François Lambert

François Lambert


François Lambert is a French Canadian actor.


François Lambert
François Lambert


A Risada
Le peintre
Valerie foi a única sobrevivente de uma execução em massa ocorrida em meio a uma guerra civil no Quebec. Com o passar dos anos, embora tenha conseguido reconstruir sua vida, tornando-se enfermeira numa casa de repouso e iniciando um novo relacionamento amoroso, Valerie ainda sofre da síndrome do sobrevivente. Até que conhece Jeanne, uma erudita e sarcástica paciente, que lhe dá outra perspectiva sobre a vida.
Oh What a Wonderful Feeling
Stars, hide your fires; let not light see my black and deep desires. Nor any truck.
Everything would be fine. Maurice had made up his mind. He had made a list: pick a date, announce his retirement, sell the car, see old friends, and empty the garage. Then, die with dignity.
The Barnhouse
A child from the neighbourhood is reported missing; Jacinthe discovers that her son knows something.
Life's a Bitch
Love. Grief. Shock. Denial. Sleeplessness. Bubble bath. Mucus. Masturbation. Pigeons. Toothpaste. Hospital. F**k. Bye. Hair. Sports. Chicken. Bootie. Kids. Rejection. Squirrels. Cries. Awkward. Ninety-five scenes. Five minutes. Life's a bitch.
Bernard the Great
It's Bernard's birthday, but he is not happy about it. In a strange world where adults are selfish and indifferent, his parents never accepted him as a child. Bernard doesn't want to grow up if it means to become like them. So he creates a suit that stops his growth. The day he reaches 10 years of age, Bernard will confront his parents and his whole world.
Meus 533 Filhos
Agent #1 / Constat d'infraction
Quando sua namorada Valerie anuncia que está gravida, um preguiçoso de quarentão recebe tambem outras notícias que mudam a vida: 142 pessoas, todas nascidas de inseminação artificial, entraram com uma ação coletiva contra ele, seu pai biológico.
File 13
Thomas has killing headaches, Jean-François has stage freight and Benoit's wife has left him. After countless misfortunes the three of them bag a white collar thief that has been evading justice for ten years.
Geuks Lambert
Raymond is a jealous, misanthropic, couch potato. Angèle is a sexy TV star, childish and disillusioned. One Halloween, their mother, Solange, suddenly dies. Raymond calls his sister for the first time in 10 years. She agrees to meet him and begins to investigate their mother's death, all in keeping with her TV role of police commissioner. But nothing is simple with the Marchildons. Between a dithering Raymond, the ghost of Solange who continues to haunt her children, and Angèle who's going crazy interviewing suspects, one more bizarre than the next, and the bodies that are filling up the basement, it's hard to keep their love straight. But then, love was always a little twisted in the Marchildon household.
Bom Polícia, Mau Polícia
SQ Officier
Dois policiais de províncias diferentes no Canadá, um de Ontário e um de Quebec, precisam trabalhar juntos para resolver um crime.
O Último Túnel
Hostage Pierre Villeneuve
Michel Talon passou a maior parte da sua vida adulta dentro e fora das grades. Dono de um espírito indomável, se lançou em um golpe que o transformaria em uma “celebridade” internacional, roubar U$ 200 milhões do cofre de um dos bancos mais prestigiados do Canadá. Para este evento, chamou antigos amigos. Vamos nos empolgar com esta história real que abalou a segurança dos bancos no mundo inteiro.
Red Nose
During the Christmas holiday season, Félix and Céline find themselves working as volunteers for the drive-home service Opération Nez Rouge. Right from the first, Félix falls for Céline. But Céline doesn't feel the same way: she can't forget the fact that Félix once wrote a scathing review of her first piece of writing, crushing her literary ambitions in the process. Worse, Félix doesn't even remember her name. Céline decides to take her revenge. Just as things seem to be going from bad to worse for Félix, Céline realizes that he is vulnerable, tender... and madly in love with her. She is ready to surrender to love... but a chance encounter causes her to wonder whether Félix isn't playing some twisted love game.
Méchant party
While planning to go to an Halloween party with the woman of his dreams, the shy and innocent Daniel sees himself rather dragged by the threatening Sylvain in a series of misadventures which will introduce him to the Montreal underworld.
Le temps
Garde Frontière no. 2
Faced with the inescapable threat of climate change, Le temps offers a journey to the heart of a world devastated by global warming. Wavering between the reality of a bygone era and the prospect of a frightening future, this anticipation film is constructed mainly from a succession of still images and supported by a narrative framework imbued with a sensitivity intimately linked to characters. He thus appeals simultaneously to the formal properties of cinema, photography and literature to propose a fable on the Anthropocene.