Aleksandr Sheyn Jr.

Aleksandr Sheyn Jr.

Nascimento : 1976-09-27, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]


Aleksandr Sheyn Jr.


O Capitão Soviético
Nina's neighbour
O Capitão Fyodor Volkonogov, um respeitado agente da URSS, descobre que está sendo alvo de uma conspiração política e foge, sendo perseguido por seus ex-colegas. Vulnerável e sem esperança, Fyodor recebe uma mensagem do inferno: após a morte, ele será condenado a tormentos eternos. A única maneira de evitar isso é se arrepender e encontrar pelo menos uma pessoa que lhe conceda o perdão. Mas o tempo de Fyodor está se esgotando...
All or Nothing
Three unlucky managers are trying to stop their boss and prevent him from stealing company money.
A look at the story through the prism of the present. Artists in front of the audience reincarnate in the heroes of the film (the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky; the women he loved and left him; the friends who admired him and backed away from him; the ruthless “Knights of the Revolution” who proclaimed him his banner) and lead the viewer “to” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his love, creative, and human drama as his own.
A look at the story through the prism of the present. Artists in front of the audience reincarnate in the heroes of the film (the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky; the women he loved and left him; the friends who admired him and backed away from him; the ruthless “Knights of the Revolution” who proclaimed him his banner) and lead the viewer “to” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his love, creative, and human drama as his own.
A look at the story through the prism of the present. Artists in front of the audience reincarnate in the heroes of the film (the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky; the women he loved and left him; the friends who admired him and backed away from him; the ruthless “Knights of the Revolution” who proclaimed him his banner) and lead the viewer “to” Mayakovsky, forcing him to live his love, creative, and human drama as his own.
Immortality and Resurrection For All!
The last film in Vidokle's trilogy on Cosmism is a meditation on the museum as the site of resurrection-a central idea for many Cosmist thinkers, scientists and avant-garde artists. Filmed at the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Moscow Zoological Museum, The Lenin Library, and the Museum of Revolution, the film looks at museological and archival techniques of collection, restoration and conservation as a means of the material restoration of life, following an essay penned by Nikolai Federov on this subject in the 1880s. The film follows a cast comprised of present-day followers of Federov, several actors, artists and a Pharaoh Hound that playfully enact a resurrection of a mummy, a close examination of Malevich's Black Square, Rodchenko's spatial constructions, taxidermied animals, artifacts of the Russian Revolution, skeletons, and mannequins in tableau vivant-like scenes, in order to create a contemporary visualization of the poetry implicit in Federov's writings.
Neste jogo interpretativo especialmente criado, o famoso final da Copa do Mundo de 2006 e os eventos que levaram a ele emergem sob a forma de um espetáculo místico. Os cineastas transformam Zinedine Zidane, Marco Materazzi e outros futebolistas, treinadores, árbitros, jornalistas, comentaristas e os 2,5 bilhões de espectadores que viram o jogo em heróis de um conto entregue como uma mensagem para toda a humanidade.
Neste jogo interpretativo especialmente criado, o famoso final da Copa do Mundo de 2006 e os eventos que levaram a ele emergem sob a forma de um espetáculo místico. Os cineastas transformam Zinedine Zidane, Marco Materazzi e outros futebolistas, treinadores, árbitros, jornalistas, comentaristas e os 2,5 bilhões de espectadores que viram o jogo em heróis de um conto entregue como uma mensagem para toda a humanidade.
The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun
The second installment of Anton Vidokle’s trilogy on Russian cosmism, The Communist Revolution Was Caused By The Sun, looks at the poetic dimension of the solar cosmology of Soviet biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky. Shot in Kazakhstan, where Chizhevsky was imprisoned and later exiled, the film introduces Сhizhevsky’s research into the impact of solar emissions on human sociology, psychology, politics, and economics in the form of wars, revolutions, epidemics, and other upheavals. It aligns the life of post-Soviet rural residents and the futurological projects of Russian cosmism to emphasize that the goal of the early Soviet breakthroughs aimed at the conquest of outer space was not so much technical acceleration, but the common cause of humankind in their struggle against the limitations of earthly life.
Three different persons, three different lives are connected in a mysterious way. 15 year old teenager suffering of misunderstanding, his glamorous and arrogant stepmother and the young untalented but full of optimism actress. Their destinies aren’t predetermined and their lives are very fragile.
Timur Novikov: Zero Object
