William Robert Sivel

William Robert Sivel

Nascimento : 1907-01-01, Alexandroúpoli, Greece

Morte : 1982-01-28


William Robert Sivel


La Passante du Sans-Souci
Sound Designer
Durante uma entrevista, Max Baumstein (Piccoli), respeitado presidente de uma organização humanitária, atira a sangue frio no embaixador paraguaio e o mata. Julgado por assassinato em primeiro grau, ele próprio explica: o embaixador era um ex-oficial nazista, responsável pelo extermínio de sua família. Por que ele cometeu um ato que, aparentemente, anula os princípios que ele se esforçou tanto por defender? Eventualmente, ele revela um segredo sobre si mesmo que ele manteve escondido de sua esposa mais nova, Lina (Romy Schneider), e que de uma forma indireta também diz respeito a ela. É a conclusão de uma luta que começou muitas décadas antes, quando Elsa Wiener (Romy Schneider), uma cantora alemã exilada em Paris, sem dinheiro ou relações, uma refugiada entre muitos outros, enfrentou dois problemas difíceis: sobreviver em uma cidade estrangeira e salvar seu marido Michel das garras dos nazistas.
From Hell to Victory
In 1939, at a Paris café, six friends of various nationalities vow to meet again at the same spot after the end of WW2.
In Genève, bookseller and publisher Axel Thorpe catches willful, rich 16-year old Sibylle Ashby shoplifting. She brags about her writing, so he challenges her to produce a book. She writes an erotic novel that Thorpe publishes anonymously, and it becomes a best seller. She also tries to capture the love of this 40-year old publisher. When he drops her for her older sister, should she seek revenge or recapture? In subplots, she gets along badly with her sister and her father, and she encourages her mother's affair with dad's sister. Axel has problems too besides the determined Sibylle: he must come to terms with the drowning death of his mother years ago.
Femmes Fatales
Sound Engineer
Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.
The Funny Guys in a Crazy World
Sound Mixer
The viscount Galmiche de Quoibedec and his wife have today the engagement party of their daughter.Suddenly The viscount leaves the house, tries to drive his car, but there is great traffic jam.At the same time Alexandre Ladislas Ladretsky, the pianist needs to go to the television.The viscount steals a taxi , Alexandre jumps in the taxi and the owner of a perfume shop jump also into the taxi.Some minutes later two gangsters kidnapped the viscount, the pianist and the young woman of the perfume shop.
As Loucas Aventuras do Rabbi Jacob
In this riot of frantic disguises and mistaken identities, Victor Pivert, a blustering, bigoted French factory owner, finds himself taken hostage by Slimane, an Arab rebel leader. The two dress up as rabbis as they try to elude not only assasins from Slimane's country, but also the police, who think Pivert is a murderer. Pivert ends up posing as Rabbi Jacob, a beloved figure who's returned to France for his first visit after 30 years in the United States. Adding to the confusion are Pivert's dentist-wife, who thinks her husband is leaving her for another woman, their daughter, who's about to get married, and a Parisian neighborhood filled with people eager to celebrate the return of Rabbi Jacob.
Cesar e Rosalie
Rosalie é amigavelmente divorciado, dividindo seu tempo entre a casa de sua mãe, com seus irmãos e filha pequena, e César. Ele é um self made man, o rei do ferro-velho, extrovertido, simpático, apaixonado por ela. Surge David, um artista e velho apaixonado de Rosalie antes de seu casamento. De uma forma tranquila, planejada, ele procura recuperar Rosalie. As explosões ciumentas de César saem pela culatra e levam Rosalie aos braços de David. César continua tentando: ele compra a casa de férias à beira-mar da infância de Rosalie como um presente, a ganha de volta, e então pede a David para se juntar a eles, para Rosalie voltar a ser feliz. Quando Rosalie descobre a cumplicidade de César e David, ela mais uma vez afirma sua liberdade, deixando os homens sozinhos.
Sol Vermelho
Sound Recordist
Link (Charles Bronson), um rude vaqueiro e ágil no gatilho, une-se com Kuroda (Toshiro Mifune), um honrado guerreiro samurai em uma história de um terrível jogo de vingança no sudoeste sem lei dos Estados Unidos em 1870. Um violento roubo de trem que envolve uma espada samurai de valor inestimável une dois grandes inimigos nesta luta. Vítimas do mesmo bandido, eles são forçados a lutar juntos para capturar o assassino e devolver a espada ao seu legítimo dono. Eles têm somente uma semana para completar a missão, ou o guerreiro samurai terá que cometer o "harakrii"! Eles sequestraram a linda namorada do assassino (Ursula Andress), uma prostituta que trabalha em um bordel da região. Link e Kuroda estão determinados a pegar o ladrão… E nada poderá impedi-los!
