Joseph Cotten

Joseph Cotten

Nascimento : 1905-05-15, Petersburg, Virginia, USA

Morte : 1994-02-06


Joseph Cheshire Cotten (Petersburg, Virginia, 15 de maio de 1905 — Westwood, California, 6 de fevereiro de 1994) foi um ator americano. Atuou no filme Cidadão Kane, de 1941, dirigido por Orson Welles, no qual interpretou o jornalista e crítico Jedediah Leland, de forma convincente, não ganhando o Oscar no ano de 1941 mas consagrando-o internacionalmente. Manteve-se ligado a Welles, atuando em filmes que tinham a participação do gênio cinematográfico: Jornada para o Medo e o clássico O Terceiro Homem. Perdeu a voz na década de 80 devido a um derrame cerebral e morreu aos 88 anos em consequência de uma pneumonia.


Joseph Cotten
Joseph Cotten
Joseph Cotten


Serei amado quando morrer
Self (archive footage)
No final de sua carreira, o lendário diretor Orson Welles já não era mais o queridinho de Hollywood que fez sucesso com "Cidadão Kane". Um artista em processo de envelhecimento e aparentemente sem sorte, ele passou seis anos batalhando para tentar concluir "The Other Side of the Wind", o filme que ele acreditava que seria seu grande retorno. Com sua morte em 1985, o projeto acabou, permanecendo em um cofre sem ser terminado por quatro décadas. Imagens inéditas de Welles se unem a entrevistas com o elenco e a equipe do filme para contar a história do fim de sua carreira.
Too Much Johnson
Augustus Billings
This film was not intended to stand by itself, but was designed as the cinematic aspect of Welles' Mercury Theatre stage presentation of William Gillette's 1894 comedy about a New York playboy who flees from the violent husband of his mistress and borrows the identity of a plantation owner in Cuba who is expecting the arrival of a mail order bride. The film component of the performance was ultimately never screened due to the absence of projection facilities at the venue. Long-believed to be lost, a workprint was discovered in 2008 and the film had its premiere in 2013.
Beyond Doubt: The Making of Hitchcock's Favorite Film
A short documentary about the Making Of Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt (1943).
Hollywood Heaven: Tragic Lives, Tragic Deaths
(Archive footage)
Welcome behind the closed doors of a Hollywood that only a select few will ever get to see -- a Hollywood of tragic lives and tragic deaths. Some of the worlds brightest stars are hiding deep, dark secrets that - once revealed show a life of unhappiness, heartbreak and torment that has been so carefully hidden behind the glamour and glitter of the big screen. See the true lives behind some of Hollywoods most iconic stars and learn why, for some, it was as if the act of dying itself was a final performance.
The Survivor
When a 747 crashes shortly after take-off, the sole survivor is the pilot. Virtually unhurt, he and the investigators look for the answers to the disaster. Meanwhile mysterious deaths occur in the community and only a psychic, in touch with the supernatural, can help the pilot unravel the mystery surrounding the doomed plane.
The House Where Death Lives
Ivar Langrock
A nurse goes to a house to care for a crippled old man. Then people in the house start being murdered.
O Portal do Paraíso
The Reverend Doctor
1890, estado de Wyoming, Estados Unidos. Um xerife faz o possível para proteger fazendeiros imigrantes de ricos criadores de gado, em lutas por mais terras. Ao mesmo tempo, ele luta pelo coração de uma jovem com um pistoleiro.
Ed Booker
Mike Connors is a suave gambler who owns a floating hotel/casino which takes a turn when the passengers are stalked by a saboteur during the casino ship's maiden voyage.
O Carro Sinistro
Walter Prichard
A schoolteacher moves into her deceased aunt’s house in a small Californian town, and is harassed by unfriendly locals and a mysterious hearse.
Churchill and the Generals
Gen. George C. Marshall
The complicated relationship between Winston Churchill and the leaders of the British army during World War II.
O Massacre da Guiana
Richard Gable
Reconstituição dos fatos acontecidos na Guiana em 1978, quando o pastor Jim Jones levou quase mil dos seus seguidores ao suicídio coletivo.
Tales of the Unexpected: Edward the Conqueror
Elderly marrieds Edward and Louisa discover a stray cat in their garden. It reacts so positively to Louisa's classical piano playing that she is convinced the cat is the reincarnation of Franz Liszt. Edward grows tired of her obsession and decides to get rid of the cat.
