Davide Ferrario

Davide Ferrario

Nascimento : 1956-05-26,


Davide Ferrario


Umberto Eco - A Library of the World
Umberto Eco's private library was a world in itself: more than 30,000 contemporary books and 1,500 antique volumes. With the help of Eco's family, the director has produced a documentary that describes a one-of-a-kind place.
Umberto Eco - A Library of the World
Umberto Eco's private library was a world in itself: more than 30,000 contemporary books and 1,500 antique volumes. With the help of Eco's family, the director has produced a documentary that describes a one-of-a-kind place.
Umberto Eco - A Library of the World
Umberto Eco's private library was a world in itself: more than 30,000 contemporary books and 1,500 antique volumes. With the help of Eco's family, the director has produced a documentary that describes a one-of-a-kind place.
Joe, Carlo, Bobo and Giacomo have always been friends, each with their own life and problems, but united by an authentic bond and the passion that brought them together: music. The Boys, the band's name, had had lightning-fast success in the 1970s. In their routine - between love and personal affairs - a possibility bursts that takes them on a new journey: they will have to deal with the dreams and ambitions of the past and the world of today, but even more they will discover the meaning of their friendship. .
Joe, Carlo, Bobo and Giacomo have always been friends, each with their own life and problems, but united by an authentic bond and the passion that brought them together: music. The Boys, the band's name, had had lightning-fast success in the 1970s. In their routine - between love and personal affairs - a possibility bursts that takes them on a new journey: they will have to deal with the dreams and ambitions of the past and the world of today, but even more they will discover the meaning of their friendship. .
Handbook of Movie Theaters' History
Handbook of Movie Theaters' History is a documentary about the history, the development in the present days and the future of movie theaters in the city of Turin, Italy. It mixes the documentary language with comedy and fiction, and is enriched by interviews to some of the most important voices of Turin cinematography. The film follows the evolution of movie theaters by enlightening its main milestones: the pre-cinema experiences in the late 19th Century, the colossals and the movie cathedrals of the silent era, the arthouse theaters, the National Museum of Cinema, the Torino Film Festival, the movie theaters system today and the main hypothesis about its future. The mission of Handbook of Movie Theaters' History is to explore and give back to the audience a deep reflection about the identity and the value of movie theater, in its social and anthropological role and as a mass media, and to analyze the experience of the viewer.
Blood on the Crown
Com base em eventos reais, "Blood On The Crown" ou "Just Noise" apresenta o relato oculto de como os cidadãos malteses lutaram por sua independência contra a Inglaterra em 1919.
Torino 20venti - Storie da un altro mondo
Shots of Turin, deserted because of the pandemic, interweave with images of the movies that have been shot in the city ever since the dawn of cinematography.
Nuovo cinema paralitico
Nuovo cinema paralitico
Nuovo cinema paralitico
Nuovo cinema paralitico
Cento anni
Cento anni
Cento anni
L'Accademia Carrara - Il museo riscoperto
Art documentary about the Accademia Carrara gallery, which reopened in 2015 after seven years of extensive restoration.
L'Accademia Carrara - Il museo riscoperto
Art documentary about the Accademia Carrara gallery, which reopened in 2015 after seven years of extensive restoration.
L'Accademia Carrara - Il museo riscoperto
Art documentary about the Accademia Carrara gallery, which reopened in 2015 after seven years of extensive restoration.
"One evening, without any particular expectations, I went to the Lavanderia a Vapore theatre in Collegno, headquarters of the Balletto Teatro di Torino, directed by Loredana Furno, and I saw Sexxx, the ballet by Matteo Levaggi. I’m not a fan of modern dance, but I think this is why my fascination that evening was sincere and convinced. Above all, I was struck by the way the choreographer was able to take the explicit gestures and movements of sexual communication and transform them into the language of dance. And since body language is one of the topics I have been interested in filming since that ‘scandalous’ Guardami, I was already sufficiently motivated to transform the ballet into a movie." - Davide Ferrario
"One evening, without any particular expectations, I went to the Lavanderia a Vapore theatre in Collegno, headquarters of the Balletto Teatro di Torino, directed by Loredana Furno, and I saw Sexxx, the ballet by Matteo Levaggi. I’m not a fan of modern dance, but I think this is why my fascination that evening was sincere and convinced. Above all, I was struck by the way the choreographer was able to take the explicit gestures and movements of sexual communication and transform them into the language of dance. And since body language is one of the topics I have been interested in filming since that ‘scandalous’ Guardami, I was already sufficiently motivated to transform the ballet into a movie." - Davide Ferrario
La zuppa del demonio
La zuppa del demonio
La zuppa del demonio
La luna su Torino
Three friends live together in the house owned by one of them - and look for happiness
La luna su Torino
Three friends live together in the house owned by one of them - and look for happiness
La luna su Torino
Three friends live together in the house owned by one of them - and look for happiness
Venice 70: Future Reloaded
Made for the Venice Film Festival's 70th anniversary, seventy filmmakers made a short film between 60 and 90 seconds long on their interpretation of the future of cinema.