A Confissão
Sound Designer
Anton Ludvik, conhecido como Gerard, é o vice-ministro das Relações Exteriores da Checoslováquia. Ele percebe que está sendo vigiado e seguido. Um dia, ele é detido e colocado numa prisão, em confinamento solitário. Veremos as torturas mentais durante as investigações e como um servo fiel de alto escalão civil, é levado a confessar a traição. Baseado na história verídica do comunista checoslovaco Artur London. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The Christmas Tree
Sound Recordist
A French-American millionaire, his girlfriend and his war buddy try to grant his dying son's every wish.
Woman in Chains
Sound Designer
Gallery director Stanislas bolsters the development of modern art with his collection of surprising works. His newest acquisition is a sculpture by Gilbert, whose wife Josée is captivated by Stanislas. But unbeknownst to her, Stanislas is amassing photographs of a very perverse, disturbed nature.
Nesse Barco Eu Não Embarco!
Sound Assistant
Louis-Philippe Fourchaume, another typical lead-role for French comedy superstar Louis de Funès, is the dictatorial CEO of a French company which designs and produces sail yachts, and fires in yet another tantrum his designer André Castagnier, not realizing that man is his only chance to land a vital contract with the Italian magnate Marcello Cacciaperotti. So he has to find him at his extremely rural birthplace in 'la France profonde', which proves a torturous odyssey for the spoiled rich man; when he does get there his torment is far from over: the country bumpkin refuses to resume his slavish position now the shoe is on the other foot, so Fourchaume is dragged along in the boorish family life, and at times unable to control his temper, which may cost him more credit then he painstakingly builds up...
A Noite dos Generais
Sound Recordist
Em 1942, uma prostituta polonesa é assassinada em Varsóvia. A suspeita recai sobre três generais de alto escalão, e o Major Grau da Inteligência Alemã busca justiça apesar das atrocidades cometidas durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. As pistas levam Grau de Varsóvia para Paris e direto para o plano de assassinar Adolf Hitler em 1944, no qual dois dos generais estão profundamente envolvidos. O caso de Grau fica inacabado até 1965, quando então o verdadeiro assassino é levado à justiça. (e 16 Anos)
O Que É Que Há Gatinha?
Sound Engineer
Um playboy que se recusa a desistir de seu estilo de vida hedonista para se estabelecer e se casar com seu verdadeiro amor busca ajuda de um psicanalista demente que, por sua vez, está tendo seus próprios problemas românticos.
Sound Engineer
Um vigarista se junta com um grupo de ladrões que planejam entrar num museu de Istambul para roubar uma adaga adornada com pedras preciosas. Um vigarista de pequeno porte com problemas de passaporte se junta com uma gangue de ladrões de jóias de classe mundial que planejam roubar o museu de Topkapi, em Istambul. A inteligência turca, suspeitando de contrabando de armas, se envolve e, sob pressão, o vigarista vai até onde nunca sonhara.
O Desprezo
Paul Javal é um roteirista que vai a Roma para trabalhar em uma adaptação da obra A Odisséia, que contará com a direção do cineasta alemão Fritz Lang. Enquanto decide os últimos detalhes para aceitar o trabalho, sua relação com a esposa, Camille, começa a desabar, em um jogo de paixão, ciúmes e desprezo.
Don't Tempt the Devil
A lovely young nurse finds herself framed for the murder of a hospital patient who died after she administered an injection.
Chicken Feed for Little Birds
In a building close to the Place de la Contrescarpe in Paris, a tale of criss‑crossings in turn romantic, gourmet, interested or mystical, between an Italian gigolo and a nightclub hostess, a family of butchers and an apprentice rocker, a mystic tailor, a writer sending himself telegrams, an alert paralytic woman, a thoughtful concierge, a bird breeder and a just‑out‑of‑jail hooligan. Little by little each one discovers each other’s more or less troubled history… when a mysterious death introduces the Police within this huis clos, hastens disclosure of well‑kept secrets and ruffle this little World.
O Mais Longo dos Dias
O maior ataque que o mundo já viu, acontecido no dia 6 de junho, ficou conhecido como o Dia D e desbancou o domínio nazista na Europa. A ofensiva, que envolveu mais de 3 milhões de homens, foi uma das mais ousadas e sangrentas estratégias militares da era moderna e marcou o início do fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Vencedor dos Oscar de Fotografia em Preto e Branco e Efeitos Especiais, foi indicado ainda à outras três categorias: Filme, Montagem e Direção de Arte em Preto e Branco.