O Caso Concorde
A reporter tries to stop the crash of an aircraft after uncovering an airline's plot to save their business by sabotaging Concorde flights and have them decommissioned.
Island of the Fishmen
Prof. Ernest Marvin
After their prison ship sinks in the Caribbean, a group of prisoners and a doctor wash ashore on a seemingly deserted island. They soon discover a strange couple, who invite them to stay at their house. While the prisoners plan an escape, the doctor does some investigating, and soon finds out just what the pair are really doing, and why the prisoners keep disappearing mysteriously.
The Perfect Crime
Sir Arthur Dundee
The death of a multinational company’s chairman induces the three candidates for the chairmanship to plot against one another for control of the business.
This epic adventure-drama based on James Michener's best-selling novel concerns a young American embassy official who is sent into the Middle-Eastern desert to find the missing daughter of a US Senator. The young woman has left her husband, a Colonel in the Shadom - she was his number two wife - and has opted for the lifestyle of a nomadic tribe. When the diplomat locates the girl he joins the caravan and attempts to persuade the girl to return.
Last In, First Out
Foster Johnson
A woman on a train becomes the center of attention when she is mistaken for a spy by opposing factions who are traveling on the same line.
Return to Fantasy Island
Simon Grant
A second feature-length pilot film for the wish-fulfillment series sees six lucky people having their dreams fulfilled on the luxury resort island. Career woman Margo Dean's assistant, Lowell Benson, hopes to romance her; Brian and Lucy Faber want to see the daughter they gave up for adoption; Janet Fleming, who lost her memory on her honeymoon, wants to relive it to cure her amnesia.
Aeroporto 77
Nicholas St. Downs III
Em uma viagem para Palm Beach, onde vai inaugurar um museu composto de peças da sua coleção particular, o magnata Philip Stevens transporta em seu luxuoso Jumbo 747 a sua coleção de arte, tendo seus amigos como convidados. Mas o avião é sequestrado, sofre um acidente e cai no oceano, ficando submerso em águas rasas. Será que a tripulação e os passageiros conseguirão escapar antes que o avião seja invadido totalmente pela água do mar?
O Último Brilho do Crepúsculo
Arthur Renfrew - Secretary of State
Um general renegado da USAF, Lawrence Dell, escapa de uma prisão militar e assume um silo de míssil ICBM perto de Montana e ameaça provocar a 3ª Guerra Mundial, a menos que o presidente revele detalhes de uma reunião secreta realizada logo após o início da Guerra do Vietnã entre Dell e os então conselheiros mais confiáveis do presidente. 3 versões de montagem: 146 min - Original 123 min - Suécia 91 min - França
A Whisper in the Dark
The Professor
Martino is a young child who claims to have an invisible friend called Luca. His parents assume it is just a game, but strange things start to happen.
Mysteries of the Gods
William Shatner explores the theory that the U.S. government is involved in a cover-up of visiting alien spacecraft. Based on a book by Erich von Däniken, this documentary contains evidence of extraterrestrial life here on earth. Proof discovered through photographs taken by scientists and evidence of actual voyages found by archaeologists.
The Lindbergh Kidnapping Case
Dr. Joseph Francis Condon
Fact-based story of the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr., son and namesake of the famed pilot, and ensuing trial of accused and convicted killer, Bruno Hauptmann.
'F for Fake' Trailer
Self (archive footage)
An unreleased 9 minute trailer for F for Fake directed by Orson Welles as promotional reel for the film's American release.
Timber Tramps
Greedy sawmill mogul
A tough, hard-drinking Alaska logging foreman likes fighting only slightly less than working.
Syndicate Sadists
A biker's brother is killed while investigating the kidnapping of a young boy, the byproduct of a war between two crime families. The biker vows to get revenge by finding the kidnapped boy and destroying the two families.
