Camera Operator
Lazarus Fell, a former naval intelligence officer trained in black ops and tasked with tracking down the most wanted Terrorist in the world, has gone rogue, realizing his mission has been inexplicably compromised by his own chain of command. As a result, Lazarus has faked his own death, forsaken his life, his family and all that matters to him in the world, to continue his solitary pursuit. But he has personal motivations as well, believing his father, Solomon Fell, Chief of Operations for the Office of Naval Intelligence, was killed in the attacks of 9/11 – the event masterminded by the selfsame Terrorist.
Prison Guard
Após deixar a cadeia Jake reencontra seu irmão Elwood e juntos vão para o orfanato onde foram criados. Lá eles descobrem que o local será fechado se uma dívida de US$ 5 mil com a prefeitura não for paga. Como a freira que dirige o orfanato não aceita de forma alguma dinheiro ganho desonestamente, Jake e Elwood decidem por retomar a The Blues Brothers Band, na intenção de realizar um grande show e arrecadar a quantia necessária para pagar a dívida.
Nickelodeon Projectionist
In the silent film era, attorney Leo Harrigan and gunslinger Buck Greenway are hired to stop an illegal film production. However, they soon team up with the filmmakers and become important players in the show business industry. Leo learns he has a talent for directing, and Buck's cowboy persona quickly earns him leading-man status — but both men fall for beautiful starlet Kathleen Cooke, leading to a heated personal rivalry.
Cab Driver
George Caldwell (Gene Wilder), tímido executivo do ramos de livros, toma o trem com destino a Chicago, na expectativa de uma viagem sossegada e relaxante. Ele inicia um romance com Hilly Burns (Jill Clayburgh), secretária de um especialista em arte, e as coisas começam a ficar estranhas quando presencia o especialista ser expelido do comboio. Ao que tudo indica, o sujeito possuía provas que exporiam uma quadrilha de falsificadores, liderada pelo gentil criminoso Roger Devereau (Patrick McGoohan). Testemunha do crime, George é atirado para fora do trem, mas consegue persegui-lo ora por automóvel ora por avião, tendo por companhia o vigarista Grover Muldon (Richard Pryor), que o tirara da prisão onde fora parar graças a um xerife caipira.
Enthusiastic young woman runs away to Chicago to start a new life. She is soon confronted with the emotional coldness of the big city and has to search for her place in the scheme of things.
Narrator (voice)
Earthlings chafe at the peace established by a benevolent alien race and set about to rebel.
GOLDSTEIN, the feature film debut of talented director Philip Kaufman (The Right Stuff, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Quills), is an early example of American independent filmmaking from the early 1960s. A fable about an old man with an odd effect on those he encounters, the film is a funny, warm-hearted postcard from an important moment in American cinema.GOLDSTEIN, starring veteran character actor Lou Gilbert (Viva Zapata!, The Great White Hope), shared the Prix de la Nouvelle Critique at the 1964 Cannes Film Festival with Bertolucci’s Before the Revolution. Cinema deity Jean Renoir called the film "the best American film I have seen in 20 years."
In a typical traveling circus, all the workers have problems over their heads; A puppeteer named Magnus controls his troupe like marionettes until a good clown arrives on the scene to help relieve them of their burdens.