A Verdade
Dominique Marceau está sendo julgada pelo assassinato de Gilbert Tellier. Os advogados duelam implacavelmente, elaborando explicações de por que a linda, ociosa e inconstante garota matou o talentoso e ambicioso maestro recém-formado pela conservatório. Foi paixão, vingança, desespero, um acidente? Os conhecidos de Gilbert testemunham, assim como os ex-amantes de Dominique, sua irmã Annie, e o violinista estudioso contratado por Gilbert. As evidências progressivamente pintam um quadro mais atenuada das personalidades de Dominique e Gilbert, e de seu relacionamento, muito diferente das eloquentes e convincentes explicações dos advogados.
Babette Goes to War
Comedy about a naive French country girl in London who helps the war effort by parachuting into German-occupied France to help kidnap an important German general. She bungles through to a heroic finish of plot and counter-plot.
The Law
A gorgeous housekeeper turns the tables on the men in a small Mediterranean coastal town by using their own vicious drinking game.
The Magic of the Kite
Come fly with Peter and Nicole and the Chinese wizard on an exciting adventure to the ends of the earth.
The Man in the Raincoat
Recording Supervision
In the absence of his wife, a clarinet player is induced by a friend to meet a call girl, but arrived after a crime. Perceived by some people leaving the scene of the crime covered by his raincoat, he became the only suspect for the police. His only hope is to discover the murderer before is name is mentionned publicly, specially in front of his wife.
Bold Adventure
Based on the book by Belgian XIX century author Charles de Coaster.
Estranhas Coisas de Paris
Sound Engineer
A delirante comédia romântica de Jean Renoir é estrelada por Ingrid Bergman em seu papel mais sensual como uma bela, mas pobre empobrecida princesa polonesa que leva homens de todas as estações a um amor desesperado.
If All the Guys in the World...
Les Hommes en blanc
Le printemps, l'automne et l'amour
As Diabólicas
Sound Designer
The cruel and abusive headmaster of a boarding school, Michel Delassalle, is murdered by an unlikely duo -- his meek wife and the mistress he brazenly flaunts. The women become increasingly unhinged by a series of odd occurrences after Delassalle's corpse mysteriously disappears.
Mademoiselle Nitouche
Sound Editor
Celestin works as an organist at a girl's school. By day, Celestin is the meek and mild target of the girls' incessant practical jokes. By night, however, he is the celebrated composer of popular operas -- and the romantic vis-à-vis of a celebrated stage star. When schoolgirl Denise stumbles onto Celestin's secret, she threatens to tell all -- but only if Celestin refuses to escort her to the opening night of his latest opera. As a result, Denise falls in love with a handsome young soldier, while Celestin is accidentally shipped off to an army camp. A series of silly coincidences brings happiness to all concerned by fade-out time.
O Salário do Medo
Sound Designer
Quatro aventureiros aceitam fazer o transporte de nitroglicerina por um trajeto de estradas precárias. A recompensa prometida é o único meio de ganhar dinheiro suficiente para poder deixar o vilarejo isolado da América Central no qual foram parar.
The Wild Oat
A small village is torn apart by a quarrel between the baker and the italian grocery tenant, mother of a pregnant young girl. She accuses the baker's son, doing his military service in Algeria, to be the father of the would be child. Offended, the baker refuses to deliver bread to the villagers standing on the mother's side.
Sound Designer
Abandoned documentary on the country Brazil which director Clouzot wanted to make while on honeymoon with his wife Véra Clouzot whose of Brazilian origin. Only an introductionary section set in Paris was ever filmed.
Abandoned documentary on the country Brazil which director Clouzot wanted to make while on honeymoon with his wife Véra Clouzot whose of Brazilian origin. Only an introductionary section set in Paris was ever filmed.
Between Eleven and Midnight
Sound Engineer
Between eleven o’clock and midnight one evening, a notorious trafficker Jérôme Vidauban is shot whilst walking in a tunnel in Paris. The case is assigned to Inspector Carrel, who is Vidauban’s perfect double. Using his resemblance to the arch criminal, Carrel manages to infiltrate in Vidauban’s circle of acquaintances and contacts. He becomes embroiled in a bizarre web of intrigue and discovers no shortage of possible murder suspects, all of whom appear to be surprised to see him still alive.
Manon - Anjo Perverso
França, recém-libertada do jugo alemão. Apanhados como clandestinos a bordo de um navio, Manon, uma jovem que foi acusada de colaborar com os nazistas, e Robert, um soldado da Resistência que a salvou das represálias, contam ao capitão sobre os muitos desafios que enfrentaram para sobreviver. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Le Dessous des cartes
Sound Engineer
Claude Géraudy, a banker responsible for a financial scandal, is forced to flee and hides in the mountains with the help of Manu, a young smuggler. Florence, his wife, refuses to join him. Desperate Claude commits suicide, Florence then decides to pass her suicide off as murder in order to receive her late husband's life insurance.