Um Equilíbrio Delicado
Uma família abastada de Connecticut é derrubada quando os padrinhos da filha adulta, tomados por um terror inominável, decidem vir morar com eles. Em Connecticut, Agnes e Tobias são um casal de classe alta, cuja relação tem sido desconfortável por muitos anos, desde pelo menos o tempo em que seu filho morreu; mas eles conseguiram encontrar um certo padrão confortável de inquietação. A irmã de Agnes, Claire, mora com eles e insiste que seu costume de sempre beber não é alcoolismo, mas obstinação. Sua filha, Julia, prestes a ter seu quarto divórcio, voltou para casa. Inesperadamente, seu quarto foi tomado por Harry e Edna, melhores amigos de Tobias e Agnes que assolados por um terror sem nome que os expulsou de sua própria casa, decidiram ficar com os amigos. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Verdades e Mentiras
F for Fake é um documentário ensaístico, um filme sobre a fraude, a mentira, nos seus vários ângulos. Centra-se na vida do famoso falsificador de arte Elmyr de Hory.Welles surge em vários locais, inclusive num restaurante, até numa suposta sala de edição, criando um filme dentro do filme.
No Mundo de 2020
William R. Simonson
Em uma Terra futurista superpopulosa, um detetive da polícia de Nova York se vê marcado por assassinatos pelos agentes do governo quando ele fica muito perto de um estranho segredo de estado envolvendo as origens de um revolucionário e necessário novo alimento.
The Devil's Daughter
Judge Weatherby
A young girl whose mother had sold her soul to Satan when she was born is told by Satan that she must marry a fellow demon.
Semeando a Ilusão
An aging American millionairess journeys to Rome each year with her chauffeur George to play the card game scopone with destitute Peppino and his wife Antonia.
A Câmara de Torturas do Barão Sangrento
Baron Otto von Kleist / Alfred Becker
A young man, Peter, returns to Austria in search of his heritage. There he visits the castle of an ancestor, a sadistic Baron who was cursed to a violent death by a witch whom the Baron had burned at the stake. Peter reads aloud the incantation that causes Baron Blood to return and continue his murderous tortures.
Doomsday Voyage
Captain Jason
A political extremist on the run after assassinating a corrupt politician, poses as a French sailor in hopes of fleeing the country.
Um Grito de Mulher
George Tresvant
A wealthy former mental patient goes home to her estate to rest and recuperate. While walking the grounds one day she hears the screams of a woman coming from underneath the ground. Her family, however, refuses to believe her story, and sees the incident as an opportunity to prove the woman's mind has snapped so they can take control of her money.
A Mulher de Frankenstein
Baron Frankenstein
Dr. Frankensteins' daughter, who is in love with the aging lab assistant Marshall, continues with her fathers experiments and attempts to transplant Marshall's brain into a new body to prolong his life.
City Beneath the Sea
Dr. Ziegler
A group of 21st-century colonists inhabit an underwater city called Pacifica. Originally intended as a purely scientific installation, the U. S. government wants to stash all its gold reserves from Fort Knox there, along with a fantastic new radioactive element. The brother of Pacifica's returning former commander plans to steal the gold and on top of that, the city faces destruction by an asteroid from outer space!
O Abominável Dr. Phibes
Dr. Vesalius
O famoso organista Anton Phibes fica terrivelmente desfigurado em um acidente automobilístico enquanto move-se para o lado de sua esposa ferida que presume estar morta. Quando Phibes descobre que sua esposa morreu na mesa de operação, ele está convencido de que os médicos são os responsáveis e começa a executar sua vingança contra todos os envolvidos.
Você Conhece Este Estranho?
Dr. Robert Carson
Deserdado pelo pai milionário, um homem substitui a si próprio por outro com doença terminal, para que se passe por ele em um cruzeiro com sua esposa, e dessa maneira poder ter acesso a herança.
Assault on the Wayne
The U.S. submarine Anthony Wayne is underway for a top-secret mission. Onboard is a highly classified device that will give the Americans a decided nuclear advantage. The entire mission and the secret technology are threatened when the sub commander discovers his crew has been infiltrated by enemy agents. The commander is charged with trying to protect the device while ferreting out the enemy agents. Compounding matters is the state of the commander's physical and mental condition, which is being questioned by his crew.
The Grasshopper
Richard Morgan
A British Columbia teenager dreams of show business but winds up as a call girl in Las Vegas.
Cutter's Trail
General Spalding
The Marshal of Santa Fe returns home to find his town almost wiped out by Mexican bandits and enlists the help of a young Mexican boy and his mother to track them down.