Timur Novikov: Zero Object positions the late artist Timur Novikov as protagonist in this exploration of underground art from St Petersburg. As well as providing a historical overview of the 1980s-1990s, the film features iconic figures in St Petersburg’s underground scene: cult rocker Victor Tsoi, and artists Georgy Guryanov, Vladislav Mamyshev-Monroe and Sergey ‘Africa’ Bugaev, among others. From beginning to end, it’s a manifesto for personal and artistic freedom in a forbidding political climate.
The Icon of a Season
This film presents a contemporary view on modern Russian upper-class youth. The film genre is a social drama. The main five characters of the movie are financially secured and socially successful - producing, managing and hosting a popular TV show. They are beautiful, happy and satisfied with their lives. They are good friends to each other and the others. The glass world they surrounded themselves by is full of love and smiles... Until one day something happens to the leading character and suddenly they all face the real world. The glass shatters. Their lives are changed forever. They will never be the same
Liza é uma jovem imigrante russa casada com um português, com quem tem um filho. Vítor, o marido, é na verdade um pequeno malandro que vive de esquemas e de enganar velhinhas. Mauro, o filho do casal, é uma estranha criança que, por vontade própria, deixa de falar. Além de todos os afazeres da casa, Liza tem ainda de cuidar da avó de Vítor, uma senhora que recusa os cuidados que ela lhe dedica. Aproveitando a enorme onda de imigrantes ilegais que existe no país, Fernanda, a espanhola ex-mulher de Vítor, aparece propondo-lhe que iniciem um negócio de falsificação de passaportes. A partir desse momento, e para enorme desespero de Liza, a sua casa torna-se ponto de passagem para inúmeros imigrantes de várias raças e nacionalidades, cada um à procura de um futuro melhor. Com eles chega também Andrei, um jovem ortopedista ucraniano procurado pela máfia russa. Andrei acaba por se apaixonar por Liza, que vê nele a oportunidade de sair dali. Só que as coisas não são assim tão simples.
Tanya Number 5
Tanya works as a taxi driver 101 kilometers from Moscow. Tanya, although the fifth for the dispatchers of her taxi fleet, but by nature - is always the first. Kraet workers who badly washed her car, she brings up her children and sells vodka in large batches, at night, after working in a taxi.
Max films his friends having lecherous fun at his own birthday party; unaware of how it will change his life. Just out of high school, by haphazard, he becomes a big porno producer. His father, a principled police major, chases porno makers, not suspecting that one of them lives in his own apartment. Hoodlums and girls from good families, corrupted policemen, petty dealers find themselves in a luring and scary world of porno.
Max films his friends having lecherous fun at his own birthday party; unaware of how it will change his life. Just out of high school, by haphazard, he becomes a big porno producer. His father, a principled police major, chases porno makers, not suspecting that one of them lives in his own apartment. Hoodlums and girls from good families, corrupted policemen, petty dealers find themselves in a luring and scary world of porno.
Prisioneiros do Poder
No futuro, o mundo mudou muito. O desenvolvimento humano chegou ao ponto das viagens interestelares tornarem-se rotineiras e a fome, a violência e as guerras são coisa do passado.
Infanta's Birthday
WishMaster, Clever Lil, New, Skunk, Fox, Foxy, CatÖ this is a group of people who reckon that their invented life is much more important and real than what their birth held in store for them. They practice a sado-masochism, creating around their passions the romantic image of another world visible only to them. From the position of ordinary citizens they are no more than perverts with mental deviations. And still, who are they? How do they survive in a world that they call ìvanillaî? And why do they use these strange nicknames and carefully chosen, ominous attributes: flogging scourges or latex suits? What do they see in their hobby that we do not see ñ and never shall see, if we limit ourselves by a documentary approach?
Mishka (as Aleksandr Sheyn)
They saw each other only once. At a wedding with lots of alcohol. Their eyes met and that was it. They didn't understand rationally what happened to them but they felt that they cannot keep living and breathing without each other. Cosmic magnetism with irresistible intensity pulled them together. They no longer belonged to themselves, their families and friends and that's how a tragedy evolves.
They saw each other only once. At a wedding with lots of alcohol. Their eyes met and that was it. They didn't understand rationally what happened to them but they felt that they cannot keep living and breathing without each other. Cosmic magnetism with irresistible intensity pulled them together. They no longer belonged to themselves, their families and friends and that's how a tragedy evolves.
9º Pelotão
Anos 80. A sangrenta luta entre soviéticos e mujahidin, no Afeganistão, levou à morte milhares de soldados de ambos os lados. O cansado oficial Khokkol (Fyodor Bondarchuk) acompanha a luta dos jovens soldados soviéticos que, acreditando estar servindo ao país, morrem em uma batalha ocorrida na montanha conhecida como "Cume 3234".
A young and handsome prison guard falls in love with a beautiful lady-prisoner. She makes him hooked on sex and manipulates him into becoming a gang member. He kills and steals under her control.