Ed Call

Nascimento : 1949-12-24, USA

Morte : 2012-07-03


Saved by the Bell: Hawaiian Style
Herbert Stark
Kelly's grandpa invites the whole clique to his little hotel "The Hideaway" in Hawaii for summer vacation. They expect a marvelous time at the beach - without Belding. Upon arriving, they quickly learn that not only is Belding there, but they also have to help Kelly's grandpa from losing his hotel. Meanwhile Zack meets (again) the love of his live, Jessie and Slater bet with Lisa that they won't fight and Screech gets kidnapped by the Pupuku clan.
Shattered Spirits
When his drinking problem takes control of his life, a father tries to leave the bottle behind while putting his and his family's lives back together.
Words by Heart
Henry Haney
The only black family living in a small midwestern town at the turn of the century confront prejudice, as seen through the eyes of the young daughter.
Pesadelo em Elm Street
Mr. Lantz
Em Elm Street, um grupo de adolescentes partilha o mesmo sonho: um homem com uma camisola vermelha e verde às riscas, com um velho chapéu a tentar esconder uma cara desfigurada e uma luva com lâminas na mão direita. E todos ouvem a mesma voz assustadora... um por um, os amigos são aterrorizados nos seus sonhos, onde esta presença dita as regras. Quando acontece uma morte violenta, eles percebem que o que acontece nos sonhos torna-se realidade.
Vida Selvagem
Captain of the Plumbing Team (as Edward Call)
Grupo de jovens graduandos e recém-graduados apresentam uma visão da vida pós-adolescente da década de 80 através de seus dramas, seus relacionamentos, suas histórias, seus ídolos e seus sonhos.
Alta Incompetência
Officer Darney
Garvey is a San Francisco pawnshop operator. His unemployed and criminal friends Dillard, Turtle and Weslake, team up with Boardwalk, a local pimp, to burgle Garvey's shop while the owner is out of town. During the elaborate planning process, Dillard falls for a Hispanic woman, the sister of a friend. Boardwalk is assigned to case a local apartment, where he meets and falls for the maid. Amidst all these romantic hijinks, Weslake puts together a burglary plan, which is executed by the makeshift gang.
Something About Amelia
Counseling helps family deal with the discovery that their child was sexually abused by the closest relative.
Something So Right
Sergeant Sullivan
Joey lives with his mother. His father isn't around, he doesn't like school, he is bored and doesn't take orders from anyone. In other words he is a real little scamp. Being at one's wit's end, his mother decides to look for a "big brother" (sort of surrogate father) for Joey. At first this clumsy Arnie doesn't know how to handle Joey but after a while everything changes and not only for Joey ...
Mysterious Two
Two Aliens visit the Earth in an effort to enlist converts to travel the universe with them.
A Vingança do Espantalho
Defense Attorney
Por acreditarem que Bubba Ritter é culpado pela morte de uma menina, quatro homens o perseguem e acabam matando-o. Ao descobrirem que ele havia salvado a menina de ser morta por um cachorro, eles encobrem seu crime como legitima defesa. Por falta de provas, são absolvidos no julgamento. Porém, alguém começa a persegui-los e matá-los, um a um.
Callie & Son
Willie Chips
Callie was a teenage mother in trouble. Fresh out of the delivery room, her son was taken from her and sold on the black-market. Vowing to find him some day, this is her story.
Fallen Angel
Desk Sergeant
Twelve year old Jennifer is unhappy with her widowed mom's relationship with a family friend. Feeling lonely, she readily accepts the friendship of an adult man named Howie and joins the softball team he coaches. Soon, Howie is convincing Jennifer to pose for photographs which become more and more revealing. Howie turns out to be a pedophile who works in child pornography and he plans to make Jennifer a "star". Will Jennifer's mother be able to help her daughter before it's too late?
The Oklahoma City Dolls
Susan Blakey plays Sally Jo Purkey, a factory worker who leads a rebellion among her co-workers for equal rights by forming a company football team for women and hires a down-on-his-luck coach (Eddie Albert) to make them winners.
Último Round
Lighthearted tale of a 10-year-old girl who, when her boxer father dies, strikes up a relationship with a struggling fighter who was his sparring partner and takes on the job of managing him from obscurity to the championship.
Um Herói de Verdade
Grady Coker
Mulheres de uma pequena cidade se juntam contra uma prostituta, e um xerife precisa intervir antes que uma tragedia ocorra.
Trucker #3
Em Cleveland, nos anos 1930, um empregado de uma fábrica rebela-se contra o trabalho escravo e se filia ao sindicato dos motoristas de caminhão (F.I.S.T.). Ao longo de 30 anos, ele se tornará um poderoso sindicalista, envolvendo-se com o crime organizado. Dramático retrato de uma parte do sindicalismo pioneiro americano, em biografia não muito disfarçada do poderoso pelego Jimmy Hoffa, que desapareceu sem deixar rastros.
Ruby and Oswald
Cecil McWatters
A dramatic re-creation of the four-day span preceding and following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, drawn from authenticated events and eyewitness accounts.
Uncle Joe Shannon
A trumpet player, self-destructive after the death of his wife and child in a fire, befriends a crippled youngster and together they battle obstacles through each other's encouragement.
Os Homens Violentos do Klan
A small southern town has just been rocked by a tragedy: a young woman has been violently raped. The white town fathers immediately declare that the attacker had to be black, and place the blame on Garth, a young black man. Assuming that the men in white sheets aren't intent on holding a fair and impartial trial, Garth takes to the woods as the Klansmen lynching party hunts him down.
Fibra de Valente
Lutie McVey
Buford "The Bull" Pusser, é um lutador cuja esposa deseja que ele tenha uma vida mais calma. Assim, ele e sua família retornam para sua cidade natal no Tennessee, onde planeja trabalhar com seu pai na serraria. Porém, logo ao chegar, Buford fica chocado com o que descobre, a cidade vive mergulhada em todo tipo de atividades ilegais e corrupção. E, quando ele se torna uma vitima desses crimes, resolve contra-atacar e parte para cima do xerife Al Thurman que é manipulado por uma gangue de criminosos. Isso detona uma série de represálias contra Buford que agora tem que lutar pela vida de seus familiares. Usando apenas um bastão de madeira como arma, Buford declara guerra contra os criminosos e luta para fazer a lei e a ordem retornarem a cidade, ou vai morrer tentando.
007: Os Diamantes São Eternos
Maxie (uncredited)
Quando o governo britânico suspeita da existência de uma rede mundial de contrabando de diamantes, 007 (Sean Connery) é chamado para investigar. Ele logo descobre a extensão do problema e viaja para a América, onde o milionário proprietário de um cassino é suspeito de estar por trás de tudo. Só que ele é ninguém menos que Ernst Stavro Blofeld (Charles Gray), o arquiinimigo de James Bond, que sabe exatamente o que tem de fazer, principalmente quando as mais poderosas potências nucleares do planeta estão envolvidas.
Two on a Bench
An outgoing young girl and a square stockbroker meet on a park bench in Boston and are mistaken for international spies and chased by both sides.
Wild Women
Sgt. Frame
Five female convicts are recruited to secretly transport arms into Mexican-held Texas in 1840
Adam at Six A.M.
A disenchanted young Professor of Semantics at a California college learns of a distant relative's death in Missouri. He journeys cross-country to the funeral, then decides to spend the summer there and work as a laborer for a power-line company. In time, he meets a girl and falls in love but then faces an important decision as to which direction he wants his life to go.