Layne Britton


The Stories Behind the Making of 'The Blues Brothers'
The Stories Behind the Making of The Blues Brothers is an hour- long documentary featuring every participant from the film. Star and co-writer Dan Aykroyd explains how a joke that he and best friend John Belushi shared with friends evolved from a Saturday Night Live skit to a best-selling album and then to a film. Director John Landis covers the difficult production, from the outrageous stunts to Belushi's disappearances from the set.
Uma Cidade Muito Louca
Makeup Artist
In a small Southern town, the local sheriff tries to keep everything peaceful and under control.
Makeup Artist
Mike Connors is a suave gambler who owns a floating hotel/casino which takes a turn when the passengers are stalked by a saboteur during the casino ship's maiden voyage.
Os Irmãos Cara de Pau
The Cheese Whiz
Após deixar a cadeia Jake reencontra seu irmão Elwood e juntos vão para o orfanato onde foram criados. Lá eles descobrem que o local será fechado se uma dívida de US$ 5 mil com a prefeitura não for paga. Como a freira que dirige o orfanato não aceita de forma alguma dinheiro ganho desonestamente, Jake e Elwood decidem por retomar a The Blues Brothers Band, na intenção de realizar um grande show e arrecadar a quantia necessária para pagar a dívida.
Tora! Tora! Tora!
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Retrata de forma realista, quase documental, tanto do ponto de vista japonês como do norte americano, mostrando a preparação, os eventos e os erros que possibilitaram o ataque a Pearl Harbor em 7 de Dezembro de 1941, fato que forçou a entrada dos Estados Unidos da América na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O título do filme é o código utilizado em caso de sucesso do ataque japonês, que traduzido para o português significa 'Tigre! Tigre! Tigre!'. A versão Americana tem 02:25. A versão Japonesa é mais longa, com 02:29.
A Mulher de Pedra
Makeup Artist
Um detetive particular é contratado por um homem para procurar a sua namorada desaparecida. O detetive investiga vários mafiosos, prostitutas e herdeiros até descobrir que a mulher foi afogada numa baía na Florida com um bloco de cimento amarrado em seus calcanhares.
Crime Sem Perdão
Makeup Artist
O policial Joe Leland investiga o assassinato brutal de um jovem homossexual e acaba descobrindo conexões com uma poderosa rede de corrupção governamental em Nova York.
I'll Take Sweden
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Bob Holcomb will do anything to stop his daughter JoJo from tying the knot with her lazy boyfriend, even move her all the way to Sweden! But once they're "safely" out of the country, JoJo falls for a sly Swedish playboy.
The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour
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By Love Possessed
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An unhappily married woman engages in an affair with her husband's law partner.
The Facts of Life
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Middle-class suburbanites Larry and Kitty grow bored with their lives and respective marriages. Although each always found the other's manner grating, they fall in love when thrown together--without their spouses--on vacation. On returning home they try to break things off, only to grow closer. A holiday together will finally settle whether they should end their marriages.
A Dog's Best Friend
Makeup Artist
A young orphan rejects his foster parents and instead turns to a German shepherd whose master was recently murdered. Stumbling on some evidence, the boy is rescued from the killer by his dog.
Porgy and Bess
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Situada no início do século XX, no fictício bairro Catfish Row, em Charleston, Carolina do Sul, que abriga uma comunidade de pescadores negros, a história se concentra nos personagens titulares, o mendigo aleijado Porgy, que viaja em um carrinho de cabras e a viciada em drogas Bess, que mora com o estivador Crown, o valentão local. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Escort West
Makeup Artist
Seeking a new place to call home, former Confederate soldier Ben Lassiter (Victor Mature) and his daughter meet Beth (Elaine Stewart), whose fiancé is a Union soldier. Lassiter falls for Beth, and when Indians attack, they head to a cavalry camp where Lassiter must battle the Indians as well as Beth's fiancé.
Garotas, Gatilhos e Gângsters
Makeup Artist
Chuck Wheeler gets out of the Pen and sets up an elaborate heist of Vegas casino money travelling by armored truck. He enlists the help of shady club owner Joe Darren and his ex-cellmate's wife, Vi. Vi's husband Mike is a trigger happy and jealous hothead and will not grant her a divorce. Mike escapes from prison right before the armored truck job goes into motion and promises trouble as he tries to locate his associates and his wandering wife.
Curse of the Faceless Man
Makeup Artist
A stone-encrusted body is unearthed at Pompeii, and people left alone with it keep dying of crushed skulls...
It! The Terror from Beyond Space
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In 1973, the first manned expedition to Mars is marooned; by the time a rescue mission arrives, there is only one survivor: the leader, Col. Edward Carruthers, who appears to have murdered the others! According to Carruthers, an unknown life form killed his comrades during a sandstorm. But the skeptical rescuers little suspect that "it" has stowed away for the voyage back to Earth...
Bonequinha Chinesa
Makeup Artist
American pilot Cliff Brandon, fighting the Japanese in China, finds himself the unintentional "owner" of a Chinese housekeeper, Shu-Jen. The unlikely couple falls in love and marries, but not without tragedy brought on by the war.
Os Que Sabem Morrer
Makeup Artist
Na Coréia, em 6 de Setembro de 1950, o tenente de pelotão Benson encontra-se isolado em território controlado pelos inimigo depois de uma retirada. Logo eles se juntam ao sargento Montana, cuja preocupação primordial é cuidar de seu coronel catatônico. Benson e Montana não podem se ajudar, mas, juntos eles chegam com os sobreviventes na Colina 465, onde esperam encontrar o resto da divisão. É uma longa e angustiante marcha, repleta de todos os perigos que o inimigo evasivo pode provocar. Quem vai sobreviver?
Sangue de Mestiço
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A part-Indian mining engineer looks for gold in an Arizona ghost town with his socialite bride.
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Two scuba divers find a shipwreck which may contain undiscovered treasure, however, their attempt to salvage it is threatened by scavengers.
Noite Eterna
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City police surround a building attempting to capture a suspected murder. The suspect knows there is no escape but refuses to give in.