Thierry Spicher


Nathan was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Now he's better, before he was much worse. He films himself, his relatives at the hospital, his bipolar best friend, his father, his sister, his mother and his love between 2011 and 2018. For him, everyone is a "loulou", in his own way. It is thanks to them that he finally begins to become a man instead of a madman.
O Meio do Horizonte
A seca de 1976. Sob o sol implacável desse verão, Gus deixa a infância. A natureza se desintegra, os sentimentos se exacerbam, o núcleo familiar explode: tudo racha e se quebra com o impensável que acontece. As tão esperadas tempestades vão varrer uma zona esgotada e levar um mundo com elas.
She is alcohol-phobic. He is a deep alcoholic. After their passionate night, Suze will find out she is allergic to her new friend. In this hyperbolic world, pathological characters are in search of tenderness. They suffer from bodily disorders : sentimentality for Suze and Dallas is manifested through violence, allergic reactions, occasional gunshots - "Suze" represents love as I have dreamt it: dramatic, kitsch, naive, but always sincere.
These Streets Will Never Look the Same
Leandre goes looking for a stranger named Tristan to give him some bad news about a mutual friend. However, when they meet, Leandre fails to deliver his message, which makes Tristan believe that they met by pure chance. They form a bond, but the true nature of what links them to the same boy remains ambiguous.
Those Who Work
Frank, a man of action who worked his way up all by himself, dedicates his life to work. No matter the place or the circumstances, be it day or night, he’s on the phone, handling the cargo ships he charters for major companies. But when he has to deal with a crisis situation, Frank makes a brutal decision and gets fired. Profoundly shaken, betrayed by a system to which he gave his all, he has to progressively question himself to save the one connection that still matters to him: the bond he’s managed to maintain with his youngest daughter, Mathilde.
May the Night Be Sweet
8-year old Alice and her brother, the 5-year old Lucas accompany their parents to visit their beloved grandfather in the hospital where he is to be dying. All baffled, they observe the adults wearing each other down about a situation that seems so evident to the children. They decide to take matters into their own hands...
After the Light
Acabado de sair da prisão, Sombra volta à sua vida de dealer no bairro da Reboleira. Entre o dinheiro emprestado que não consegue recuperar e aquele que deve, uma iguana pouco comum, uma pequena vizinha sempre por perto e um chefe de gang que duvida da sua boa fé, Sombra começa a pensar que, de facto, mais valia ter ficado dentro...
Os Vivos Também Choram
Zé, a 50-year-old alcoholic, works in the port of Lisbon where he loads and unloads containers. Zé never left his neighborhood and is hiding his savings so that one day he'll be able to board one of the huge cruise ships he sees everyday. When his jealous wife steals his money, Zé will do everything to fulfil his dream.
Nuvem, a young man with a strong penchant for stroll and daydream and little given to work, prefers the company of dogs and clowns. Seeing the indifference of his entourage, he lets his need for independence guide him and sets out to find the mysterious sunfish.
Carnival in a small town: Margaux, Louisa and Théo are getting ready for a night out. They put on their costumes, drink too much. Each one of them apprehends this evening in a different way. A night like so many others… But on the next morning, their lives will have changed forever.
O Lar
Marthe, Michel e seus três filhos moram tranqüilamente em uma casa isolada no meio do nada, em frente à qual uma larga estrada permanece vazia, fechada desde sua construção. No início do verão, ela é finalmente inaugurada. A família tenta manter sua rotina, mesmo com o estresse causado pelo barulho incessante de centenas de carros. Mas os efeitos a longo prazo do incômodo com a constante perturbação instauram um clima crescente de tensão familiar. Ainda assim, eles se recusam a deixar o lar construído com tanta dedicação.
My Brother Is Getting Married
Adopted by a well-off Swiss couple with slightly older son and daughter, Vinh never cut off links with his country of origin. Postcards from the adoptive family regularly conveyed to Vinh's mother in Vietnam reassurance about the warmth and nurturing environment that she always wished for her boy. Now grown up, Vinh is getting married; after so many years, the wedding is the ideal opportunity for his mother, accompanied by uncle Dac, to visit the adoptive family. Nothing would cause a greater consternation among its members. The parents underwent a less than amicable divorce, the father is bankrupt, the sister estranged, the elder brother brooding, the model family broken up. What can be done to prevent the unavoidable and profound disappointment of Vinh's mother and uncle Dac when they discover the fiasco?