Jean L. Speak


Minha Esperança é Você
Sound Engineer
Num colégio para crianças especiais, uma professora de música inexperiente aplica um novo método de ensino a um aluno autista abandonado pela família, a quem se afeiçoou, e entra em conflito com o exigente diretor da instituição.
Julgamento em Nuremberg
Sound Designer
Após a 2ª Guerra Mundial, um juiz americano é convocado para chefiar o julgamento de quatro juristas alemães responsáveis pela legalização dos crimes cometidos pelos nazistas durante a guerra. À medida que surgem provas de esterilização e assassinatos de judeus, a pressão política vai-se tornando cada vez maior, pois a Guerra Fria está chegando e ninguém quer mais julgamentos como os da Alemanha. Além disso, os governos aliados querem fortemente esquecer o passado, mas a coisa certa a ser feita é a questão que esse tribunal tentará responder. Baseado em fatos reais, principalmente no caso Katzenberger, o último julgamento dos Processos de Guerra de Nuremberg, que ocorreram depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial para julgar os criminosos nazistas.
Sound Engineer
John 'Joker' Jackson e Noah Cullen são dois condenados presos um ao outro por uma corrente e que se odeiam. Depois de um acidente com o caminhão da prisão que os transportava, eles fogem e são perseguidos pela polícia. Enquanto eles estão acorrentados, os dois são dependentes um do outro. Quando eles finalmente se livram de suas correntes, sua hostilidade já tinha se alterado para companheirismo e respeito.
No Umbral da China
Sound Designer
Near the end of the French phase of the Vietnam War, a group of mercenaries are recruited to travel through enemy territory to the Chinese border.
De Volta da Eternidade
A South American plane loaded with an assortment of characters crash lands in a remote jungle area in the middle of a storm. The passengers then discover they are in an area inhabited by vicious cannibals and must escape before they are found. A remake of Five Came Back (1939).
A Bullet Is Waiting
A plane carrying a sheriff and a man indicted for manslaughter is wrecked on a lonely California beach and the prisoner manages to escape, after a struggle, only to be taken in hand by the female manager of a remote sheep ranch.
Fúria do Desejo
A sexy but poor young girl marries a rich man she doesn't love, but carries a torch for another man.
Matar ou Morrer
Sound Engineer
Para o xerife Will Kane (Gary Cooper), o dia do seu casamento será marcado não pela emoção, mas pela adrenalina e a perseguição com o perigoso bandido Frank Miller. Miller fugiu atrás de vingança, já que Kane o colocou na prisão. Mas, agora, nem a população local irá ajudá-lo.
Só a Mulher Peca
Sound Designer
An embittered woman seeks escape in marriage, only to fall for her husband’s best friend.
The Blue Veil
A World War I widow loses her only child and spends the rest of her life as a children's nurse.
Queen for a Day
Adapted from the TV and radio series of the same name, the producer of said show reads letters from three woman providing the framing story for this melodrama anthology film. The tales focus on parenting and family struggles.
The Sound of Fury
Sound Designer
A family man -desperate for a job- latches onto a friend that encourages him into being a criminal.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Sound Engineer
Cyrano devota um amor platônico à prima Roxane, mas ela confessa estar apaixonada por Christian, um dos jovens do regimento, e pede que Cyrano o proteja. Por causa disso, o poeta vai estar presente em todos os momentos da vida do casal, inclusive escrevendo cartas e recitando poemas à amada, sem que ela o saiba.
Espíritos Indômitos
Sound Engineer
Ken Wilcheck (Marlon Brando) é um ex-combatente que ficou parapégico. Ele tenta se adaptar à vida civil mas, como os seus companheiros que também ficaram paralíticos, se sente marginalizado, apesar de ser apoiado por Ellen (Teresa Wright), sua noiva.
O Invencível
Sound Engineer
An unscrupulous boxer fights his way to the top, but eventually alienates all of the people who helped him on the way up.
A night club owner takes on the crooks who killed his best friend.
Return of the Bad Men
US Marshall Vance is assigned to rid the Oklahoma Territory of outlaws.
Western Heritage
A forger has made a copy of a Spanish land grant and Arnold is after it. Arnold and his men attack, shoot the forger, and take the deed while Russ tries unsuccessfully to stop them. Arnold presents it at the recorders office. It appears authentic and he starts evicting ranchers from their land. But Russ knows something is wrong as one of Arnold's men was a man he fought with during the attack.
The Woman on the Beach
A sailor suffering from post-traumatic stress becomes involved with a beautiful and enigmatic seductress married to a blind painter.
Code of the West
Knowing the railroad is coming, Carter is after the rancher's land. Bob and Chito return just in time to save Banker Stockton and his money from Carter's men. When Stockton then lends the ranchers money, Carter has them burned out. Bob knows Carter is responsible and when Carter's henchman Saunders is recognized, Bob goes into action.
O Passo do Ódio
Bat Masterson cleans up Liberal, Kansas.
The Falcon's Adventure
A society sleuth rescues a kidnapped woman, then is framed for murder.
A Casa Sinistra
Nell Bowen, a espirituosa protegida do rico Lord Mortimer, se interessa na condição do notório asilo St. Mary's of Bethlehem, conhecido como Bedlam. Com a ajuda do quaker Hannay, ela tenta ajudar a reformar Bedlam, mas o cruel Sims, que dirige o lugar, deseja a todo custo tirá-la do caminho.
Badman's Territory
After some gun play with a posse, the James Gang head for Quinto in a section of land which is not a part of America. Anyone there is beyond the law so the town is populated with outlaws. Next to arrive is Sheriff Rowley, following his brother whom the Gang have brought in injured. Rowley has no authority and gets on well enough with the James boys but is soon involved in other local goings-on, including a move to vote for annexation with Oklahoma which would allow the law well and truly in.
George White's Scandals
Sound Recordist
Two couples work through their issues in this backstage Broadway musical.
A Ilha dos Mortos
Sound Recordist
On a Greek island during the 1912 war, several people are trapped by quarantine for the plague. If that isn't enough worry, one of the people—a superstitious old peasant—suspects a young woman of being a vampiric demon.
Tarzan e as Amazonas
Sound Mix Technician
A group of archaeologists asks Tarzan to help them find an ancient city in a hidden valley of women. He refuses, but Boy is tricked into doing the job. The queen of the women asks Tarzan to help them.
Having Wonderful Crime
Sound Recordist
Newlyweds (George Murphy, Carole Landis) drag their lawyer friend (Pat O'Brien) to a mountain resort on a search for a missing magician.
Tarzan em Terror no Deserto
Sound Technical Supervisor
A letter from Jane, who is nursing British troops, asks Tarzan's help in obtaining a malaria serum extractable from jungle plants. Tarzan and Boy set out across the desert looking for the plants. Along the way they befriend a stranded American lady magician.
The Falcon in Danger
Recording Supervision
Two industrialists disappear from an airplane while the plane is in the air. Also missing is $100,000. The Falcon investigates and discovers a plot against the government.
The Falcon Strikes Back
Sound Recordist
The Falcon is framed for the murder of a banker and the theft of war bonds. He makes his escape into the mountains where he hides out in a rustic lodge. From here he uncovers a phony war bond operation.
Hold Your Temper
Sound Recordist
When his wife threatens to leave him because of his notoriously bad temper, Edgar promises that there will be no more tantrums.