Won Il

Nascimento : 1967-01-01, Seoul, South Korea


Won Il is a Korean music director/composer from Seoul, South Korea. He has served as Principal Conductor and Artistic Director of the National Orchestra of Korea.


Hwang Jin Yi
The story follows Hwang Jin Yi, a kisaeng (female entertainer) who lived in 16th century Korea. Hwang Jin-Yi was a beautiful, talented and intelligent young woman who was able to read and write well, but because she was an illegitimate child, she had no other recourse but to become a kisaeng where she used her position to gain favor with the noble classes.
Céu Azul
Original Music Composer
A.D. 2142 - A superpopulação e o excesso de poluição se uniram para destruir a Terra de tal modo que restou apenas um único lugar seguro para a humanidade, a cidade batizada de ECOBAN. Usando a poluição como fonte de energia através do sistema DELOS, ela se isolou do resto do mundo, entretanto ainda há muitas pessoas fora dela que não podem usufruir de seu sistema. Mais ainda, é a própria ECOBAN a maior interessada na poluição ambiental, pois é ela a fonte de energia para seus privilégios. Durante uma perseguição a um intruso, a oficial Jay descobre ser seu amigo Shua. Para acabar com a tirania da ECOBAN e tornar a Terra um lugar habitável novamente, Shua ingressou numa milícia da MARR, uma cidadela ao redor de ECOBAN, onde seus habitantes sao usados como escravos.
On the Occasion of Remembering the Turning Gate
Original Music Composer
Actor Gyung-soo is passed over and decides to leave Seoul and visit a friend. His friend tells him that the Turning Gate legend foreshadows future events. During his visit, Gyung-soo meets Myung-sook, who quickly falls for him. After a night of passion, he boards the train back to Seoul and meets a married woman who claims to know him. Gyung-soo thinks he may love her, but perhaps he’s chosen the wrong woman.
A porn actress decides to stop working in that industry to devote herself to conventional cinema. In her first non-pornographic shooting she faces a situation she did not expect... a sexual scene. Part of the '2000 Jeonju Digital Project'.
The Ring Virus
Original Music Composer
Adaptação do filme japonês "Ringu", numa produção coreana em parceria com o Japão. Depois da misteriosa morte de um grupo de adolescentes, a jornalista Sun-Ju vai atrás de explicações e acaba se deparando com uma lenda urbana de uma fita que mata aquele que a assistiu.
The Uprising
In the late 19th century Catholicism was gaining a foothold on Jeju island, much to the horror of the Confucian community, who were seeing their influence diminishing as well as getting increased taxes from Catholic-friendly government officers. The conflict became a religious war that resulted in a rebel Confucian army massacring hundreds of Christians in little more than a matter of days. The Uprising details the events leading up to the assault, focusing on the story of Yi Jae-su, the young man destined to become the leader of the rebel army.
Spring in My Hometown
Original Music Composer
A story about two village boys, Sungmin and Changhee, in the summer of 1952, during the Korean War.
A Petal
Original Music Composer
A young girl is caught up in the 1980 Gwangju massacre, where Korean soldiers killed hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters who opposed the country's takeover by the military the year before. Flashbacks show the girl seeing her mother shot to death in the massacre. The film spurred the Korean public to demand the truth behind the incident, and their government eventually opened previously classified files on the massacre.