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Henry L. Stimson, U.S. Secretary of War
Retrata de forma realista, quase documental, tanto do ponto de vista japonês como do norte americano, mostrando a preparação, os eventos e os erros que possibilitaram o ataque a Pearl Harbor em 7 de Dezembro de 1941, fato que forçou a entrada dos Estados Unidos da América na Segunda Guerra Mundial. O título do filme é o código utilizado em caso de sucesso do ataque japonês, que traduzido para o português significa 'Tigre! Tigre! Tigre!'. A versão Americana tem 02:25. A versão Japonesa é mais longa, com 02:29.
The Lonely Profession
Martin Bannister
Private investigator Leo Gordon is hired to trail Karen Mendaros, the mistress of a reclusive billionaire. When they meet, Gordon and Mendaros hit it off and check in at a motel. Gordon wakes up the next morning and discovers that Mendaros had been murdered during the night. Gordon opens his own investigation of Mendaros' past in an attempt to determine who killed Mendaros and why he's been set up as the fall guy.
Latitude Zero
Capt. Craig McKenzie / Cmdr. Glenn McKenzie
A massive underwater volcano erupts and puts a group of investigative scientists in danger. They are rescued by an atomic super submarine named The Alpha under the command of Captain McKenzie. The group is quickly taken to a vast underwater city known as Latitude Zero, a fantastic, Atlantean type utopia, a world beneath the ocean with its own sun. It is soon discovered that Captain McKenzie is at war with the evil Dr. Malic, a cruel scientist who wishes to rule mankind all the while conducting genetic experiments on humans and animals. Malic sends his agents to kidnap Dr. Okada, a human scientist who has created a serum that can immunize exposure to radiation.
O Ódio É Minha Lei
Sheriff Logan
William Shatner plays two roles: cowboy Johnny Moon and his ruthless Indian twin brother, Notah. Notah likes peyote and gets the crazy idea that he's the Comanche messiah sent to lead the Comanche nation against the white man but more specifically the dusty desert town of Rio Hondo. Moon, estranged from his brother, decides to stop Notah either by words or by bullets.
Split Second to an Epitaph
Dr. Ben Stern
In the second "Ironside" movie, the Chief has his spine jolted during a hospital encounter with a narcotics pusher, not only raising the possibility for an operation that might cure his paralysis but also putting him in jeopardy because he can identify the man who had just shot a guard.
Mr. Danner
An unhappily married socialite finds solace in the company of a recently divorced doctor.
Gangsters '70
An elderly gangster just released from prison plans one last job, and gathers a small crew to do the job, but the plan goes sour when one of the crew betrays the details of the operation to a rival gangster.
Alexander The Great
An historical film that follows the life of Alexander the Great, the Macedonian king that united all ancient Greek tribes and led them against the vast Persian Empire. Alexander conquered most of the then-known world and created a Greek empire that spanned all the way from the Balkans to India.
Valete de Ouros
The protégé of a famous cat burglar reluctantly agrees to join forces with a lesser criminal in the daring heist of several famous jewels from a seemingly impenetrable vault.
Os Cruéis
Colonel Jonas
The Civil War has ended, but not for Jonas, a ruthless Confederate officer who wants to continue the fight by reorganizing Confederate troops in the Southwest with the support of a large sum of stolen money. He devises an elaborate ruse to allow his small party to travel with minimal scrutiny through hostile territory, for the money is hidden in a coffin said to contain the body of his dead son. Jonas' other sons travel with him along with a hired "widow", as they proceed to what they hope to be a new start to the War between the States. However, while en route, they face severe, ongoing strife among themselves and successive threats from Union soldiers, a posse of cowboys, and an Indian war party.
Some May Live
During the Vietnam War U.S. decoder Kate Meredith is plagued with guilt when her correspondent husband coerces her to pass information to him and the Viet Cong.
Brighty of the Grand Canyon
At the turn of the century in the Southwest, Brighty the wild burro accompanies his friend, a prospector named Old Timer, on a hunt for gold. A claim jumper robs the pair of their strike, killing Old Timer in the process. Brighty then sets out on a quest -- befriending a mountain lion hunter along the way -- to bring Old Timer's murderer to justice in this drama based on the best-seller by Marguerite Henry.
Confidências de Hollywood
Kenneth Regan
An amoral lowlife accidentally stumbles into an acting career that sets him on a trajectory to Hollywood stardom. But everyone on whom he steps on the way to the top remembers when he is nominated for an Oscar and he runs a dirty campaign in an attempt to win.
