Vernon Weddle
Nascimento : 1935-08-24, Hattieburg, Mississippi, USA
General Washburne
Atingido por um raio, o robô conhecido apenas como "Número 5" escapa de uma empresa de eletrônica experimental. Newton Crosby (Steve Guttenberg) e seu assistente Ben Jabituya (Fisher Stevens) são convocados para tentar localizá-lo. Nº 5 encontra a ecologista Stephanie Speck (Ally Sheedy), esperando ensinar tudo para o "alienígena", ela preenche o banco de memória de Nº 5 com cultura pop e é aí que começa a confusão. Filme também conhecido pelo título, O Incrível Robô.
Sam Goldwyn
Struggling actress Hedda Hopper can't get a break in Hollywood, even though an acquaintence of hers is the extremely powerful gossip monger Louella Parsons - maker and breaker of careers (and lives) through her daily syndicated newspaper column. The big movie moguls, fed up with Parson's power over their stars, decide to de-claw her by setting up gossip Hopper as a competitor in the rumour industry. What they couldn't forsee was that Hopper would become as big as Parsons -- and every bit as much of a pain. Based on the true life stories of two of the most powerful (and arguably dangerous) women of Hollywood's hay-day.
Based on the true-life story of teenage bride Candra Torres who was abducted in 1975 while on a honeymoon camping trip in the High Sierras.
A retired New York cop on vacation in America's West is drawn into a sheriff's investigation of a mysterious series of cattle killings.
A jovem aspirante a atriz Julie Sawyer encontra um cão branco perdido na rua e resolve adotá-lo. No entanto, aos poucos ela começa a notar um comportamento estranho no cachorro e percebe que se trata de um animal treinado a vida toda para atacar pessoas negras. Diante desse comportamento racista do cachorro, Julie resolve entregar o animal aos cuidados de Keys, um adestrador, ele próprio negro, para tentar reeducar o animal.
Biography of the former first lady, focusing on her years as a photojournalist and leading up to her marriage to John F. Kennedy and their moving into the White House.
Dr. Joe Jachimcyzk
Dramatization of the sensational Texas court case of the late '60s involving a noted Houston plastic surgeon accused of doing away with his socially prominent first wife in order to marry someone else.
After his aunt dies of a heart attack while fighting the IRS, Harry Johnson decides to take up the cause.
Dr. Nathanson
A young woman agonizes over whether or not to have an abortion and learns that her mother did the same 20 years prior.
Col. Georgi
In March 1970, a U.S. Army officer arrived at the Iowa farm of Peg and Gene Mullen and informed them that their son Michael had been killed in Vietnam by "friendly fire." Their determined attempts to learn more about the circumstances of their son's death are the subject of this true account film.
Superintendant Jeffrey Hodges
Apesar de ter críticas sobre o comportamento dos humanos, Deus (George Burns) resolve voltar à Terra para tentar mais uma vez melhorar as coisas. Como seu mensageiro utiliza Tracy Richards (Louanne), uma garotinha de 11 anos que é filha de pais separados. Sua mãe, Paula (Suzanne Pleshette), é uma corretora de imóveis e seu pai, Don (David Birney), trabalha com propaganda. Após Tracy estar convencida que quem lhe procurou é mesmo Deus, ela conversa com o pai pedindo orientações de como fazer uma campanha publicitária. Após algumas tentativas, o Todo Poderoso aprova o slogan "Pense Deus" e logo vários colegas de Tracy a ajudam a divulgá-lo em todos os lugares. Porém quando ela diz que fala com Deus alguns psiquiatras acham que ela precisa ir para uma instituição.
2nd Scientist
The story of a woman who survives the car accident which kills her husband, but discovers that she has the power to heal other people. She becomes an unwitting celebrity, the hope of those in desperate need of healing, and a lightning rod for religious beliefs and skeptics.
Man at Soccer Game
Os amigos de Jeff e Mari estão todos se divorciando. Sabendo disso, eles passam a questionar o próprio relacionamento. Jeff começa um caso com outra mulher e Mari decide também ter outras experiências.
Drama depicting the problems of a suburban housewife suffering from fits of depression and alcoholism, and her stay in a psychiatric center after a feeble suicide attempt.
Reverend Hubbard
Norma Rae é uma trabalhadora têxtil do sul, empregada em uma fábrica com intoleráveis condições de trabalho. Essa preocupação com a situação dá a ela o bom senso de ser a principal associada a um organizador sindical visitante. Juntos, eles empreendem a difícil e possivelmente perigosa luta para sindicalizar sua fábrica.
In order to test the validity of his experiments on cloning, a scientist makes clones of himself, but it causes problems that he didn't foresee.
Chief Duncan
Earl Eischied is a man with his hands full. As the Chief of Detectives in New York City he is trying to break up a group of black militants that are on a crime spree including the killing of a police officer. He is also trying to battle with a mayor and police commissioner that want him out of his job.
Savings Officer
Wealthy widow Helen Mercer hires a young woman, Gretchen Addison, to act as her personal assistant and companion. Unfortunately, Helen is a poor judge of character, as Gretchen is part of a murderous extortionist duo with her boyfriend, Jay. However, Gretchen has second thoughts when she develops genuine affection for Helen. When Gretchen informs Jay that she wants to call off their plot, he refuses and carries on with the plan. Now both Helen and Gretchen may be in grave danger.
A juror on a murder trial begins to believe that the man charged with the crime is innocent — and that the real killer is her own husband.
Harry Lutz
Em Seattle Joseph Frady (Warren Beatty), um jornalista, perdeu a chance de testemunhar o assassinato de Charles Carroll (William Joyce), um senador que despontava como favorito na corrida presidencial. Porém Lee Carter (Paula Prentiss), uma jornalista que tinha se envolvido com Frady, testemunhou tudo. Após 4 meses de investigações, uma comissão conclui que não houve conspiração e que Thomas Richard Linder (Chuck Waters) foi o único responsável pelo crime. Lee conta para Joseph que teme pela vida dela, já que quando outras 6 testemunhas morreram.
A big-game hunter comes out of retirement to help track down a killer wolf, and begins to suspect that it isn't a wolf but an animal that can take human form.
Second Controller
When the President's plane mysteriously disappears with him on board, it is left to the seemingly weak Vice President to try to avert a nuclear exchange with the Chinese.
Lester Fern
A rich stockbroker buys a Nevada ghost town as a community for people who need a second chance in life.
A Marine officer reported as killed in Vietnam, but who was actually a POW, returns home. Instead of being welcomed home, however, he discovers that his father has died, his wife has remarried, his daughter has been adopted, his business has been sold, and his life has completely changed.