Piazza Garibaldi
"Piazza Garibaldi" is a name found in almost any Italian town. It is a metaphor for the nation and its history. Like in the successful, award-winning "La strada di Levi", Ferrario sets off on a journey: this time, on the traces of the expedition of the Thousand. The aim: to verify the relationship between past and present, starting from Bergamo, formerly the "City of the Thousand" and today a bastion of Padania, and arriving at Teano. The voyage is full of surprises, meetings, reflections: a sweeping road movie through the history and geography of the country, seeking to answer a nagging question: why are Italians no longer able to imagine a future for themselves?
Piazza Garibaldi
"Piazza Garibaldi" is a name found in almost any Italian town. It is a metaphor for the nation and its history. Like in the successful, award-winning "La strada di Levi", Ferrario sets off on a journey: this time, on the traces of the expedition of the Thousand. The aim: to verify the relationship between past and present, starting from Bergamo, formerly the "City of the Thousand" and today a bastion of Padania, and arriving at Teano. The voyage is full of surprises, meetings, reflections: a sweeping road movie through the history and geography of the country, seeking to answer a nagging question: why are Italians no longer able to imagine a future for themselves?
Piazza Garibaldi
"Piazza Garibaldi" is a name found in almost any Italian town. It is a metaphor for the nation and its history. Like in the successful, award-winning "La strada di Levi", Ferrario sets off on a journey: this time, on the traces of the expedition of the Thousand. The aim: to verify the relationship between past and present, starting from Bergamo, formerly the "City of the Thousand" and today a bastion of Padania, and arriving at Teano. The voyage is full of surprises, meetings, reflections: a sweeping road movie through the history and geography of the country, seeking to answer a nagging question: why are Italians no longer able to imagine a future for themselves?
Tutta colpa di Giuda
A prison-set musical about a female theater director who sets up a reinterpretation of the Crucifixion.
Tutta colpa di Giuda
A prison-set musical about a female theater director who sets up a reinterpretation of the Crucifixion.
Tutta colpa di Giuda
A prison-set musical about a female theater director who sets up a reinterpretation of the Crucifixion.
Primo Levi's Journey
In February, 1945, Primo Levi (1919-1987) and other Auschwitz survivors set off for home. The journey took more then eight months. Sixty years later, a film crew retraces Levi's steps. Levi's words, mainly from "The Truce" (1963), tell us what he experienced. In turn, we see Poland's hollow post-war factories, nationalism in the Ukraine, Soviet-style Communism in Belarus, the abandoned town of Prypiat (Chernobyl), poverty and emigration from Moldavia, Italian factories in Romania, and on across Hungary and Slovakia to Munich where Levi's rage found no listeners. Then home to Turin. An aged Mario Rigoni Stern remembers his friend. What has changed? Some issues of the war remain unsettled.
Primo Levi's Journey
In February, 1945, Primo Levi (1919-1987) and other Auschwitz survivors set off for home. The journey took more then eight months. Sixty years later, a film crew retraces Levi's steps. Levi's words, mainly from "The Truce" (1963), tell us what he experienced. In turn, we see Poland's hollow post-war factories, nationalism in the Ukraine, Soviet-style Communism in Belarus, the abandoned town of Prypiat (Chernobyl), poverty and emigration from Moldavia, Italian factories in Romania, and on across Hungary and Slovakia to Munich where Levi's rage found no listeners. Then home to Turin. An aged Mario Rigoni Stern remembers his friend. What has changed? Some issues of the war remain unsettled.
Primo Levi's Journey
In February, 1945, Primo Levi (1919-1987) and other Auschwitz survivors set off for home. The journey took more then eight months. Sixty years later, a film crew retraces Levi's steps. Levi's words, mainly from "The Truce" (1963), tell us what he experienced. In turn, we see Poland's hollow post-war factories, nationalism in the Ukraine, Soviet-style Communism in Belarus, the abandoned town of Prypiat (Chernobyl), poverty and emigration from Moldavia, Italian factories in Romania, and on across Hungary and Slovakia to Munich where Levi's rage found no listeners. Then home to Turin. An aged Mario Rigoni Stern remembers his friend. What has changed? Some issues of the war remain unsettled.
Um Nome na Lista
O genial cineasta Orson Welles está em Roma para trabalhar como ator. Endeusado por todos, ele é um homem em crise, que acaba de terminar o casamento com Rita Hayworth. Apaixonado por histórias de suspense, Welles ouve a última palavra de um intérprete que acaba de ser assassinado: Nero. Acompanhado de seu motorista Tommaso, o diretor de “Cidadão Kane” começa a investigar aquela morte. Nas ruas, vielas e lugares muito perigosos da capital da Itália, os dois nem desconfiam que perigo que estão correndo. Querem descobrir quem é o assassino.
