John van Dreelen
Nascimento : 1922-05-05, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Morte : 1992-09-04
John van Dreelen (born Jacques Theodore van Drielen Gimberg; 5 May 1922 – 4 September 1992) was a Dutch actor, who frequently performed on television from the 1960s to the 1980s.
Jean-Albert Gauthier-Villars
French writer recalls her start as the country wife of a Paris publisher who called her erotic work his own.
Richard Harrison fights mobsters, terrorists, and ninjas in this no-budget flick.
In this wacky comedy, teen-aged Tony (Bentley C. Mitchum) has never known who is father is. Together with his best buddies Peter and Susan, he tracks down the clues he has as well as he can.
Gen. Weber
Vietnam War veteran Sam Wood is a survivor of a vicious prison camp where he was brutally and painfully tortured before finally managing to escape. Then he returns to rescue his friends.
Philips vader
After his wife Marjan has died in a car crash, Philip de Wit becomes a total wreck. Only after months does he return to a more or less normal life and even then he only works in his wife's bookstore. A year later Eileen walks in the store, a girl from Northern Ireland with her baby in her arms. When Philip sees her, he's dumbfounded, for she's the spitting image of his dead wife. Obsessed with her, he goes and tries to find her again, but he soon finds out that he's not the only one who's looking for Eileen.
Dr. Alexander De Winter
Paul has a full-time lover, an older English woman whose common sense and down-to-earth qualities more than compensate for her relative lack of passion. After all, he is surrounded by women clamoring for time with him in bed. So are all the other men in the story. When one of his sons dies suddenly during an operation, Paul is devastated and cannot make out what has gone wrong in his life. None of his current crop of friends has any insight to offer. Some of these questions become clearer when his sister, with whom he is almost unnaturally close, comes to visit.
Minister Weinberger
A respected police commissioner has a reputation as a opera lover, but by night he also enjoys plunging into the transvestite scene. In addition, he harbors a longing for his very own sister. When he learns that his wife has been murdered, he tries to implicate the set designer who has designs on his sister.
Após ser despejado de seu apartamento em Manhattan, um jovem casal compra a casa dos sonhos, apenas para descobrir que seu sonho transformou-se no pior dos pesadelos. Richard Benjamin dirige este divertido filme em que o desafortunado casal luta para manter-se unido enquanto a casa cai e a conta do banco afunda.
Heinrich Bosch
A powerful family that controls the world's banks has made a deal with Satan to help the forces of evil take over the world. An underground group named The Judges bands together to try to stop them.
Ruben Parets
A series pilot about a secret agent who is armed with skills learned by a computer-brain link-up -- lasting only 72 hours at a time -- and is sent to rescue a Russian submarine commander, a defector who has been kidnapped by an agent for another nation.
Capt. von Weber
Aspiring actress Eva Duarte rises from a minor celebrity to the wife of a powerful Argentine dictator, but her all consuming fiery rage, ambition, and hatred eventually become her downfall.
Hans Lehman
While investigating the death of a friend and fellow cop, Los Angeles police officer Barney Caine stumbles across evidence that Nazis created a synthetic alternative to gasoline during World War II. This revelation has the potential to end the established global oil industry, making the formula a very valuable and dangerous piece of information. Eventually, Caine must contend with oil tycoon Adam Steiffel, who clearly has his own agenda regarding the formula.
Sun Valley provides the backdrop to this story of a downhill ski racer who seeks to make a comeback after being branded a loser and the ski bunny who helps him regain his self-respect.
In this sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man," moviemaker Gretchen Jordache, the until-now unseen sister, strives to pull the family together after the murder of brother Tom and the disappearance of brother Rudy by first reestablishing contact with her soldier son, and then patching things up with her sister-in-law, Kate, Tom's widow.
In order to test the validity of his experiments on cloning, a scientist makes clones of himself, but it causes problems that he didn't foresee.
Herman Wallenda
Drama based on the legendary circus family, its spectacular but tragic career, and its unique aerial act that includes the seven-member pyramid that led to the 1962 accident in which two of the troupe were killed and another permanently paralyzed.
MacKenzie Portman
Gorgeous blonde assassin Samantha Fox accepts a contract to liquidate a quintet of gangsters in the Philippines. Problems ensue when she falls in love with the Manila detective investigating the killings.
Professional gambler Rufus convinces an ex-girlfriend to help him pull one over on a corrupt casino owner.
Direktor Konni Masur
Two soldiers of fortune are hired by an inventor to protect him and his invention, a radar-like machine that is capable of controlling armies and forcing them to fight.
Dr. Verden
Durante uma tempestade, um avião cai em algum lugar do Himalaia. Em busca de ajuda, os sobreviventes acabam encontrando um mundo estranho e maravilhoso chamado Shangri-la, onde existe a eterna juventude e a felicidade plena.
Jan Eckmann
A man wants to buy a house in Lower Saxony and meets a mysterious woman.
Claude Martin
André Devereaux é um homem contratado para checar rumores de mísseis russos em Cuba durante a Guerra Fria. Além disso, ele deve descobrir tudo sobre um espião da Otan chamado Topázio, o que nos leva à mortes, traições e um suspense para sabermos se ele irá conseguir ou não expôr o agente.
George Travell
Um repórter descobre que seu cão acidentalmente roubou um colar inestimável de uma quadrilha de contrabandistas de jóias.
