly upstage by his younger sister, he falls in love with a dermatologist who incidentally is the only one who finds him funny.
Bangkok Traffic Love Story
Taxi Driver
After an encounter with an engineer working the night shift for the city train, a 30-year-old woman struggles against all odds to pursue true love.
Bangkok Traffic Love Story
After an encounter with an engineer working the night shift for the city train, a 30-year-old woman struggles against all odds to pursue true love.
Phobia 2
An anthology of five macabre short stories about hungry ghosts, comatose brain dead, a group of bright-eyed actors, an unscrupulous car salesman, and careless backpack tourists.
Dear Galileo
Assistant Editor
College friends whose lives are at a crossroads decide to spend a year in Europe, working in Thai restaurants, and trying not to get deported.
The Blue Elephant 2
Khan Kluay is an elephant of King Naresuan the Great. Shaba Kaew, his beloved one, keeps a secret that she is pregnant. He must face three properties that belong to him - sacrifice, courage and stable love deep in his heart - to struggle through obstacles.
Coming Soon
What kind of scenes in a horror film scares you the most? When a ghost appears totally unexpectedly? When the main character does not see the ghost sneaking up behind him? When at the very end you find out that the main character was actually a ghost all along? But none of this compares to the feeling of arriving home alone and suddenly being stuck by a feeling of deja-vu.
Four horror tales revolve around an accident victim, a bullied youth, ghost stories and a deceased princess.
The Bedside Detective
Assistant Editor
An apprentice private detective is hired to gather evidence of a wealthy man's infidelity but falls in love with his target's adorable girlfriend.
The Bedside Detective
An apprentice private detective is hired to gather evidence of a wealthy man's infidelity but falls in love with his target's adorable girlfriend.
Espíritos 2: Você Nunca Está Sozinho
A jovem Pim, mudou-se recentemente, da Tailândia para a Coréia. Lá ela pretende iniciar nova vida, ao lado de seu marido Vee, por quem é apaixonada desde criança. Entretanto, a doença de sua mãe os obriga a retornar à Tailândia, o que faz com que Pim, se recorde da infância e de sua irmã gêmea e siamesa, Ploy. Desde que voltou Pim, tem a sensação de que sempre existe alguém ao seu lado, o que é confirmado com a revelação de um antigo segredo de família.