Se devo essere sincera
Adelaide is a 40-year-old literature teacher married with children. One day, she learns about the murder of a wealthy and arrogant co-worker of hers, strangled in her own home. Adelaide meets Gaetano, the charming inspector dealing with the case and decides to help him in the investigation, much to her husband's chagrin.
After Midnight
The magical Mole Antonelliana (the cavernous Museum of Cinema in Turin, Italy) is the setting for a very unlikely love story. One fateful evening the museum's timid night watchman, comes to the aid of an enchanting young fast-food cook on the run from the police. The museum's dreamy kingdom of silent movie characters becomes a sanctuary for her as she awaits rescue by her devilish boyfriend.
After Midnight
The magical Mole Antonelliana (the cavernous Museum of Cinema in Turin, Italy) is the setting for a very unlikely love story. One fateful evening the museum's timid night watchman, comes to the aid of an enchanting young fast-food cook on the run from the police. The museum's dreamy kingdom of silent movie characters becomes a sanctuary for her as she awaits rescue by her devilish boyfriend.
After Midnight
The magical Mole Antonelliana (the cavernous Museum of Cinema in Turin, Italy) is the setting for a very unlikely love story. One fateful evening the museum's timid night watchman, comes to the aid of an enchanting young fast-food cook on the run from the police. The museum's dreamy kingdom of silent movie characters becomes a sanctuary for her as she awaits rescue by her devilish boyfriend.
I-TIGI a Gibellina - Racconto per Ustica
Olhe Para Mim
Nina é uma estrela pornô com uma configuração independente, é mãe e tem um relacionamento com uma de suas colegas, Christiana. Ela não precisa de mais nada, mas depois de um exame, ela descobre que tem câncer e agora nada é o mesmo.
Olhe Para Mim
Nina é uma estrela pornô com uma configuração independente, é mãe e tem um relacionamento com uma de suas colegas, Christiana. Ela não precisa de mais nada, mas depois de um exame, ela descobre que tem câncer e agora nada é o mesmo.
In principio erano le mutande
Imma falls in love with a fireman.
Children of Hannibal
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
Children of Hannibal
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
Children of Hannibal
Unemployed Domenico robs a bank, but is forced to take a hostage when things go wrong. The hostage, Tommaso, is a man who hates his wife and job, and who was already planning to run away with his gay cop lover, so this seems to him like a good opportunity to disappear and start over again: the kidnapped becomes the kidnapper, and things get even more complicated when they're reached by Rita, Tommaso's daughter.
Sul 45° parallelo
In 1996, Giovanni Lindo Ferretti and Massimo Zamboni, members of the band C.S.I. (Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti) made a journey from Reggio Emilia to Mongolia.
Tutti giù per terra
The vicissitudes of Walter – a dissatisfied and disenchanted 20-year-old on-and-off philosophy student without a job, a girlfriend or any real beliefs – who reluctantly returns to his native Turin to live with his irascible blue-collar father and his mother, almost mute due to a severe nervous breakdown.
Tutti giù per terra
The vicissitudes of Walter – a dissatisfied and disenchanted 20-year-old on-and-off philosophy student without a job, a girlfriend or any real beliefs – who reluctantly returns to his native Turin to live with his irascible blue-collar father and his mother, almost mute due to a severe nervous breakdown.
Materiale resistente
Documentary about the concert for the 50th anniversary of Italy's liberation from Fascism, held in Correggio on April 25, 1995.
Materiale resistente
Documentary about the concert for the 50th anniversary of Italy's liberation from Fascism, held in Correggio on April 25, 1995.
Anime fiammeggianti
Anime fiammeggianti
La fine della notte
La fine della notte
La fine della notte
La fine della notte
Matewan - A Luta Final
Dialogue Coach
Filmado na cidade de Matewam, a terra do carvão na Virgínia Ocidental, este filme celebra a organização dos trabalhadores no contexto de uma greve na década de 1920. O membro do sindicato, Joe Kenehan, um 'fura greve' chamado 'Poucas Roupas' Johnson e um prefeito e chefe de polícia simpáticos lutam heroicamente contra o poder representado por uma empresa de carvão e pelos interesses de Matewan, para que a justiça e os direitos dos trabalhadores não fiquem para atrás, num emprego de condições precárias, com muita exploração e resultados medíocres. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Matewan - A Luta Final
Filmado na cidade de Matewam, a terra do carvão na Virgínia Ocidental, este filme celebra a organização dos trabalhadores no contexto de uma greve na década de 1920. O membro do sindicato, Joe Kenehan, um 'fura greve' chamado 'Poucas Roupas' Johnson e um prefeito e chefe de polícia simpáticos lutam heroicamente contra o poder representado por uma empresa de carvão e pelos interesses de Matewan, para que a justiça e os direitos dos trabalhadores não fiquem para atrás, num emprego de condições precárias, com muita exploração e resultados medíocres. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)