Giovanni Esposito

Giovanni Esposito

Nascimento : 1970-06-14, Napoli (Italy)


Giovanni Esposito


Piano Piano
Anna is 13, on the keyboard of the piano she should learn to play are her tricks stolen from her mother. Her meeting with Peppino and Mariuolo will make her to take the step that separates childhood from the future.
Purchè finisca bene - Diversi come due gocce d'acqua
La Divina Cometa
Falla girare
Black Parthenope
I fratelli De Filippo
Commendator Capece
The story of the De Filippo brothers, children of Eduardo Scarpetta.
Good Manners
Mimmo Savarese
Mimmo Savarese was the greatest sports commentator of his generation. Today that his career is in decline, he has the opportunity to make a comeback thanks to an unusual job offer, which conceals within itself the opportunity to masterfully avenge a dramatic wrong suffered as a child.
Welcome at Esposito's
Tonino Esposito is the son of a famous boss of the Camorra of the Rione Sanità. Clumsy and clumsy, he is unable to hurt a fly and for this reason, when his father dies, everything passes into the hands of another affiliate. He is a good Tonino, he does everything he can to collect the protection money, to be loud, to imitate his father, but it is not his job. Tonino thus leads a life as a mediocre Camorra, without being able to be respected neither by those who should hate him for his abuses, nor by those who should love him for his successes. But when he discovers that his daughter is engaged to the son of the magistrate who is hunting the boss of the Rione Sanità, Tonino will have the opportunity to redeem his figure in front of his family and all of Naples.
Anime borboniche
Secretary of the Royal Palace of Caserta
A married couple is going to the Royal Palace of Caserta for a historical reenactment.
O Dia Mais Lindo do Mundo
Gianni Pochi Pochi
Arturo Meraviglia, um empresário teatral endividado, acredita ter achado a resposta para todos seus problemas quando recebe a custódia de dois irmãos, Rebecca e Gioele, e descobre que o pequeno Giole tem telecinesia. Mas devido a este poder, Arturo e as crianças ficam envolvidos numa incrível aventura para escapar de um grupo de cientistas que querem estudar o menino.
Scappo a casa
Michele é um homem superficial que só tem desprezo pelas outras pessoas e vive apenas para exibir sua riqueza nas redes sociais, até ser confundido com um imigrante norte-africano na Europa de Páscoa e deportado.
Silvio e os Outros
Mariano Apicella
Internationally released Director's Cut of "Loro 1" and "Loro 2", which were released separately as two movies in Italy. The film talks about the group of businessmen and politicians – the Loro (Them) from the title – who live and act near to media tycoon and politician Silvio Berlusconi in the years between 2006 and 2009.
Loro 1
Mariano Apicella
"Loro", in two parts, is a period movie that chronicles, as a fiction story, events likely happened in Italy (or even made up) between 2006 and 2010. "Loro" wants to suggest in portraits and glimps, through a composite constellation of characters, a moment in history, now definitively ended, which can be described in a very summary picture of the events as amoral, decadent but extraordinarily alive. Additionally, "Loro" wishes to tell the story of some Italians, fresh and ancient people at the same time: souls from a modern imaginary Purgatory who, moved by heterogeneous intents like ambition, admiration, affection, curiosity, personal interests, establish to try and orbit around the walking Paradise that is the man named Silvio Berlusconi.
Bob & Marys
Peppe "Metallino"
A married couple must get their hands dirty when a bunch of mobsters start using their new home as a deposit for illegal material.
Onde Está a Vovó?
politico corrotto
Simone Recchia é um financista desajeitado e incorruptível que se apaixona por Claudia, uma jovem restauradora que é forçada a viver com os cheques de aposentadoria de sua avó Brigit enquanto espera ser paga pelo Estado por um trabalho realizado. Quando Brigit morre de repente, Claudia, ajudada por suas amigas Rossana e Margie, planeja uma fraude para continuar recebendo a pensão e evitar a falência.
Amor e a Máfia
Ação, amor, violência e música se misturam nessa história de mafiosos em que um temido assassino se vê preso entre o dever e o coração.