Rechtsanwalt Kellermann
Christian Torben
Uma mulher casada numa familia rica é comprometida pela morte acidental de um homem que a perseguia romanticamente, e é forçada pela sogra a assumir uma nova identidade para salvar a reputação do marido e do filho pequeno. Ela vagueia pelo mundo, tentando esquecer seu desgosto com a ajuda de álcool e homens desagradáveis, eventualmente retornando para a cidade de sua queda, onde ela mata um chantagista que ameaça expor seu passado. Surpreendentemente, ela é acusada em seu julgamento por assassinato por seu filho agora adulto, que é um defensor público. Na esperança de continuar a proteger seu filho, ela se recusa a dar seu nome verdadeiro e é conhecida na corte como a ré "Madame X".
Colonel Gortz
Os Aliados estão levando vantagem sobre os nazistas durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial, empurrando-os cada vez mais de volta à Alemanha. Em uma de suas batalhas o coronel Joseph L. Ryan, um piloto de combate americano, é abatido, feito prisioneiro e levado a um campo de concentração. Inicialmente ele está mais preocupado em sobreviver do que escapar, recebendo um apelido que o insulta: Von Ryan. Com o tempo Ryan assume do major Eric Fincham, um oficial britânico, a posição de comando entre os prisioneiros do campo de concentração e passa a planejar uma ousada fuga. O plano é tomar um trem e fazê-lo atravessar a Itália em direção à Suíça, enfrentando uma forte perseguição nazista.
Three children are stalked by hired killers after they unknowingly take evidence pointing to the existence of a corrupt international cartel, which has just murdered their father.
Shelby Carpenter
The detective investigating Laura Hunt's murder finds himself becoming obsessed with the dead woman only to find out she's actually still alive.
Sultan Julnar
A genie turned mortal after his many failures is sent to Baghdad. As his last chance to prove himself he must help a prince and princess fulfill a prophecy.
General Bruger
Segunda guerra mundial, americano atuando junto à resistência francesa recebe a missão de resgatar um general alemão, o homem que fuzilou sua noiva francesa num ato de represália.
Dr. Bourman
In 1960, a pilot testing an experimental rocket powered aircraft accidentally flies into the future and finds himself in a sealed city whose people suspect he is a spy from outside their walls, but who want to keep him to procreate with the ruler's daughter because the majority of the inhabitants are sterile.
Van Allen
Ao morrer, o recluso Dr. Zorba deixou uma mansão assustadora para seu sobrinho, Cyrus Zorba (Donald Woods), que atravessa uma grave crise financeira. Com a sua família Cyrus se muda a mansão. Eles também herdam uma coleção de 12 fantasmas, que só podem ser vistos através de óculos especiais. Os membros da família colocam então suas vidas em risco, para descobrir em qual local da casa o Dr. Zorba escondeu sua fortuna, mas parece que algo ou alguém quer evitar que Cyrus e sua família não consigam realizar este objetivo.
David Garvay (listed as "Bertram" in end credits but called "David" in the film)
An endocrinologist in a dysfunctional marriage with an aging, alcoholic wife journeys to Africa seeking a drug that will restore youth.
Victor Fontaine
Director George Sherman's 1959 circus drama stars Michael Callan as a cocky aerialist causing romantic problems under the Big Top.
Political Officer
Em 1944, uma companhia de soldados alemães na frente russa está entorpecida pelos horrores e dificuldades da guerra quando chega o período de licença esperado pelo soldado Ernst Graeber (John Gavin). Na volta para a Alemanha, ele encontra sua casa bombardeada. Enquanto busca desesperadamente por seus pais, ele conhece a adorável Elizabeth Kruse (Lilo Pulver), filha de um prisioneiro político; Juntos, eles tentam resgatar alguma sanidade e chance de sobrevivência desse mundo cheio de ódio.
Dieter Lorenz
Ein holländischer Marineoffizier
Major Brinkmann
Albin Skoda embodies a frantic Adolf Hitler in his last days, scrambling to keep the Third Reich alive as morale within the bunker wanes and Berlin is encircled by enemy troops. Based on Michael A. Musmanno's book Ten Days to Die, Oscar Werner costars as fictional Nazi Hauptmann Wüst, a disillusioned middleman.
Hans Westhoff
Bernd Zagler
Thomas offers Dorette a trip to Moselle that she rejects saying it's short notice, but when Thomas shows at her apartment the next day he finds she's not slept on her bed. He leaves for Dorette alone, and there he meets Angela.
Le G'man Lemmy Caution
Anthology film with three shorts each featuring a famous detective: Monsieur Wens, Lemmy Caution and Maigret.
Rudy Walter
When a measles epidemic forces the temporary closing of a child care center, the son of a film star and her estranged husband, a concert pianist, is mistakenly delivered to a touring musician.
Bit Part (uncredited)
Gilberte is a sixteen year old girl raised by her aunt and grandmother to be a demimondaine. But she's not ready for that yet, and spends her days in lessons and in teasing Mamita's old friend, the rich playboy Gaston LaChaille, and following his affairs from afar. But when Gaston throws off his latest mistress, it looks as if Gigi just might be ready to begin her destined career.
Fred van Nespen
Farmer Jan Alting, who has disowned his son for collaborating with the nazis, provides shelter for a Jewish couple, a wanted communist and a rebel aristocrat. When his son returns, Jan is faced with the stark moral choice of failing those to whom he has given refuge, or conspiring with them to kill his own son.