
The Clone Master (1978)

Gênero : Ficção científica, Cinema TV

Runtime : 1H 40M

Director : Don Medford


In order to test the validity of his experiments on cloning, a scientist makes clones of himself, but it causes problems that he didn't foresee.


Art Hindle
Art Hindle
Dr. Simon Shane
Robyn Douglass
Robyn Douglass
John van Dreelen
John van Dreelen
Ed Lauter
Ed Lauter
Mario Roccuzzo
Mario Roccuzzo
Harry Tiezer
Ralph Bellamy
Ralph Bellamy
Ezra Louthin
Stacy Keach, Sr.
Stacy Keach, Sr.
Admiral Millus
Lew Brown
Lew Brown
Fire Chief
Bill Sorrells
Bill Sorrells
Robert Karnes
Robert Karnes
Betty Lou Robinson
Betty Lou Robinson
Alba Toussaint
Vernon Weddle
Vernon Weddle
Ken Sansom
Ken Sansom
Steve Eastin
Steve Eastin
Phillip Pine
Phillip Pine
Navy Cmdr. Tiller
Kirk Duncan
Kirk Duncan
Brig. Gen. Acin
Ian Sullivan
Ian Sullivan
Pat Singer
Trent Dolan
Trent Dolan
Exec. Asst. Schnerlich
Bonwitt St. Claire
Bonwitt St. Claire
James O'Connell
James O'Connell
Steve Ross
Steve Ross
Clone Double
Richard Lapp
Richard Lapp
Clone Double
William Whitaker
William Whitaker
Clone Double


Don Medford
Don Medford
John D.F. Black
John D.F. Black
John D.F. Black
John D.F. Black
Mel Ferber
Mel Ferber
Executive Producer
Joseph F. Biroc
Joseph F. Biroc
Director of Photography
Glenn Paxton
Glenn Paxton
Original Music Composer
Jack H. Young
Jack H. Young
Makeup Artist
Joseph P. Mercurio
Joseph P. Mercurio
Special Effects
Daniel A. Lomino
Daniel A. Lomino
Art Direction
Tom Pedigo
Tom Pedigo
Set Decoration


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