A beautiful young pianist falls for her mentor.
Jenny Lamour
Sound Engineer
Paris, France, December 1946. Jenny Lamour, an ambitious cabaret singer, and Maurice, her extremely jealous pianist husband, become involved in the thorough investigation of the murder of a shady businessman, led by Antoine, a peculiar and methodical police inspector.
Devil in the Flesh
In France during World War I, Marthe waits for her husband, Jacques, while he fights on the front lines. Marthe then begins a tempestuous affair with 17-year-old François, with whom she had a dalliance before marrying Jacques. Jealous François struggles with the fact that Marthe is married, while she tries to prove her devotion to her young, hotheaded lover. Things become even more complex when Marthe becomes pregnant with Jacques' baby.
Love Around the House
Sound Engineer
In an isolated house, in Brittany, live two sisters around whom gravitate a whole series of strange characters. Between the eruption of the vagrant voyeur and that of the couple in love, the youngest kills her eldest and goes mad.
Sky Battalion
Sound Engineer
Film in two eras.1st era: They are not angels. Chronicle of a Free French parachute training camp during the Second World War. 2nd era: Terre de France. A group of paratroopers landed in Brittany sabotages the German installations.
A Friend Will Come Tonight
Sound Designer
Commander Gerard and his band of guerrillas have found the ideal hideout: a nursing home in the Alps where, along with the mentally ill, are also hiding a Jewish girl and a Swiss doctor who might be a spy for the Germans ...
Le Corbeau
Sound Designer
Remy Germain is a doctor in a French town who becomes the focus of a vicious smear campaign, as letters accusing him of having an affair and performing unlawful abortions are mailed to village leaders. The mysterious writer, who signs each letter as "Le Corbeau" (The Raven) soon targets the whole town, exposing everyone's dark secrets. This allegorical film was highly controversial at the time of its release, and was banned in France after the Liberation.
O Assassino Mora no 21
Sound Designer
O inspetor Wens muda-se para uma pensão em Paris para pegar um assassino em série.
La Symphonie fantastique
The film is biographical, telling the story of the life and artistic struggles of the French composer Hector Berlioz. Berlioz is shown as a recalcitrant medical student in an anatomy class dreaming of becoming a composer; at a demonstration during a performance at the Paris Opéra conducted by Habeneck; at supper with other young artists (Hugo, Janin, Dumas, Mérimée, Delacroix); and chasing after his future wife Harriet Smithson, after a performance of Hamlet. Also depicted are his life in a garret, while suffering from an illness due to an abscess in the throat; a visit from his mother who curses him; and the composition of the Symphonie fantastique. The film then shows his marital breakdown, the premiere of his opera Benvenuto Cellini, his travels throughout Europe, his second marriage to Marie Recio (called "Marie Martin" in the film), public acceptance in old age and reconciliation with his son.
Beating Heart
Tells the story of a young woman escaping from reform school who tries to steal a foreign ambassador's watch but ends up falling in love with him.
I Was an Adventuress
Sound Designer
Old friends of Vera Vronsky remind her of her past and try to blackmail her.
Naples Under the Kiss of Fire
Mario Esposito, who sings in a Neapolitan restaurant, is in love with Assunta, the niece of Teresa, the owner of the place. He shares his apartment with Michel, his best friend. This one has fallen under the spell of Lolita, a gorgeous adventuress he met at the cathedral where he officiates as the organist. But things go awry as, while Michel intercedes with Aunt Teresa for Assunta's hand in his favor, Mario in turn falls in love with Lolita. On the very day of his wedding with Assunta, Mario runs away with Lolita, thus betraying both his love and his friend. But it does not take long before the young singer realizes the big mistake he has made.
Girls' Club
A hotel for women-only and catering to working girls is the setting for not being able to get a USA PCA seal-of-approval for this French-film, but New York City's 55th Playhouse played it anyway. Along the way the audience meets the girl who sneaked her lover into her no-men-allowed room and her patch soon turns blue; a young lady with a passionate intensity who chooses another young lady as the object of her affections; the blindly-misguided director of the hotel, another lady of real easy virtue who is not the one who smuggled her lover into her room; and a girl who is only there as a procurer for a slavery ring.
Rudolf, the only heir to Emperor Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary, is trapped in a loveless marriage to a Belgian princess. As he seeks to flee his stifling environment, he meets the beautiful Maria, and the two enter into a scandalous affair. Despite the interference of the Emperor, the couple refuse to give each other up.
Flight Into Darkness
Sound Designer
During the First World War, before joining a squadron at the front in 1918, Herbillon (Jean-Pierre Aumont) has a liaison with Helene (Annabella), a married woman. The young man discovers that his mistress is none other than the wife of Maury (Charles Vanel), an aviator friend.