Pazzo & Bella
A gangster offers Pazzo and Bella the possibility of getting a huge sum of money to kill a man. Pazzo is on a wheelchair, Bella is an alcoholic and gambling addicted. They have never done anything like this in their lives. But Bella is a dangerous woman and wants to change her life no matter the cost. Pazzo doesn't need anything but Bella in his life. He loves her. And that is a problem.
A Ternura
Lorenzo (Renato Carpentieri) é um advogado aposentado que vive em Nápoles. Egoísta e eternamente cínico, ele vive em constante conflito com seus filhos. Um dia quando está voltando para casa do hospital depois de um ataque cardíaco, ele conhece Michela (Micaela Ramazzotti), sua nova vizinha que perdeu as chaves e está trancada para fora de casa, e acaba simpatizando com a moça e desenvolvendo uma inexplicável afeição por ela e seu marido.
Vieni a vivere a Napoli!
Religious Place of Worship
Segretario Vescovo
Set on the small island of Porto Buio, the traditional live Christmas Nativity scene might not go ahead because the baby who’s always played Jesus has grown up and no new babies have been born on the island in years! With this fundamental tradition on the line, newly elected Mayor Cecco (Claudio Bisio) wants to ask the local Tunisian community to “borrow” one of their children, but there’s conflict between the two communities. Cecco enlists the help of local Islam convert Bilal (Alessandro Gassman) to cross the cultural divide… but both communities are not sure what to make of a baby Jesus that may need his nationality, and even his religion changed!
Too Neapolitan
Giovanni Clementino
When Deborah's ex-husband, a popular neomelodic singer, loses his life in a stage dive, Deborah worries for her eleven-year-old son, Ciro, who is exhibiting signs of depression. Searching for a solution, Deborah takes Ciro to see Tommaso, a shy child psychologist. During the course of their visits, Ciro confesses that it's not his father's death that has got him down, it's his love for his classmate, the beautiful Ludovica. The two make a deal: Tomasso will help Ciro to win the affections of Ludovica, while Ciro gives Tomasso a hand at having a chance with his mother.
Antonio, a representative of medical supplies with no success, finds a brilliant way to present himself to the customers and improve his sales: the special tiramisù (an Italian dessert) made by his beautiful wife Aurora.
Natale col boss
Nipote di Mamma Santissima
Si accettano miracoli
Fulvio chega em uma pequena cidade em Campania, após ser demitido da companhia onde trabalhava. Lá, ele fica junto do irmão, que é um padre local. Com problemas na economia, Fulvio tentar ajudar o irmão na capela e percebe que a água do teto escorre pela estátua de São Thomas. Em uma missa, uma senhora acredita que a imagem do santo esteja chorando e declara como um milagre. A notícia se espalha e Fulvio decide usar tal acontecimento para aumentar o turismo na cidade.
Il ricco, il povero e il maggiordomo
Policeman at the airport
A wealthy broker, his loyal butler, and a poor unauthorized seller all see their social positions change in a twist of fate.
The Hole
Finto Invalido
Ambulance-chasing lawyers takes on the case of a convicted murderer who, just being released after doing 27 years in jail, claims he was innocent.
A Small Southern Enterprise
Mamma Stella is on edge. As if she hadn't got enough trouble already with her daughter Rosa Maria, who has left her husband now Costantino, her son, has disrobed. Afraid to be the talk of the village, relegates him to a distant lighthouse belonging to the family. But Costantino does not remain far from the madding crowd for long. It does not take long indeed before all the local (or even distant) outcasts flock together there: Magnolia, a retired escort girl; Arturo, Rosa Maria's estranged husband; Valbona, a lesbian; Rosa Maria herself; and, to crown it all, two eccentric workers accompanied by a little girl... After a period of chaos, this small world gradually discovers that unity makes strength.
Para Roma com Amor
Hotel Clerk
O longa é dividido em quatro segmentos. Em um deles, um casal americano (Woody Allen e Judy Davis) viajam para Roma para conhecer a família do noivo de sua filha. Outra história envolve Leopoldo (Roberto Benigni), um homem comum que é confundido com uma estrela de cinema. Um terceiro episódio retrata um arquiteto da Califórnia (Alec Baldwin) que visita a Itália com um grupo de amigos. Por último, temos dois jovens recém-casados que se perdem pelas confusas ruas de Roma.