The Tramplers
Edith Wickett
After the war of secession, the aging Cordeen, who owns thousands of acres in Texas, rules his numerous and quarrelsome sons with an iron hand. He sends them out to deal with the threat of the representatives from the North. However, not all the sons share their father's unlimited hatred for the Northerners and they find it increasingly difficult to obey his despotic commands. To add to the family's unrest, a prodigal son decides to return to the fold, provoking two other sons to down tools and leave. Cordeen, outraged, pursues them and tries to kill them. An absurd family feud ensues, prolonged by the participation of the entire Cordeen family.
Dinheiro é Armadilha
Dr. Horace Van Tilden
A cop turns to crime to keep his spoiled sexy young wife happy. When the money starts coming in his partner was in on the action.
O Grande Massacre
Major Marcus A. Reno
Colonel Custer (Philip Carey), an outspoken believer in fair treatment for the Indians, is ousted from his post and forced into retirement. Fueled by ambition when a Senator Blaine (Don Haggerty) convinces him to run for President, Custer decides to upstage General Terry (Frank Ferguson) at Little Big Horn.
Com a Maldade na Alma
Drew Bayliss
A rica solteirona Charlotte Hollis vive com sua excêntrica empregada em uma mansão decadente no sul dos EUA. Evitada pelos moradores da cidade por causa da morte violenta de seu ex-marido, Charlotte recebe a visita de uma prima invejosa e seu marido.
Hollywood and the Stars
NBC's pioneering documentary series, produced by the David L. Wolper Production Company, in association with United Artists Television. Each 30-minute show concentrated on a Hollywood genre, film or legendary star. This series ran from September 30, 1963 until May 18, 1964, and many of its individual episodes were released into the home gauge market in shortened form. Certain episodes would focus on films being made at the time, notably Preminger's The Cardinal and Huston's Night of the Iguana.
Hollywood: The Selznick Years
Self (uncredited)
Henry Fonda hosts this retrospective on the career and films of iconic filmmaker David O. Selznick, who epitomized the era of the auteur producer in the 30s and 40s.
O Último Pôr-Do-Sol
John Breckenridge
O caubói Brendan O'Malley (Kirk Douglas) chega à casa da formosa Belle Breckenridge (Dorothy Malone), casada com bruto beberrão John Becheridge (Joseph Cotten). O casal está se preparando para iniciar uma jornada com o gado até o Texas.Na cola de O'Malley está o policial Dana Tribling (Rock Hudson), que tem razões pessoais para capturá-lo. Ambos se juntam ao casal em sua jornada, mas as tensões aumentam quando John nota o crescente interesse de dana por sua mulher e de Brendan por sua filha...
A clergyman travels to Spain to join the Loyalist side during the Spanish Civil War and finds himself attracted to a beautiful entertainer.
Da Terra à Lua
Victor Barbicane
Logo após a Guerra da Secessão um cientista, Victor Barbicane (Joseph Cotten), declara ter inventado uma infinita fonte de energia, que foi chamada de "Força X". Victor quer demonstrá-la fazendo um foguete que, impulsionado por esta energia, o leve até a Lua. Para isto investe toda sua fortuna pessoal e ainda precisa usar o dinheiro de outros investidores, pois é um projeto bem oneroso. No entanto, se der certo ele ficará muito rico. Porém Stuyvesant Nicholl (George Sanders), outro cientista que também fará a viagem, crê que Victor está violando as leis de Deus e da natureza com seus sonhos extraterrestres. Assim Nicholl sabota a espaçonave, mesmo sabendo que isto poderá lhe custar a vida.
A Marca da Maldade
Coroner (uncredited)
Quando um carro-bomba explode no lado norte-americano da fronteira entre os EUA e o México, Miguel Vargas, o agente antidrogas mexicano, inicia sua investigação, junto com o capitão da polícia americana Hank Quinlan. Quando Vargas começa a suspeitar que Quinlan e seu parceiro obscuro, Menzies, estão plantando provas para enquadrar um homem inocente, suas investigações sobre sua possível corrupção rapidamente colocaram em risco a si e sua nova esposa, Susie.
The Edge of Innocence
Robert Rainey
An unscrupulous criminal lawyer falls in love with a wealthy widow and becomes involved with her brother's disappearance and murder.
