George Reynolds


Dahmer vs. Gacy
Police Chief Bellagio
A secret government lab run by Dr. Hess (Art LaFleur) has been trying to create the ultimate killer using the DNA of infamous killers Jeffrey Dahmer (Ford Austin) and John Wayne Gacy (Randal Malone), but there’s one big problem: they’ve escaped! Bloody mayhem stretches across the United States as they go on the ultimate killing spree. Trying to stop the maniacal madness is Ringo (Ford Austin), a hick warrior being trained by God (Harland Williams), using only a shotgun and a bottle of whiskey. In his road trip to hell, he must first fight off his own demons, not to mention an army of Japanese ninjas and a Super-serial killer (Ethan Phillips)! It all leads up to the ultimate showdown!
This Girl For Hire
In this pilot for a proposed TV series, B.T. Brady is a flippant, but somewhat klutzy female private detective in Hollywood who sets out to solve the murder of a obnoxious mystery writer. Along the way, Brady gets help from her flamboyant mother Zandra, a washed-up actress, as well as Brady's live-in boyfriend Wolfe who runs a memorabilia shop.
American Dream
A family moves from an affluent Chicago suburb to the mixed inner-city neighborhood where the father grew up, with the idea of giving the kids, who are becoming materialistic snobs, the feel of a big city environment.
Mike Connors is a suave gambler who owns a floating hotel/casino which takes a turn when the passengers are stalked by a saboteur during the casino ship's maiden voyage.
Mr. Horn
1st Rustler
Western saga based on the legend of frontier folk hero Tom Horn, including his role in the trackdown of Geronimo in the 1880s with his mentor and pal, Al Sieber, the fabled Indian scout, his later days as a Pinkerton detective, and the way he was used by both sides in turn-of-the-century cattle wars, leading to his tragic death.
A 20-year old who spent the first 10 years of his life running wild in the forest after being raised by predatory animals now strikes out on his own in search of his identity. Pilot film for the short-lived series.
A soldier returns from Vietnam on special assignment, accompanying the body of his friend by train to California for burial. During the trip, he falls in love with a gentle college student. But their relationship is shattered by his flashbacks to combat.
Aconteceu num Sábado
Big Percy (uncredited)
Para espantar o tédio, um modesto operário vai com o amigo a um cassino ilegal. O lugar é assaltado e ele fica sem a carteira onde estava um bilhete de loteria premiado. Desesperados, procuram um detetive particular. E acabam tendo um perigoso encontro com o poderoso chefão da Máfia que controla toda a cidade.
Cleopatra Jones
Uma sensual agente dos Estados Unidos, Cleópatra Jones (Tamara Dobson), opera no serviço de combate as drogas. Após supervisionar, na Turquia, a destruição de uma enorme plantação de papoulas, que seriam usadas.
Amantes em Veneza
Man at Bar
Advogado Stephen Blume, especializado em divórcios, vive uma situação paradoxal em que, tendo o seu próprio casamento terminado, ainda é apaixonado por sua ex-esposa.
Aliados Contra o Crime
Police in Boston search for a mad bomber trying to extort money from the city.
Um Doido Genial
Bohemian Alex Morrison has just finished directing his first feature length movie. In its previews, the movie is considered a critical, artistic and surefire commercial success. As such, Alex seemingly has his choice of what his next project will be. As he makes the rounds both in the Hollywood community and European movie centers for ideas, he fantasizes about movie scenarios of those everyday situations he is in.
The Last Crooked Mile
A mystery grows after a bank robbery car leads investigators to a carnival sideshow.
Girls of the Big House
Earl Williams
A women's prison provides the setting for this drama that centers around a naive small-town woman framed by a man whom she met in a nightclub in the big city. She is not welcomed by the inmates and immediately the prisoners are divided.
Lying Lips
Lt. of Police (Donovan)
Uma cantora de boate se recusa a "namorar" clientes, então ela é acusada pelo assassinato de sua tia, condenada pelo assassinato e enviada para a prisão. No entanto, sua amiga, que é detetive da polícia, não acredita que tenha feito isso e se propõe a provar sua inocência.