È nata una star?
Marco, a shy teenager, learns that he has... what it takes to be a great porn star, but he doesn't know how to tell his parents. Hell breaks loose when a neighbor finds a porn video of him and leaves it in his parents' mailbox.
Anche se è amore non si vede
Orazio / Arturo
Salvo and Valentino are two Sicilian friends who have moved to Turin, and now run a small business together. They drive foreign tourists around in a double-decker bus, and Salvo always tries to approach the pretty girls.
Histórias de Mussarela
Gino Purpetta
Ciccio Dop é dono de um império do negócio de leite e muzzarella de búfala. Quando sua empresa fica ameaçada, deverá criar uma estratégia arriscada que sua filha Sophia deve resolver.
La banda dei Babbi Natale
O que Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo estão fazendo na delegacia na véspera do Natal? Pegos pela polícia enquanto tentavam escalar um prédio usando fantasias de Papai Noel, eles são presos e interrogados por uma policial e tentam provar sua inocência. Um filme de Natal para a família recheado com muito humor. A interpretação de Angela Finocchiaro e a trilha sonora de Mina são memoráveis.
O Turista
Interpreter Coppa
Durante uma viagem improvisada à Europa para curar um coração partido, o professor de matemática Frank Tupelo se vê em uma situação extraordinária quando uma estranha sedutora, Elise, cruza seu caminho. A paquera aparentemente inocente se transforma em um perigoso jogo de gato e rato.
Bets & Wedding Dresses
Piacere Michele Imperatore
Mistero e Passione di Gino Pacino
Gino Pacino
Al cuore si comanda
Lorenza is 30 years old and has not yet found the man of her life. Not wanting to be alone, she decides to take the penniless Riccardo as her husband "for rent".
The Legend of Al, John and Jack
Frank "Contropelo"
Al Caruso, John Gresco, and Jack Amoruso are three gangsters working for the Genovese family. After botching yet another hit and discovering that their boss wants to get rid of them, the trio comes up with a plan to sell him to the FBI. However, Al's short-term memory loss could be a problem...
The Long Night
Johnny the Partisan
Secondo Partigiano Meridionale
After the 8th September 1943 north of Italy is occupied by Germans. Italian army collapsed and the soldiers are escaped to the mountains trying to set up a resistance. Many civilians did the same and Johnny, an English literature student, is among them. Johnny avoids to band together the red partisans (communists) and tries to be part of the azure bands (former regular soldiers). But in both cases he is deluded by the partisan bands and discovers that the partisan war is less poetic and genuine that he thought. At one point anyway the partisans free Alba from Germans. When the city falls again in German hands Johnny escape with Ettore and Pierre. But, one after another, German army and Italian fascists captures the partisans and Johnny will pass the winter alone and isolated. He then finds the way to participate to one of the last attack to occupants, in fact the war will be over two months later.
Ribelli per caso
L'uomo della fortuna
Tutti gli uomini del deficiente
Father Leone Stella
Nearing death, videogame genius Leone Stella holds a contest to find an heir: all the people named like him will compete in a live-streamed reenactment of his most famous endeavors, and the winner will inherit his billionaire fortune.
Officer Di Gennaro
The movie is based on the autobiography of Horst Fantazzini. Son of an anarchist, he was known in Northern Italy as “the gentleman bandit” because he robbed banks without violence, with only a toy gun. After many convictions and jailbreaks, in the summer of 1973 he's being held in Fossano, Piedmont when he tries to escape again. This time things get messy and he has to use a real gun and take two prison guards as hostages.
Sono Positivo
Mario Cirillo
A Southern Italian family is suddenly faced with AIDS. One of them has it. Which friend or family member could have begun this cycle of infection? The characters include a vain housewife, her straight-laced husband, her gay brother, and her husband's and brother's best friend. Hilarious mayhem ensues.
Love Has No Bounds
Gino Tepore
A camorrista follows a surreal path.
Polvere di Napoli
Cattiva coscienza