Ódio Contra Ódio
Daniel Halliday
Sheriff Halliday doesn't approve of his children dating or marrying half-breeds and his blind hate threatens to alienate his whole family.
O Assassino Anda Solto
Detective Sam Wagner
Um desequilibrado criminoso cuja mulher, acidentalmente foi morta por um detetive da polícia durante sua prisão, pretende vingar-se matando a esposa do policial.
The Bottom of the Bottle
Pat 'P.M.' Martin
An alcoholic escaped convict asks his Arizona lawyer brother to help him cross the Mexican border.
Special Delivery
John Adams
Complications ensue when a U.S. diplomat discovers that he has a baby on his hands and an undercover gal in his arms.
Having survived a plane crash in the jungle, Henty finds a fortress-like home in the middle of nowhere, belonging to the affable Mr. McMaster. The latter doesn't want Henty to leave.
A Blueprint for Murder
Whitney 'Cam' Cameron
Whitney Cameron is in a quandary: he's attracted to his beautiful sister-in-law, Lynn, but also harbors serious suspicions about her. Her husband, Cameron's brother, died under mysterious circumstances, and now that the death of her stepchild, Polly, has been attributed to poisoning, he suspects that Lynn is after his late brother's estate, and killing everyone in her way.
Egypt by Three
Three tales of life on the Nile River reveal love and vengeance, religion and deception. Each atmospheric vignette offers an eye-opening take on the culture, attitudes and religion of the Middle East. First, a knife thrower's affair threatens his mistress. Then, the plague tests a band of pilgrims journeying to Mecca. Finally, two con men learn a lesson at a Coptic church.
Torrentes de Paixão
George Loomis
George e Rose Loomis estão em lua de mel em Niagara Falls, mas ele não sabe que sua infiel mulher planeja o seu assassinato forjando um falso suicídio, com a ajuda do amante a quem pede que mate o seu marido.
The Steel Trap
Jim Osborne
Joseph Cotten plays an assistant bank manager who steals $1,000,000 from the safe late on a Friday and then plans to flee to Brazil over the weekend.
Homens em Revolta
Kirk Denbow
The Denbow family denies access across their land to homesteaders. To evade a murder charge, Glenn Denbow marries Jane, the only witness who's in love with him. But the woman favors the settlers...
Senator (uncredited)
A tragédia envolvendo fúria, ciúme e assassinato em torno de Othello, Iago e Desdemona. Esta estranha e magnífica visão de Welles para o clássico de Shakespeare, já era a 12ª versão levada para as telas. Filmada na Itália e Marrocos, teve sérios problemas de produção, levando mais de dois anos para finalizar. Mesmo assim, Welles teve controle absoluto sob a obra, dos diálogos à montagem final. Com todas estas dificuldades para a realização de Othello e vendo o impressionante resultado final, o filme ganhou status de CultMovie. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
O Homem das Sombras
Set in 19th-century New York, this mystery begins when a Frenchwoman shows up at the home of one of Napoleon's former marshals. The alcoholic man is badly crippled and slowly dying, but this doesn't stop the forthright lady from pushing him to change his will to include his estranged grandson so that he can help out the struggling French Republic. Unfortunately, the dying man's conniving housekeeper and butler, already planning murder to get the money themselves, overhear her and begin plotting her demise.
Peking Express
Michael Bachlin
A group of refugees fleeing Chinese Communist rule via train are beset by a gang of terrifying outlaws.
Half Angel
John Raymond Jr.
Nurse Nora Gilpin plans are to marry building contractor Tim McCarey and settle down. But one night a sleepwalking Nora slips into a provocative dress and goes to the home of startled lawyer John Raymond, for whom she doesn't care much during the day. She does not reveal her name and he cannot figure out where they have met, but they spend several hours together until she gets away before John notices.
September Affair
David Lawrence
An industrialist and a pianist meet on a trip and fall in love. Through a quirk of fate, they are reported dead in a crash though they weren't on the plane. This gives them the opportunity to live together free from their previous lives. Unfortunately, this artificial arrangement leads to greater and greater stress. Eventually the situation collapses when they come to pursue their original, individual interests without choosing a common path.
O Que a Vida Me Negou
Chris Hale aka Steve
A petty crook moves to an Ohio town and courts a factory owner's disabled daughter.
