Casino (1980)
Gênero : Ação, Drama, Cinema TV
Runtime : 1H 36M
Director : Don Chaffey
Mike Connors is a suave gambler who owns a floating hotel/casino which takes a turn when the passengers are stalked by a saboteur during the casino ship's maiden voyage.
This hand-painted film charts a collection of journeys both real and imagined.
Mauro, a young man from a poor neighborhood who is used to bad company, visits the casino for the first time. A stroke of luck will change his life and lead him to bet on bad decisions.
Documentary which tells the story of how the biggest global crisis in living memory brought the 120 billion pound lucrative cruise industry to its knees.
A nightclub star helps trap an enemy agent on the trail of an American newsman.
Ritchie luta para concluir sua universidade, mas tem problemas para arcar com as despesas do curso. Ele acaba entrando de cabeça no mundo das apostas online de pôquer. Antes ele apenas apresenta o jogo para outras pessoas, mas também acaba jogando para conseguir dinheiro. Ele perde tudo, mas está convencido de que foi passado para trás. É aí que decide visitar a Costa Rica e pressionar o executivo Ivan Block. Impressionado com o jovem, o empresário acaba acolhendo Ritchie em seu negócio.
Not long before marine officer van Hauen goes off to war and heavy-heartedly leaves his family, he coincidentally discovers that his wife has a secret liaison with the dubious Count Spinelli. What the van Hauens do not yet know, is that the sleazy Spinelli has a hidden agenda. (
The captain of a battleship of a small Balkan country is fed up with following strange orders from the country's queen.
A café singer buys a gambling casino and several men fall in love with her.
A magazine hires photographer Bunny Yeager to do a pictorial on the showgirls of Las Vegas.
When her compulsive-gambler father dies, leaving her with an inheritance that amounts to zip, single gal Kim Halliday jumps at a caller's claim that she's part-owner of a Las Vegas "hotel." But hilarity ensues when she flies to Sin City to see it. While a wealthy casino owner eyes her dilapidated property, she takes a chance and tries to sell it to an hotelier's wealthy son.
A documentary film about a tour of three Finnish rock bands around Saimaa lake system in a steam boat in 1981. The bands (Juice Leskinen Slam, Eppu Normaali and Hassisen Kone) are shown playing songs in their gigs and, in between, the members give intimate interviews or just act plain silly and have a good time.
A Brooklyn showgirl gets mixed up in a divorce between a soldier and his wife.
A long lucky streak makes a nice guy the target of opportunists like his brother, his girlfriend, and some guys from New Jersey.
A rich banker is actually a crook. His mistress, an alien, wants to become French and the only way is to marry a Frenchman.
A história traz imitadores de Elvis, índios, cowboys modernos, um assassino loiro de 2 metros de altura, um garoto, um xerife corrupto e uma prostituta em uma perseguição de um artefato de valor inestimável roubado durante um jogo de pôquer em um cassino indígena.
Quando vários acontecimentos desencadeiam um teste nuclear uma onda maciça se forma no oceano e atinge o navio do Capitão Hal Josephson (James Coburn). Emborcado o navio, os sobreviventes lutam por suas vidas nos estreitos e alagados corredores, infestados agora por mortais tubarões. Alguns precisam fugir das águas, outros de um grupo de terroristas. O plano seqüestrar a filha do importante empresário, passageira do navio.
A surreal drama about an alienated family set in Koreatown, Los Angeles and Rishikesh, India.
When illegal casino owner Charley Enley Kyng develops heart disease, he is advised by a doctor to spend more time with his family. However, he finds it difficult to keep his work separate from his life at home. His son, Paul, feels ashamed of Charley's career and gets into a fight at his prom because of it. Meanwhile, Charley's brother-in-law, Robbin, who works at the casino, begins fixing games due to his extreme gambling debts.
Billy, Paddy, Archie e Sam são amigos desde a infância. Quando Billy finalmente pede a sua jovem namorada em casamento, o quarteto, que está ficando velho, vai a Las Vegas para celebrar o fim do solteirismo do amigo e reviver seus dias de glória.