Entre Dois Juramentos
Col. Clay Tucker
No outono de 1864, remanescentes de um regimento confederado de cavalaria da Geórgia são prisioneiros da União em um campo em Rock Island, Illinois. Sob o comando do coronel Clay Tucker, muitos estão doentes e feridos. Percebem uma chance de escapar quando o capitão da União Mark Bradford lhes propõe liberdade em troca deles ajudarem as tropas da União a combaterem os Apaches no remoto Novo México. O major comandante do Forte Thorn, local aonde os confederados são levados, suspeita que os recem-chegados planejam escapar e os hostiliza. Quando tudo estava pronto para a deserção e fuga, o coronel (agora tenente) Tucker recebe ordens de agentes confederados para esperar, havendo informações sobre um plano para apoiarem a criação de uma nova frente da Guerra Civil no Oeste.
A Filha de Satanás
Doctor Louis Moline
Rosa, the self-serving wife of a small-town doctor, gets a better offer when a wealthy big-city man insists she get a divorce and marry him instead. Soon she demonstrates she is capable of rather deplorable acts -- including murder.
Sob o Signo de Capricórnio
Sam Flusky
Em 1831 o irlandês Charles Adare (Michael Wilding) viaja à Austrália para começar uma nova vida. Logo ao chegar conhece o poderoso Sam Flusky (Joseph Cotten) e descobre que a esposa deste, Henrietta (Ingrid Bergman), foi sua colega de infância. Bela e instável, Henrietta é agora uma atormentada alcoólatra e sua reaproximação de Charles desperta ciúmes em Sam.
O Terceiro Homem
Holly Martins
Um escritor americano chega na Viena pós segunda guerra e descobre que o amigo que iria encontrá lo foi morto sobre circunstâncias misteriosas. Ao investigar o que de fato aconteceu, ele descobre uma trama que envolve o mercado negro de armas, espionagem internacional e uma sedutora jovem.
O Retrato de Jennie
Eben Adams
A mysterious girl inspires a struggling artist.
Our American Heritage
Public service featurette shown in connection with the 1947-1949 biannual nation-wide tour of the Foundation Freedom Train, a government-endorsed campaign to "re-sell Americanism to Americans."
The Farmer's Daughter
Glenn Morley
After leaving her family's farm to study nursing in the city, a young woman finds herself on an unexpected path towards politics.
Duelo ao Sol
Jesse McCanles
Quando seu pai é enforcado por atirar em sua esposa e seu amante, a linda mestiça Pérola Chavez vai morar com parentes distantes no Texas. Acolhida por Laura Belle e seu filho mais velho advogado Jesse, ela se choca com a hostilidade do proprietário do rancho o senador Jackson McCanles, que vive em uma cadeira de rodas, e com o interesse lascivo do mulherengo e rebelde de seu filho mais novo Lewt. Quase imediatamente as tensões familiares já existentes são exacerbadas pela sua presença e pela forma como ela está fisicamente atraída por Lewt.
Love Letters
Allen Quinton
When a man asks another man more facile with words to do his wooing for him, there are always complications. The man with no talent for writing marries the girl, confesses one night he didn't write the letters and ends up with a knife in his back. The writer of the letters fell in love with the woman he wrote to and wants to become her second husband even if she did murder husband number one. Singleton doesn't remember the murder or anything about the first 22 years of her life as Victoria Remington. Then at her second wedding she wonders why she said "I take you, Roger," instead of "I take you, Allen."
Ver-te-ei Outra Vez
Zachary Morgan
Mary Marshall, serving a six year term for accidental manslaughter, is given a Christmas furlough from prison to visit her closest relatives, her uncle and his family in a small Midwestern town. On the train she meets Zach Morgan, a troubled army sergeant on leave for the holidays from a military hospital. Although his physical wounds have healed, he is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and is subject to panic attacks. The pair are attracted to one another and in the warm atmosphere of the Christmas season friendship blossoms into romance, but Mary is reluctant to tell him of her past and that she must shortly return to prison to serve the remainder of her sentence.
Desde Que Partiste
Lieutenant Tony Willett
While husband Tim is away during World War II, Anne Hilton copes with problems on the homefront. Taking in a lodger, Colonel Smollett, to help make ends meet and dealing with shortages and rationing are minor inconveniences compared to the love affair daughter Jane and the Colonel's grandson conduct.
À Meia Luz
Brian Cameron
Anos depois de sua tia ser assassinada em sua casa, uma jovem se muda de volta para casa com seu novo marido. No entanto, ele tem um segredo e fará qualquer coisa para protegê-lo mesmo que isso signifique enlouquecer sua esposa.
Hers to Hold
Bill Morley
Deanna Durbin is all grown up in Hers to Hold, the unofficial sequel to her "Three Smart Girls" films of the 1930s. Durbin plays Penelope Craig, the starry-eyed daughter of wealthy Judson and Dorothy Craig (Charles Winninger, Nella Walker). Developing a crush on much-older playboy Bill Morley (Joseph Cotton), Penelope stops at nothing to land the elusive Morley as her husband. Highlights include Durbin's renditions of "Begin the Beguine" and the "Seguidilla" from Carmen, and a captivating sequence that includes highlights from Durbin's earlier films, presented as home movies!
A Sombra de uma Dúvida
Charlie Oakley
O Tio Charlie vai visitar seus parentes na cidadezinha de Santa Rosa. Mas sua sobrinha, também chamada de Charlie, começa a suspeitar de que ele é o famoso Assassino de Viúvas Alegre, um criminoso que está sendo procurado pela polícia e fugiu da Filadélfia para a Califórnia.
Jornada do Pavor
Howard Graham e sua esposa Stephanie acabam de chegar em um hotel em Istambul. Howard é engenheiro de uma empresa americana que fornece armas para a marinha turca. É levado a uma casa de shows por Kopeikin, representante local da empresa, quando durante a apresentação de um número de mágica, o próprio mágico é morto. O coronel Haki, da polícia secreta turca, o informa que o atirador é um agente nazista que pretende eliminá-lo. Haki crê ser mais seguro embarcá-lo em um navio com destino a Batumi, mas os agentes o perseguem.
Jornada do Pavor
Howard Graham
Howard Graham e sua esposa Stephanie acabam de chegar em um hotel em Istambul. Howard é engenheiro de uma empresa americana que fornece armas para a marinha turca. É levado a uma casa de shows por Kopeikin, representante local da empresa, quando durante a apresentação de um número de mágica, o próprio mágico é morto. O coronel Haki, da polícia secreta turca, o informa que o atirador é um agente nazista que pretende eliminá-lo. Haki crê ser mais seguro embarcá-lo em um navio com destino a Batumi, mas os agentes o perseguem.
Eugene Morgan
Rica família de uma cidadezinha do sul dos Estados Unidos vê sua supremacia social pouco a pouco comprometida pela industrialização. Seu jovem e mimado herdeiro se coloca entre a mãe viúva e o homem que ela sempre amou.
Michael Fitzpatrick
Lydia MacMillan, a wealthy woman who has never married, invites several men her own age to her home to reminisce about the times when they were young and courted her. In memory, each romance seemed splendid and destined for happiness, but in each case, Lydia realizes, the truth was less romantic, and ill-starred.
Cidadão Kane
Jedediah Leland
Charles Foster Kane foi um menino pobre que acaba se tornando um dos homens mais ricos do mundo. O filme inicia com a sua morte, momentos antes da qual pronuncia a palavra "Rosebud". Após dias de sensacionalismo em cima da notícia de sua morte, o jornalista Jerry Thompson é enviado por seu chefe para investigar a vida de Kane, a fim de descobrir o sentido de sua última palavra, a qual ninguém sabia. Entrevistando pessoas do passado de Kane, o jornalista mergulha na vida de um homem solitário, que desde a infância é obrigado a seguir a vontade alheia. Ninguém a seu redor importa-se com Kane, que busca por meio da aquisição de bens a adoração das pessoas. Ao final, Thompson, após a exaustiva investigação da vida de Kane através de entrevistas, se vê incapaz de descobrir o significado da palavra, concluindo que "Charles Foster Kane foi um homem que possuiu tudo o que quis e depois perdeu tudo. Talvez Rosebud seja algo que ele nunca tenha possuído ou algo que tenha perdido".
Seeing the World, Part One: A Visit to New York, N.Y.
A sightseeing portrait of New York, with lively narration taking the viewer aboard the New York elevated and subway trains. Then the view from the windows becomes slightly abstracted, the voice of the commentator becomes uncertain. Featuring Joseph Cotten (credited 'Cotton') Virginia Nicholson Welles, John Becker and Edwin Denby.